Chapter Thirty
Tick Tick Boom
"What do you mean someone wants to take down the Black Elks?" asked Rachel, staring incredulously at the photo Chloe had sent. "How would any of this accomplish that?"
"Because a few of them already got arrested trying to set off a bomb at Pan Estates," said Max. "I don't think the FBI being in town is a coincidence, either. They don't just send special agents to pick up a high school burnout on the off chance that she'll turn informant. They've gotta be part of this conspiracy too."
"So who would have that kind of influence?"
"Well, his name's already in the evidence." She pointed to the invoice bearing Sean Prescott's name. "We know the Prescotts and Black Elks have more than a hundred years of bad blood between them. And if Sean Prescott is anything like his son, he's just evil enough to try something like this."
"Oh, you have no idea," said Rachel. "I've met him a few times, and I always feel shaky afterwards. Like I need a shower or something."
"At any rate, if somebody went to the trouble of hacking your Facebook to make a bomb threat, that means they must be planning to set it off today." She turned to Frank. "Can you get us to Blackwell?"
He squinted like he'd just bitten into something sour. "What am I, a taxi service? If a bomb's about to go off I'm not getting anywhere near that place. Just call the cops."
"How exactly are we supposed to explain where we got the information? Especially since someone's trying to frame Rachel for it?"
"It's called an anonymous tip for a reason, dumbass. That's the problem with you kids today; you think you're fuckin' superheroes or something."
"Frank, what if the cops don't get there in time?" Rachel asked. "Even if they evacuate the building, someone went to an awful lot of trouble to pin this on me. Besides, we don't know if they set it on a timer or if it's a remote detonator. If they see cops pulling up they might just blow it early."
He rolled his eyes. "So what, you two Nancy Drews think you can find a live bomb before that happens? That's a good way to get yourself blown to hell. Do you even know how to disarm one of those?"
"Not exactly, but…"
"See, that's your problem. You never think before you go charging headlong into danger because you think you're the only one who can fix everything. That's how you got stabbed three years ago. I'm sorry Rachel, but I can't let something like that happen to you again. You don't get a second chance at something like this."
She opened her mouth to retort, but stopped short. "Fine. You're right, Frank. Come on, Max. Let's go call the police like the helpless little girls we are."
Max quirked an eyebrow, but stood and followed her further into the RV, into Frank's bedroom, where Pompidou was curled on the mattress. He raised his head and began wagging his tail as Rachel approached and gave him a scratch behind the ears.
"Are you really giving up that easy, Rachel? I know we can't tell him about my powers, but—"
"That's why I brought you out of earshot," she replied. "How far back can you rewind?"
"Not too far," she said. "Back to when he first let us in the RV, maybe."
"I don't need you to go all the way back." She grabbed Max's shoulders. "How about right before you got Chloe's text? That way he doesn't have to hear any of that other shit." She huffed, blowing a stray hair out of her face. "This is part of why we broke up. I don't like it when men are that protective of me."
"Because of your dad?"
"Don't make it weird, Caulfield. But yeah, kinda."
"Okay, here goes."
Time began to flow in reverse around them, and Rachel could see echoes of their conversation happening across the RV while they stayed rooted to the spot. Pompidou barely moved, having settled into a comfortable nap before they arrived. Finally, events were reset to before the conversation had occurred.
"Hey Frank," said Rachel, marching out of the bedroom while Max followed at her heels. "Do you think you could drive us to Blackwell? It's a longshot, but I think Chloe might have gone there. She's been staying with Max the last couple days."
He raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and moved to the driver's seat. "Sure thing. I ain't parkin' right in front of it, though. Think that Madsen guy is onto me."
"Just get us close," she said as she and Max settled into their seats. "That'll be enough."
Going in alone after criminal maniacs without an exit plan was a pattern Chloe had hoped to eliminate from her life, but it seemed that her streak was still going strong. Clayton Bradshaw blocked the only door leading out of the office with his burly, impassable frame, while she grinned nervously behind his desk, papers still in her hand.
"What're you really doin' here, kid?" He moved his head from side to side. "And where's Eliot?"
"He's a bit tied up right now."
His eyes narrowed. "I know you. You're that punk Rachel Amber hangs out with all the time."
"Well you clearly did your homework on her," she replied, gesturing to the desk full of papers. "And it's a good plan. You come up with it yourself?"
Bradshaw only chuckled.
"No chance you're just gonna let me go, is there?"
He shook his head.
"Gimme your phone."
She hesitated for a second, clutching the phone in her hand.
"Go long." She hurled it over his head, and it kicked up a bit of dirt outside. He didn't even blink. "Well, there's a reason I never tried out for sports."
"Let's go."
He moved into the room quicker than she expected. She tried to bolt past him, but he caught her by the arm and pinned it behind her back, and she felt a gun barrel press against the space between her shoulder blades. Wincing sharply, she reasoned that it may be more prudent to wait for a better opportunity to escape.
They moved up the driveway and into the garage proper, where he led her past her truck and a few other vehicles, then passed through a door in back. She spotted at least two other thugs on her way, making it clear that this wasn't just a one-man operation. A third stood in front of a small building behind the main garage, and she failed to hide her surprise.
The man standing guard was unable to conceal his shock either, and they both stared at each other, hoping for an explanation. Rodney Sears, aka Thunder, the Samoan bouncer she'd first encountered outside the mill, then outside Joseph Black Elk's tent, was standing in front of the door leading into the small shack.
"Open the door," commanded Bradshaw, and he did so, whereupon Chloe was shoved inside. "Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't get up to any more funny business. I gotta make a call."
"Sure thing, Boss." Clayton left the shack, and Thunder moved in. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Could ask you the same thing. But I guess the answer's pretty obvious."
"Oh yeah?"
"Duh. You're standing guard. Just like every other time I've met you. Is that all you're good at?"
"I happen to be an excellent cook, too." He motioned in a circle with his fingers. "Turn around. Gotta zip-tie your hands together."
"Really dude?" She complied anyway, and he fastened one around her wrists before drawing it taut. "What could I even do to you?"
He led her further inside, past the small storage area, into a larger space where the picture started to come together. Bags of fertilizer were stacked against the wall, around half of which were empty. There was also diesel fuel, an assortment of other chemicals, and a table with what looked like several rejected prototypes for explosive devices.
"I dunno, you talked a lot of shit three years ago. Then you kneed Sheldon Pike in the balls."
"Fair point." She smiled devilishly, glancing over her shoulder. "I know you were the real snitch, by the way. I sent Damon in his direction just because I figured the world would be a less whiny place without that asshole in it."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Really? 'Cause the DA's files described you as 'very cooperative.'"
He sighed, then motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs in the corner, where she could see that someone was already tied up. As she moved closer, the light revealed the other person's face, and her eyes went wide. "Ms. Grant?"
Michelle Grant's head shot up, taken just as much by surprise. "Chloe?"
She sat down, arms extended over the back of the chair as Thunder began to use zip-ties around her biceps, then her calves, fastening her to the chair. Ms. Grant turned her head to look at her.
"What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?"
She gestured to the table. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Okay, I guess you got me there."
"Stay in here and keep quiet," said Thunder. "The boss will be back in a few minutes. Hope you're as tough as you say you are."
With that, he walked away, leaving the two of them alone for the moment.
Brooke slammed the door shut, leaning against it as she breathed heavily. She had run all the way to the main building, into the girls bathroom, and she knew that Victoria and her posse were still hot on her heels. She took a couple moments to catch her breath, during which time Stella emerged from one of the stalls.
"Stella!" She rushed forward, clutching the other girl's arm as she washed her hands. "You gotta help me. Victoria figured out the Facebook thing and now she's chasing me all over school!"
"Wait, really? How?"
"I don't know. Maybe someone told. Maybe I went too far taunting her about it in Jefferson's class yesterday. All I know is she's pissed and I can't keep running forever."
"So hide. There's plenty of decent spots in here." She glanced back and forth. "I better go, though. I don't want any part of this."
"Wait!" She didn't let go, and Stella's face grew increasingly distressed. "You're Wells' admin assistant this period, right? Can you hide me in the office?"
"That won't be far enough," she muttered. "Brooke, we have to get off campus. It's the only way you'll be safe from Victoria."
"She nodded. You're right. "We just have to—"
The door opened, dashing their plans. Victoria, Courtney, Taylor, and Kate moved inside, and Stella's eyes grew even wider. Not that Brooke seemed to notice.
Victoria glared. "Going somewhere?"
"Oh shit."
"Okay, so what's our plan here?" Rachel asked as they moved up the sidewalk and finally reached the steps leading to Blackwell's main courtyard, which was currently drenched with rain. "They could have planted the bomb anywhere, and neither of us knows how to disarm it."
"But we know someone who does," said Max. "We have to find David."
"What? Did all that time travel make you go crazy? We couldn't even get Frank to drive us here without rewinding. How do you expect to convince David?"
"Because even if he doesn't know how to show it properly, David does care about Chloe. He wants to make up for what happened Tuesday night, and this the perfect chance." She frowned, brushing her soaked hair out of her face. "He saved me, you know. In one of the other timelines. He wants to keep people safe, even if his toxic macho bullshit gets in the way of that. Writing him off like Chloe does only makes it harder for him to change."
"And if you still can't get him to go along with this?"
"If all else fails we can just rewind and avoid him altogether, then put the bomb where it'll do the least harm."
"You mean like throw it in the pool or something?"
"I was gonna say woods, but that's a good idea."
"Fine, but don't break reality trying to convince that asshole to help. You get one rewind, then we move on to plan B."
Max craned her head back and looked at her curiously, but shrugged. "Fine. You see him anywhere?"
"Nope. Let's check inside."
"So clear something up for me," said Chloe. "How long exactly have you been here?"
"Since Tuesday," Ms. Grant looked over to the stockpile of bomb ingredients. "They needed someone who knew how to mix all that together."
"I gathered that. Did you actually make it to school that day? Rachel says she saw you on campus, but then all your classes got cancelled."
"No, they grabbed me Monday night. Next thing I knew I was here, building a bomb."
Chloe frowned. "Okay, I get that you know chemistry, but where'd you learn to make explosives? And how did these people know about it?"
"You know that bomb the Organization for Protecting the Environment Now got arrested for trying to plant in Pan Estates?" she replied, and Chloe nodded. "I made it."
"You what?"
"I've been involved with the Black Elks for some time," she said. "I was always a bit of a rebel growing up. I grew out of it long enough to become a science teacher, but I've never liked the Prescotts very much, and I can see where Joseph Black Elk and his people are coming from. Even if it had gone off, that place isn't even built yet. There wouldn't have been any loss of life."
"But they're gonna set this one off at Blackwell," she pointed out. "How could you go along with that?"
"I wasn't given much of a choice."
"There's always a choice."
"Such as?"
"I dunno. You could have built some sort of killswitch into it so it wouldn't go off."
"I only know how to make the payload," she replied, shaking her head. "I didn't build the housing or the detonator. I know it's on a timer, though. They're planning to set it off today, otherwise they'd still have me working on it."
"I'm just saying, you don't have to do what people tell you. No matter what they're threatening you with. You're telling me you'd rather let dozens of your students get hurt or even killed just because you're afraid of what these people would do to you if you didn't play along? If that were me, I'd die first."
Ms. Grant stared at her for a few seconds, them smiled sadly and nodded. "If you'd shown half this much conviction when I had you in my class…"
"Yeah, sorry, dead dad issues. But I'm trying to be better now. All this shit that's happening in Arcadia Bay… I can't just sit in my bed and not care anymore. Not when I can do something about it." She looked down at her restraints. "Not that it's really gotten me anywhere."
"Any ideas?"
"Well, they're using zip ties instead of rope. I happen to be an expert at breaking out of them."
The older woman squinted at her. "Where'd you learn to do that?"
"Got bored, watched a YouTube tutorial. Thing about zip ties is they've got a lot of tensile strength when you're pulling on them sideways, but if you hit 'em hard enough, they snap in half." She began shifting her weight from side to side, and the chair started to wobble before toppling over completely. Pain immediately shot up her skull and right arm, but the zip tie fastened to her bicep remained stubbornly in place. "I may not have actually practiced this."
"Are you alright?"
"Sure I am. Just need a minute."
"Oh, you've had plenty." They both looked up as Clayton Bradshaw entered the room, flanked by Thunder. "It's time for you to talk."
Chloe grumbled. "Shit."
Victoria stood there, hands on her hips, flanked by her minions. Kate stood off to the side, arms crossed. "That's right, you little slut. Courtney, Taylor: watch the door. Make sure we aren't disturbed."
They nodded, stepping outside the bathroom and posting up on either side of the door. Victoria and Kate remained inside.
"Hey, before this escalates any further, can I go?" asked Stella. "I really didn't have anything to do with this."
"You were sitting right next to her in class while she gloated yesterday," said Victoria. "And Kate here tells me you were part of that little 'intervention' you had when you told her to stop being friends with me." She held up a finger. "Oh right: and you drugged both of us at the last two Vortex Club parties."
"You think I did what?!"
"Oh we're past the thinking stage, sweetie. There's evidence."
"Kate, what the hell is she talking about?"
"Nathan showed me Frank Bowers' drug ledger," she replied. "Your name is in it, or his code-name for you anyway. The drugs you bought would have been enough to knock us both unconscious. Not to mention you were the coat checker at both parties."
Brooke whipped her head around to look at Stella "Wait, is that true?"
"Of course not! I'd never do something like that!"
"We'll deal with that in a minute," declared Victoria. "Meantime, stay put. Nobody's going anywhere."
Stella shrunk back, glancing nervously around the bathroom.
"Anyway. Brooke. Why the fuck did you hack me yesterday?"
She glared, her fight or flight instinct having switched back to fight. "You mean it wasn't obvious? You've said all that shit behind people's backs anyway. I was just putting it out in the open."
"Cute. And I guess I kinda deserved that. But that rumor about me and Kate wasn't cool. She didn't ask for any of it."
"Oh she didn't huh? Then why'd she start spending so much time with you lately? If she didn't want to get caught up in your drama she should have just stayed away."
Victoria's nostrils flared, and she stomped one foot down while clutching her hands into fists at her sides. "What the fuck is your problem? All I wanted to do was make up for the shit I did to her! It doesn't mean we're in love!"
"Then what about the rest of us?" countered Brooke. "What about the shit you put all of us through? You really think making friends with a girl you bullied makes up for everything else you've done?"
"I'm pretty sure there's a difference between telling someone they hit their scene phase ten years too late and almost ruining their life with a viral video. Isn't the punishment supposed to fit the crime?"
Brooke didn't respond to her, looking to Kate instead. "Is this who you're defending? She's still the same bitch she always was."
Kate didn't answer.
"Listen, Queen of the Drones," said Victoria as she rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry you're stuck in an eighties movie, but here in the real world, people can change. Kate showed me that."
"Except you haven't! You don't actually care about her at all! All you really give a fuck about is your image!"
"Wait, what?"
"Let's examine the evidence," she said, holding up her palm in front of her and pressing one finger into it, adding more as she went down the list. "When you apologized to Kate, you did it in front of Jefferson's whole class, instead of waiting to catch her alone. Then when she called you out in the diner, suddenly it was your number one priority to make it up to her! You don't get to say you've changed if you only act like a good person when you have an audience!"
Victoria examined her nails, then extended her arm away dismissively, but her face was tighter than it should have been, and her jaw was clenched a bit.
"So if you think I don't care about Kate, why start a rumor that I want to go all Mulholland Drive on her?"
She chuckled spitefully. "Just look how you reacted. If you really didn't care about how other people see you, it wouldn't have bothered you at all."
"That doesn't make what you did right," said Kate. "And even if it were true, you'd still be outing somebody who might not be ready. It's a shitty thing to do to get your point across."
"Okay seriously, what is with you, Kate? I thought you were cool, then you start hanging out with the person who almost ruined your life! Who's been ruining all of our lives the whole time we've been at this shitty school just because we couldn't buy our way in with rich parents! Maybe I was wrong; maybe Victoria's not the one in love here! Maybe you're the one who's so pussy-whipped you'd turn on all your friends!"
Kate slapped her across the face.
Brooke staggered back, stopping only once she reached Stella. Kate's hands flew immediately over her mouth and she gasped. "Brooke, I'm so sorry!"
"No you're not. Come at me, Jesus freak!"
Stella caught her by the arms, holding her back. "Stop! You don't understand, there's no time for this! We have to get far away from here!"
Not listening to her, the other girl tore free and lunged at Kate, but Victoria intercepted her and the two of them began clawing, grappling, and pulling at each other's hair in a mad frenzy. Stella tried to move but couldn't slip past them, and Kate looked on in horror.
On the other end of the bathroom, inside a small chute across from the fire alarm, a clock counted slowly downward.
They heard sneakers scuffing the tile behind them shortly after entering the main building. Turning around in unison, they saw Warren jogging to catch up to them.
Max tilted her head to the side. "What's up, Warren?"
"Did you hear what happened with Victoria and Brooke this morning?"
"Yeah, it interrupted my shower time. Why?"
Tugging on her arm, Rachel glanced around frantically. "Max, we don't have time for this."
"Hold on a second," she insisted. "I can just rewind if it takes too long."
She huffed and crossed her arms. "Fine, but I'm gonna start looking. I'll meet you in the science lab." She dashed off before Warren could even ask for context.
"Max, what's happening?"
"Warren, listen. I'm sure some truly compelling drama happened while I was away, but right now Rachel and I are trying to find a bomb before it explodes."
He took a step back. "A bomb?!"
"Shh!" She lunged forward and grabbed his right shoulder, shoving a finger in front of his lips. "We don't want to start a panic. Long story short, planting the weed in Rachel's locker was just the first step in a bigger conspiracy that involves blowing up Blackwell and pinning it on Rachel. We have to find it before it's too late."
"Let's walk and talk then. Rachel said she was going to the science lab first, right?"
She nodded and they started to move in that direction. "Ms. Grant's been missing since Tuesday, and Chloe just found evidence that Stella was being paid by a fixer who runs an auto-shop to plant the weed in Rachel's locker, and now there's a bomb."
"And the plan is to pin it on Rachel? How?"
"Whoever hacked Victoria's Facebook did the same thing to Rachel's this morning," she replied, pulling up the post on her phone and showing it to them. "They're gonna use her connection to Samantha Black Elk to frame her for a terrorist attack."
Warren blinked and shook his head rapidly to clear it. "Holy shit."
"Holy shit is right," said Max, opening the door to the science lab. "Rachel, did you find it yet?"
"Nope!" Rachel's head popped up from behind one of the lab stations, and she crouched back down again to continue her search. "Thought it'd be in here where no one would be around to check for it and it'd blend in with all the other chemicals, but I haven't found anything."
"It could be in the photography lab," suggested Warren. "Mr. Jefferson isn't here today either."
Max and Rachel exchanged a knowing glance.
"And about the Facebook thing," said Warren. "That's what I was trying to tell you earlier. I saw Eliot leaving Brooke's room this morning. I told Kate, who I guess told Victoria, and they've been chasing Brooke around campus all day."
Squinting with one eye, Rachel tilted her head to the side. "Why were you in the girls' dorm that early?"
He shook his head. "Brooke's room is right next to the window at the edge of the hallway. I saw it from the courtyard. I like to hang out there early sometimes before the day starts."
"You can also see my window from the courtyard," Max pointed out.
"Look, I wasn't creeping on anybody, I promise. But once I saw Eliot I knew he had to be up to no good. I followed him until he left campus, then I texted Kate and… well I already told you the rest."
"Well that definitely proves Eliot's involved in all this," said Max. "But it doesn't get us any closer to finding the bomb. Warren's right; we should check the photography lab next."
Rachel nodded. "And hope our luck doesn't run out in the meantime."
"Who the fuck are you working for?"
Chloe craned her neck back, staring up at the imposing, broad-shouldered figure of Clayton Bradshaw. Thunder had moved back to guarding the door outside, leaving her and Ms. Grant alone with the man who had arranged most of their current misfortunes, though not by his own design.
"Was wondering the same thing about you. Im guessing it rhymes with 'Von Frescott.'"
His eyes narrowed, and one of his massive hands clenched into a fist. Chloe leaned her head forward and sighed.
"Look, if you've done your homework on Rachel, you know I'm close with her. I decided to come here on my own, to try and clear her name. No one hired me."
"Really? Way I heard it, you got pulled in by the feds earlier this week. And now you just happen to show up right after the fine Officer Berry of the Arcadia Bay Police Department pays my humble little shop a visit? I don't buy it."
"Wait, seriously? You think they'd send someone like me to do the job of a government agent? Let me have some of whatever you're smoking."
"You took out my little helper easy enough. And I hear you got connections with the Black Elks."
"Okay, seriously? I met Joseph Black Elk once, and now everyone thinks I'm some super badass secret agent?" Her eyes drifted up to the ceiling for a moment as she pondered that concept. "That'd be pretty cool, actually."
"All I know is something don't add up about you, Kid. You got no idea what you're dealing with here."
She chuckled. "Actually, I know exactly what's going on. Sean Prescott's facing pressure from a DA investigation, and he hired you to make a big enough distraction that everyone forgets about it, and both the DA and the Black Elks get buried in the process. Why else blow up a fucking high school?"
He shook his head and smirked. "You're too damn clever for your own good."
"Hey, did you actually call me smart? And here people have been telling me I was wasting my potential."
"Please, don't let this go any further," Ms. Grant pleaded, finally speaking up. "Those are my students in danger. You can still stop this."
"You, shut it." He pointed aggressively with one meaty finger, and she cowered back into her chair. "Both of you know too much. Only one thing to do now." Grabbing a tire iron from a nearby workbench, he marched toward them with dead eyes, and Chloe glared at him for as long as she could, refusing to let him see her fear.
"Hey, hold on a second," she said, and he paused. "Do you really need to bash our brains in? Last I checked you had a gun in the back of your pants. And no neighbors."
He chuckled. "Yeah, it'd be a real great idea to start shooting in a room full of bomb ingredients."
"You mean you still have some left?" She glanced around. "Because I don't see any."
"You in a hurry to die or something?"
"Not in a hurry to get hit with that thing, I'll tell you that much."
"Yeah, well…" He tapped the tire iron against his open palm. "It's the little things in life."
He got closer, and Chloe realized this stalling tactic wasn't exactly cutting it. Time for a new plan.
"Hold on waitwaitwaitwait I'm working for the DA!" she exclaimed, and again he stopped in his tracks. "How else would I have known about this place, about the investigation? If you kill me, the cops won't stop at asking a few questions next time."
"The DA, huh? He know you're here?"
"Uh, yeah. Definitely. You better let me go if you don't want a baton up your ass in the next ten minutes."
Bradshaw shook his head. "You're a terrible fuckin' liar, Kid."
"Well, I gave it my best shot."
"Fair enough." He brandished the tire iron once more. "Now let's get this over with."
Chloe flinched and closed her eyes, then waited for the pain.
The entire workshop was filled with an extremely loud bang as a shot rang out, piercing Bradshaw's forearm. The tire iron clattered to the floor, and he whirled around while clutching his injured limb. Samantha Black Elk stood at the entrance to the chamber, leveling a pistol at him.
"Don't fucking move."
He froze where he was, and she nodded with her head as Thunder moved around her and started towards them, pulling out a knife and beginning to undo their bonds. Chloe began to rub her wrists once they were free, but remained seated for the moment.
"I knew it," said Bradshaw. "I fuckin' knew you had to be workin' for somebody."
"I'm not here for her," Sam clarified. "You took my bomb maker. Big mistake."
"How the fuck did you even find us here?" asked Chloe. She looked over to the large Samoan man currently freeing Ms. Grant. "Inside man?"
"Exactly," said Thunder. "The cop showing up earlier was just to spook him."
"Okay but why move in now? If you knew where she was, why not stop all this before the bomb left?"
"We couldn't have the authorities finding the bomb and the woman who made it in the same place," said Sam. "Officer Berry should be arriving with backup in about thirty minutes to arrest everyone here. We need to be gone by then."
"Again, don't see why you couldn't have done this yesterday. Rachel and I staked this place out all night, didn't see anyone coming or going."
Sam rolled her eyes. "I don't have to explain myself to you. Let's go."
Her gut twisted as the truth struck her harder than any punch. "You want the bomb to go off, don't you?"
An expression of pure steel overtook her face, and she turned in Chloe's direction. "What did you just say?"
"If the cops arrest these guys they'll find out who was really behind it," she explained. "That way, Sean Prescott's plan backfires on him, and the school that he's invested so much in gets blown up. You kill two birds with one stone. And a whole bunch of high school students while you're at it."
Ms. Grant looked to Sam, horrified. "Is that true?"
"Of course not. Why the fuck would I let a bunch of teenagers get blown up?"
Still clutching his wounded arm, Bradshaw started laughing under his breath. Chloe cocked her head to the side.
"What's so funny?"
"You're thinkin' too small, Kid" he said, then turned to Sam. "I know what you people are really after. Prescott doesn't give a shit if the plan works or not. Long as it buys him some time. And you… you don't care about anything that happens, because it won't matter when all's said and done. Isn't that right?"
Sam narrowed her eyes.
"What the fuck is he talking about?" asked Chloe, and the other woman glanced at her just long enough for them not to notice that he was no longer holding his bleeding arm with his other hand.
"Die, bitch!"
He pulled the gun from the back of his pants, swinging it up towards Sam, who snapped back to him faster than any of them thought possible and plugged him three times in the chest. He toppled backward and hit the ground like a felled tree, and his weapon dropped from his hands. Thunder quickly snatched it up, not taking any chances.
Chloe stared at the body, caught somewhere between horror and disbelief. Blood leaked out of his mouth and chest, and the smell of cordite hung in the air. She'd grown numb to so many things—including, she'd thought, the idea of death. She couldn't quite articulate the sense of dread that the sight awoke in her, but she knew she never wanted to see anything like it again. And yet she couldn't look away.
"We're wasting time," said Sam, and Chloe snapped out of her trance. "You coming or not?"
"Yeah." She nodded, turning to face her and jabbing a finger accusingly in her direction. "But this conversation isn't over."
Her only response was a quick smirk before turning around and leading them out the door.