Ive recently discovered the show "Blue Bloods" and just watched the episode "Brothers" where Danny makes reference to the spankings he received from Franks "war clubs". Frank replied that Danny gave him plenty of chances. This got me thinking what Danny did to get those spankings. This is the result!


Danny sat outside Father Paul's office in what had been unofficially deemed "his" chair wondering why he never thought ahead when a prank entered his mind. His father told him EXACTLY what he'd do if he or mother had to pick him up from school again, yet that didn't cross his mind when he took his revenge on Sister Katherine.

He wiggled on the seat trying to find a more comfortable position on his stinging backside, courtesy of the Fathers ruler. Thank God Father Paul was a family friend and knew that his father would make sure he was punished appropriately. He really liked the priest, especially since he didn't involve his father in most of his shenanigans unless it was absolutely necessary. Of course this time it was necessary as were the 4 swats with the ruler. He wasn't complaining though. It could have been a lot more since his transgression would call for the max allowed. For the first time he was glad he was 10 as that made him too young for the paddle.

His heart sped up when he heard footsteps coming up the hall. Too heavy to be his mother and too light to be his father, Danny looked up and felt the world stop. He was dead. If he had time he would have hit his knees to pray for deliverance but the harsh grip on his chin forced him to make eye contact.

"Did you really do what Father Paul said you did?" His grandfather asked.

Danny could just work up enough spit to quietly reply. "Yes sir."

"I didn't hear you Daniel Francis."

Danny cringed at the use of his full name. "Yes sir." He said a bit louder.

Henry pulled Danny from the chair and pushed the boy ahead of him into the office and over to a corner behind the secretary. "Do. Not. Move."

Danny's face flushed red in embarrassment but did as ordered. He thought about moving back to his seat once Pops went into Father Paul's office but after what he did to Sister Katherine he didn't think God would resurrect him after his grandfather killed him. Then again maybe He would so his dad had his turn.

Pops spent less then 10 min with Father Paul before returning to Danny's side. "Lets go."

He took the boys arm and practically dragged him out to his car, stopping only to grab Danny's things and land a few impromptu swats to his rear. Once in the car Pops turned to him. "I don't know what possessed you to do what you did and I don't want to know. Nothing you say can justify such a mean and disrespectful act. I'm very disappointed in your behavior."

Pops words stung. Danny practically idolized the man so to hear him say he was disappointed crushed him. He wiped at the stray tears that ran down his cheeks as he thought about asking why his mom or dad didn't pick him up but decided it was best not to. When Pops was in this mood you didn't speak unless spoken to. Besides he wasnt sure he could ask without losing the limited control he had over his emotions.

Luckily Pops seemed to read his mind. "I picked you up because Joey is sick and your father is in a very important meeting. He could not leave to get his misbehaving son from school...again. I was able to reschedule a few things so I was elected to get you."

"I'm sorry Pops."

"You will be." He replied ominously. "When

we get to your house, you and I will have a short conversation then you will go apologize to your mother and take whatever punishment she wants to dish out. After that you are to go to your room and wait for your father."

Danny gulped. A "short conversation" with Pops usually had nothing to do with talking and he was sure his mom was going to add to his misery. As expected, the second they entered the house Pops took a seat on the sofa, pulled him over his knee, and landed 10 hard smacks before standing him back up and pointing him in the direction of the kitchen where his mother was getting dinner started. Danny wiped at his tears and rubbed his burning backside as he slowly walked over to her.

"I don't even know what to say! How could you do something like that?"

"I didn't think it..."

"That's right! You didn't think." Mary interrupted. "Go to your room. Your father should be home soon."

"Yes ma'am."

As he turned to go his mother said something that made his blood run cold. "Your father doesn't know you got in trouble at school and sent home again. If you ever want to sit in comfort again your explanation better match what Father Paul told us".

Danny ran to his room and threw himself on his bed. There was nothing worse than having to tell on yourself. He thought about different ways to spin the story so it didn't sound quite as bad as it was but nothing he rehearsed worked out well. There was nothing he could do but just man up and tell his dad everything.

He heard his dad come home and greet his mother and his siblings, then some talking that was too low for him to make out. It seemed to take forever before he heard the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opened and the imposing figure that was his father stepped into his room and closed the door. "Daniel. Your mother said you have something to tell me."

Danny suspected his mom told his dad what happened but he was not going to risk anything by not telling the full story. "Y-yes sir."


Danny looked down at his hands. "I got into trouble at school and got sent home."

"Look at me. You will maintain eye contact. Understood?" At his sons nod he pulled the desk chair closer and sat. "What did you do to get into trouble?"

"Um I played a prank on Sister Katherine."

When Danny didn't continue Frank sighed. "Daniel if I have to pull this story out of you, you will sorely regret it."

Danny's eyes widened at the statement and the words tumbled out. "Sister Katherine is subbing in for Sister Mary this week so she can take care of her mom. She's been really mean to the boys in the class and scaring everyone so me, Tommy and Patrick decided to scare her."

"How did you scare her?"

Danny struggled to keep eye contact. "Well um

I snuck out of the room when Sister Katherine stepped out to help Father John. I went outside and laid on the ground under our classroom windows. Then when Sister Katherine came back in Tommy and Patrick started yelling that I jumped out of the window."


Danny winced and hurried to tell the rest before he lost his nerve. "Well Sister Katherine got so scared she passed out and hit her head on the corner of the desk." At the look on his dads face he hurriedly added "She's ok. She only got a little bump on her forehead. Then Jenny ran out to get help and well you know the rest."

Frank took a few minutes to rein in his anger. "What did Father Paul do?"

"I got 4 licks with the ruler and got suspended for 3 days. I also have to say 20 Hail Marys and apologize to Sister Katherine."

"I don't even know what to say. You have done some stupid things that I never thought you could top, but you some how managed to!" Frank launched into long lecture on respect and obedience before winding down. "What did I tell you would happen if your mother or I had to pick you up from school because you got into trouble ?"

Danny was terrified of the upcoming punishment and grabbed at any thing he could to get out of it. "But- but Pops came and got me!"

"You know I meant if ANYONE had to get you Daniel. Now what did I say?"

"You- you said I'd feel your b- belt."

"Then what happens next should not surprise you." Frank had to ignore the look on Danny's face when he pulled his belt off. He didn't want to do this but he didn't make idle threats. Danny could not behave like this.

"Stand up and take your pants down." He set the belt on the bed and pulled his son over his knee. He lowered the boys briefs and lit a fire on the small backside before him.

Danny did his best to stay still and take it like a man but tears were falling by the fifth swat and by the tenth he was crying out every time his dads hand came down. He thought it was over when his father stopped, but almost got sick when he saw it was only to pick up the belt. The first lick felt he'd been branded. He never felt anything like it and screamed out in pain.

It broke Franks heart to hear his son cry but this was a lesson he needed to learn. He brought the belt down four more times before replacing Danny's underwear and pulling him up into his arms. He held his son tightly whispering calming words until Danny's sobs slowed into a hitching breath. "I didn't like doing that."

"I didn't either." Danny replied.

"Do you understand why you were punished?"

"Yes sir. I know it was a horrible thing to do. Sister Katherine could have really been hurt."

"Yes and what would have happened if someone called for an ambulance? You would have wasted their time when they could be helping someone in need."

"I didn't think about that." Danny wiped at his eyes and looked up at his dad. "I'm sorry. I won't do anything like that again."

"That's good to hear." Frank kissed Danny's head and set him on his feet. "Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. I expect you down and in your seat. We will discuss the rest of your punishment before you go to bed. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

As soon as his dad left Danny immediately went to his mirror and lowered his underwear, twisting around to see the damage. The angry red skin radiated heat but other than that there were no marks. With a sigh he replaced his underwear and slowly slid on his jeans, vowing to never ever do anything to get the belt again!