Chapter 1

It had been 16 years since our heroes voyaged down to the dinosaur world to rescue one of their own. And for the time, there was peace. No grand events, no enemies to battle… just peace; a calming, quiet, eerie peace. But somewhere beyond the place where our heroes lived, the earth was breaking up. Quakes in the ground produced cracks, and these cracks broke the earth and moved it. The great continent known as Pangaea was beginning to fall apart like a jigsaw puzzle.

Soon, our heroes would be facing this event of fantastical proportions… But would they be the ones to decide their own fate?

"What was that?!" said Manny as he awoke with a start. He turned to his wife, Ellie, who was getting dressed. "Ellie, did you hear that?"

"I heard it, Manny." Ellie replied gently. "Whatever it is, its miles away from here."

Manny got out of bed; he wasn't wearing anything, only a pair of black boxer shorts. He slipped on his brown slacks, put on his dark grey boots, then put on his white dress shirt and famous dark red sweatshirt.

Manny looked pretty much the same as the years had gone by; he still had brown hair, brown eyes and white skin, but he had now grown a full beard. He was trying to grow one a while back, and he had finally succeeded in doing it.

His wife Ellie, whom he met while to escape from a coming flood, hadn't changed either. Her red hair had grown out some more, and she still had brown skin and green eyes. She had gotten her figure back from when she was pregnant, so she now wore a dark blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, and hiking boots.

Manny went out of their bedroom and knocked on the door of his daughter's bedroom.

"Peaches?" he asked. "You alright?"

No response. He opened the door and saw that the bed's covers were pulled away and the bed was empty.

"Where is she?" he asked, closing the door. "No teenager is up this early."

"Easy, warden…" Ellie replied, pulling him close and kissing him on the cheek. "She's not on lockdown."

Manny went downstairs to where, hanging from a long beam by their legs, Crash and Eddie slept. They looked the same as usual; Crash had brown hair and blue eyes and Eddie had black hair and brown eyes. They both wore black jeans, white hoodies with black stripes painted on them, and white sneakers. The only thing different about them is that they were older, and that Crash was trying to grow a goatee while Eddie was growing a soul patch.

Manny flicked them both on the nose with his both of his hands and they awoke with a start (Getting flicked on the nose by a giant is not like a normal person flicking you on the nose; it hurts two times more). They both fell off the beam and hit the floor with a CRASH!

"You two were SUPPOSED to be responsible uncles!" Manny yelled.

"What?!" Crash replied, sitting up and rubbing his sore nose. "I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago."

"Or that she went with Louis to the falls." said Eddie, who was lying flat on his stomach.

"The Falls?!" asked Manny, narrowing his eyes. "Where the delinquents hang out?"

"I resent that!" said Crash. "We hang out there a lot."

"Yeah!" said Eddie. "We're pretty well known there."

"Besides," Ellie spoke up. "Its just a place where the kids hang out."

"No! No! No!" replied Manny. "It's a gate-way hang out! First it's the falls, then she's piercing her nose, and the next thing you know she's drinking and smoking!"

"Manny!" Ellie laughed. Her voice then became calm. "You're overreacting." She placed her hands on his face. "She's not going to be your little girl forever."

"I know…" Manny replied, pulling her hands away from his face and kissing her on the cheek. "That's what I'm afraid of… but I'm still going after her."

He then went out the door of the house and began jogging down the street. He then took a shortcut through the woods; he knew his daughter would be there.


At the moment, Manny's little girl was moving through the trees at an alarming place. She was whooping, hollering, and laughing as she moved from tree to tree with the same grace and agility as her part tree-climber mother.

"Louis!" said Peaches, landing on a tree branch and straightening out her hair. "Would you get your head your head out of the sand and try to have a little bit of fun?"

Peaches was a 16-year-old giant, with somewhat long brown hair, fair complexion, a normal thin build, and green eyes. She wore a brown hoodie with tan fur lining, a red t-shirt, black pants, and black running shoes.

Her friend Louis, who was 17, was running up to her when he tripped on a tree root. After letting out a yelp of pain, he regained his composure and got back up.

He had dark brown hair that was somewhat spiky in the front, white skin, and grey eyes. He wore black glasses, a blue jacket with a hood, white dress shirt, black slacks with black suspenders, and white sneakers.

"A little fun?" he asked, brushing himself off. "My idea of fun isn't risking death so you can meet with some 'cute' giant."

"Ethan isn't cute…" Peaches giggled, flipping backwards so that she hung from the tree branch by her legs. "He's hot."

Louis rolled his eyes and groaned quietly. Peaches flipped off the tree and landed beside him.

"Besides," Peach spoke, putting her arm around him as they walked. "You can't play it safe all of your life."

"I know I would!" said Manny, coming from the trees.

Peaches pulled her arm off Louis and jumped back in surprise. "Dad?!" she asked in surprise. Her father had a teed-off look on his face, and Peaches wanted to calm his anger. "There's no reason to be mad."

"You know how I feel about you going to the falls!" said Manny. "Especially alone!"

Louis cleared his throat and spoke up, "Excuse me? She's not alone, Mr. Manfred. She's got me."

"You don't count, wiener!" Manny replied insensitively.

"Yeah… Right… I forgot." Louis replied quietly.

"Come on young lady!" said Manny, turning back to Peaches. "We're going home where I can keep an eye on you.

Peaches laughed nervously, looked at Louis with a 'I'm Sorry' look, and then followed her father back, who put his hand on the back of her neck to keep her with him.

"So… What should I do?" asked Louis, trying to speak with Manny who was walking away at the moment. "Should I stay here or should I go on or what?"

Another loud rumbling was heard and Louis let out a yelp of fear. He took running through the forest at a speed he was known for going at.