"I'd Rather Be In Love"

-Feat. "Yes I Will"-

(a/n- Hmm... one review? Only one? Well, thank you so much, amy-chan, for reviewing Yeah, I still haven't met a guy that sweet...)

Disclaimer- "Yes I will" belongs to the Backstreet Boys and "Inuyasha" belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Comics, and Sunrise.


Inu kept his promise. He didn't start choosing designs for their wedding until around the end of their second year in college. Inu's and Kagome's mothers were like monsters when he asked for their advice on the wedding. Even Kagome went crazy when they went to go buying wedding dresses.

It kind of spooked Inu for a minute or two.

It was around a week before his wedding, and Miroku had somehow talked him into going to various clubs in Oregon. It was Miroku's idea, so if Inu got in trouble, he knew exactly who to blame.

"Inu, I was just wondering, but are you sure you want to marry her?" Miroku asked. Inu nodded. "I mean, sure you do, you proposed four years ago, but when did you realize you wanted to?"

"I don't know, actually," Inu admitted. "Ever since I was a kid, I thought of marrying her. I guess I've always wanted to." (aww...)

"That's sweet, but... you have wanted someone else, haven't you?"

"Are you trying to get me in trouble with Kagome, or what?" Inu asked, angrily. "Of course I haven't wanted anyone besides Kagome."

"Okay, okay, I was just asking," Miroku said, defending himself. "Oh, here's a club."

Inu stared at the sign in the window of the place.

"It's a strip club."

"So? You are still a bachelor, ya know," Miroku said, winking. "You still have one week."

"Yeah, but if I step one foot in a place like that, Kagome'll end the engagement," Inu said. "She will find out."

"Aa, but if you forget all about it..."

"Bastard, trying to get me drunk, too," Inu accused.

"I'm doing no such thing," Miroku defended.

"Uh huh... I'm still not going in," Inu said. "See ya. Get your own ride back to Seattle, I'm leaving."

"Hey! Okay, I'll go home with you, but the night before your wedding, I AM going to have a bachelor's party for you," Miroku said.

"Thanks for the tip. I'll spend the night with Kagome."

"Damn it."

Inu flashed a toothy grin as the two climbed into his car.


"Kagome, can I see it?" Sango asked. Sango had just gotten back from her college (in the Midwest).

"See what?" Kagome asked.

"The dresses! I want to see if my color choice was correct," Sango said.

"All right," Kagome relented, and dragged Sango into their guest bedroom, which was housing every single dress and tuxedo in the wedding. In short, it was full of ruffles. "Here they are!" Kagome said, pulling them out. They were all sky blue prom-like dresses.

"Wow, they look great!" Sango said. "How much?"

"Ouch, I knew you'd ask that." Kagome said, wincing when she remembered the prices. "Five hundred for each."

"You got lucky. Ryoko spent about one grand of each of her bridesmaids dresses," Sango told her. "And besides, yours are so beautiful. Ryoko's bridesmaids resembled nurses. Emergency room green."

"Ew!!" Kagome said, laughing. "I won't put my bridesmaids to that kind of torture!!"

"So, who's Inu's best man?" Sango asked, after they finished laughing.

"Miroku," Kagome answered.

"Oh no. I'll have to be walked down the aisle WITH HIM," Sango said, falling backwards.

"Ha ha! I didn't think of that," Kagome said, "Oh well, you can imagine it's your wedding."

"KAGOME!!" Sango growled, as Kagome laughed.


I open my eyes I see your face

I cannot hide, I can't erase

The way you make me feel inside

You complete me girl, that's why

Something about you makes me feel

Baby, my heart wants to reveal

I'm down on my knees I'm asking you

These three words I want to hear from you

Ever since they went to the same college, Inu and Kagome lived in the same apartment. They even slept in the same bed. But that was it, just sleeping. Inu would usually wake up last.

But, this being the day of their wedding, Inu woke up first. He kept Kagome in his arms, and looked at her face. He smiled, and pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear. 'What would I do without you?' He thought, as Kagome's eyes blinked a little bit to wake up.

"G'Mornin'," She said. She put her head back onto his chest. "'Love you." His heart swelled at the words, as it did every time Kagome said it.

"I love you too," Inu said.

Yes, I will, take your hand and walk with you

Yes, I will, so these three words I promise to

Yes, I will, give you everything you need

And someday start a family with you

Yes, I will take your hand and walk with you

Yes, I will, baby I promise to

Yes, I will, give you everything you need

And someday start a family with you

Inu stood in front of the altar, in a crisp, new tuxedo, shaking as though he was in the middle of an earthquake. Thoughts floated through his mind as he thought of even leaving the church and starting a new life somewhere else. But, the only thing that kept him there was Kagome.

"Hey, Inu!" Souta said, as he ran up to him. The service hadn't started yet, and Souta, the ringbearer, kept running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

"Hi, Souta," Inu said, smiling.

"I just want to tell you, don't hurt her, ne?" Souta asked.

"What does ne mean?" Inu asked.

"It means huh, right," Souta said, exasperating. "Promise me you won't hurt Kagome, all right?"

"I won't hurt her," Inu promised. Souta grinned. "You better get back there, runt."

"See ya later, Inu!" Souta ran off to where he was supposed to start, and the music started.

This is no ordinary love

And I can never get enough

Of all the things you've given to me

My heart, my soul, my everything

Every night I thank you Lord (thank you Lord)

For giving me the strength to love her more

And more each day I promise her

As long as I hear those three words

Kagome felt like dashing out of there. She was scared. But then a thought floated back to her. This was Inu. He protected her when even the bullies in school forced everyone to leave her alone.

She smiled, and stood outside the doors of the sanctuary of the church (a/n- you know, the main part of it). She decided that since her father had died, she would walk down the aisle alone. Sango was right in front of her, grimacing that Miroku was holding her arm, but Kagome knew that Sango was really happy that Miroku was next to her.

"Good luck, Kagome," Sango said. Miroku turned and grinned.

"You know, you could choose me instead," He said, before getting pummeled by two fists.

Luckily, he walked down the aisle without falling unconscious.

Inu watched as Miroku and Sango walked down the aisle. Even though the two didn't show it, they were head over heels in love. He smiled at Sango who was currently blushing at something Miroku was saying.

Then his breath caught when he saw Kagome. She looked like an angel in all that white. Her blue eyes flashed nervousness. Her long raven hair that he loved was pulled back into dozens of ringlets.

She walked down the aisle, and stepped up to him.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The priest asked. Her mother stood up, and so did her grandfather.

I stand beside you in everything you do

Wherever you go, whatever you do

Baby I'll be there

As God is my witness

I will carry this through

Till death do us part I promise to you

Inu kept his eyes directly on Kagome's, as he said his vows. Kagome did the same. She kept a breath-taking smile on her face, and her eyes, though filled with tears, were full of love.

"Does anyone not wish that these two shall not be wed? Speak now or forever hold your peace," The priest said. No one said anything. "Inu has wanted to say his own vows for Kagome."

He smiled, nervously, as he pulled out a slip of paper from his jacket.

"Kagome, I've known you since kindergarten. I've loved you since I met you. I can't imagine us with anyone else. You are the one that I live for, and if you hadn't came into my life, I have no idea what I'd do," He said.

Kagome smiled, lovingly at him.

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," The priest said. Inu kissed her softly.

Yes, I will, take your hand and walk with you

Yes, I will, baby baby I promise to

Yes I will, give you everything you need

And someday start a family with you

Yes I will

Yes I will

Yes I will, I promise you

Everything's gonna be alright

It's gonna be alright

I will

A/n- aww! I loved this song, and I thought it would be great for this. ^_^ Hope you liked!