Authors Note:

Hi Everyone!

I realize this is probably not the story people were hoping to see be updated. Sorry about that, though I promise I'm still plodding my way through Ghosts and Heroes. In the mean time this fic has been bouncing around in my story folder for a while, so I thought it was time I polished it up and posted it.

Now, this fic (as you might have guessed) is an Alternate Halloween fic where Xander gains powers. Specifically, that of the Archangel Gabriel. I want to clarify that in this fic, the world of Buffy is actually in a separate universe to the world of Supernatural - so the Scoobies will not be teaming up with Team Free Will. That said, Archangels are perfectly capable of travelling between universes...

This fic will mostly likely be a collection of snippets rather than one cohesive plotline and chapters will almost certainly not be in chronological order as they are subject to the whims of my muse. As is par for the course with my writing, updating will most likely be slow: for this fic I have a grand total of two completed snippets ready, one mostly completed snippet that just needs editing/polishing and one incomplete chapter that has grown much larger than originally intended (and that has its own AU version, also a work in progress).

Finally, I hope you guys enjoy the story and please feel free to provide constructive criticism or ask questions if you have them.

"Has everyone recovered from last night? Any lingering effects?" Giles asked

"It sucked." Buffy shrugged. "Miss prissy-noble was kinda useless, ya know? But I might just ace my French test this week."

Willow smiled ruefully.

"I, I tried seeing if I could still walk through walls? Thought maybe some ghosty-ness stayed behind?"

Giles looked up curiously.

"And how did that go?"

Willow's face turned into a pout.

"I bumped my nose."

"Oh. Well- yes, I suppose that is rather disappointing. Nevertheless, I for one am very grateful to have a fully corporeal Willow here as opposed to her ghost."

Willow smiled happily. Then jumped a little and turned to where Xander was leaning against the bookshelf, sucking a lollypop.

"What about you, Xander?"

"Hmm?" Xander looked up, startled from his quiet contemplation.

"Do you? Have anything left over, I mean? From the Trickster?"

Xander's face relaxed into his trademarked goofy grin.

"Just an even greater appreciation of all things sugary and sweet! Couple of memories of the Norse gods. Nothing big."

"Well I am grateful nothing more untoward occurred. It's never easy to predict just what chaos magic may do, it may very well have caused a more permanent change." Giles responded, with an air of relief.

"Lucky then." Xander quipped.

Behind him, invisible to human eyes, six wings rustled nervously.