Boo! Hey there.

I was wondering to myself after an exchange with others what kind of demented stuff could I come up with if I tried.

No idea how disturbing you find this... but if you so have the will... read at your own risk.

I basically did this to gross out a few of my fellow writers and test the limits of my imaginative depravity in short. Not as long as I wanted but i have other more pertinent projects to return to.

Note: This story is under the premise that Judy is still a cop and has been recruited by Nick, who is a murdering psychopath, to be his partner in crime. She still works as a cop and helps Nick dispose of or hide evidence, with authorities unknowing of her involvement as of yet. I didn't want to make a whole lore thing out of this, just make an example of my grossness in literary form.


Darkness is not a feeling nor a representation of an evil power. It simply holds that which could be called as such, acting as a shroud for those that are never known, never seen, never heard…

Until they decide to step from the shadows and spread their evil machinations.

Fear of what they would do in the light wasn't the problem. Of one could see something like that approaching… they could prepare and ready against such evil.

The fear that was most cruel though, was when one would be dragged into darkness with said evil… and you would never know what was to come.


The ceiling was webbed with wires and lines crisscrossing in a random pattern, void of the likelihood that it was done by design. The silhouettes were all that could be seen in the ensuing darkness that enveloped the room.

A single elevated table stood in the middle of the overly dark room, bolted to the floor and stained in speckles and spatters of what could only be blood. The smell of ammonia and bleach imbued itself within the air of the room, almost sickly thick in its attempt to cover up the smell of blood and rotting flesh.

A mammal lay groggy on the table, fur matted with something wet and paws achingly strapped to the table. The edges were raised with loops present for the thick straps to have something to be tied off onto. On his muzzle was a wrapped cord, keeping him from opening his maw but still allowing breathing in strained amounts.

He tried to look around but even his night vision offered no real solace or comfort. Spikes of searing and invasive pain clouded his vision, realizing he couldn't move without significant pain.

With what little light there was, he could barely see the grey shades of his right and left arms, with glints of something metallic giving the mammal pause.

A loud metallic clang and long screeching squeak of rusty hinges shook the mammal from his contemplation and attempts at reconciling some form of self awareness to his situation.

"Oh, no need to get up," a cheery and energetic tone reached his ears. "I can show myself in." There was an almost giddy giggle as the mammal was given the light to finally examine himself…

He was shocked, mortified, and beginning to breath heavily upon seeing himself. Long, metal pins were inserted into his paws, arms, legs, and feet. Slipping in between any joints that one could likely find, it made any movement feel like the ligaments were filled with sand. Each finger, each wrist, and even in the legs right above the kneecaps, but slipping behind them. These needles were inserted into every possible sensitive joint.

The mammal moved in reflexive fear, feeling the indescribable jolt to his body from all the invasive punctures. Strained sobs made their way through the bound muzzle, the events and sights setting in.

"What's wrong?" a sincere voice reached his ears. "I can make you more comfortable if you like?"

The owner of the voice leapt onto the edge of the table. The dim lighting that now permeated the room only added to the unnerved feeling the mammal was inflicting up the bound mammal.

Brilliant amethyst eyes shone eerily, only outmatched by the piercing gaze they had upon locking onto the mammal. Thought the light was still dim, he thought the fur of the female before him might actually be grey. The shape was very bunny like, though the aura put out by her was almost predatory.

His fur stood on end and body shivered at being in such a mammal's presence. Whimpers escaped his maw, the other mammal's long ears twitching in response. Her eyes took on a darker glow, reflecting something like a dwarf star turning into a black hole, pulling everything in with no escape.

"Aww… let's make some adjustments, shall we?"

The rabbit began examining and lightly tapping the needle heads sticking out of the mammal's paws and joints. She started to pull a couple out from finger joints, the tips dripping slightly as they left his flesh, inciting a sigh of relief. Despite another several dozen needles to go, he couldn't help but focus on the relief of one being gone.

Several more were pulled painfully from his paws, the dragging and tugging at each nerve on the way out, sending jolts of disturbing, intrusive agony into his body. He tried not to squirm, but the involuntary jolts caused random spasms in other appendages that only increased his strife. The other needles shifted and wiggled with muscle movements, striking every receptor and overloading the mammal's brain with too many discomforting signals.

He tried to scream, the bunny letting out something akin to a snarl. She then grabbed his muzzle and pulled his head close.

"It would do you good to remain silent during our proceedings," the doe seethed. She then unwrapped the bindings to his muzzle, the mammal realizing she was wearing thick gloves that went up to mid bicep. Grabbing onto the upper and lower jaws with each paw, the sneering doe then used more force than he thought she was capable of…

And ripped his lower jaw downwards, overextending his jaw muscles and tendons, resulting in tearing. It was excruciating, but still not the worst of the event. Her forceful gesture also made the room echo with a sickening series of pops and cracks, as his jawbone was snapped like a dry, dead branch. The jagged edges of the broken bone speared his flesh from the inside, causing a slow and somewhat liberal effusion of blood.

It was nothing that would cause a quick death by exsanguination, but almost made the mammal wish for it. His now disfigured maw gurgled and coughed as breathing became a struggle. His tongue wiggled and flopped around uselessly, with the grey bunny giggling madly at his exacerbated level of suffering.

Blinking away a deluge of tears, the mammal felt the rabbit resume pulling the needles from his paws, making quicker work than before.

"Now we've lost time, thanks to your distractions." Upon pulling the last long pin from his paw, the doe wore a saddened look of lamentation at the sight of his now useless paws. "They look so lonely… After all, idle paws are the devil's playthings."

A disgustingly happy expression lined her features slowly, eyes now training on his.

"Oh… and i know just the devil who could use yours," she cooed in his twitching ear, giving it a little nibble. "I've always loved how expressive a fox's ears are and your eyes are so green. Yes… you'll do nicely."

Out of nowhere and without warning, a cleaver sliced through the air and sank into the table with a thunk. The fox thrashed and shook violently, his paw having been severed brutally and cleanly at the wrist. His mouth was a choking geyser of saliva and small amounts of blood.

The bunny tried to shush him, petting his muzzle, as she spoke softly, "Calm down now before I take the other one…"

The tod instantly stifled himself, still shivering and twitching from sporadic rises and falls of his level of suffering, but knowing he did not want to suffer anything further.

The doe smiled wickedly, caressing his disfigured snout.

"There you go…"

Another solid thunk spiked a familiar agony from mere seconds prior, inciting more groans, whimpers, and sputtered cries. Her mad laughter now felt like torment of its own kind, the rabbit's cruelty and deception making the fox fear every moment in her presence.

"I lied," she stated bluntly, a tinge of playful sensuality lining her voice.

Both his arms were now pawless nubs with blood dribbling out like they were leaky faucets. The fox's consciousness faded, the edges of his vision slowly fading into nothing.

Another voice filled the room, "Hunny bunny! I'm home." The fox strained to keep conscious, feeling that salvation might be coming.

A fox entered the fading edges of his vision, much the same visage as himself, wearing coveralls and dirtied with various dark fluids that appeared and smelled like something oily.

"What the Heck are you doing?" the tod's voice vented out as it rose in volume.

"Aw… but I thought you'd like it," said the bunny in a teasing tone, hopping down to give the red fox a hug. All the mammal on the table could do was silently plead for him to call someone to save him.

"I do… but I thought you were gonna wait for me?" the other fox lightly chastised with a mock hurt tone. Leaning down, he nibbled an ear, getting the doe to squeak and thump her foot in twisted delight. "I might have to punish you, Judy." The grey bunny shivered, releasing a pleasurable sigh.

"Oh, Nick," she breathed, "you know it's no punishment if I enjoy it."

The tod laughed heartily, training his emerald eyes on the victim before them.

His eyes were glazed and sight foggy, the last dregs of hope snuffed out with their display of disturbing indifference towards their bleeding third wheel. A last, gurgling sigh escaped him, just as his blood had. Slowly.

The fox on the table was dead.

"Oh well," chirped Nick, grabbing a nearby knife and stabbing it into the body's heart. He twisted it and pulled it out, satisfied that he was now dead. "At least he does look like me. Think the police will be fooled?"

Judy nodded in a giddy manner, saying, "Quite sure. They don't even know about me yet. They'll just assume some new partner did you in and look for another mammal. If not… I can tamper with the records. I'm still an officer after all."

"You are an angel, with me your devil," he whispered to her, to which she giggled and perked up.

"Oh, right!" the grey rabbit exclaimed, running over to grab the dismembered paws. "Speaking of the devil… I figured you'd like some idle paws."

Giving them gently to her fox, Nick braced his own paws around them, humming with a bit of humor.

"You are just the sweetest thing," he cooed to her in a honeyed voice. "I take it they're my 'playthings' now?" His doe nodded in affirmation. Setting the unattached and still dripping paws down, the red fox turned to the door, ears perked.

"Expecting something… or someone?" Judy inquired playfully. Her mate nodded, taking a peek at his phone now.

"We have company…" he snickered in a low voice. "I was able to leave a few clues to goad a couple of officers here, and they tripped my alarms. Want to help me… 'cut' them off?" The rabbit sucked in a breath and nodded rapidly. "Let's go then. They're coming in the warehouse entrance now. We can corner the two in our little dark room."

A low chuckle emanated from the tod, sending shivers of delight up the spine of the smaller bunny.


Officer Francine Pennington stepped as lightly as she could, being rather difficult, considering her enormous size and heft. Luckily, the floor of the warehouse was solid concrete, offering her little worry in the case of creaky floorboards.

Officer Rudy Wolford covered her from the side, using his night vision to his advantage in the dimly lit building, with night approaching like a shrouded blanket over the sky. It was much too empty in the many rooms of the warehouse. A faint smell of bleach and other cleaners permeated his senses, messing with his ability to find their quarry nearby. Even his night vision only went so far as each room seemed to be further void of light than the previous one they scanned.

A light pitter patter perked the wolf and elephant's ears. The two twisted their heads in the direction they heard it, only being met with several seconds of silence.

Suddenly, much closer, a light giggle sent shivers down their spines, with senses being tested to the limit in the dark room they happened to wander in. Flashlights only helped so much, being directional and offering little ambient lighting.

The wolf tried to keep his awareness at its peak, but the dripping in the distance and smell of cleaners was messing with him. He couldn't pinpoint the source.

A giggle sounded again, much closer and more feminine.

"I thought you said it was Wilde who was here?" inferred the canine to his pachyderm partner.

"That's who I saw and I called for backup," she defended. "Maybe he's playing an audio track to throw us off."

"Maybe…" Rudy mumbled, turning when he heard a clunk, followed by another and another.

His eyes went wide as realization set in. The room, along with each adjoining room, was being closed. Theirs had just sealed shut, a series of strong bolts locking the entrance to room. The wolf thought about whether Francine would be able to smash through but remembered the door looked thick and heavy when they came in. Too much for even the most hefty and stubborn mammals to attempt breaking down. The walls were reinforced concrete as well, being as difficult, if not more so, to breach.

"Welcome officers!" a snarky voice boomed from a speaker within the room. "I trust you are liking my humble abode?"

Neither officer answered, knowing that engaging the criminal was an ill fate just waiting to happen. Wilde seemed to not care as the intercom radiated with his humming tune to some piece of music none but he could hear.

"No matter," the voice continued. "I'll show you some grand hospitality all the same."

As if on cue, a hiss sounded. There appeared to be no gas or air current flowing from any direction he could feel, which made it seem like a method of distraction. Rudy looked around more frantically now, his sense of smell turning up nothing and sight having a hard time adjusting with the contrast of his and his partner's flashlights. Hearing was now out of the question with that hissing covering up most key sounds.

This was not a good day.


Wearing a pair of highly sensitive night vision goggles, Judy was sneaking around with a very clear line of sight in the room. She hid behind supports to avoid the swaying beams of the flashlights the officers brandished with their weapons. It would help them little. And now, the distractive measures were being used to hide her steps from their hearing and such. She was even wearing a masking agent to keep the wolf from smelling her.

With the wolf turning the other direction and the elephant holding her beam too high, the doe closed in with light and quick steps. Pulling out a knife, the grey bunny stabbed it into the larger mammal's abdomen, eliciting a drawn out scream from the elephant. Blood spurted and spilled from the fresh wound, to which the rabbit hummed and licked her lips, wasting no time before the pachyderm began potentially thrashing around.

Gripping the edges of the split flesh, Judy crawled her way inside, pushing aside vital organs and worming her way between them. Gravity began to shift sporadically as the elephant whirled around and thrashed in pain and panic. Murmured sounds echoed within her flesh, giving her unclear audio of what was going on outside.

It didn't really matter to her though. The doe had a goal in mind and her night vision goggles used a low light beam to see in the dark innards of the pachyderm. Everything was beating and flowing, an overabundance of warmth making the rabbit a bit giddy at having done this. She shouldn't be feeling this way about such travesties, but it felt freeing.

Finding what she was looking for, pulsating quickly and making quite the racket doing so, the bunny wrapped herself around the elephant officer's heart, giggling while giving it a tender kiss.

Pulling out her knife from before, Judy dragged the edge over the tender flesh and relished the fearful pounding as she let the blade run over the thumping veins and arteries.

Outside, Nick was wearing a similar type of goggles as his bunny, with the low light level being even too low for him. The larger officer was now writhing against the wall, gun and flashlight dropped, while she screamed and wailed in pain and fear.

"Something… something crawled inside me!" she screeched in a stuttered panic. The wolf was trying to tend to her wound, knowing nothing would help unless they could get some light or get out.

The red fox approached the wolf, throwing some wires over him, quickly disarming him and securing the wires on each appendage. He thrashed and clawed wildly in response, attempting to thwart his would be attacker. It was quite the satisfactory moment to have outwitted and overpowered the canine.

Sauntering over to the wall and readying himself to turn on the lights, Nick removed his goggles and closed his eyes. The switch was flipped and dim lighting buzzed to life, though even the dimmest of lights was blinding to all in the room. The tod was quicker to adapt, being more prepared than the mammals still struggling with the increasingly brightening light.

The elephant officer was holding her bloodied side, more so murmuring in a half dead state than screaming anymore. The blood loss was staggering and some entrails were attempting to slip out from the reasonably large gash.

The wolf was beginning to look at himself, wires wrapped around his limbs.

"Wilde," he spat. "What are you doing?"

"This," the fox spoke almost overly happily, pushing another switch on the wall. A coiling sound could be heard as the wires were pulled taut with amazing speed from their source. A gap in the wall had a fast spooling mechanism with a motorized recoil to it.

Upon activating, Wolfords face was one of shock and terror, unable to properly react in time before the wires snapped back…

Ripping his limbs off like they were made of butter. His limbless torso hit the cold floor, muzzle gurgling in pain and head swimming with an anguish he couldn't properly vocalize. Blood seeped from him almost too quickly for the tod's liking, but the light leaving his eyes as he stared at his partner was enough satisfaction for Nick.

He smiled wickedly and approached the slowly breathing elephant.

"Heeeey, Judy…" he cooed. "Might want to finish this up. Otherwise, it'll be difficult to get away when their backup arrives."

He stood still upon seeing the pachyderm's eyes bulge in realization.

"J… Judy?" she muttered in waning shock, clearly not knowing one of her own co workers was aiding the murderous fox. Nick gave her a roguish grin, seeing her tense up and go limp.

Judy had pierced her heart with the knife she so playfully teased the organ with, allowing the officer to die within seconds of puncturing it. Moving lower within the ribcage, the doe stabbed and cut her way through more internal organs and found her belly skin.

The red fox watched on in curiosity as a blade cut a long incision from inside the carcass of the elephant, allowing the crimson, blood soaked rabbit to emerge and take a deep breath.

"Well that was fun… who do we slice up next?" the grey doe inquired with plenty of sass.

Nick could only laugh maniacally at her energy and eagerness.

"You are only too good for me, you beautiful bunny. C'mere."

Hopping down, Judy made her way over to Nick, who licked the blood from her nose and kissed it.

"Oh my… delicious."

"Wouldn't I taste better?" she pouted, batting her eyes in a dramatic show.

Licking his fangs and snapping at her playfully, the tod snarked back, "Don't tempt too much… I might take you up on that."

Bangs and shouts echoed in the distance, pulling the attention of both mammals to look in the general direction.

"Looks like backup is here…" mumbled the bunny, spinning the knife in a paw.

"We should give them another proper greeting," replied the fox.

"Sure thing… partner."

I would say I welcome reviews, but honestly this was a goof. Do as you wish but remember this was a project for no other purpose than to be disturbing.

I know it has no continuity with the Zootopia storyline.

I know it probably feels a bit short or rushed.

I know it is possibly a horrendous abomination that must be burned.

Get over it. XD

This wasn't exactly meant to entertain.

It's been a hustle, Sweethearts.