Hiccup groaned in annoyance as light flooded his vision and his senses slowly returned to him. He felt a gentle nudge to his chest, and for a second he thought he was back in his bed in his house.

The illusion was shattered as pain raced up his arm, and hot stinky breathe reached his nose.

Hiccup opened his eyes and immediately closed them.

"This is not happening." He said in disbelief. "The gods can't hate me this much"

Slowly he opened his eyes again, and whimpered. "Oh Thor"

Standing almost on top of him was a Deadly Nadder. It's blue and almost yellow scales stood out from the brown and green trees.

The Deadly Nadder stared at him curiously. It knew Hiccup was a baby Viking, a mere hatchling, but at the same time, any Viking no matter how big or small was dangerous.

It's eyes traveled down to Hiccups body and the beast cooed sadly, realizing that the hatchling was hurt, and most likely harmless.

Hiccup slowly started to sit up, hoping the dragon wouldn't react, but froze as the dragon squawked and moved away.

For some reason Hiccup found himself staring the Deadly Nadder in the eyes. He bent his knee up and used it to push himself to his feet. He stumbled forward and the Deadly Nadder roared, backing away to the edge of the clearing.

To Hiccups surprise, he recognized the same emotion he was feeling in the large dragons eyes. It was fear.

They were both scared. Scared of each other, and for some reason, that simple realization calmed the boy down greatly.

He had seen how fierce and powerful dragons were during dragon raids. All his life he had been told that the beast were just that, beast. They had no emotions, cared not for life, and never hesitated.

Hiccups thoughts turned towards the Nightfury he had barreled into the previous night. How it took its paw off of his broken arm, how it roared in his face and spared his life. The dragon had hesitated. It had even changed its mind.

Maybe dragons were just as afraid of Vikings as Vikings were afraid of dragons.

Hiccup took three deep breathes, before forcing himself to do the unthinkable.

He moved towards the dragon.

"Its alright" he all but whispered "I won't hurt you" He pointed to his left arm with his good hand "I couldn't even if if I wanted to"

The Deadly Nadder growled, and lowered its head to the ground slightly.

"shh" Hiccup held his hand out "I'm just as scared as you, as you are of me"

The Deadly Nadder stopped growling and looked at Hiccup with a renewed curiosity. Was this Viking Hatchling trying to befriend it?

The Nadder shook its head at its own question and narrowed its eyes.

Hiccup continued to shuffle towards it slowly, palm outstretched. He had meant for it to be a small defense in case the dragon attacked, but the closer he got to the beast the more he thought of the possibility of touching it.

"Why don't we-" Hicccup froze as the dragon took a few steps forward, closing the gap between them far faster than Hiccup was comfortable with.

The two stared at each other, Hiccup frozen in fear, the Nadder in curiosity.

"Why don't we make a deal" Hiccup finished in a whisper "I'm gonna close my eyes and look away, your gonna turn around and leave me alone"

The Deadly Nadder bobbed its head.

Goosebumps rose on Hiccups arm. "Did you just nod?" Hiccup asked shock.

The Deadly Nadder repeated the action.

"Can you understand me!" He yelled.

Again the dragon nodded.

"Ok" Hiccup said disbelief "Ok. Anyway" Hiccup searched the dragons eyes one last time before saying "Alright, I'm gonna do it"

Taking a deep breathe, Hiccup closed his eyes and looked away, his arm still outstretched in a rudimentary guard.

While the dragon had understood the little 'deal' the hatchling had proposed, it was silently taken back by the amount of trust the boy had just given it. This Viking was different, it decided.

The Deadly Nadder turned its back on the boy and began to walk to the edge of the clearing where the forest started up again. Just as it was about to enter the forest, the dragon stopped, and looked back at Hiccup.

He still had his hand outstretched, and he hadn't moved a muscle since. His left arm hanged limp at his side, and the boy was obviously in a lot of pain.

The beast growled to itself. Why did it care?

The longer the dragon stared at the boy, the worse it felt at the thought of leaving.

Suddenly, a thought popped into the beast head. Maybe if it showed kindness to the young Vikings, it wouldn't help kill dragons in the future.

The Deadly Nadder nodded to itself and stomped back to Hiccup.

The boy tensed as the vibrations from its feet hitting the ground got stronger the closer it got to him. The dragon stopped mere inches away from Hiicups palm. It looked the boy up and down for the final time, before closing its eyes, and gently placing its forehead against Hiccups palm.

Hiccups heart jumped to his throat and his eyes shot open. With wide, alarmed green eyes, the boy stared at the dragon, before gently petting the dragons scales in fascination.

The Deadly Nadder purred, not realizing how good the touch of a Vikings felt before now, and how much it would love the attention.

"Um, this is cool, but this wasn't part of the deal." The dragon rolled its eyes at Hiccup. "Not that I'm complaining! This is..."

Hiccup couldn't help but smile as he pet the scales softly. They were dry, but the feeling was so new and amazing so he loved it.

"This is incredible. I can't believe your letting me touch you"

Hiccup started scratching the dragon on the top of its head and earned a low purr of pleasure.

"This is amazing. Everything we know about you is wrong! Your not scary, or mindless, your-"

Hiccup stopped to gather his thoughts before saying "Your like me. Like us"

The dragon cooed before nudging Hiccup in the The chest with its head, and gesturing to his broken arm.

"What's wrong?"

The Deadly Nadder motioned to his left arm again, and then whimpered.

"Oh that. If your really worried about it, would you mind pointing me to the village? I'm lost, and well, you know"

The dragon backed away, considering its options, before lowering its body down to the ground.

With its head, it gestured to the boy and then its back.

"Your gonna walk me to the village?"

The dragon shook its head, and gestured again for Hiccup to climb on. The boy was a bit hesitant, but after a couple of seconds walked up to the bird like dragon and attempted to climb on.

The Deadly Nadder used its head to help push Hiccup onto its back, being careful not to stab him with one of its many spikes. It waited for Hiccup to get comfy, before roaring and flapping its wings, sending it into the air.

"Oh No!" Hiccup yelled as he panicked. He latched on to one of the dragons spikes fearful of falling off the beast as it began to fly through the air.

The Deadly Nadder roared, trying to get Hiccups attention, before nodding towards the forest below.

Following the dragons gaze, Hiccup gasped in awe.

The sun was directly over their heads, illuminating all of Berk. Trees dotted the landscape, looking smaller than Hiccups thumb from the altitude they flew from. He could see grand rivers flowing from the mountains and emptying into the ocean, some creating mini waterfalls as they fell off the edge of the island. The sun hit the water perfectly making it sparkle brilliant. He could see Berk clearly. The small red and brown houses flowing down the side of the island and ending at the harbor. He could even see his house where he and his father lived. He couldn't help but wonder where he was now.

"This is beautiful"

The Deadly Nadder squawked in agreement.

"You see this everyday?"

The dragon nodded. Hiccup noticed the ground getting closer as the dragon moved to descend.

He laughed "Aw, I kinda don't want this to end"

The dragon nodded in understanding but didn't slow down. It landed just on the outskirts of Berk, hidden by the thick trees that surrounded the village.

The dragon bent its body down and Hiccup jumped off. Hiccup patted the beast on its side before saying "I'm guessing this is goodbye"

The creature squawked and nuzzled Hiccup affectionately. It had enjoyed the young Vikings company more than it thought it would.

"Well thank you" Hiccup smiled "My names Hiccup, I promise I won't forget this"

With its tail, the The Deadly Nadder gestured to the sky.


All of a sudden, the dragon whipped its tail and cut down a bush.

"Skycutter. Your names Skycutter. Are you a boy or?"

The dragon shook her head.

Hiccup nodded "girl then. Well Skycutter, do you think I'll ever see you again?"

The dragon didn't answer, instead, she nudged Hiccup softly towards the village and turned.

"Thank you" Hiccup repeated.

Skycutter nodded and quietly took off. Hiccup watched her go, before turning back to the village. He sighed deeply, relieved to be back home again, and walked into the village making sure to keep an eye out for Gobber or his Father.

Luckily he had been dropped off fairly close to the forge, and hurriedly walked there hoping no one would notice him or his condition before he got there.

He entered the forge unseen.

"Gobber?" He called out.

"Hiccup is that you?!" Her heard the man yell.

A tall Viking with blond hair and a beard hobbled into the shop with his peg leg and hook hand.

"Hiccup! We've been looking for you! Your fathers tearing the whole forest apart. I just got back from searching myself"

"Really?" Hiccup asked surprised.

"really. Woo. Looks like you had quite an adventure" Gobber gestured to his broken arm.

"Yeah. It was pretty wild" Hiccup laughed nervously.

"Come, we need to get you to Gothi. I don't think arms are supposed to bend like that"

Hiccup nodded and followed his mentor to Gothi. The old women helped set his broken arm in a splint and made a sling for the boy. After she was finished, she sent him home to rest.


Hiccup groaned and slowly sat up in bed. It had been a couple of hours since he returned to the village, and he had slept through most of them, exhausted by the events of the past two days.

Looking through the open wooden window, he realized it was nighttime, and that it had taken longer to send word to his father about him being safe than he had thought.

His father, Stoick the Vast, barged into the room, and upon seeing Hiccup, grabbed the boy in an almost bone crushing hug, careful to mind the broken arm.

"Hiccup! Oh I'm so happy your safe son. Odin knows what I would've done if I had lost you too"

"I missed you too Dad" Hiccup coughed out, the air squeezed out of him.

Stoick let go of the poor boy and threw him a stern look.

" Hiccup" the warmth in his voice was gone "What happened?"


"Stop right there" he interrupted "Hiccup, we've talked about this. Your responsible for your own actions"

"But Dad!"

"No buts! Now tell me what happened, and I don't want to hear anything about Snotlout or anyone else."

Hiccup growled angrily "Forget it!" He shouted, surprising Stoick "You wouldn't believe me anyway"

He turned away and buried himself in his blankets as much as he could, and closed his eyes.

Stoick sighed, his gaze softening.

"I'm... I'm sorry son"

Hiccups eyes shot wide open. "You are?"

"Ai I am" He sighed "Go on. Tell me what Snotlout did this time"

Hiccup Bolted upright, excited his father was finally listening to him.

Hiccup recounted his grand tale about Snotlout forcing him into the woods and throwing him in front of the Monstrous Nightmare, and how he escaped the creatures grasp. As he neared the part about the Nightfury, he stopped. He had been saved and spared by dragons, the very creatures that attacked his village almost daily, and were believed to be mindless by everyone in the village. Would his father believe him?


The boy sighed and shook his head. Probably not.

"As I went to scale the log, I jumped off and fell farther then I thought. I fell and broke my arm, and got knocked out. When I woke up, I walked the rest of the way back home. We must have missed each other on the way"

Stoick sat on the side of Hiccups bed with a rather stoick expression as he contemplated his sons story.

After a while, he stood up and made his way out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, it looks like I'm gonna be having a chat with your cousin and his father"

Hiccup inwardly cheered, happy Snotlout was finally going to get the punishment he deserved.

Just as Stoick was going to leave, he stopped.


"Yes dad"

"Next time, I'll listen to you the first time. I promise"

Hiccup smiled "I love you dad"

"I love you too son. Good night"

Hiccup laid back down and closed his eyes. Once he heard the slam of the front door that signaled his father had left, he shuffled out of bed and grabbed a piece of charcoal and a blank leather book. Inside he drew a crude drawing of the Nightfury he had met, and set it on his desk.

"I'm gonna find you" Hiccup whispered into the night "and we're gonna be friends. I won't forget what you and Skycutter did for me"

He smiled down at his drawing and blew out the candles on his desk. Moving to his bed, he wrapped himself in blankets and gladly embraced the soft lull of sleep.

An: At the end of each chapter will Be where I respond to reviews or answer questions left by review.

Guest #2 I agree with you, Astrid has a huge sense of honor, but at the same time, she didn't really care much for Hiccup in the beginning of the first movie, and she, like Gobber and Stoick, is waiting for him to fight back. Something I don't see him doing, at least not at this point in time.

As always, thank you for reading and reviewing.