disclaimer: I do not own anything

Intro: Merlin Emrys.

My name is Merlin Emrys, I am 16 years old and a freshmen at Camelot University. Yeah I know what you are thinking, how are you 16 and already in college? well I'll give you the answer I give everyone else. I'm smart, and freakishly so. If I use the words of my fellow peers I am a freakishly smart, big eared, emo. So I have to deal with that and keep my sexuality hidden from the kids here or I will be tormented to no end. I have one friend, my social life took a bit of a turn, just early August I was alone now it's late December and I have one friend and a handful of acquaintances.

Merlin POV chapter 1

I wrap my scarf around my neck and tighten my coat around my frame to keep out the bitter cold wind as I lock the door to my flat, and headed to the english building in the cold December morning.

I could really use a coffee, I thought.

I walked to the on campus coffee shop and waited at the counter for the barista to come around.

"Ah Merlin, it's nice to see you, what brings you here" I groaned internally at the voice I didn't even have to look up to know who it was.

"Hello Mordred always a pleasure" I lied, but continued "I am on my way to my english class and I decided I would stop and treat myself to a hot beverage"

"Oh, makes sense, so merlin do you want to go to dinner with me tonight" Mordred asked nonchalantly.

I huffed "for the millionth time Mordred, No I don't want to go to dinner" 'with a cynical prick like you' I wanted to add.

"Okay, okay" He said putting his hands up in mock surrender. He handed me my latte and I turned to leave.

I clumsily made my way to my english class. English is one of the subjects I do best in. I am majoring in journalism-writing and minoring in music, classes are really easy for me and the Dean wants me to take honors classes, I turned him down.

When I entered my english class I was the only one there. Of course it slipped my mind everyone is late to this class including our own teacher, Mr. Wilkins. (it sounds like a name an old lady would name her cat.) students began to file in ten minutes after the tardy bell. I had been editing my twenty page essay over famous guitarist for my music class.

"Hey, big ears you got to class early again you emo freak" the voice of the school bully, Valiant, filled my ears. I just sat there.

"Leave me alone, valiant" I said just as Mr. Wilkins walked in

"Alright class take you seats" his booming voice filled the room, valiant and his clique moved away from my table to sit in their seats. As Mr. Wilkins began his speech over literary terms, which we talked about last week, (my class was a little slow) I tuned him out and I really started to wish I had taken the Dean up on his offer.

Intro: Arthur Pendragon

My name is Arthur Pendragon I am 18 years old and freshmen at Camelot University, I am captain of the football team and I am secretly a straight A student. Why is it that me being a straight A student a secret? Well because If people found out that I do good in school and didn't use my money to cheat I would be terrorized for the rest of school career. Oh and did I mention that my father is the Dean.

I awoke to the sound of symbols. That damned monkey clock my sister, morganna, got me for my birthday was annoying as heck. I slid out of bed and trudged to the shower I checked my reflection in the mirror I looked like shit. I quickly undressed and got into the shower but took a longer amount of time to wash the heavy sleep from my body.

Once I felt awake and coherent enough to get through the day I put on my shoes and grabbed a wool coat. The morning December air was cold. I let loose a breath and watched it condense. I sigh and begin my walk towards the science building.

I am taking a business class so I can open a coffee shop when I graduate, though I would never tell my father, he thinks I am going to open a hotel. I am also taking a music class. My father thinks it's because it was the only elective I had left to choose, that is definitely not the case. I happen to enjoy music a lot if I could I would make or join a band.

I enter the class and I am immediately greeted by my best friends Gwaine and Lance I sit down by them and sigh laying my head in my arms following routine. I lay my head down In my arms and pretend to be asleep to keep up the dumb jock charade. Coach Juneau, the science teacher and the football coach doesn't seem to mind because he knows i'm listening. I don't have trouble on quizzes or tests because I can remember anything that I want to. If someone read the dictionary out loud I would be able to remember every word they said if I really wanted to. Not to mention I already know most of this stuff.

The classes are boring to me I should probably ask my father about honors classes. Father knows that I have got the grades and he said so himself that they didn't have very many people in honors classes.

Once I decided I would ask the Dean for honors classes at lunch I let out a fake light snore as to let people know I was 'asleep'

I hope you enjoyed this I will be updating most of my stories soon sorry for the wait