"Recognized: Kid Flash, B03."

A flash of yellow light filled the room, drawing the inhabitants' attention.

"The Wall-man is here!" Kid Flash announced, walking into the cave wearing a bathing suit and holding various beach supplies. "Now let's get this party start—"

Kid Flash tripped over nothing, sending his supplies all over the floor and his beach ball bouncing through the room. It narrowly missed Batman and Red Tornado, who looked at him seriously. The team, meanwhile gave him amused looks, except for Sasuke, who wasn't even looking.

"—ed," Kid Flash finished.

"Wall-man, huh?" said the green-clad girl standing next to Green Arrow. "Mm, I love the uniform. What, exactly, are your powers?"

"Um, who is this?"

"Artemis, your new teammate."

"Kid Flash, never heard of you."

Green Arrow stepped forward. "She's my new protégé."

"What happened to your old one?"

"Recognized: Speedy, B06."

"Well for starters, he doesn't go by 'Speedy' anymore. Call me Red Arrow."

"Roy!" Green Arrow exclaimed. "You look—"


"It's not like that, you told me you were going solo!"

"So why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?"

"Yes, she can," Artemis said.

"Who are you?" asked Kid Flash.

"I'm his niece."

"She's my niece."

"Another niece?" asked Robin.

"But she is not your replacement," Aqualad said to Red Arrow. "We have always wanted you on the team, and we have no quota on archers."

"And if we did, you know who we'd pick," said Kid Flash.

"Whatever Baywatch, I'm here to stay," said Artemis.

Red Arrow started to walk away.

"Enough drama," said Sasuke. "Why are you here?"

"Wait, who is this?" Red Arrow asked.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"You need a codename," said Batman.

"Shinobi. Now why is Red Arrow here?"

"Dr. Serling Roquette," Red Arrow said.

"Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City," Robin said, pulling up some screens. "Vanished two weeks ago."

"Abducted two weeks ago. By the League of Shadows."

"You want us to rescue her from the Shadows?"

"Sweet!" said Kid Flash, fist bumping Robin.

"I already rescued her," said Red Arrow. "But she finished a weapon called the fog for the Shadows. She's trying to create a virus to neutralize it at the local high school's computer lab."

"You left her alone?" Green Arrow asked.

"She's safe enough for now."

"Then let's you and I keep her that way."

"Don't you want to take your new protégé?"

Batman put a hand on Green Arrow's shoulder. "You brought this to the team. It's their mission now, which means it's hers too."

"Then my job's done," said Red Arrow, then he walked over to the teleporter.

"Recognized: Speedy—"

"That's Red Arrow, B06, update."

Kid Flash shot Artemis a glare.

The team was with Dr. Roquette at the local high school.

Miss Martian, link us up, Aqualad thought. I do not want the Shadows intercepting our comms.

Woah, this is weird, Artemis thought.

And distracting, Dr Roquette thought. Coding a distributed algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with less RAM than a wrist watch is hard enough, now I have to hear teen think in my skull.

Lady, do you always complain when someone tries to help you? Kid Flash asked.

Enough bickering, Sasuke thought. Finish the virus and find the fog.

I would have to go online—

Then do it. We'll protect you.

Roquette typed in a few commands. Tracking fog.

Outside, Superboy heard a rustling in the bushes around the school. He dismissed it and leapt over to the other side of the school, landing just behind Miss Martian.

Miss Martian, Dr. Roquette has located the fog, Aqualad thought. Reconfigure the bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue.

Miss Martian summoned the bioship. Robin and Superboy jumped inside and flew off towards the fog's location.

While they were distracted, a masked assassin vaulted over the fence and snuck into the building.

Kid Flash noticed a shadow moving across the floor and pursued, only to trip on some balls on the floor, then get knocked out by a blow to the head. The masked assassin opened the door to the computer lab and threw a shuriken at Dr. Roquette, only for Sasuke to move between them and hold out a hand, sending the shuriken flying back at the assassin, faster than it had been thrown.

Keep working. I'll handle this amateur, Sasuke said mentally

The assassin ducked under the shuriken and rolled into the room, then stood, drawing a sai, and stabbing at Sasuke. Sasuke casually caught her by the wrist and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying across the room and through the wall, knocking her unconscious.

Shortly afterwards, Roquette finished the virus. Robin and Superboy cut off the Shadows at a S.T.A.R. Labs facility and disabled the fog. The assassin, Cheshire, was arrested and sent to Belle Reve.

"Sasuke, excellent work," said Aqualad as they watched Cheshire being taken away. "A lot more would have been lost without you.

"Thanks, but learn how to take care of things yourselves," Sasuke said as a reply. "I shouldn't have to carry this team all the time."

Sasuke walked away.