"You'll never have her!"

"Oh, yes I will. And I'll make sure it will stay that way."

"Servants! Take my precious girls to the castle! Take the blond one to the dungeon. I'll take care of her."

"Yes, right away."

(6 years later)

"Star! You were supposed to wash the windows this morning!"

"But I did!"

"There is a tiny spot right there!"

"It's so...tiny."

"Is that a problem?"


"To the solitary conforment chamber with you!"

"No! Please, anything but that!"

"You complain, you get the pain!"

"I'll do anything!"



"Fine. No chamber for you. On one condition, you serve my girls for the rest of your life."

"But, I already serve you and I..."

"Ba, Ba, Ba! You complain, you get THE PAIN!"

(sigh) "It's fine, Miss Heinous."

"That's what I thought."

(5 More Years Later)

"Star! Clean the chimney at once!"

"Yes, Miss Heinous."

"I can't believe I have to clean this stupid chimney!"

"Star! Hurry up and clean the chimney!"

"I'm hurrying!"


"HAHAHA! Look! Star's covered in ashes!"

"My dear Kelly, you are right! She's covered in soot!"

"Now she's Cinderstar!"

"Cinderstar! Cinderstar!