I'm posting out of my update plans because this story is a visual aid for my public speaking class. I'm teaching them how to post a story on :).

I hope you all enjoy this, I don't feel like it's my best work, but it was a tiny idea.

Disclaimer: Pfffftttt, I own teething marks from my new cat, not Glee or the Flash

The moment Cisco started talking about high school nicknames, Barry knew this was going to be interesting.

"People use to call me Ice Queen because I didn't make friends and focused on my school work," Caitlin chuckled at the irony.

"Try Cece, because of my hair," Cisco chuckled.

It suddenly turned into a contest.

And Barry wasn't going to lose.

"In high school, the rival school students called me Meerkat."

That made his two friends stop and look towards him at the sametime.

"Why?" Was all Cisco could ask.

Barry chuckled, a hint of a smirk on his face. "I, apparently, look like a meerkat. They also called me Criminal Chipmunk and Twink."

"What type of school did you go to for creative rivals?" Caitlin asked.

"I went to a prep school that had a huge rivalry with a public school because our glee clubs were always butting heads," The speedster sighed. "It was crazy. I made friends with my old rivals a long time ago and they still call me those names, but with affection."

Then Barry shrugged. "Besides, one of my best friend's nickname is Satan, so I'm not complaining."

"I want to go to your high school if you get actually good nicknames," Cisco bit into a Red Vine.

"They probably would have called you Bigfoot or something close to you hair."

"I'm perfectly okay with being called Bigfoot!" The engineer busted out laughing. Which caused his other two friends to laugh as well.