Twenty-Fifth of December – A Pot with Stew

Eren awakes to gentle fingers playing with his hair.

Blinking into the darkness of the room, he finds Levi's warm gaze and smiles. "No knife today?" he asks.

"No," comes the answer.

Closing his eyes again, Eren snuggles closer until he can wrap his arms around Levi, and sighs.

A soft chuckle shakes against his ear. "For a Titan you're impressively fond of cuddles." Levi's voice is light, making Eren grin.

"Am I?" he challenges. "I don't hear you complaining, though."

"Hm." Levi's fingers reach for a new strand to play with, and Eren sighs once more as he estimates the time.

His eyes fly open again in surprise. "We slept through?"

Levi's lips press a kiss against the top of his head. "Seems so."

"That's nice," Eren mumbles, closing his eyes again as he lets his fingers brush over Levi's ribs in content.

Levi hums.

He wants to say more, but Levi's fingers trail further, play with his neck, and Eren forgets all about everything else.

Their movements are lazy in the quietness of the early morning as they undress each other. Levi's enticing lips are soft yet scratchy with stubbles. They find Eren's mouth with unhurried kisses, tender grazes of his tongue and feathery touches of his fingers. Levi's hands are warmed from sleep. They explore Eren's shoulders, his back, his arms, his face, his belly, his cock, until Eren is moaning and rolls them over.

Levi smiles as he looks up at him, his one hand coursing through Eren's loose hair, the other one on the small of his back and then his shoulder blades as Eren kisses his way down Levi's chest.

He wanders over Levi's nipples, ribs, and belly button, through coarse, black hair, until he finds what he is searching for. He brushes his knuckles over Levi's cock and balls before he takes him into his mouth, his tongue wrapping around the tip, and his eyes observing Levi's reactions.

His cheeks are flushed, his eyes hazy, and his mouth is wide open. Eren hums before he begins to suck. Tenderly at first and then harder and quicker, his fingers and tongue exploring, caressing, poking, massaging on his mission to coax out quiet moans and gasps, tasting salt, indulging in the heat in his mouth, and only stopping when he can tell Levi is close.

"What do you want?" Eren asks, his eyes still fixed on darkened grey ones that hold him in place. His hands roaming up and down Levi's thighs.

Pulling him up into a kiss, Levi grips him by the hips to flip them back over.

Eren laughs and reaches for the nightstand with the bottle of oil. Meanwhile Levi buries his face in Eren's neck to continue with his lips where his fingers left off earlier. Eren begins to hurry, fumbles around in the nearly empty drawer, and groans out loud when Levi begins to suck and bite at Eren's throat, his fingers wrapped around Eren's cock and squeezing, stroking, gliding, chuckling now, letting his teeth graze over Eren's pulse.

Eren gasps. "That…oh, so unfair. Don't stop!"

Levi hums, chin scratching over Eren's throat.

"Damn it, where is it!"

His fingertips find glass, finally, and then it is gone again as Levi takes it into his own hands, eases him open, presses inside of him with his skillful fingers until Eren is alight with yearning.

"There, oh fuck yes, right there!" He groans, pants, begs, and then then the fingers are gone, and Levi's mouth is finally back on his.

"Turn over," Levi mumbles against Eren's lips, his warm breath fanning over Eren's face.

Eren does. He moans when his cock is pressed against the bed sheets that feel rough against his sensitised skin. It's perfect. Frustrating. Not nearly enough. He hears Levi busying himself with the bottle, slicking himself up, and moving on the bed to reposition himself before something slippery, hot and promising is nudging against Eren's arse.

He sighs as Levi pushes inside of him, begins to fuck him with deep, slow strokes. His hands map Eren's back. Greasy and warm. Calloused and kind, making Eren shudder under their touch.

"Eren," Levi says.

Trapped against the sheets in delicious friction Eren replies with a delighted groan. His cock is rubbing over the fabric with every snap of Levi's hips. Again and again. Possessive. Precise. Rough.

"Please!" Pressing his face into his pillow, Eren digs his fingers into the sheets, and gasps, feels, listens. Skin prickling in delight, he hangs on to Levi's rhythmic breathing and the feeling of Levi pressing deeper and deeper, as all his thoughts and moans are reduced to an endless repetition of "yes, yes, yes, yes!"

When he comes, it is hot and hard, screaming his relief into the pillow as his body begins to jerk. He barely notices the hands on his waist tightening their grip with a final push when Levi finds his own release deep inside of him with a shuddering gasp.

Good, Eren thinks.

They don't move for a few moments as they wait for the afterglow to fade. Eventually, Levi slips out of him with a brush of his fingers over Eren's hips, and Eren rolls over again to kiss him with a lazy smile. He stops in his movement when he sees the look in Levi's eyes, unguarded and so full with fond devotion that it makes Eren gulp.

"Hey," he mumbles, running his fingertips over Levi's eyebrows, not allowing any worry to take over. "I'm here."

Cooling, sweaty fingers reach out to brush a strand of hair out of Eren's eyes. Eren nuzzles into their touch, kisses Levi's wrist without breaking their eye contact.

"You are," Levi says.

"Hm. I could make you breakfast to prove it to you," Eren offers with a smile while Levi's thumb traces his cheekbone and the tingling bruises on his neck which Eren still forbids to heal. "Or, you know, tickle your armpits under the shower."

"Yes." Levi smiles back and kisses him. "I'd like that."

If the shower didn't help to assure Levi on Eren's presence, today's gazette certainly does.

After fetching from the mailbox downstairs, Levi took his seat at the table, opened it with a rustle, and after a moment of stunned stillness, gave a snort.

"What?" Eren asks, looking at the black lines on brownish grey in front of him.

Levi emerges from behind the newsprint as he lowers it, eyes sparkling and a smirk playing around his mouth. He doesn't reply. Instead, he hands the gazette over, and tends to his tea with a gaze that blatantly says "see for yourself."

Frowning at the paper in his hands, Eren searches the article that could have caused the sudden amusement. When he does, his whole body freezes, and then warms in utter satisfaction.

'It's official: Hope and Strength finally united!' reads the biggest article right on page two in fat, capitalised letters.

Unable to bite back a grin, he peeks at Levi, who shrugs. Strangely fascinated and horrified at the same time, Eren reads on.

'Multiple accounts confirm the relationship between our most favourite war heroes has finally reached its long-awaited stage. Still, the latest report about this romance is one of the best. We can spread the exclusive news that Survey Corps Instructor Eren Yeager was spotted feeding honoured Captain Levi Ackerman cake in latter's café 'Sparrow' on Saturday evening. As our informant E. Mueller assures us, it was a "heartwarming sight that could have made you swoon." We congratulate the happy couple and wish them all their best, hoping that some of us will be invited to their wedding.'

What follows, is a brief, and mostly false, summary of their partnership, concluded with a list of positively disturbing assumptions of who could have made the first step and how.

In an attempt to feel the room, Eren glances up again, regarding Levi's silence. "Looks like you'll have a busy day at the café today?" he offers, refusing to blush and beam like the besotted idiot he is.

Levi snorts and reaches for a piece of toast. "Seems so."

Looking back at the offending article, Eren reads on. "This is horrible."

"It was expected," Levi corrects him.

"No, that's not what I mean." Eren shakes his head and reads out loud. "I mean this: 'Reliable sources confirm this pair has been having an eye on each other since the very first day they met. Steely resolve being met with passionate green eyes had no chance. The Captain and his Titan freed the world and now can free each other. May their life in the café which looks like their love be blessed with joy…'" Appalled, Eren tosses the paper aside. "Who writes this crap!"

Levi's eyes are cast on the window, his fingers twitching around his cup at Eren's last words before lifting it to his mouth.

"Levi?" Eren prods. Curious now.

"Hanji will be thrilled," Levi says, a bit too curt. "She loves good gossip."

"Levi," Eren presses on, trying to pinpoint where Levi's hesitance might come from, and deciding to go with his instinct. "What does that mean, the part with the café?"

Grey eyes settle on him with a defeated sigh. "Have you ever looked into a mirror?"

Irritated, Eren frowns. "Um…yes, of course."

A small, almost reluctant looking smile tugs on Levi's lips, reminding Eren of the expression Levi always assumes when someone praises how beautiful the Sparrow is. Eren has never given it much thought before, because of course the café would look beautiful. It's Levi's after all. Yet now he mentally regards the café, its tables, the floor, its warmth. The pristine china and the strong lines of the wooden furniture. The welcoming colours, the enticing atmosphere, and the copper counter that looks like the sun.

Thoughts tumbling in his head, Eren stares. While he was on his expedition, Levi was in everything he did from the moment he awoke until he went back to sleep at night. He's seen the grey of Levi's eyes everywhere too, in the stars, in the ocean, in the sky, without even knowing he was in love. How much was he in everything Levi did in return?

Flushing after all, he gapes at wary eyes, and then swallows. "This is how you see me?" he wants to ask. What comes out instead is: "But…the chairs are red!"

Stilling on his seat, Levi blinks, and smiles. "Eat your breakfast," he says, tangling his feet with Eren's under the table and reaching for a piece of toast. "You'll need it with the vultures downstairs."

Chuckling, Eren complies.

The 'vultures' turn out to be a delighted Frey, a bouncy Rita accompanied by her father, her mother, and sister, a quietly smiling Anna, and a leering Hanji alongside three curious looking soldiers.

Levi huffs a short snort and takes his time to slip into his apron, while Eren opens the door. After that, he joins Levi behind the counter, earning himself a lifted eyebrow alongside a defeated sigh, but nothing else.

Grinning with resolution, Eren reaches for the can with the coffee. They're in this together, so they'll deal with this together too. Just like they always have.

Around the early afternoon, the flood of well-wishers begins to abate, and Eren excuses himself from his new position behind Levi's counter to prepare dinner.

He's talked to Sasha about this, told her as much as he can remember, and listened to her thorough instructions over a fresh plate of cookies during one of their lunch breaks.

He's got a whole afternoon for this, but according to Sasha, it would be better with a few extra hours to rest before serving, and he gladly heeds her advice.

The ingredients he needs—rabbit, potatoes, root vegetables, and herbs—are already here. All he has to do is gather everything and wash it before adding it to the pot. As he begins with his work, images fill his head.

Gunther sitting in the corner, face lit by a candle and eyebrows drawn together in concentration over a small, knitted sock for his baby nephew. Auruo playing cards with Petra, bickering, but smiling at each other. Levi sitting next to them, drinking tea and brooding over some paperwork. Gherkins perhaps, Eren muses with a grin. Eld peeling potatoes and cutting root vegetables for his stew that everyone loved.

The images are mingling with more recent memories as well. Armin beaming with excitement before his leave to undiscovered new lands. Mikasa's smile that seems to come a bit easier these days. Connie and Sasha in their quarters, planning the next training lessons. Harold and his friends, watching Selma fly into her new freedom. Rita, pestering Eren with questions. Hanji beaming at Levi over her morning bagel. Levi in his café. Levi in the leather chair. Levi sleeping in his arms.

By the time Eren adds the final spices, it smells nearly exactly like he remembers from his first days as a real soldier. The pot is even nearly as big too. Levi and he will probably be able to feed on it for more than one evening. Good.

He pours a generous amount into a smaller pot which he brought from his office, inhales the rising steam with a smile, and closes both pots before bringing one of them into the Sparrow. He can hear Sasha's bright laugh from down the stairs, and after all her cooking help, she and Connie should have some of this as well.

Of all the places Eren has come to visit over the years, this café is one of his favourites.

He sits on his usual chair in front of his usual, small, wooden table, the window to his left, the simple, plain letters on it standing out in contrast to the light of the street lamps outside.

ɘɿoM & ɒɘT

It's nearly closing time. Yet the small café is still busy with the life of a Sunday evening in winter. People seeking comfort from the cold are eager to warm themselves up with a cup of coffee or tea in the toasty comfortness of wooden interior. Some come alone, others with friends, partners, family, before they hurry back into the snow with the tinkle of the doorbell.

Grassy scents bloom out of the cup before him. Steam wafts into the air, and dissipate in front of his eyes. Levi's choice for today is a green tea of intense colour. Summer in a cup in the middle of winter. And it is wonderfully relaxing. Promising.

The sound of approaching footsteps interrupts his reverie. A plate with a piece of fruit cake with a creamy, buttery icing put in front of him, and Eren grins up as he accepts it. "Thank you."

"Hm." Levi's expression is neutral but there's a trace of a smile in his eyes and then he is gone again to clean a table.

As he takes his first bite of sweet and juicy cake with a pleased hum, Eren hears the familiar snap of the door being locked. Then the sound of wood against glass as the sign in its window is flipped over from 'open' to 'closed'.

Leaving behind his cake for now, he stands to help. His own movements add to the quiet swooshing of tables being wiped and the creaking of chairs getting rearranged. The rattling of dishes being cleaned. The till opens with a ring as Levi counts the day's takings, while Eren refills the kettle for Levi's closing tea.

By the time Levi goes into the back to slip out of his apron and wash his hands, his cup already waits for him at their table. He sits down with a "thank you," and Eren grins at Levi's expression when he is faced with another proffered forkful of cake.

"I'll bring my own cutlery tomorrow," Levi says, taking the bite nonetheless.

"We'll see," Eren teases, expecting the small kick against his shin, and not minding one bit when it comes.

"You didn't cook stew by any chance, did you?" Levi asks when the cake is gone. His eyebrow is lifted, his smile open and unguarded.

Eren grins. "I did."

A foot nudges against Eren's legs under the table, so he untangles them to intertwine them with Levi's. "Sasha?" is all Levi asks.

"Sasha," Eren agrees. "She did a good job, I suppose. It smells nearly the same."

Levi nods. "Hm. It's been wafting down here too. Took me back."

They drink in easy silence.

Picking up a few last cake crumbs with his fingers, Eren lets his gaze wander over the empty café. Over the couple of shelves laden with tea, supplies, and a few sealed cans of coffee beans. Over the drawings that decorate the walls and the frame next to the counter that contains Jean's coal sketch of a sunset over endless water. Eren smiles as he recalls the rushing sound of the waves and the screeching of birds, the sensation of the salty wind and the sand under his naked feet. He still doesn't miss it. Not one bit.

Nonetheless he wonders where Armin is now. They haven't heard from them since they left, but he guesses they won't for a while until there's news that are worth passing on.

"I'll need my own apron," Eren insists as his eyes land on the copper counter.

"Will it make any difference if I argue with that?" Levi asks with a teasing smile. His hand rests on his tea cup, his elbow on the back of his chair, and his foot nudges against Eren in an unspoken comment, somewhere between "stubborn head," and "thank you for the help earlier."

"You know, it won't," Eren counters, grinning, and nudging back.

"Fine. I'll see what I can do," Levi offers. "Only on the weekends, though. The Trainees keep you busy enough during the week."

Eren nods in agreement. "Alright."

Finishing their tea in mutual silence, they exchange looks and smiles until, after a while, both cups are empty, washed, dried, and put back to their rightful place in the staff department.

Dinner awaits them. Eld's stew. And Levi will choose Gunpowder tea to go with it. They'll play chess in their respective favourite chairs in front of the fireplace, hold on to each other at night, and tomorrow their modest routine will start from anew.

Eren wouldn't have it any other way.

This spot on earth is his home. Theirs. Whatever surprises will await him at training next week, whatever the next year holds in place for them, this is his most favourite place.

As long as they can return to it, things will be alright.

Eren can feel it.