Charmed/Fearless Crossover. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Charmed (owned by Connie M Burge) or Fearless (owned by Francine Pascal), unfortunately. The characters I do own are the ones that haven't appeared in either of the official storylines. A/N- I have not miss spelt 'magick'- it is the correct term used to separate real magick from illusionary magic. This is set in season four.

Chapter One.

"Ah!" Piper jumped backwards, clutching her thumb after it received an electric shock

from the toaster. It was only 9am and the Friday the 13th bad luck was already rearing it's

ugly head. She squealed again when she somehow managed to knock over her mug of

coffee. She sighed in exasperation as she watched the dark liquid sink into her fuzzy

white slippers.

"Piper? You okay?" Phoebe rubbed her eyes sleepily as she entered the room, "Has Paige

come down yet?" Piper shook her head,

"I'm fine- just annoyed," Piper replied, "And no, Paige hasn't come down yet.

When she does, I wanna make sure that she stays home today... for the obvious


"Piper, since when do you worry about hiding away on... this particular date?"

Phoebe asked, tactfully avoiding saying 'Friday the 13th' since bad things seemed

to happen when it was said, "You never used to care about it this much."

"Yeah, well, I want to be extra careful, seeing as today seems to open a porthole

to a certain malevolent being who seems to have forgotten the 113 year interval

between his arrivals." Piper countered. Phoebe realised that her older sister was

referring to Barbas, the demon of fear, the demon who had already attempted to

kill them twice,

"Piper, I realise that Barbas managed to find a loophole once, but since he tried

and failed twice, there's no way he'll be allowed to try again."

"You don't know that," Piper retorted, "and as the oldest sister, it's my

responsibility to protect you and Paige from dire negative energy." Phoebe didn't

bother to respond. Piper was normally quite flexible but when it came to

protecting her sisters, Piper was extremely stubborn- quite a lot like Prue used to

be. Paige wandered into the kitchen, dressed for work and in a hurry,

"Hi fellow sisters," she chirped, "Just came to grab one of Piper's famous bagels

then I'm off for work."

"Oh no, you don't." Phoebe cautioned. Paige arched her eyebrows in surprise,

"What? Are we out of bagels?" Piper shook her head,

"No. You're staying home today."

"Excuse me?" Paige asked, startled.

"Today is the ultimate day of negative energy," Piper explained, "and recent

experience has taught us that we need to stick together."

"What?" Paige snorted, "Just because it's Fri-"

"Shtush!" Phoebe and Piper silenced their half sibling in unison. A confused look

appeared on Paige's face.

"Last time I said that on this day, a hit woman broke in and tried to kill us." Piper

explained. Phoebe nodded in confirmation.

"What has that got to do with me staying home today?" Paige asked, "I thought

you told me not to let magick affect my everyday life."

"Exactly," Phoebe replied, "Do you really want to be in the office surrounded by

mortals when today's bad luck comes to bite you in the ass?" Paige sighed in

defeat. She realised there was no point arguing with her sisters. She hung her

coat up,

"Fine, you win," she moaned, "but don't expect me to be happy if nothing

happens and I don't get paid. I do have people that need my help."

"We know sweetie," Piper reacted, "But we will have innocents to save today

whether we like it or not. You're still helping people- but by different means."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Paige grinned, "I have to go call Mr. Cowan... tell

him I'm ill or something..." Paige shrugged and left the kitchen.