She takes a deep breath before she walks through the halls of her version of hell. It's to no surprise she's greeted with the sight of him with a girl pressed against the lockers.

She blinks away the hurt and turns to her own locker, determined not to spend more time deliberating on what she can't have.

"Hobbit," A voice calls out to her. "Was that Frankenteen I saw, giving you that doped up version of a love sick smile?"

"Hello, Santana." She gives her friend one of her best show smiles, after all, no boy, however she loved him, was going to ruin her life. "My morning has been uneventful, thank you for asking."

"I know you went out with him last night." The taller girl rolls her eyes and turns to lean her back against the lockers beside her. "If you even think about getting back together with him, I will-"

She cuts off the oncoming slew of vulgar threats Santana, no doubts, has for her, which, she knows by now is usually for her sake. "I have no intentions of doing such as I have long realized our relationship would not have a future seeing he would never leave Lima for my sake. I refuse to be confined in a podunk town such as Lima, Ohio."

Santana snorts. "Or maybe, you're just waiting for a Jewish manwhore to finally take you up against the lockers."

"However tempting, Noah only has eyes for Quinn." She shuts her locker, after making sure she has all her notebooks and binders she needs for her morning classes. "As much as many girls would like that, I prefer relationships where we share-"

"Quinn is just a stuck up, little bitch. If you asked," Santana ignores her indignant huff and runs her hands through her hair. "I'm sure Puck would hand you his balls in a pretty little bag, if you asked for them."

"Yes, of course." she says dryly. "That would mean also mean why said boy is currently engaging in activities such as those with one of your cheerios."

She lifts her chin slightly towards the direction where she had seen Puck practically shoving his tongue down the sophomore's mouth.

"Whatever." Santana flicks imaginary dust of her shoulder. "You've been salivating over him since the final Finchel break up."

"I have not!" she huffs indignantly. "I merely find him attractive and underneath all that 'Puckishness', he is a remarkable person."

"Gross." Santana screws up her face just as Brittany skips over towards them.

"Sanny! Rachie!" Brittany grins up at them, all sunshine and rainbows.

The Latina's facial features quickly change into one almost like a lovesick puppy. "Hey, Britt-Britt."

"Good morning, Brittany." She greets the optimistic girl in front of her. "How was your morning?"

"Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?" Brittany asks with a smile on her face.

"You've said that before already, sweetie." Santana responds easily, completely at ease with Brittany's behaviour.

"I know, but I just wanted to make sure you two knew." Brittany links her arms through hers and Santana's, tugging them both towards their first period. "What if one of you met a shark in the ocean and no one was there to save you?"

She tunes out of the conversation and glances towards the boy she had spent the entire night thinking about.

The cheerio has her attention on the mirror taped to her locker, furiously fixing her hair.

Her heart stops momentarily as her eyes meet his hazel ones.

It's like she can't breath.

She wants to reach out to touch him but she remembers where she is and what he'd been doing, so she does what she does best and keeps her show smile in place.

He frowns but nods in return.

She lets Brittany tug her away and hopes that Brittany's endless chatter would distract her enough until class started.

Classes keep her adequately distracted but once lunch arrives, he drops into the chair beside hers.

"Had fun on your date with Finnocence last night, Berry?" His voice is all low and she can almost feel the vibration from his chest as he growls out the question.

"For your information." She tries to maintain that nonchalant look as she peels open the lid to her lunch. "It wasn't a date, but a mere outing between friends."

"Yeah, right." He snorts. "I'd totally believe it if I didn't see him leaning down for a kiss."

"I do not appreciate being mocked in such a way." She slaps at his hand as he attempts to steal her cookies. "I refused his attempts and he understood and accepted it. Not that you, of all people, have the right to ask me when you spent the entire morning with a cheerio on your arm, Noah."

"Whatever." He drops an arm to the back of her chair and takes a bite of his burger. "It's not like I care."

She tries not to show how those flippant words hurt but the look Santana sends her tells her she's not hiding it well.

"Did you do the glee assignment Mr. Schue assigned?" Kurt asks once he sits down across from her with his lunch tray. A few muttered responses come from the rest of the club. "I can't believe he is, once again, trying to win over Ms. Pillsbury by using us as to find him songs to woo her."

She really tries to focus on Kurt's words but it's close to impossible when Puck begins to wrap the ends of her hair around his finger.

"Why are you here?" She turns to the boy sprawled over her bed.

He doesn't even turn to her but keeps his attention on the game in front of him.

"Ma has been bitching up a storm and Becca's being a little brat," he says in explanation.

She lets out a little sigh. "Noah, if you have time to playing silly games, why don't you do your homework? We have a math test this Friday."

He rolls to face her. "S'okay. Some girl said she'd let me copy off her if I take her on a ride on the Puckerone express."

"Noah!" she admonishes. "That's disgusting! I can't believe you."

He chuckles and sits up. "Are you saying that because you want a ride too?"

"Are you going to study or not?" She drops her pen and ignores the lecherous grin on his face. "If not, please go home."

He groans but slumps into the chair beside her. "Fine, I'm in your hands, Ms. Berry. Although, I wouldn't mind some glasses and short-"

She cuts him off by slapping a hand over his mouth. She shrieks and snatches her hand away seconds later when he licks the palm of her hand. "You're unbelievable, Noah."