



Chapter 25: A New Dawn

" Ready to head out Kiddo?"

The raven haired teen nodded before strapping her bag on, and helping her mother put on her ninja sandals.

"All set? Let's head out.. Sarada"

Sarada opened the door for her waddling mom, and couldn't help but smile. Although her mom was pregnant, cravings were strong, mood swings happened rarely, but they happened, even after all that, her father would always find a way to make her smile.

The pair bowed to the owners of the Inn before walking outside to see a rickshaw appear right on the nick of time.

"Mrs. Sabaku?..and I take it this is your daughter, your husband sent for me to pick you two up and take you to the village gates for your departure."

Sakura's face turns red from embarrassment.

" I could just walk there.. I'm a little on the heavier side as of late" Sakura rubbed her swollen belly, a soft content smile on her lips.

" Okaasan, you know he's only going to be disappointed in you, if you walk instead of us taking the ride.."

Sakura looked at her daughter and sighed and agreed to the ride, and hopped in with the help of Sarada.

The moment the two were secure in their seats, the man turned around to the way he came and began to jog toward the gates.

Sarada looked around the scenery of Kumogakure, her smile faded as the structures did, but she was used to this by now.

Sarada looked at her mother who was also taking in the scenery.

Sarada's gaze landed on her mother's swollen belly, a shy hand came to rest on her mother's belly, catching Sakura's attention.

"When am I going to feel you kick?" Sarada asked her belly.

Sakura giggled and smiled. "Soon.."

Sarada looked at her mom's belly, which was only going to get bigger, it had only been 4 months since we left Konoha.


Naruto was shocked to say the least.

"Sasuke is alive?"

Gaara nodded, and looked at the girl who squeezed his hand.

"Karin said she will be held responsible for him.. "

Naruto held a distasteful look in his eye.

"Is she really that obsessed with Sasuke?"

Sarada was about angrily retort, until Gaara placed a calming hand on her head.

" A mother's love is very powerful.. I have no doubt of that, Do you Sarada?"

Sarada's eyes widen and slightly water, but nods in understanding.

Naruto's eyes shifted from the redhead to the raven haired girl, his grim expression changing to a more content one.

"Anything else you'd like to tell me Gaara?"

Gaara poked Sarada's cheek, who's chuckles released unshed tears, Gaara was wiping her tears away before gracing his daughter with a smile.

"We are planning to leave Konoha.."

Naruto stood up from his seat, shock finally setting in.

"B-but Gaara.. You can take refuge here- Naruto.. Sakura is pregnant, and I will not have her raise our child in the village where her screams of help, went unanswered for so long."

Naruto's eyes were first wide like plates before downcasting in shame.

"There are too many painful memories here…"

"Gaara...the council won't be too keen on letting- Sarada will return when she is ready, she is planning on being Hokage after all..Isn't that right Sarada?"

Sarada's expression was that of awe and glee.

"H-hai! Otou-san!" Gaara smiled at the term.

Naruto rounded the table, and came to stand in front of Gaara, sticking out his hand to shake, which Gaara returned firmly.

"The both of you better visit and write…"

Gaara sported a faint smile, nodding in agreement.

"We will.. You have my word."

Naruto grinned, that foxy grin that he was well known for.

"Ano, Gaara… I still have one request" Gaara raised a 'eyebrow' in question, Naruto's grin only widened further.

"Could you name your kid...Naruto?" Sarada sweatdropped, looking between her father and Naruto.

The redhead only returned his grin.

"How's your son, Gaara? Or your daughter, Sakura?"

Naruto's smile slowly dropped, as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay.. You know there is a nicer way to do that.."

The response Naruto received was laughter from the pair.

End of Flashback

The rickshaw came into a stop in front of the village exit, Shinki was the first who spotted the two, he helped his pregnant mother dismount from the rickshaw carefully, Sakura smiled and thanked Shinki as he took her bags from her.

Sakura thanked the man who owned the rickshaw, and was confused when he abandoned said rickshaw to walk toward Gaara, who paid the man, who walked away grinning like a winner.

Curious, Sakura walks toward Gaara, who was in the middle of showing their traveling papers to the village gate guards all the time keeping a conversation up with Killer Bee.

"Everything will eventually come to an end. So try to savor the moments, cuz time flies, don't it? The beauty of life is to make it last for the better. Cuz nothing lasts forever."

Sakura shook her head as she neared the trio and stopped in her place, eyes slowly widening.


Gaara was at her side in a split second, hands cupping her pink cheeks, his eyes searching hers to confirm she's okay. Sakura only bit her lower lips and smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she took Gaara's larger hand and placing it on her belly.

Gaara's eyebrows furrowed, a confused expression adorned his face, before his eyes widen, Sakura couldn't help but smile brightly at his cute innocent expression.

" I felt him kick…"

Sakura only smiled brightly, but then placed her hand on his larger one.

"You said him.. Are you hoping for a baby boy?"

Gaara grinned at his lovely glowing plump wife.

"Something like that.." He responded while stoking Sakura's swollen belly. Sarada rushed toward the two, placing her hand on her mother's belly, waiting to feel a kick, frowning when she didn't feel one.

"Aw.. I didn't get to feel-Woah!.."

Sarada's eyes sparkled in wonderment.

"Shinki-kun! Come feel!"

After the excitement died down, the family of 4 continued their trek to the next village, Sakura raised a thin pink eyebrow when Gaara took his place at the foot of the rickshaw, motioning for everyone to hop in it.

"Where to next?" he asked getting situated for the journey ahead.


Gaara stopped to turn to Sakura, confusion met her smiling face.

" Next place will be the place you will give birth.. Are you sure?"

Sakura nodded.

" My two of the greatest men, I know, come from Suna.."

Gaara couldn't help the sense of dread he felt at the mention of his old home. Sakura sensing this, place a comforting hand on his.

" Baki-san did say that Kankuro disbanded the group of who rebelled against you, I have a feeling, we will be safe.."

"And! And.. There will probably be no reason to find one of his heirs in Suna.."

Gaara's eyes darkened at the mention of the scum.

Apparently, to ensure that his bloodline will live on, Sasuke, impregnated various naive women, across the hidden villages, who thought the ninja to be the perfect gentleman.

"To Suna then… Everyone prepared?"

Three shouts of 'HAI' resound from the trio in the rickshaw.


5 Months Later




"Never, in my many years, did I ever think, I would ever be this.."

Gaara's eyes periodically went from outside the window to the bundle in his arms.

" I never thought that I would be holding a little version of your mother and I.. in my arms"

Gaara was rewarded with a small sigh, as the babe in his arms stirs slightly from his slumber, no doubt still exhausted from earlier hours no doubt.

" I hope when you're older, you appreciate what your mother has done for you, I can't imagine everything shes felt.."

He heard the babe in his arms coo, Gaara couldn't help but stare at the beautiful creation in his arms.

"I didn't have the perfect father, nor did I have the greatest upbringing.."

Gaara stared out at the city that had forsaken him so long ago.

"...but I swear to you, I will be the father...I never truly had."

Gaara stared at the sweet crimson haired baby boy in his arms, caressing his little soft cheek with the pad of his thumb, his response was the fluttering open of his little eyes, Gaara's breath got caught in his throat, at the sight, a soft smile appearing across his features.

"You have your mother's beautiful eyes.. Kami, I can't believe you are here.. Breathing the same air we breathe.."

Gaara poked the little infant's cheek for eyes only to widen at the sensation of sand coating his index finger.

Unbeknownst to Gaara, Sakura had since woken from her slumber, and was currently listening to her husband speak to their newborn. Sakura released a long groan as she stretched carefully, not wanting to pull sore muscles. Hearing this, Gaara turns himself to face his tired wife.

"Ah, Sysy is awake.." Gaara carefully walked to his wife, Sakura couldn't help but giggle softly at the touching display.

"Do you think he's hungry?" Sakura asked as Gaara carefully placed his son comfortably in her arms to feed him.

Gaara watched curiously as his son latched onto Sakura for nourishment, caressing his son's head delicately as he fed.


Sakura turned her attention to Gaara, eyes widening at the sight of sand particles floating above them in a circle.

"Gaara?..-Is that?"

"It's not me.. I think he took more than just my hair from me.."

Sakura's eyes nearly bulged out her head.

"He's only a newborn.. Isn't it too soon? How old were you when you controlled the sand?"

Gaara placed a steady hand on his still recovering wife's shoulder.

" I am unsure, but I will help him control it.. The right way.."

Sakura smiled at the solid determination in Gaara's eyes.

"But before that.. He needs a name.."

Sakura chuckled at the blush making its way across the bridge of his nose.

" I want his name to mean something to the both of us.."

Sakura smiled and pondered as Gaara continued.

"I originally thought of Midori.. But it is better suited for a girl."

Sakura nodded in agreement.

"I guess we can name our next baby, Midori.." she added while she gently patted her infant boy's back after he has had his fill of milk. She missed the expression of shock that lifted through Gaara's features before a look of content replaced it at the thought of more children.

"Hmm..Maybe Makoto?" the two pondered about the name in silence, before disagreeing on its meaning.

" Rain..and storms.."

"Hm? What was that Aka?"

Gaara looked into his wife's eyes.

"Think of environmental circumstances.. A storm brought me to Konoha, I almost lost you in a storm, our first experience was on your birthday, it was storming then too.. "

Sakura recalls the memories, smiling to herself.

" So the opposite? Hmm…" Sakura was ripped from her thoughts by Gaara's laughter.

"I can't believe it.."

Sakura raised a brow, her lips borderline smiling as she looks at her husband's look of unfathomability.

"I guess he is getting his wish then…"

"He?..What do you mean?" Sakura asked before carefully passing their son into his arms.

Gaara brought the red haired, emerald eyed boy before him.

Emerald met Jade.

" Light, sun, the clear weather we've always wanted.. The sensation to soar, or fly…"

Sakura smiled softly, already in agreement with the choice in name, by the description alone.

Gaara brought his son close to his face, the young babe reached out, touching his father's face, blissfully unaware of the situation, yet curious to the person carrying him.

"Haruto.. his name will be.. Sabaku no Haruto.."

After the man who started the chain reaction in his life.


The end.

Or is it?




Alternate Ending: Doubtless

It was finally over.

The war against false peace, was finally over.

His eyes instantly went to search for hers.

A smile broke out on her face, once their eyes locked he began to make to her, he lost eye contact from her, a foreboding feeling entered his gut as Sasuke approached her. Gaara's eyes went to Sasuke's hand which was currently grabbing Sakura's wrist.

'Nope. Don't like that ...'

Sakura turned around to see Sasuke, but his face read regret.

" Sakura.. can I speak to you, for just a moment..?" Sakura looked over at Gaara whom she had issues tracking him, but she knew well he was close.

"Sure. Is there anything I can help you with? Are you in pain?" Sasuke shook his head.

"No.. I was actually wondering, if you were still interested in me.. if so, maybe we could-I'm sorry Sasuke, but to be honest.. I moved on." Sasuke looked at the pinkette, his eyes showed slight shock.

".. I thought you would still be waiting for me.." His reply made the atmosphere around him, awkward.

" I did.. but I met someone else, who acknowledged me.. and made me feel.. not alone anymore.. I hope you can understand.."

"Who is he?" Sakura blushed, her eyes connecting with the redhead, who was having difficulty maneuvering through the crowd.

" You know him, his name is G-It doesn't matter.. Will you.." Sakura looked around, clearly uncomfortable at the aura he was emitting.

"..We can still be friends.." Sakura smiled at that.

" Of course.. we are teammates after all!" Sasuke opened his 'arms' to give Sakura a hug, whom obliged, it wasn't until she released him from the quick embrace that Sasuke forcefully grabbed her jaw, making her look deep into his eyes, one held the Rinnegan the other the Sharingan.

"Sennō Sōsa no Jutsu!" the raven haired Uchiha harshly whispered, after making the hand signs, Sakura's consciousness was fading fast.

That's when it happened.


She heard a commotion before hearing someone take a very hard hit, followed by what she assumed to be them falling to the ground, deadly silence grew over the army.

Gaara, despite his chakra being low and muscles sore and aching, the second wind he got from watching Sasuke being too close to Sakura, allowed him to sprint to them, land a well aimed punch to the side of Sasuke's face before catching Sakura in his arms.


Her eyes slowly regained color, the feeling of her under her skin was coming back.

Her ears were assaulted with excited shocked hollering, it wasn't until Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, releasing a soft moan, did the hollering turn into curious gossip.

Sakura was the first to break the kiss to confirm that this was really happening.


Emerald met with Jade.


Sakura looked around to see the entire shinobi army watched the display in shock. Her cheeks turned crimson when Gaara slid her left glove off only to slide a ring on her ring finger.

The ring was beautiful, it was a cherry blossom, the outside of the flower was gold while the inside and petals stayed a soft white/pink. The Edges of the flower were gold as well. The band was made of pure jade while the inside was gold.

Sakura's eyes watered at the engagement ring.

Gaara all the while smiled, ignoring all the eyes on them, that was until Sakura lunged at him, despite the ache in her muscles, she kissed him repeatedly, happiness overwhelming her.

Shikamaru, Temari and Kankuro cheered and everyone else followed suit, many afterward asking how long they had been seeing each other. Temari pumped her fist in the air.

" Youngest Kazekage, now first to get married!"

Temari pointed at Naruto, who's face held shock, who was then accompanied by Killer Bee.

" Got a pretty face, she a real savage
And that ring on her finger sink the Titanic
Yeah, that ring on her finger's gigantic-
When she pull off them panties, yeah that's all you
Supa wifey to the rescue when she landed in yo sheets like a speedin' bullet!"

The rapping Jinjuriki added while dancing around the couple.

Sakura laughed and buried her blushing red face in Gaara's chest, who tightened his embrace on her as Sasuke stood, glaring at the two, which they both return tenfold.

Gaara's sand instantly went to encasing Sasuke in a sand coffin. Eyes covered.

" What's the meaning of this?!" roared some fellow shinobi.

Sakura raised her arms, stopping anyone who jumped to aide Sasuke.

" He tried to brainwash me! After everything I've done for him!.. Gaara"

Gaara's smooth jade eyes glance to Sakura at the sound of his name.

" Please, put him down.. I got him.."

Gaara felt a grin itching to make it's way on his lips as he released Sasuke in front of his mate.

Sasuke couldn't even lock eyes with her, it didn't matter to her, a well aimed punch to the gut of Sasuke, and he was out like a light, Karin being the only one to run and check his well-being.

Sakura turned around, suddenly getting light headed, in seeing her eyelashes flutter, Gaara caught her in his arms, lifting her in his arms, like a bride.

" I've got you, Ojo, I've got you, you're safe now... I'm never letting you go. "

She graced him with a smile that would have made any other man weak in the knees, for Gaara, he tightened his hold on her, as darkness greeted her.

Dams: You guys can assume that they had a kick-ass wedding and Sasuke gets what he deserves, I'll leave it to you imagination of GaaSaku fans. This was the final chappie, If anyone wants to beta read through the completed chapters, believing you can give it a polish, PM me. I've had offers, but I'm unsure how to go about it.. I will be typing more stories that are more from my head then fact.


KyloRen'sgirl213, fineillsignup, jacpin2002, eve9613, Sakura-Fairy-Tail, xXAonoNYmousSPXx, axelandzid, Nazrita, JoyelleMark Klimek, leosbabygirl84, Guest (ch.17. Dec1), Dz-chan, Jeli26, Sonrisavivirmivida, Nanami (ch23. Apr21)

Everyone above, thank you so much for keeping me going, this is my first completed work, and I am happy to say that I will continue writing! If anyone would like to join me at anytime to brainstorm, please do not hesitate. I am always looking to make pen friends, especially if they are as big as a fan as I am for GaaSaku… I mean, look at my pinterest Dam LaVier, my Artworks board is infested with the best artwork I can find on them, so please, indulge yourselfs. I get a lot of ideas from pictures I find.

Special Thanks:

Jacpin2002: Your reviews were one of the highlights of updating, I laughed so hard at them, they were super great. I really really appreciate everything you said, and I'm so happy to learn that my story was able to get such a reaction from you! I've read a ton of fanfics, A TON, and I find that the ones that make me cry, smile and squeal like a schoolgirl, are the ones worth re-reading a million times. I agree tho, Kishimoto doesn't want to own up to his mistake...lmao. This final chapter is for you and all the other Gaara and Sakura fans out there. This isn't the end, PM me anytime!

Sakura-Fairy-Tail: Your reviews reminded me or me when I was first getting into the GaaSaku craze, adorable. Short and sweet and to the point!

xXAonoNYmouSPXx: Thank you for offering to beta me, PM me! Your first review was very encouraging, and I am glad I'm not the only one thinking Kishi should have made GaaSaku official, I mean, come on. HIS HAIR IS RED and HERS IS PINK! SAME EYES.. too many coincidences. Doesn't help every time I watched the series, any little screen time Gaara and Sakura had together, made my heart race, there were so many moments where I wanted Gaara or Sakura to kiss or something! I mean COME ON KISHI!

PM me, I need more Gaara and Sakura friends in my life..

Below is a sample from the next stories I'm writing. If anyone who has superior writing skills want to help formulate the story, please do not hesitate to .


Chapter story: Rated M for violence, gore, PTSD flashbacks, drama, use of drugs and more.

Everyone in Kusa no Ha High school knows the name Haruno, Sakura as the academic conqueror. The head strong senior made sure that no student was left behind academically as Head of the Student Council, Discipline Committee, organizing after-school study/cram sessions. Friendships are scarce, but Sakura was able to make two friends out of Naruto and Shikamaru. Sakura's life changes one fateful night when she stayed in school longer than planned. What happens when one day a silent crimson haired stranger comes into her classroom. "Kon'nichiwa! " "Kon'nichiwa Sabaku-sensai" The short hair blonde smiled. "Chakuseki" all the students sit. " Today, we will have a visitor, performing, you guys better behave yourselves.. introducing, ..Sabaku, Gaara, my younger brother". Gaara x Sakura.

On the Rocks

One-shot: Rated M

Sakura and Sasuke's marriage is on the rocks. His absences becoming more and more of a strain, Sakura leaves Konoha bringing Sarada on a mission with Temari and Shikadai , to go Suna in celebration of Kankuro's betrothal to Matsuri. What happens when Sakura can no longer ignore the natural chemistry between her and Gaara?

" Gaara, I've always heard it.. ever since Chiyo-sama died."

"Why didn't you say anything?" his eyes showed an emotion she didn't think she would see, betrayal.

"I..I don't know.. I've just never had the reason to..How would it sound?, you just came back from the dead and I say..'Hey Gaara, do you hear that? Can you hear my heart? I can hear yours."

"What's wrong with that?"

Sakura sighed.

"Gaara, can you honestly say you would have believed me?"

"Yes, I would hav-Really?" Fierce jade eyes lock onto her bright emerald ones.

"Yes.. because I heard it too.. the moment my heart began beating, the beating of yours assaulted my ears and it brought me.. peace."

Resilience of Time

Chapters story: Rated M

Sakura is an ordinary woman, living her life in one of the many apartment buildings in Tokyo, Japan, devoting her life to her medical degree instead of a man, content with the small handful of friends. Everyday was rinse repeat, the same. Tokyo, Japan, 2nd century. Great Rebellion of Wa was at its climax and in the middle, a crimson haired lord, sea foam green eyes staring at the enemy army before him, while the howling roar of his army stood behind him, ready to strike the shaman Queen of Yamataikoku, Himiko. Time is of the essence. GaaSaku of course!

* ANYONE INTERESTED IN BETA PM ME PLEASE. I have no idea how the beta writer process works.. I feel like such a dumbass*