Here we are, the very last chapter of Firefly. I really hope you guys are happy with how this ended, and if you are, let me know in the reviews. Happy reading!
Two Months Later
"Are you sure that you want to do this?" I ask Erin as she a blue tie around my neck, her now almost nine month pregnant belly between us as we linger for a moment together in a side hallway of Park Ridge City Hall. "There's still time to back out,"
"Hey," She replies, grabbing my hands and holding them in hers, "We said we were going to do this, so we're doing it."
"You promise you're okay with it?"
"We wouldn't be here if I wasn't." She assures me. "C'mon, they're waiting for you."
"Okay," I reply, taking a deep breath, "I love you,"
"I love you too," She responds. "Now let's go," I nod before leading her back to the main hall.
"I thought you had chickened out," Jillian jokes as we join her, Mae sitting on her hip and Henry standing patiently next to her.
"Me," I reply, trying desperately to hide my nerves, "Never,"
"Alright, let's get going, the press is getting antsy," says Charlotte, our recently hired communications liaison.
"Let's go," I say, leaning over to give my wife a kiss and grabbing the hand of my oldest, Mae gravitating towards her mother. "No turning back now,"
Election Night - November 5, 2030
"You nervous?" Hailey asks, our newest addition one year old Teddy sitting on his Aunt Lala's hip, a small baby bump protruding from her tiny frame, Kevin, her husband of two year lingering across the room. I very honestly have no idea where the nickname came from, but Henry slipped "Lala" out of his mouth before her even said "Dada" which pissed off Jay to no end and we've stuck with it ever since.
"Endlessly," I say as I glance around the suite at the Westin that we'd booked for the night, the real party, with the staff and supporters and media, happening downstairs. The Presidential election coverage is dominating all the major networks, like we knew it would be, but we have staffers checking the numbers about every two seconds. He's ahead, for now but it's going to be close.
"You know it's not going to be called for a very long time right?" She offers, switching the weight of my baby to her other side.
"I know," I tell her, "But it helps, having everyone here, it's a nice distraction."
"Well we're here to distract as long as you need us."
"Thanks Mama," I tell her with a grateful smile.
"Do you think he's going to win?" She asks, my baby getting drowsy on her shoulder.
"I hope so," I reply, "He'll be way better than the other guy,"
"Kim and I always knew that you two would end up here," She says with a laugh, "We talked about it one night in Greece after you fell asleep,"
"Really?" I ask. "I really never thought he would, he always told me he wanted nothing to do with it,"
"It's in his blood," She replies, "Give him ten years and we'll see you in the White House,"
"Oh no," I assure her with a laugh. "No, that's never happening,"
"Never say never," She responds. "Continue the dynasty, you could be Jackie Kennedy,"
"There will only ever be one Jackie Kennedy," I insist. "I am happy just being Jay's wife and Henry, Mae, and Teddy's mom and a social worker, that is enough for me."
"Well," She says, "You better get ready to be a whole lot more,"
"Hey babe," I say as I come across Erin feeding Teddy, hidden away in one of the bedrooms. "I was looking for you,"
"Sorry," She replies, craning her neck to meet my kiss, "Baby woke up and he was hungry,"
"That's okay," I assure her as I sit down next to her. "Mae and Henry are out cold, babysitters hanging out with them."
"Oh good," She says as Teddy finishes eating. "Hopefully this little boy will be out soon,"
"I got him," I say, taking my sleepy baby and tossing a burp rag over my shoulder, rubbing his back as his beautiful blue eyes begin to close, his chestnut curls flopping over his forehead.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asks me, "If you lose, are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah," I tell her honestly, "This is important to me. I want this bad, but it was never the most important thing. If I lose, I'll go back to my job at the firm, the kids can stay in Chicago, Teddy can grow up here,"
"But you won't be a Congressman,"
"No," I whisper, "and that'll be okay,"
"I love you," She tells me after we linger in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
"I love you too," I reply, Teddy now asleep in my arms. "You have given me the most beautiful life,"
"Couldn't have done it without you," She replies back as I set Teddy down in his fold up crib.
"C'mon," I tell her as I grab her hand. "Jillian has the results,"
"Why didn't you say anything?" She says in that weird whisper yell that all parents have mastered.
"I just wanted one more minute," I say, "Where we are just us."
"Chicago winters are one thing that I will not miss," Jay says as he and Will rush in from loading the suitcases into the back of our Suburban, his breath clouding in front of him. After a huge going away party last night at Will and Nat's last night, we decided to keep it small today. I took the kids over to my dad's house for breakfast this morning to say goodbye to him and his wife Linda, who though not Camille, makes my dad happy and loves Justin and I and of course wildly spoiling my kids. Though I was apprehensive to her at the beginning, I've really warmed up to her and she brought with her a son named Harrison, who has become a wonderful influence in Justin's life.
"We're going to miss you guys though," Natalie says, pulling me in for a hug, Teddy on my hip and the other two kids chasing each other through the house with Owen and Will and Natalie's six year old daughter Olivia.
"You are always welcome to come visit," I assure her, "We've got plenty of rooms for guests in Virginia." After a couple months of Jay commuting back and forth from DC for his orientation, we bit the bullet and bought a house in Langley, just a twenty minute drive to Jay's new office, thirty to my new job at the National Children's Alliance and five minutes to the kids school. It's perfect.
Some days it feels like it still hasn't sunk it. Congressman James P. Halstead. I'm a Congressional wife, we've officially breached the line into the nasty world of politics. But it feels right.
"It won't be the same," She whines.
"I know," I tell her, giving another hug to the sister-in-law who has become an invaluable part of my life. "We'll be back for summers and whenever the kids have a break,"
"Good," She tells me with a smile.
"C"mon Er," Jay says, "We've got to get going,"
"Call the kids," I tell him, Teddy falling asleep on my shoulder as he always does.
"Mae, Henry, Owen, Olivia!" Will shouts back to the children. "Owen, Olivia, say goodbye to your cousins and your aunt and uncle, they've got to get going,"
After a series of tearful goodbyes, we somehow lead the kids out into their carseats and begin the long drive to Washington, waves of nostalgia coming in hard as we drive through the little town we've called home for the last five years, pangs of heartache as I get my last glimpse of the Chicago skyline. This is the town that made me, and it hurts just a little to say goodbye.
"We're doing the right thing, right?" Jay asks me, hours later, darkness surrounding us on the roads somewhere in West Virginia, all three kids fast asleep in the back seat.
"Yeah," I assure him with a smile. "Whatever comes next, we'll deal with it together, as a family."
"Okay," He replies with a deep breath. "To whatever's next."
Another 13 Years Later
Turns out, Hailey was right. Even though it took a little longer than she thought. After three terms as a Congressman, he decided to run for the Senate. I fought him on it, but eventually, I agreed that he had to do it. To no one's surprise, he won.
As he served our country on Capitol Hill, we built a life for us in Virginia. But after six years as the junior senator from Illinois, he wanted something more. He wanted to run for President. I said no. I said no for so long. Our kids weren't grown yet, Henry was 16, Mae was 13, and Teddy only 11.
I didn't want it for them. And I really didn't want to be the First Lady. But then one day, after a very long conversation with his mom of all people, I realized that I couldn't say no anymore. So I said yes. And then two years later, in front of the world, James Patrick Halstead was sworn in as the 51st President of the United States.
"C'mon babe," I yell across the White House residence, "We've got to get going!"
"I'm coming," Erin replies, slipping into a pair of nude pumps, coordinating with her simple powder blue dress, looking as beautiful as she did the day I met her.
"Mae and Teddy are waiting outside, they're getting antsy." I tell her.
"Goodness gracious," She replies, "I birthed both of them, you'd think they would wait a minute."
"Baby they're 13 and 15, they aren't waiting for anyone," I assure her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I lead her through the double doors.
"Falcon and Firefly are on the move," I hear quietly behind me as we walk down the hallway to meet our two youngest children, a smile creeping onto my lips as I remember the meaning behind that name. My firefly.
"Finally!" Mae shouts out, looking perfectly put together in a emerald green frock, bringing out the color of her eyes, just like her mother. Teddy, of course, is futzing with his tie that I had to fight him on wearing. I may be the leader of the free world, but that does not mean my kids listen to me.
"We are so going to be late," Teddy complains as we step into the elevators.
"Relax babies," Erin reprimands, "We'll be fine," We make our way out of the White House, passing by and waving to a multitude of staff, and finally settling into the affectionately nicknamed Beast, a monster of an SUV, starting the drive down to Potomac into McLean, to watch Henry graduate.
This day has been a long time coming and I really can't believe that we've made it here. All of this, my entire life, it was all because one night, at a fundraiser that I didn't want to go to, I locked eyes with a girl in a pink dress. That girl gave me a purpose, made me a husband and a father. That girl gave me the world.
Alright everybody! That's a wrap on Firefly! 16 months, 37 chapters, and nearly 500 reviews later, here we are. I hope you all liked how Erin and Jay's story in this world ended and I would like to thank everyone who has even clicked on this story and taken a step into this world. It's been a joy and I've loved writing this story. So one last time -