Ok so everyone please answer : Are you still interested in the story ? Do you still want me to update it? I kind of gave up on it to be honest, until I got a guest review that was still waiting for the story to be updated and IDK I just want to know what you guys think. So if you can then please leave a review!

Also WARNING! There's a lot of swearing going on!

~Buttercup's P.O.V~

"Oh my god we're finally done!" I say while stretching my arm lazily.

It's been around an hour and half or so; when we were finally given permission to exit the freaking auditorium.

I swear the principal's speech was getting longer each year! And it doesn't help that Blossom kept interrupting my nap and stabbing my side so I would pay attention.

"Jeez, I forgot how sitting for two hours straight could hurt my butt" I hear Bunny complain from beside me while rubbing her back and I can't help but snicker at her.

"come on guys it wasn't that bad!" our pink leader starts and we just roll our eyes at her, "You may find it annoying and all, but the new freshmen really need it to navigate through their first year, plus a little cheer up is never unwelcomed!" she nods in satisfaction, and I was about to open my mouth but Bell beats me at it.

"I disagree with that. The speech is unnecessarily long and a waste of educational time that could have been used to start the lessons instead. A simple instruction paper or e-mail sent to the new students should have been more than enough to both help them and not waste other's time." She simply finishes in her flat tone before opening her locker and grabbing a book.

Me and Bunny explode in a fit of laughers as leader girl stare at Bell dumbfounded, I don't agree with her on the whole educational thing but I don't say anything cuz' the current expression gracing the redhead's face is more than worth it! The only thing that pisses Bloss more than bad behavior and grammar mistakes is probably being told she is wrong about something, (even if it was just implied this time).

Blossom clears her throat uncomfortably and tries to hide her blush as she speaks, "A-ah I suppose you're right, I-I haven't considered it."

The lack of interest in Bell's voice as she simply lets out an approving "hmm" sent me laughing again. Honestly Bell's antics never cease to both amuse me and freak me out at the same time, the girl's lack of basic social skills is always replaced by logical facts, and in the rare moments she decides to speak; well she blurt whatever comes to her mind, some people confuse this for sarcasm or arrogance but we know Bell better than assuming that. I admire this about her actually, I mean I like an honest person, like I'd rather have you bring it out straight to my damn face than faking to be all nice and just stab me in the back or whatever ;like a certain blond friend of mine.

"Let's hurry up to homeroom guys, I want to catch up with Robin before the teacher comes in!" Bunny started before picking her pace toward our classroom.

"It's kind of funny how we all ended up in the same homeroom for like three years in a row, right?" I asked while putting my hands behind my head.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones" I hear Bloss say in an annoyed voice.

I stop in my track and turn around to see what caught my two friends' attention. I growl and roll my eyes in frustration, "ugh I'm not in the mood to deal with her right now".

I hoped that she would just ignore us or something, but instead said girl just walk straight to our group, her two sidekicks imitating her steps perfectly, her heels clacking through the hall as her curly pigtails bounce with each move. She stops right in front of us and take off her black sunglasses (seriously who wears fucking sunglasses indoor?!) she flips her head slightly and gives us a disgusted look.

"Why look who's here, the losers' quad!" she snored and her two 'friends' laugh with her. "Nerdy Blossy, Buttface, little ghosty oh and is that brace face I see there!" she asks sweetly as she point to the classroom door where Bunny was standing, "yep, the ugly crew's all here! Oh and we're in the same class again, great." She deadpan and her friends continue to laugh.

I grit my teeth and step in front her, my eyes narrowed and my fists clenched as I say, "oh please Morebucks, don't act like you're the only one annoyed to be stuck with a dumbass of a classmate" I spat at her and she lower her face dangerously.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the queen bee of the school and the number one bitch in the entire town, Princess Morebucks. A spoiled attention-seeker who thinks the world turns around her. Her dad is loaded so she can get away with anything with just a call to daddy, everyone shows him respect and fear even though they know he's involved with dangerous gangs and done pretty dirty stuff: drug deals, murders, illegal businesses and the list go on, but despite all that he still keeps a somewhat clean facade.

The most annoying thing about daddy's little monster is that she's friend, no BFFs, with Bubbles because their fathers' are friends, and Bubbles is supposed to hang around people from higher class and privilege AKA Princess and her crew of sidekicks whose favorite activity is to mess with people's life, specifically ours; ever since middle school.

"Watch your damn tone, Burns. One phone call and you bitches will be thrown out of town." She threatened but we knew she couldn't do anything, not with the Sinclair family having our back (even if it's not all the time; but yeah they do help when Bubble interfere, and honestly, I think that if it wasn't for them then Princess would have seriously kicked us out waaay back considering were probably the only ones who have the guts to fight back).

"What the fuck did you just call us?" I was ready to lunch right at her, first day or last day I wasn't going to shut my mouth and let her humiliate us anymore.

I feel a gentle hand squeezing my shoulder and I know it's Blossom trying to calm me down and tell me that it's not worth it.

Princess gives me a smug look and shrug, "yeah, I said that you're all bitches, what are you gonna do about it, bitch" that's it she's challenging me and I never, you hear me never back out from a challenge let alone a fight.

"Oh I'll show y…" I started but was interrupted by Blossom shoving me behind her and facing Morebucks instead. She gives me a stern scolding look before shifting her gaze to the other girl. I'm also pretty sure I have the biggest wtf look on my face right now, because what the hell Blossom didn't get into fights, it's bad for her perfect record or whatever, I mean sure she would get her hands dirty for her friends and family or if she's really angry but she's more of the peace maker than a fighter, so what on earth was she planning to do because if she was going to apologize or some shit then I swear…

"Hmm, excuse me Princess but, you say it like it's a bad thing." Our leader fakes a confused look and the brunette is taken back slightly before narrowing her eyes again.

"Duh, like of course it is." She rolls her eyes and I shoot Bloss a questioning look, hoping to understand what the hell was she doing right now.

"Are you sure?" she casts a look at Bell who was standing right behind her, "Bell what's the definition of the word bitch?"

"Bitch: noun; which refers to the female of the dog, a creature that is considered human's best friend due to its loyalty and many admirable qualities. It also gives birth to little cute puppies." The white-haired girl finished her explanation with a small smile before adding, "I love puppies!" in a hushed tone.

"Ah, I see being smart. As expected from Bloss." I snort slightly while enjoying Princess's troubled expression.

"Everyone loves puppies, right?" the pinkette asks in a mocking tone, daring the girl to say anything. "Don't you princess? I mean you have a puppy of your own too."

"I-I…" she opened her mouth and closed it unable to respond, and her friends seemed as lost as her, looking at their leader and waiting for her response. "Ugh, whatever! You guys are just weird nerdy asses!" she stormed away, her face as red as a tomato and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Nice!" I manage to say between my laughs and high-five a proud smirking Blossom.

"Serves her right", she huffs then cast me a glare, "though you acted rather recklessly, if I hadn't stepped in; then you'd be probably on your way to the principal right now!"

"Hey it's not my fault! She started it and you know it!" I throw my arms trying to defend myself.

"Yes but the principal don't and we both know he doesn't care either." Blossom sighs and massages her temples as I cross my arms in frustration knowing damn well that she's right.

The principal will most likely side with Morebucks like he always does, the man is a pussycat and as soon as the word 'daddy' slips from that brat's mouth he will be right at her feet; ready for whatever her majesty wanted him to do.

"Damn! I wished we had that recorded though." I whisper mainly to myself but I'm surprised to find Bunny smiling at me.

"Already taken care of ~hehehe" she giggles happily while waving her phone at me, I grab it and smirk when I see that it's playing footage of what just happened.

"Bun, I love you." I declare while messing her hair and she gives me the biggest grin she can master.

"Alright let's go girls." The voice of Blossom brings us back to reality and we start heading to the class again.

"hey Bloss, why don't we invite Princess to the next Power Puff girls show?" my eyes glint with mischievousness as many ideas cross my mind, I got even more hyped when leader girl doesn't refuse my suggestion and instead says she'll think about it.

I spot my favorite seat at the very back of the class; right beside the window, and I do a quick happy dance in my head as I strode to it. Blossom takes her usual place in the front desk, while Bunny drops her bag at a random empty seat before hoping excitedly toward Robin and dragging Bell with her. I catch Princess sitting on Bubbles' desk , complaining about something and from the amused expression on the blonde's face (who was struggling to contain her giggling) I can safely assume she's telling her about the little 'encounter' she had with us.

"Yo BC, how's it goin'!" I shift my attention to the owner of the voice, only to be met with my best friend's (well my male best friend) cocky grin.

"Hey Mitch." I grin and we fist bump.

He sits in the seat next to me and we engage in our own conversation. Soon enough our teacher came in demanding that we pay attention to her.

"Good morning students!" she greets us with her usually cheery voice and we all greet back in union like a bunch of elementary student. The woman seems to enjoy it though as her smile gets bigger, "my, you all bring me memories from when you were just small freshmen, and look at you now, all grown up!" she sighs in admiration before clearing her throat.

"Most of you already know me; but for those who don't: I'm Ms. Kean your English teacher but I also happen to be your homeroom teacher this year!" she claps her hands in joy and some of the class cheer at her.

I can't help but be happy as well, Ms. Kean was an awesome teacher! Sure she was a bit mushy and sentimental sometimes, but she's also super cool and understanding, she can be a strong headed badass when she wants too (and that's one of the reason why I admire her so much!)

I only had her as my teacher in freshmen year and I envied Bunny and Blossom when they had classes with her last year, but seeing she was my English AND homeroom teacher this time really made me excited!

After taking attendance and making some announcements, Ms. Kean said we're free to go to our respective classes as the bell will ring soon.

I grabbed my things along with everyone else and said goodbye to my friends before departing to my first class, I groan in annoyance as I cast a glance to the sheet of paper in my hand, "great Math class! Is there any better way to start the day" I remark sarcastically while taking my sweet time in getting to class. Really, there's nothing worth rushing for right now.

Not super proud with how this turned out, but anyways I guess if I continue this fic then next time the professor and maybe the RRB will be introduced.