Neil stared blankly at the pile of broken mug pieces on the floor, the councelors taking priority over Max's hand instantly of discarding of tje potential hazard.

He wasn't complaining, though.

The pile was all pushed together anyways, so he could easily just step over it or walk around it. That wasn't what was bothering him, however. The blood was still there. Max's blood.

They couldn't do anything to clean it up, because, well, it was on dirt, meaning that they couldn't really just scrub it off.

Max was in one of the councelor cabins, leaving the tent oddly quiet. Usually after lights out, they would talk about their feelings, and sometimes very dark shit. It was standard protocol for them. However, because Gwen, David and Max had gotten back much later than anticipated last night, Neil was long asleep and wasn't awake for Max's return.

He wondered what would've happened if he had been awake.

Max would most likely of dragged his feet to his cot, sat in silence for a while, and then cry himself to sleep. He wondered whether Max had tried waking him up, in a desperate effort to vent without worrying about his 'reputation'.

He would never know.

He wasn't sure whether Max trusting him was a blessing or a curse. He was there for Max when he needed to cry, but was also plagued with having to keep this disgusting event a secret. The boy was jaded enough as it is, so watching his friend go even more downhill mentally wasn't very assuring.

Max was probably asleep now, in the comfy, way-too-big-for-him bed. It was about time that he got a decent night's sleep.

Huffing, Neil fidgeted slightly to get comfortable, pulling the blanket over him, taking one last look at the fire before closing his eyes.

Wait what.

The brunet shot up in his cot, the orange haze barely visible through the material of the tent. The smell was only just starting to grow, so no one had probably realised yet. Quickly, but carefully, he shuffled to the tent's opening, poking his head out into the open.

Someone had lit the bonfire.

"What the…?" He squinted into the darkness, trying to see anyone that could be held responsible. Aside from the small, but growing fire, everywhere was pitch black. And kinda cold.

He shivered, tempted to go over to the fire and warm up, but he knew better than that. He watched it, stepping forwards cautiously. He knew it was a trap, or a prank. Maybe Nurf had thought it would be funny? Maybe Quartermaster was summoning the devil? He didn't know.

He should get the councelors.

Still slightly confused, he spun on his heel, turning in the direction of the cabins, but stopped abruptly.

The pointed end of the candy cane threatened to pierce his chest as he locked eyes with the intruder. Snake stared up at him with narrowed brows. "Don't move."

Wood Scout raid number two.

Neil then remembered what had happened to Max that one time involving Snake. He nodded and didn't move, eyes darting about curiously. "Why are you here?" He hissed, making sure to keep his voice down. "Why don't you blow up the camp like last time?"

"We needed you out of your tent." He glanced at the fire. "If anyone else comes out then we'll start with the bombs."

"Oh." Neil muttered. He then paused. "Wait, why do you need me out my tent?"

Snake seemed to tense up slightly. "We want the bear."

"Again? W-Why?"

"Pikeman says he needs it." His eye shifted to look at the tent. "Where's the bear, Neil? Cuz when I checked it wasn't in there."

"I don't know." He did know. He'd watched Max carry it into the cabin with him earlier on. "Just fuck off."

"No. Pikeman wants that bear." The candy cane was jabbed at his chest harshly. "His orders."

Neil rolled his eyes. "What's he going to do with a stuffed bear–?"

"Good job, Snake." Suddenly the redhead approached them, casting Neil a smug glance. He was in his standard WoodScout uniform, but the sleeves were rolled up messily. His hands looks wet, but the was probably because of the bottles of water he was holding. "I couldn't find the bear."

Snake narrowed his brows in confusion. "Is that good?"

"No." He stated bluntly and brushed past the two, emptying the water onto the fire as it began to die down. "But that doesn't matter. We can go now."

The shorter WoodScout looked back and forth between him and Neil. "What about–"

"He won't say anything." Edward's tone tone was surprising serious. "Will you?"

Neil shook his head. "No? All you did was light a fire, talk a load of shit, and then put it out? There's nothing to say."

The redhead smirked and patted his shoulder. "Good." He then clicked his fingers and laughed boldly. "C'mon, Snake! Petrol will be waiting for us in the boat!"

Snake nodded. "Yes, Sir." He watched as Edward marched off, before looking back up at Neil. "Nice talkin' to ya, Neil. See ya."

Edward had lied.

He had found the bear.

He'd found the bear and used it in the worst way possible.

It was duct taped by its arms and legs to the door of the mess hall, legs spread apart so he could spray paint a dick between them, pointing at the bear's crotch.

The Quartermaster had found the crude display doing his morning rounds of making sure no camper had ran off into the forest.

Everyone stood at stared it, some laughing and some utterly confused.

No one knew really what to make of it.

David had taken one look at it and nearly thrown up, forcing himself to look away.

"Hey, Max!" Nurf barked snarkily as he watched the final camper walked over, Gwen following close behind, pointing at the stuffed bear. "I didn't know your bear was a fag!"

Max's brows narrowed in confusion as he cocked his head, looking up at the door. His eyes widened as his breath became laboured. "Wh-Who the fuck…? Who did that?" He tried to keep his composure but he could feel everyone staring at him intensely.

"It's pretty fucking funny." Nurf commented, snorting. "Classy."

Max shook his head. "It's my fucking bear-!" He was panicking now. "W-Why would someone– why would someone do that…?!"

Gwen was quick to squat down and keep him upright so he didn't fall over, his body starting to tremble. "Hey, hey, Max, calm down-" She stared at David desperately. "Fucking take it down, then!"

David sucked in a deep breath as he nodded, frantically peeling off the tape and letting the bear fall to the ground at his feet. He stared at it for a moment, trying to distract himself, until Nikki spoke up loudly.

"Oh! Writing!" She grinned. "Max is a sl…" She trailed off, before letting out a snort of laughter, grinning at her friend. "Haha! That's you!"

Everyone's eyes flickered the words hidden underneath the bear.

MAX IS A SLUT was written in black marker for all the campers to see.

"Which one of you shitheads did this?!" Gwen snapped, still holding Max steady.

Nurf was still laughing, but was harshly punched in the arm by Ered, her usually 'cool' expression thrown out the window as she looked genuinely… uncomfortable.

Neil raised his hand slowly. "T-The Wood Scouts were here last night." He cast a glance down at Mr HoneyNuts. "They were looking for the bear. Pikeman wanted it for something."

Gwen felt Max go limp in her arms, the boy having passed out instantly. "Why the fuck didn't you tell anyone?"

"H-He said he couldn't find it!" Neil stammered, not liking the councelor's tone. "They must've came back once I was asleep again–"

"I'm gonna kill that fucking kid." She muttered sinisterly. Carefully she adjusted Max so he was latched onto her and stood up, carrying him close to her chest protectively. "This is shitty, kids. Even if you think it's funny, it's not. It's fucking teddy bear and a sick, vile joke. If I catch any of you campers giving Max shit for this then you'll be on cleaning duty for as long as I want."

David shifted his eyes anxiously between Gwen and the campers, coughing lightly into his fist. "Gwen, uh, Gwen is correct. Don't bring this up. It isn't good–"

"Are you actually gonna kill Pikeman?" Nikki chirped, clearly not really understanding the severity of the situation. She was one of the younger kids, however, so she couldn't be blamed.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Maybe."

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