Gwen peered over her shoulder to the backseats of the 'Camp Mobile', lips pursed into a small smile as her gaze rested on the ten year old curled up awkwardly against the window. Max was knocked out cold as he snored softly, lips parted as a thin line of drool poked out from the corner of his mouth.

Quietly she turned to face driver; David's optimistic expression focused on the highway. "How much longer, again?"

"About thirty minutes!" He chimed, beaming brightly despite their dark and cold surroundings. Gwen nodded and looked back at her phone which rested on her lap, before taking it in her hands and taping onto one of her pointless games she kept for boring times like this.

A few minutes past before the brunette looked up from her phone and over to David, left brow raised in confusion. The car was slowing down. "David, what are y—" Before she could ask, however, the redhead had already rolled down his window and stuck out his head.

"Hello there, friend! Where are you headed?"


"Yeah, hop right in! Don't mind Max in the back, he won't bother you!"

"Don't worry! Y-You sit in the passenger's seat!" Gwen stammered as she began to unlock her seatbelt in somewhat of a hurry. She hesitated as the stranger ignored her and slid into the backseat, making sure the leave the middle seat clear for personal space. Uncomfortably she readjusted he seatbelt and sat up more straight, eyeing the new person out the corner of her eye.

The man appeared to be in his late thirties/mid fourties. He was quite tall with broad shoulders and a generally lanky form, with a grey hoodie and navy denim jeans. His voice was low and stuttery, sending Gwen red flags as David began to drive again. Deciding that she could just be jumping to conclusions, she forced herself into David and the man's small talk.

The man's name was Craig.

Occasionally Max would stir in his sleep, alerting the attention of Gwen as she stared at him through the rear view mirror, making sure that the older guy wasn't disturbing him.

"Ugh…" David uttered to himself, squinting at a passing sign that directed to a service station mile or so away. Sighing, he apologized to the hitchhiker. "Is it alright if we stop for some gas? Silly me forgot to fill it up later time!"

"No problem. I need to take a leak anyways." Craig chuckled lightly, smiling in a way that made Gwen want to gag. She was growing more and more tired, hoping to get some peace and quiet when they made the upcoming stop. It wasn't long before her silent prayers were answered and they pulled in the the station, Craig exiting the car quietly and walking into the shop, before David jumped out the car and slammed the door a bit to loudly, waking Max up with an irritated groan.

The short boy rubbed his eyes, adjusting his position more comfortably. "Ugh! Wh… Are we still in the fucking car…?"


"I swear we should be back by now…" He yawned and stretched his arms above his head in an effort to wake himself up more. "I could really do with a redbull." This earned him a snort from his superior.

"You can't live off of junk, Max. You'll get chubby."

Max lifted up his hoodie and shirt, showing Gwen his stomach. "Does this look chubby to you?"


"Whatever, I need a piss." And with that he shuffled out the car and hurried inside, clearly not realising how cold it was.



Quickly her head snapped up as David tapped his knuckles sharply on the window, signaling to Gwen if she wanted anything from the shop. After being instructed to grab some redbulls and Hershey's bars, the cheerful man made his way calmly into the shop, just ask Gwen felt herself go into a much needed sleep.