She looked at her…companions in curiosity. She knew they all had a different past only to have the same exact future. Survival. She still sat outside of the vehicle but there were new occupants in the back with her. The girl, Cassandra, went inside. A boy named Mack and the girl that was already back here with herself and 10k, she learned, was named Addy. Looking between Addy and Mack, she also learned that those two were quite the team together. Despite being romantically intimate, they truly adore each other. She never looked away from staring into space across from her, watching the buildings try to seemingly blur from how fast the vehicle was moving. She could hear their words as they conversed inside but decided to tune them out and listen. There were so many z's within the vicinity. But there were also some straggling humans alive. But from the way they're hearts were slowing down, they were currently being attacked and on the verge of being a z themselves.

"Philadelphia. Ah, the city of brotherly love." She heard the man with the weird scent speak. Her eyes fixated on what he was watching and she tilted her head, before disappearing out of their sights with her speed. She descended on the two z's as they were distracted by their hunger and without hesitation, used her chain and lassoed one z in her grasp and flung it away towards another building. The speed of her throw causing the reanimated body to explode. She caught the other by the back of its neck and twisted her wrist. The head snapping off and rolling away. The human was still alive but he was already at death's door. She knew the vehicle has stopped once they noticed that she was gone and looked back for her. She felt sorry that she couldn't have saved him from his fate. He was in clear pain but he was trying to speak. He had seconds left of his old life until he came back for his new one. She got down to her knees and grabbed his raised hand.

"P-ple – pl," She looked over his opened torso and moved forward, completely hovering his body so her face aligned with his. Leaning forward, her mouth was moving silently with a small prayer, not that he could see it, and she kissed him. His eyes widening at her move. He seemed to calm down some for someone that has his body chewed up and opened. But he felt…at peace. She could feel it. She wanted to be the reason he could move on from the world with peace at mind. She felt him kiss back for a couple of seconds before he finally slumped down to the ground. Dead. She pulled back and straddled his unmoving hips, waiting for him to wake up so she could deliver the final blow. Pulling out a sharp dagger, she watched his eyes open. They were no longer blue. They were silver white and he struggled to raise up. With an aimed short distance she threw the dagger and watched it bury in his skull. She gingerly reached out and pulled the knife from his skull, giving him one last kiss on the forehead. When she pulled back, she licked her lips clean from his blood, watching his body drop down to the ground. She stood and walked to the truck, cleaning off her dagger on her pants. She looked at the words she engraved on the handle. In neat cursive writing, she wrote Mercy and Peace. It was her first man made weapon and she didn't want to part with it. She knew what she could use. Variety of guns, knives, blades, swords, etc. She knew what her limits were. She's collected weapons over the course of her days, killing and salvaging things that she knew that were still useful. Everything except for food…Her diet wasn't any different than the z's but her consumption of a different food source made her differ. Her choice of lifestyle was taken away from her. But she was not about to let that happen to these people if she could help it. She was entirely different from everyone. And she did not mind that.

"Hey!" She looked over at the vehicle at the bearded man named Murphy and narrowed her eyes at him before, jumping off of the ground and landing by 10k as he looked around her. She tilted her head a fraction. He surely couldn't be worried for her?

The drove for a couple moments more when the driver, Warren, slowed down some, looking across the street in astonishment.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"No way…" Mack said in disbelief. Doc stood up to see what was happening.

"Wow." Warren said.

"Is that really the Liberty Bell?" Mack asked. She stood along with 10k and looked at historic piece and let herself smile at seeing something valuable and still in piece that is until her eyes narrowed in on the graffiti written on it.

"3 years in a zombie apocalypse, you think you've seen everything." Doc said as he looked around the bell.

"Well when everything went bad, they probably tried to save a little history." Warren concluded as she looked for the gas chamber.

"Well they should've known the only thing you can save is yourself, let's go!" Murphy said impatiently.

"Hang on!" Warren snapped back, checking inside the tank to see if there was still fuel. "This thing still has fuel and it does." She pulled her contraption back and wrapped it. "If we get this thing started, they won't have to ride out in the open like that." She nodded towards the truck as she spoke to Charles.

"Well, I'm all for that." Doc said as he leaned on the truck to get a look at the bell.

"I'll grab the jumper cable." Mack volunteered.

She watched everyone move but her eyes narrowed into slits when she detected movement inside of the vehicle. And there was no heartbeat. Most did look at Doc as he started speaking.

"God bless the human race." He pushed away from the truck. "99 percent of them dead but there's still one jackass alive with a spray can." He nodded towards the graffiti with a shake of his head. She had to agree with him. Even when trying to help, humans could not help themselves when it came to their old urges. Warren opened the door and jumped back as a z rushed to leave the door. She was about to jump to kill the z when 10k acted before she did.

"1,075." He counted. Warren saluted a thank you and put away her gun. Putting her own dagger away, she eyed 10k silently. He was really resourceful. A slingshot and only using paperclips to take out z's was a really good strategy for when you don't have weapons.

She watched out for potential threats as they got the truck started up and wound up sitting inside in the back by herself. 10 tried to coax to switch with her but to her she was fine here.

"You know you can try to miss some of them instead." Charles told Warren as they passed the z's on the road. Doc's group following close behind.

"Why? One less zombie to kill." She stated.

"And leave them for psycho boy two thousand." Murphy interjected.

"Ten thousand." Warren and Charles said in unison.

"Ten thousand? Ha. It's good to know that kids today still have some goals." He grunted.

Cassandra couldn't help but ask as she moved forward in her seat. "We're not really going all the way to California with this Murphy guy are we?"

"That's the plan." Doc said.

"That's crazy." She insisted. "What's so special about him anyways?"

"His blood." Was her answer.

Back to the white truck, Murphy downed the contents of the bottled water. Charles eyed him and wanted to sigh.

"Hey take it easy there, that's the last of your water."

"Actually, that's the last of her water," He pointed at Warren before picking up his own empty bottle. "mine's right here."

Warren's head snapped to Murphy and she glared. "Give me that!" She snatched the bottle from his hold, making sure to keep her eye on the road. "Just because we got to get you to California alive doesn't mean I can't kick your ass between here and there." She snapped.

"Look out!" Charles screamed as he saw an oncoming car swerving their way. A z on the hood trying to get in between the broken windshield. The small car swerved right as they swerved left. The small car hitting another and taking out the passenger door.

"God!" Doc shouted, a grin flying across his face.

She stood as she heard the car blares and looked at the small car. She could see Warren fight for the control of the vehicle up from. While everyone was watching the scene, she leapt and landed directly in front of the moving car, stopping it with one hand on the hood. She reached out and grabbed the z by the ankle, yanking it roughly towards her. With a twist of her arm, she slammed the z into the pavement, watching it explode partially. Blood and dead skin flew around for a moment but it was not her concern as she looked at the human that was giving her an untrusting stare. He seemed to be well enough if he survived this long. Giving him no type of greeting, she disappeared. Leaving to find the group.

She saw the bell, tumbling away but it was actually helping them. It killed whatever zombie got in its way.

"Man! I'd pay money to see that again." She heard Doc laugh. She shook her head but a tiny smile couldn't help but cross her lips.