The Saviour

Chapter 10 - A Fresh Start

Another Chapter of The Saviour! I think the story might just be coming to an end soon, it's been a really good run and I hope that maybe it will last at least a couple more chapters! I'm also very much thinking of, after this, creating a prequel about one of their lives before they met each other, or both in one! Tell me how you think the story is going and if you think that maybe it's time to wrap it up and start a new story or continue until I am completely out of ideas? Thanks for reading :)

Dr Ziegler sipped her tea, snuggled up on the sofa in front of the TV. Since Overwatch had been disbanded, her life had become a lot less stressful. Tending to her research felt less like homework and more like a hobby again, having a girl's night out with friends was a typical thing now and life seemed a lot easier. Due to her medical research not being a job, she had taken the opportunity to take a different sort of job, a very different sort job. Realising the time, she finished her tea and stood up, quickly turning off the news and venturing towards the kitchen to put the dirty mug on the side. Being back at home had definitely improved her lifestyle, she had never taken long breaks from work to return to her house but it seemed that it may have been better to do so.

Swiftly, she unlocked the door with her key card and turned the handle, wandering into the cold February morning. She took one look behind her and with that closed the door and once again, slid the key card through the slot and the house was locked once again. Her journey to her job at this time was never a hassle, the early hour of seven o'clock seemed to be void of cars oddly enough.

Angela pushed the door open and didn't bat an eyelid at the sign that had once impressed her. "Kofi Aromo" it read the logo seemingly the head of a lion above a coffee mug.

"Hiya Angela." One of her co-workers welcomed her to work.

"Morning, Alice." Came the happy reply as she grabbed an apron from behind the counter and quickly hung her coat on the rack in the backroom.

While waiting behind the desk for new customers, she watched on at the current ones enjoying their morning beverages and food. In particular, she focused on this one couple. A cyborg and a woman. The cyborg definitely had a green and silver design, but in general, it looked nothing like the one she had compared it to. It seemed funny to watch the woman tease her partner that he could not eat. "Want a taste? Oh, wait... Guess I'll enjoy this doughnut by myself then, eh?" She teased, the omnic laughed and placed a robotic hand on hers. Angela sighed.

"Uh, hello?" A man stood waving at her, she had completely lost track of what she was doing and immediately went red.

"Hi! Sorry, what's up? I mean. Need something. Order wise. That... sort of thing." The words flooded out. All these years of looking after patients and suddenly she couldn't even take some guy's order.

"I'd just like a latte and this ham and cheese panini." He shrugged, slightly confused at why the woman that stood before him failed to understand the role of her own job.

"Right on it," Angela replied, quickly acting upon the order as if to make up for lost time.


"Genji if you really want to return to Switzerland, you're going to need a job to be able to afford to get there," Zenyatta informed Genji, his student lying on their bed. "I do not want you to stay here and be unhappy."

"It's not that. How long would it take to save up for a flight to Switzerland? And what currency would I use?" Genji pondered aloud, hoping his questions could be answered.

"You could find that all out online, the humans own computers and other devices to help you," Zenyatta replied, turning away and looking out from the temple doorway. Genji finally moved his head towards the omnic and then back again. He jumped up and knelt in front of his master.

"Master, I think it is best that I start my journey home. I'll go back the way that I remember. It will take a long time but I think I'll start my journey back." Genji smiled under his visor.

Zenyatta looked down at his student, who had come so far from when they first met. Genji was taught everything Zenyatta knew. In fact, during their final lesson, Zenyatta had told him that it was everything he knew about omnics, how to accept yourself for who you are and enlightened him with opinions, facts and wonderful speeches that he just would not forget. "Be safe, my student. You have been a pleasure to teach. I have enjoyed your company over these years. You know where to find me, I shall not be going anywhere, anytime soon." Zenyatta and Genji travelled to the edge of Nepal, where he could scale the mountain and start his journey back to his Angel. He finally had a reason to go back, they both did.


'Hmm...' Angela looked at the swiss cheese on the shelf and a very common idea popped into her head. 'Fondue.' She smirked and grabbed cheese, bread, wine, garlic. The meal made her grin a huge grin as she excitedly hurried towards the self-service checkouts and paid for her ingredients that would later construct one of her favourite meals, along with some swiss chocolates of course.

Upon exiting the shop, she carried her bags to her car and loaded them on to the back seats, then got into the front and drove back home after a long shift of work.

Mercy sat herself down, patiently waiting for her usual dinner time to roll around so she could cook herself a well-deserved meal. Life had been like this for a couple of years now and it was getting lonelier, to say the least. If there were one thing to say that she missed about Overwatch, it was her friends and family as she would call them. Out of habit when thinking about Overwatch, she turned to the right where on top of her bookshelf stood a framed picture of her and Genji having a night out together. Mercy was in a beautiful yellow dress that 'complimented her hair and eyes' as Genji commented. She had managed to persuade Genji into wearing a suit for their night out. Every time, she would smile at the memory. He was, back then, too scared to take off his mask in public. But Angela thought that his face wasn't ugly from the scars and injuries. While studying the picture, she suddenly realised something that she had never done before. Maybe she was being stupid, but the photo was definitely taken over a decade ago. She didn't look a day older than in the photo that day.

With realisation, she slowly got up off the sofa and walked up the stairs to her bedroom, the light switched on and she took a look in the mirror on the wall. Her eyes widened, she really didn't look a day older.

"What... How can this be? Am I dreaming? Is... Is this real?" She found herself walking backwards in disbelief and tripped over her slippers, falling to the ground and cutting her arm on the corner of her desk.

"Ah! Damn it!" She looked at her bleeding arm and quickly hurried to her test room where she swiftly put her valkyrie suit on and very quickly, the pain soothed and she felt a warm, relaxing feeling across her arm and the pain was gone, Angela got out and studied her arm. She smiled at the valkyrie suit's powers even to this day. Her discoveries truly were life-changing.

Seconds after healing herself, she thought about everything that had just happened. "Oh, no." She dashed back to the mirror and studied herself once more, holding the photo of her and Genji in one hand. Then, she grabbed her mobile phone and flicked through all the photos that she had taken. She hadn't aged at all through any of them.

"Through the use of the valkyrie suit... My ageing process. I can't age. I can't die of old age. I've stopped ageing. I can't die... What does that mean? What does that mean for everyone else?" Questions flooded through her mind as she sat on her bed, hands on her head as she thought everything over and over again. While she studied the photos on her phone, she was rudely interrupted by an alert on her phone. There was something broadcasting on the Overwatch emergency frequency. Nothing had appeared on this for a very long time. Angela pressed the notification and all of a sudden there was a video on the screen.

"To all agents of Overwatch! Hmm... That's not right." Winston appeared on the screen, papers in his hands and looking rather frustrated.

"Winston?" Angela wiped a tear away from her eye and concentrated on the video. The video proceeded to talk about Overwatch's past and what had happened to the group, how the people who once loved them tore their family apart. Mercy's mouth was open with disbelief at what she was seeing.

"Are you with me?" Winston smirked at the camera before the video ended and Winston was gone all of a sudden.

"Overwatch recall?" Mercy thought aloud. "But that's illegal, he knows that. Athena would have especially reminded him that it was. The world is in danger..." Mercy was unaware of the severity of most of the events in the world. She looked at her phone that now had only a YES and NO option to choose from. The angel thought carefully before she hit her bed with a fist and pressed the YES button. Locations of all the Overwatch members began to show on her screen on a globe as she looked at where all her friends were. All still alive and well. Genji was still out there, she pressed a button on her phone and placed it on its back, screen facing upwards. A projection of the globe now hovered in her bedroom above the phone. Angela rotated it with her hand and saw that Genji was no longer in Nepal, but actually heading towards Gibraltar. 'That means that... he's going to be near Switzerland...'

"It's been too long!" A very familiar voice sounded as Mercy was suddenly in on the conversation between Winston and Lena.

"Angela! You're here too!" Lena Oxton's voice filled the room as Mercy felt tears in her eyes at the sound of her friend's voice.

"Lena! Winston! You're returning?" The doctor asked, watching the hologram of the globe spin round.

"The world needs us now more than ever," Winston announced, repeating his words from the recall video.

"Sure does, love. Where shall we meet up?" Lena asked.

"Gibraltar. Watchpoint Gibraltar."

"Sounds like a plan!" Angela replied.

A new voice came on the call. "Winston, you know this is illegal, right?" Jack's seemingly older voice filled the chat room.

"Jack! Are you coming back, too?" Angela asked.

"Of course he is, you have to press YES to get on the call," Winston informed the overwhelmed doctor.

"We need to meet at Gibraltar as soon as possible. Get on over here." Winston told them and with that, the call ended and Angela looked at the list of people who had been in the call.

'Winston, Tracer, Mercy, Jack...' As she read through her eyes widened. 'Ana Amari... Genji Shimada... Jesse McCree... Gabriel Reyes... That can't be right, Ana and Gabriel are dead...'

'You have to press YES to get on the call...' It can't be, there's no possible way... Angela grabbed her supplies, new work dairy, valkyrie suit, staff and blaster. Suitcase packed car at the ready. It was time to make the world a better place.

It was late at night, car head lights on and radio station on. Angela replayed the memories of seeing who was on the call. Two dead people. It just didn't seem to add up. Gabriel evaporated and Ana went MIA after being shot in the head. Angela dialled her bosses number and waited for them to pick up. No answer. She quickly parked her car at a shop and texted them her resignation text and with that, she decided that she was free from her old job and carried on driving towards her designated location; Gibraltar.

'Too early in the morning to be going anywhere.' Angela thought, waiting for the train. It seemed like she was the only one getting on. Once it arrived, she boarded and took a seat, taking her phone out of her pocket and placing her suitcase on the shelf above her. Angela rubbed her hands together, her mittens warming her up the slightest bit more but something caught her eye. Definitely not alone on the train, she got up and peered through the door to see a cyborg sitting in the other carriage. It was silver and green, staring out the window at the countryside in the darkness of the night. Angela opened the sliding door and slowly walked towards the omnic who turned to look at her.

"Genji..." Angela softly spoke, lost for words at the sight of him.

"Angela..." The cyborg slowly raised out of his seat and removed his mask. She let out a sigh of relief, happiness and tears streamed down her face as she and Genji went into a hug, neither one of them wanting to let go. Genji leaned in and kissed her, she accepted and they sat down together, hugging on the train seat on the way to Gibraltar.

"Angela... I don't think I've ever told you properly before. But I've had a crush on you since day one." Genji's healed face smiled at his angel sat next to him.

"Can I tell you something?" Genji looked at her in the eyes.

"I love someone else." Genji's face slowly disappeared, as did the scene and suddenly she was back in her train seat again, the dream haunting her memories.

Dr Ziegler looked out the window, she had slept through the night. Angela had never thought about how Genji could be with someone else. After all, he had been gone for a decade, maybe he had moved on and found some cyborg girlfriend.

"Damn it! I could be anywhere right now." She hopped off the train with her suitcase and looked at her phone, people walking all around her to get on and off the train. She was in Gibraltar, not too far away from the watchpoint. 'Lucky...' she thought, travelling towards her destination.

Finally, she had arrived after a long bus journey and she took the elevator that gave access to the watchpoint. She used her Overwatch keycard and into Watchpoint: Gibraltar. The main door was always locked, you had to be let in manually. Angela called out "Winston! I'm here!" and excited voices could be heard from within the building that was built into the side of a huge mountain.

To her delight, the door opened and she ran up the stairs, nearly tripping and saw Winston and Lena awaiting her arrival.

"Winston! Lena!" She ran and Lena was the first to give her a big hug as they laughed and giggled. Winston joined in and the three smiled, smiles that they hadn't seen in a while from each other and themselves.

"Has anyone else arrived yet?" Angela asked Winston, a coffee in her hands.

"Uhh... Genji arrived earlier, I think he's downstairs." Winston replied as he saw Angela smile, she just couldn't hide it. Over ten years, she hadn't seen the man that she had fixed, befriended and then fallen in love with and lost.

"Looks like someone's happy to hear that!" Lena teased her as Angela quickly opened the door to the downstairs room.

Genji laid on his bed, his mask off as he had finally shown Winston and Lena what he looked like properly. The only thing that he could think about was Angela. Dr Ziegler. What would he do when she arrived? 'Hey, what's up? I love you!' Sounds better in my head than out loud, he thought. He heard footsteps, expecting Lena to enter the room. He sat upright and watched as a white-clothed, blonde haired woman entered the room. Genji stood up and watched as she stood still, they looked each other in the eyes. Their faces changing from shock and disbelief to happiness. Still unable to comprehend each other's presence, they slowly walked towards each other, grabbing each other as they inched closer into a great big hug. A hug that they had both been longing to have with each other. Embracing, Genji leaned in and kissed Angela, she had never realised how much this man meant to her until that very moment, she was truly in love with him. They held it and kept going for what seemed an eternity, but it was the only thing that they could have wanted. A cyborg trapped in Nepal, unable to see the love of his life. An Angel in Switzerland, concentrated on work, unable to see the love of her life. Tears from both of them, a sigh of happiness and relief sounding from the two.

"I'm sorry, Angela." Genji's tears rolling down his cheeks. Angela held his hands and looked up at him, her blue eyes staring directly into his.

"I never knew how much... How much you meant to me until I no longer had you. I was ordered to treat you as a friend by Athena. But I don't care. I don't care at all. What matters is that we're here, now. Together." Her words interrupted by small sniffles and breaths of delight. The couple smiled and continued their hug, needless to say, they were heavily overwhelmed. The Saviour and the Cyborg.