I own nothing all rights reserved. as always reviews are welcomed. Here it is! Ripped straight form my archive of our own account. You can thank Frank Horrigan who's insistent whining and nagging about killing white fang and white phosphors led to me finally posting this story. Here's to you frank you crazy bastard you.
"Good news or bad news?" The man asked HE was a tall med dressed in grey over coasts that covered his entire body as he shuffled a intermediate stack of papers in front of him. A low sigh broke his voice as he went through the stack of dead plants. With a weary voice came the response came in front of him as the boy looked up from the bland stack of white in front of him. As the man started at the person sitting opposite of him in the room.
"Give me the good news first…" The other occupant of the room said to him. He was a wiry young man with scraggly yellow hair and crystal blue eyes. "Can you tell me the good news?" He asked his azure eyes staring hard into the grey table, not meeting the man in front of him
"Well" he said shuffling the papers, for a time before answering him, "the good news is you're trial is over an- And!?" His voice nearly rang out in excitement, "you are going to be executed. "What?!" He yelped his eyes shook in surprise and shock as a tick formed in his arms. "That can't be!" He shouted before slamming his hand into the table. There has to be some mistake!" He yelled as his voice echoed in the tiny room they occupied. As his blue eyes shone in panic.
His eyes darted back and forth like ping pong balls as he processed the situation he was now in." Mistake?" The man answered sounding confused and worried at the same time. " Let me see." He said as he began shuffling through his paper. " Are you one Jaune Arc?" "yes." Jaune replied looking the man dead in the face as he did. " then ther is no mistake!" He said happily as he looked to him. " I have two orders for execution and one is for you!" " A Jaune Arc of Beacon."
"I.." I can't" his voice was barely above a whisper as he took his head to his palms. "Sorry kid." He said as he reshuffled the papers for the uptienth time. The boy in front of him tried to speak but each time word tired to form it was brought down by a wave of tittering sounds. His voice was cracking and his head was pressed into his palms. As he ran his fingers through his wiry blonde hair. The other stared to him sympathetically as the dim light continued to hum.
The fluorescent bulbs above their heads continued to hum and to fill the room with a dull VIRM sound, giving of a dim hum as it worked, a change in the nature of the hum set their teeth on edge. As he shook the file of papers as he filled out the forms.
"Wait!" The kid shouted some energy returning to his exhausted form, "what about Ruby!?" The boy demanded blue eyes hardening. Gone was the dissolute tones and posture of his formed self. Now the boy looked stalwart and ready to take on the world. "What's going to happen to her!?" He yelled his hands were off of his head and now balled tightly onto the table as he slammed them down hard.
"What's going to happen to her!?" "Is she." "Ruby rose?" The man asked him taking a look back down to his papers. "Yes her!" The blonde boy demanded "What's going to happen to Ruby!?" "She's going to be executed too." " I do have two order after all and only one was for you." He said evenly staring him in the eyes. As the message hit Jaune fell back into his chair. "That's not fair…"
His voice broke for the third time this night, as he tried to comprehend his situation. "She didn't do anything!" "Why is she being killed!?" "I- you guys killed a Vacuoan prince," he said calmly as he looked to the disturbed blonde. "What did you think was going to happen?"
He asked curiously, as he stared down at he blond in front of him. I mean did they think they'd get no reprisals for their actions?
"We didn't meant to…" "did you?" He asked before finally letting a smirk one his lips. As the blonde admitted no… His head was once again firmly into his palms the dull humming of the light now filled the interrogation chamber as the dull hum set his mouth on edge. The color bland grayness if the floor seemed to sting their senses while the light turned on it's humming at low frequency.
"What's the good news then?" He asked desperate for some good news in his life. What was left of it anyways that is.
He stared down the boy glaring at his sea blue eyes, "you get die together." He said with a smirk. Earning him a hard look as the kid glared bloody daggers to him while the man merely smirked.
"Why are you so chipper?" He asked angrily "last time i checked you're one the same boat as the rest of us!"
As he pointed a accusing digit to his face the man let a sneer form on his mouth, as he set his face in a grimace, "Well that's true by it self but you see..." he said with a wolfish smile that made Jaune shiver to his spine, "unlike you i was already on the chopping block to begin with…"
"Do you not want to die?" He asked with a even look, "of course not!" He yelled slamming his fists violently on the table. His fist were shaking and there was no doubt with what was either fear fueled anger. Or anger fueled fear. Either or. As he shook violently at him.
"I don't want to die!" "I want to go back to with my friends! "I want to live my life!"He yelled as tears started to flow down his cheeks.
"Well that's going to be a bit difficult if you get executed you know?"
"Of course I know!" He snarled, at him, "you think i don't know how hopeless my current issues are!?"
As he yelled his body was quaking in nervous energy. Like a spring ready to break as he tried to calm down. "Do you want to live?" "I do." His reply was quick and decisive "i do not want to die." His eyes were level and hard no longer soft and light.
As he spoke "good," said the man as he stood up "as long as you don't want to die, then... "As long as i don't want to die?" The blonde knight growled. As a thin smile formed on his opposite, "as long as you want to live, then I can help you…"
"Bacon, pancakes, sausages, and... potatoes?" He asked aloud as there was a virtual buffet in front of him.
The boy had ordered all his favorites a wide variety of platters laid in front of him. Pounds upon pounds of bacon with rich goblets of fat that hung lazily from their ends. While huge servings of pancakes filled with syrup hung belatedly over the side, combined with row upon row of sausages, biscuits and other breakfast food.
It was meal for the end. "Fitting" a voice from his left said. "You think he enjoys it?" The voice asked the other as they watched him eat. "Judging by the way he's shoveling food into his mouth, i take that as a yes."
As they watched him eat. "How's the other doing?" The secong voice asked the first as it looked to the nest vid monitor, "Ok" He said as he turned to see a separate panel housed his counterpart, a young girl in black red outfit.
For her last meal she had requested cookies? He started perplexed at the rolling information on the scroll. Of all the things? And had then been delivered a completely absurd amount of the treats. It was apparently her favorite food and it was nearly comical how much she tried to eat at once.
Desperately shoving in mouth after mouth, shoving treats hand over first into her yawning maw. In a desperate play to chip into the mountain one of sweets in front of her.
She at least seemed to be enjoying things, although even a cursory glance into her silver eyes were filled with fear and looked on in doubt.
"You think we can use him?" The voice asked to the left of him in a decisively neutral tone. "Maybe" he replied eyeing the young girl, "what about the girl?"
He asked giving another cursory glance to the assault on the the treats, "You think she's going to be helpful?"
"Doubtful" said the second voice in a neutral tone "she won't be able to handle what we have in store." "There's no need for her only him." It said as it turned away. The other voice sighed, before speaking "I don't think it will be a good idea to separate them," "from what i've seen I think they are packaged deal." Said the first as he watched them eat. "We only need one." Said the second in a dispassionate tone that spoke of rising irritant. As it briefly stopped its departure "unless you disagree?"
"I do" He said as he watched them enjoying their last meal "I don't think we should separate them." Don't tell me this is another one of your feelings again is it? The second asked the first getting nothing but silence in return.
A resigned sigh escaped the first one as it conceded the point to her partner.
"Fine" said the voice "I'll leave it to you" It said in an exasperated tone as it turned and left..
The meal was supposed to be delicious but to Jaune it tasted nothing but ash...
As he pushed another long strand of bacon in front of him the glistening fat shone radiantly in the ultraviolet light. How did this happen?
He thought as he methodically pummeled his food into an unrecognizable pile in front of him.
He remember the rash of bad and poorly thought out decisions that led him to where h was today. It had started out simple enough two team leaders sent on diplomatic mission to Vacuo the land in the west. It was all an intrenational potic play to strengthen bonds betweent he kingdomn after all.
Juan and Ruby would entertain and escort a Vacuoan Prince and they would get a five star royalty treatment in return. It was a simple and fool proof mission with no margin for error. In fact it all went well things were going perfectly fine until he and Ruby well mainly Ruby, had decided to take the prince they were visiting out for some field work as Ruby had so eloquently put.
Juane hated his lack of back bone. He should have said something then! he should have stood up and demanded that HE and Ruby keep the prince indoors at all times. But he didn't... He was still to insecure about his role as a leader even with all the improvements he had made. And he had been improving in leaps and strides he still thought of Ruby as the better leader and in the end listed to her damning the both of them in the process..
She was smart for her age. An had been more than willing to safeguard the prince from all manners of danger! Through that fact had not saved them when the prince was ambushed with them by a pack of wild grim. Normally this would have been no problem pack of grim to trained hunters? Hell even two hunters in training?!
No issue what so ever. But factor in things like never before navigated terrain, strange and deadly different types of grim, add on a foreign land, and an extra person to watch? And you get a big problem too big in fact. One that landed them in the how water they are in now.
They had tried there best to guard the royalty but eventually he was fatally injured in the process and seeing him suffer was too much for the young reaper so she opted to end his suffering courtesy of a bullet to his skull. Jaune shuddered visibly at the memory. The dry dusty dessert heart, The panic induced hail marry of unlocking his Aura, that had all led up to the familiar sound of Cresent Rose firing. BANG! It was supposed to be considered a mercy killing...
This meant little to the Vacuo authorities who arrived just in time to see Ruby put a shot though the young leader's head. After that they were promptly taken into custody and one three day trial that had taken place were they argued their innocence to no avail.
The jury had been decided from the start. And now we're going to die. He thought bitterly as he plopped another piece a plump bacon into his mouth expecting the fat to somewhat be tasty, to find only find ash…
It wasn't supposed to be like this! Ruby screamed to to herself as she put mound after glob of cookies into her mouth. We were just supposed to go hunting! How did things turn out like this?!
She thought internally as she bit into another cookie. Help.. m- meee the shallow voice of the prince said as he was covered in thick sticky blood. The crimson stains ruined his other wise bland turban . As he started up longingly at her. His brown eyes were glazing over as he began to spit up blood. She couldn't take it anymore!
After seeing him tossed down and broken she had to end his suffering. and without a second thought she put a round in his head. Not long after the authorities arrived and they were taken into custody.
How did things get so bad? she wondered as she popped another handful of cookies into her mouth. I hope this all works out, "I wonder what Jaune is doing?" She asked no one in particular as he bit into another cookie tasting the iron after scent…
"Attention!" The bellowing voice of a large man shouted out in a large circular room. It was a large room had a long grey oval floors and long circular glass top. In the middle of the room there were four snow white pillars that were erected in the room all longer then half story and incredibly thin.
"Bring the prisoners out!" He Bellowed as four figures came from the back of the dome. They were all blindfolded, and had aura suppressors on their arms to make the proceedings go over smoothly. All led by a single ward, an all clad in pure white, the first looked absolutely unperturbed at his predicament calmly walking forward unruly black hair flowed freely as he calmly walked in.
The next a tall lanky knight of some type followed to. He at least looked like he understood the gravity of their situation and looked close to panic. As his eyes roamed the room his arms had developed a nervous tick. And it was probably all he could do to not start shaking in the he kept his head upright as he was marched forward .
The third prisoner was much less composed. A fact made overtly clear by the shaking short girl with red black hair. She walked in absolutely terrified. Her entire body shook as if it was filled with a live circuit. As her entire thin frame shook visibly she desperately looked around the room. "Jaune?!" "Jaune!?" She called out not knowing where to look "Jaune where are you!?" "I'm right here Ruby!" he said in an resolute but certain tone. As his voice carried throughout the room "Jaune!" She called in relief "i can't see you!" As she struggled in her restraints. "It's ok Ruby.' he said in his calming voice "it's all going to be all right."
As they walk in the fourth prisoner came in completely out of line with her fellows. Unlike the first three who at least had the courtesy to put one the air of distrust to their current predicament this one who shattered the norm by simply walking in sashaying her thin hips, with an pop smile plastered on her face, she nearly skipped as if she had nary a care in the world. As the guard lead her in her long white hair and paper colored skin seem almost to blend in with her dull white uniform.
The prisoners wore all matching uniforms of milky color and they were all blindfolded. As the marched into the center of the room they had their hands cuffed to the back of the four metal posts.
'Jaune Arc!" The lead guard yelled as he tuned to the blonde who gave a nervous glance before remaining silent. "Jaune ARC!" The guard bellowed again yelling at the knight. "Here?" The blond answered nervously still not sure how to respond to the man's question. "Ruby Rose!" "Present!" The reaper began before launching into a desperate apology. "I'm so, so sorry!" " Please forgive me!" I- Kage The guard interrupted Ruby leaving her silent and crest fallen as her legs finally gave way and began to shake in fear. grr… the man in front growled, "Mika Smith!" He asked turning to the last prisoner who was currently in the middle of humming a tun and smiling wildly. "Present!"
"You have all been charged with high treason against the kingdom of Vacuo," " After a trial by your peers you were all found guilty and your punishment is death!"
"As of twelve hundred hours ago you're sentence was decided and your last meal was prepared and delivered." "You will now be delivered to your post and sentencing will be carried out!" He barked as their cuffs were secured. As they were all put on individual white poles the matched the pure with room and their pure white suits.
As they were handcuffed to their poles a man walked to the surrounding inmates offering them a thin white stick. "Cigarette?" The man asked he offed the slim stick to the blonde inmate Arc. "no thanks-" Jaune replied he was never a smoker and did not see why dying would change- "gak!" he coughed as a foreign foul tasting thing entered his tongue he gaged as a lit cigarette was put in his mouth as soon as he opened it as the man walked over repeating the process to the rest of the inmates before returning to his post next to the warden.
"In the name of Vacuo and all their dominion!" "Jaune!" Ruby yelled as the situation finally became too mcuh for the young girl as her bodily tremors doubled in power and force,"Ruby." "Jaune!" She yelled now openly sobbing large wet tears fell from her cheeks as she cried, gobs of snot impacted her ability to breathe right making her begin to choke on her own snot. he felt a pit of guilt in his stomach, the man at the far end of their column spoke up "don't let them see you cry..."
As the man in form of them continued to speak, "You have been found wanting!" "Jaune!" The girl could no longer contain herself and broke down in sobs wailing on about wanting to go home. She broke mumbling names of people and places he could only guess were her friends and family, some he never met . SHE mutter full apologies of letting them down by failing to be a proper huntress, as her cries were blocked and muffled by snot fill tears and chocked back sobs he heard the names, Weiss, Yang, Summer, Auntie Raven... Ruby… "You will now be executed in the name of the law!" "Officers!" He yelled as an line of men appeared from nowhere all carrying stubby shaped rifles fell into perfect sync "Aim!"
"Jaune!" Ruby Yelled finally trying to latch onto something in the room.
"Set!" The man in front yelled as the four wardens raised their weapons.
"Ruby. i'm Jaune!" "Sor- fire!" In one second the room was filled with guns fire as the firing squad opened up filing the inmates with flashes of yellow light.. Gouts of scarlet came out of them as their bodies jerked back and spasmed in unnatural angles as they fell backwards into the pit behind them there sentencing carried out…
Jaune had expected blackness to over claim him as the first flare had hit him, he had been expecting a quick and swift journey to the afterlife not.. This.. As he looked up to see himself surrounded in darkness where am i? He thought as he saw a dim light approach him. Is this the afterlife? He wondered aloud as the dim light grew ever closer. Did i make it to the good ending? Do I… he never finished that thought as a rough hand grabbed him and ripped him from where he was. "Grim reaper?!" He barked instantly as he shot up body shaking in fear as he did, "nope but you'll wish i was."
Said the voice in front of him as he adjusted his eyesight, he was surprised to say the absolute least to see the other boy form the prisoner execution detail, as he stared at the other inmate "what are you doing here?!"
He asked his voice full of confusion "I thought we were supposed to be dead!" Jaune yelled to the boy who give i'm a wiry smile in return."Trust me" said the boy as his face turned in a feral snarl after he spoke. "When we're done with you you'll wish you were…"