Hello Guys! And welcome to the anticipated and long waited story, HALO: Remnant Wars!

The RWBY/HALO Wars 2 Crossover!

Now After playing the game again and on Heroic Difficulty just to get that sweet, sweet Achievement. I've gotten a good idea on where I can go with this. Now Like I said before, reading other Fanfictions INSPIRE, me to do my own so there may be some similarities to a Halo/Star Wars Fic called "Spirit of Fire: First Contact" by Inquisitor Azreal. Though I haven't really seen much updates from the guy. But anyway I hope you enjoy this long awaited story of mine and give me you're thoughts.

Like all new stories I do I put them in a testing Stage to determine if I should do them or not. With the support from you glorious bastards, I've been encouraged to do so!

With that outta the way, sit back, kick your feet up. And Enjoy!

HALO: Remnant Wars

RWBY/Halo Wars 2 Crossover

Chapter 1: End here...

Location: Unknown Forerunner world

Date: 2531

"Gentlemen were burning sunshine here!" Sgt .J Forge called to us present.

This was it. The home stretch and it'll all be over…for a while at least. I followed Forge to help arm the Core while the Lieutenant got the doors open. "It's active!" The marine called over, then a thought came to my head and rushed to the front to see the Arbiter himself. I quickly pulled my Assault Rifle off my back and flicked the safety off. "Hey!" I called to him as the marine he was about to kill turned around and reached for his pistol, but was slashed across the chest with a yell of pain as the blade struck him. I fired a pretty much half my clip into him but his shields blocked them all.

"Corporal!" I heard Forge yell as I then remembered what will happen. The Core slid in my direction but I rolled out of the way in time. The Arbiter however managed to slow it down with all his strength. Forge ran up to me and pat me on the back as we aimed our rifles to where we thought he'd be. I then shifted my eyes to the right and remembered. Forge and I moved out of the way and sprayed out rifles into the Arbiter's shields but didn't make them drop as he swung his energy sword, smacking Forge's rifle away but Sgt tackled the elite to the ground giving me the chance to swap magazines. Forge back fisted the Arbiter in the face and quickly pulled out his magnum and fired into the Arbiter's hand.

Arbiter tossed Forge off him and gave a solid punch to the gut. "Hey Split-face!" I called as I fired my rifle into the elites back but was met with a back hand to the face, separating me from my rifle but I pulled out my pistol and aimed for the head and fired off several rounds, but the shield stood in the way of any real damage. It was also taken form me as the Arbiter grabbed me by the neck. "Like the rest of your race. Weak and undisciplined". Arbiter insulted "That's what you think". I sneered. "It's fact". He responded in which I smirked. He failed to see Forge kick him in the back of the leg which resulted in me being let go.

"Get your hands of my boy, you son-of-a-bitch!" The arbiter growled and tossed me into the Sargent and I slid off the edge but I managed to hold onto the edge but with my armour weighing me down I didn't have the strength to pull myself up. "Oh, no, no, no". I said to myself. I looked over to red team just finishing up on the elites on the bridge. "Jerome!" I called to him in which he looked in my direction. "Hang on Kid! I'm comin'!" He called bashing an elites head with the butt of his shotgun. "Like I got anything better to do!" I called back. I managed to look over and see Forge was down again.

"There will be no female to save you this time". Arbiter said as he grabbed one of his Energy Swords and ignited it as he walked up to Forge, intent on finishing him off. "Look me in the eye and say that". Forge remarked. "As you wish". Arbiter said as he picked him up by the back of the neck. "MY face will the last thing your pathetic eyes ever see". He stated as he reeled his sword back for the finishing blow, but Forge quickly stabbed his knife into the Arbiter neck causing the elite to drop him. But my grip slipped and I was about to fall off the edge.

But my luck had saved me again when Jerome grabbed my wrist in the nick of time. "Gotcha". He said as he pulled me back up. "You have a thing for dramatic timing or something Jerome or is it just me?" I chuckled in which he did so as well. We turned our attention to Forge stabbing the Arbiter with his own sword killing him. Along with him saying one of THE best one-liners in the entire HALO series.

"And for the record. I would've kicked your ass the first time if the lady hadn't stopped me!"

Truly. One of. The best one-liners.

Forge then turned his attention to me and pulled me in for a hug. "You ok?" He asked. "Had a close call with death but, I'll live. I should be asking you that. You look like hammered shit". I joked in which he and the Spartans chuckled at.

We then managed to push the core into the building with the help of Alice and Douglas. I then walked up to Forge and Jerome to see the sparks coming from the core. "Sir, it's already overheating. I'll have to separate the cores and align them manually when they need to blow". Jerome said to Forge in which the Sgt put a hand on the Spartan's shoulder pad. "Son I have a feeling before this is over we'll need every last Spartan in the fight. I can do this. Report back to the ship". He said in which Jerome faced him fully. But before he can say his lines we heard something moving behind us.

We turned around and saw the marine who was still alive despite being sliced by Arbiter's swords. "LT?" I asked as I came over to check his wounds. And they weren't good. "Sargent. I can handle this. You and everyone else head back to the ship". The LT said. "No we can get you back to the ship and get you medical attention". Forge said as he refused to do that. "Sir". I said getting forge to face me. "The blade cut through several ribs, punctured his lung and has internal bleeding. Even if I gave him the Bio-foam the Pelican will be a flying coffin. He's got a few hours at most". I stated. Forge looked away and shook his head.

"Kid's right Sargent. I've got a few hours at most. More than enough time to get everyone out of here. Now go, before I change my mind". The marine said to us as he limped towards the reactor and the doors began to close, he then turned around and gave the five of us a salute in which we all returned. "It's been an honour sir". He said before the doors fully closed. Everyone then began to walk away but I stood where I was and looked up at the tower, Forge then put a hand on my shoulder and gestured me to follow. I nodded and put my rifle on my back and walked beside the Sargent back to the Spirit of Fire.

As we were in route we heard Serrina's voice came over the com channel. "Captain, the exit tunnel has been sealed, our escape is blocked". She stated to us and the captain. "Ground teams, find a way to open that portal or we're all dead". He responded, in which I joined the conversation. "Captain the portal has six symbols on each door, they are in 3 sets of 2. You need to open both doors in a set to open them". I instructed. "Roger that. You heard him ground teams get that portal open!" He ordered.

I followed the Spartans and Forge to the bridge and we came into view of Anders how was shocked to see the wounds we had been given from the Arbiter.

"What the hell happened to you two?" She said looking us over. "Tis but a flesh wound Professor. Tis but a flesh wound". I stated which made Forge smile. "Let's blow this joint shall we?" I asked aloud which Captain Cutter looked back at us over his shoulder. "My thoughts exactly Corporal". Serina then appeared before us. "Captain the Sun is going super nova and its gravity well is expanding". She stated. "Well let's use that to our advantage. Plot a course that will take us through the sun and sling shot us out". Cutter instructed.

"Threading a needle while accelerating past an exploding star inside a planet that's falling apart? Sure why not". She said sarcastically. "Well when you put it that way". I shrugged. "Can you do it?" He asked. "Done. You might want to hold onto something". She replied as we all took a seat. "Closing your eyes might help too". She joked. "Way ahead of ya Serina". I said with a smile.

The ship than began to bolt directly towards the sun and just like in the game. The Spirit of Fire was flying around it and the gravity well pushed us through the tunnel and out of the planet's surface and finally into space with the said planet exploding behind us. I opened my eyes to see that we had made it out safely and sighed in relief.

"That's one ride we won't be forgetting huh?" I said aloud. "Always speaking your mind don't you Corporal?" Serina said to me with a smile. "You can say that". I chuckled. "Regardless. You've all done well in getting us out of there. Take the time off, you've earned it". The captain said to us as we all began to walk out. "Corporal, may I have a word with you?" I then turned around to face the captain but looked to see Forge and Anders walk out of the bridge. I then then stood with my hands behind my back before the Captain like how I was taught by Forge.

"Is there something wrong sir?" I asked. "When you first came aboard my ship I had suspicions of you holding secrets from your superior officer. Including the Captain of this ship. Secrets that would have had you wound up into questioning and possibly court-martialled". He explained but I kept quiet and let him finish what he had to say. "However. When you reveal your true intentions From Sargent Forge, then Anders and myself as well. I can somewhat understand why you did it. Do you recall what you said to us when you revealed that secret?" I looked down for a moment before answering his question.

"I said that this universe was a fictional Series called HALO. This being a side game called Halo Wars, in which I know the very possible outcome of what will happen before they even happen. I also said that I wasn't crazy and told you some things that only you would know". I explained before taking a breath. "I also recall that you were very sceptical of me and my knowledge of future events. But after the events with Elephant teams Echo and India I managed to save Team India from being infected by the Flood. You gave me a chance and I didn't waste it and proved my worth". I said to him.

"That you did. I wanted to commend you for your action for those we have lost. I'm proud to have you serving on my ship. But no more secrets or I'll have you kicked off myself". He said finishing that sentence with a small smile, in which I smiled in response. "Thanks you sir, I won't let you or your crew down now". I replied. "Corporal, for your actions on the ground and you're foreknowledge, for helping us escape the Forerunner Shield world. I'm promoting you to the rank of Staff Sargent". He said in which I was shocked. "Sir with all due respect, I'm not sure I'm ready for that position, at least not yet". I said.

"Corporal. I'm not gonna lie, losing those under your command or even by your side isn't easy. But you saved more lives with your foreknowledge of your fellow marines, and my crew. You should be proud. But I understand, I'll give you some time to consider it". He said to me but I had to speak up. "Permission to speak freely sir?" I asked. "Granted". "Is it bad that I wasn't able to save more lives than I could?" I asked. The captain understood what I was getting and took a second to think before speaking. "Remember what the Sargent said on Arcadia? You can try to save as many lives as you can. But there was no way you can save them all. Doing that will be doing the impossible. Besides not all people go back home from war and people die in them. As harsh as it sounds, it's the truth". I nodded in response.

"I'll consider the promotion sir. You have my word". I stated in which he nodded in response. "Dismissed Corporal. You earned it". He said as I saluted and walked off the bridge.

Two weeks. Two weeks and we've never seen or heard of any Covenant or even UNSC activity, the crew had gotten smaller and smaller due to them being ordered to go into cryo and getting some rest. And soon enough Captain Cutter ordered everyone to get some rest until Serina woke us up. But I know what will be happening. The thing is that Serrina and I had a talk about this when I spilled my secret, she won't be with us after we wake up, but she had already come to terms with this and knew she had the Spirit of Fire's crew in safe hands. And that was the one thing she could do for us.

I was walking to the Cryo bay like everyone else, since we'll be drifting for the next 28 years. So in other words it's gonna be a long sleep until that comes round. Forge was behind me and was going to do the same thing but wanted to see me off before he went into cryo. "Well at least we'll get a long nap for everything we've been through right?" I said to the Sargent. "I think we were long overdue for one anyway". He replied with the joking tone of voice. "By the way what did the Captain want to see you for?" He asked me in which we stopped walking once we reached my pod.

"Well, he wanted to promote me to Staff Sargent, but…" I said trailing off. "But you don't know if you should take up on it. Right?" He asked me in which I nodded. "I said I'd consider the offer after I give it some thought". I said as I stepped in my pod. "Well, you earned the rest Kiddo, it wouldn't be so bad with you at equal rank with me". He said in which I smirked. "Yet I still outrank you". "Well I outrank you in experience, so you can't fight that". He shot back with a smirk of his own. The door then closed down on me and I then closed my eyes and let the cold sleep take me.

UNSC Spirit of Fire

Official Status: Lost with all hands

March 9th 2555-24 Years since last known contact

Location: Orbiting Unknown Planet

As the Spirit of Fire drifted through space while all repairs to the ship had been complete, thanks to Serrina, who had been long gone but had been prepared for this nevertheless. The Ship was drifting until it came across a planet which looked like a marble, which resembled Humanity's home planet of earth. However if the Spirit and her crew were near earth they would've been boarded by UNSC ships. There were no Space ports on planet, or even any starships of any kind here.

Inside the Bridge, communications picked something up, and with the signal now known by the Spirit of Fire, all systems have started coming back online. And Cryo bays now opening their contents which contained the Ship's crew.

"Captain Wake up, something has happened".

There we have it everybody! The First Chapter is done and dusted! Now as in regards of the Unit types form the game that will be being used, I will list the ones that WILL, be used such as the units in the campaign. Certain DLC units will be added as well a little later down the road. I will Have a List of Weapons and Vehicles to give you an idea on what will be used in the story. As well as when they were used in the HALO universe.


M6C Magnum-Halo 2 eara

M6G Magnum-Halo 3/Reach eara

MA5B Assault Rifle-Halo 1/Halo Wars eara

MA37 Assault Rifle-Halo Reach eara

BR55 Battle rifle-Halo 2/Halo wars 1 & 2 eara


M45 Tactical Shotgun-Halo reach eara

M90 Tactical Shotgun-Halo 2 & 3 earas


M319 Individual Grenade Launcher-Halo Reach eara


SRS99D-S2AM- Sniper rifle-Halo 3 eara

SRS99D-S2AMB- Sniper rifle- Halo 2 Anniversary eara


M247H Heavy Machine gun-Halo Reach/Halo 4/Halo wars 2 eara

M247 General Purpose Machine gun-Halo 2 Anniversary eara

M7057 Flame Thrower- Halo 3/Halo 3: ODST/ Halo Wars 2 earas


M41 SPKr Rocket Launcher-All halo eras

M6 Spartan Laser-Halo 3, Halo wars 1 & 2 earas


M121 Jackrabbit-Scout


M12 Warthog-Core vehicle

Forge's Warthog-Hero Unit

M9 Wolverine-Anti Air

M808B Scorpion-Main Battle Tank

M850 Grizzly-Heavy Tank


M312 Elephant-Mobile Base

Cyclops-Anti Vehicle

Kinsano's Cyclops-Hero Unit

SP42 Cobra-Anti Vehicle


AV-14 Hornet-Core Air

EV-44 Nightingale-Support

G77S Pelican Gunship-Close Air Support

D77-TC Pelican Dropship

B-65 Shortsword Bomber

AC-220 Vulture-Heavy air

D81LRT Condor-Super Unit (Soon to be combat ready)


I think we can Agree that's quite the list of weapons and Vehicles so far. As for the reason why I haven't added the Kodiak or any other ones that were in the game, the reason? I wanted them to be introduced and be built when the Spirit of Fire establishes a base on planet. And the reason how they will be built will be what's sending that signal to the Spirit of Fire. So i hope you enjoyed the chapter and hopefully we can reach at least 5 good or constructive reviews before I can continue with this. When we do get said reviews I will indefinitely continue it.

Now as for a heads up for the next two weeks I'm going to be working from 9 to 5. I work mostly from 9 to somewhere after 3. I'm going to be busy these coming weeks, and I might not be able to get much done during that time, but hopefully things will be better when I'm back at work normally. So until then, I'll see ya next time!

Cronus Prime Out!