WELL, IT'S DEFINITELY BEEN A MINUTE. But yeah, for those who were wondering . . . I'm not dead. Just busy, really. A lot has been happening in my life, and unfortunately, it caused me to put this story on the back burner, putting it into a dreadful coma-like hiatus. However, in honor of Prince Harry's and Ms. Markle's nuptials, I am happy to be back and posting a new chapter to this wedding centered story! It took me a while to write this chapter, since I wanted it to be ready and awesome enough for everyone to see (and that definitely took a while). I especially wanted to focus this section of the story developing our characters, and making them more round and relatable. So I hope I achieved that (or at least come close to it XD).

Anyway, I think it's fair that all of you at least get a catch up sesh on what's been happening here in the story! Here we go, y'all!

Previously on Gold Digger . . .

As the bridesmaids and groomsmen brunch continues, Nellie worries for Amy being sucked back into the all consuming "In Love With Ian" club that had caused her so much pain in the past. Is she right to have anxiety about this? We'll have to wait to find out! Meanwhile, Veronica has a nasty run in with Ian in which she receives a very explicit threat detailing her potential demise if she even thinks of repeating the past again. Will she live long enough to say "I do"? Or will her dangerous secret ruin everything? Read on to see!

I hope that you enjoy the chapter and I can't wait to hear back from you soon!

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave . . . when first we practice to deceive." - Walter Scott

"I've said this a billion times before, but I guess one more wouldn't hurt anyone - what an actual bitch!"

Though it was universally acknowledged that Natalie Kabra's temper only influenced her creativity with the English language, what most didn't know was that it also completely got rid of her volume control as well. Ian cringed as his sister's staticky - but well deserved - expletives rang like shots from his cell through his eardrum. If she kept at this, he was sure that he soon wouldn't even need a phone to hear her screeching all the way from England.

"'I'm sorry for everything'?" said the girl, mocking Veronica's pitchy tone of voice. "Who the fuck does she think she is?"

The young man sighed as he continued his stride down the busy Boston streets. What possessed him to call Natalie and give her a re-cap of his absolutely bizarre day, he knew not. Maybe it was the heated confrontation, or the creepy bridesmaids, or . . . well, her. He couldn't really comprehend. All that was really known to him was that he needed to vent, desperately. And truth was that nobody could understand this string of peculiar predicaments better than his closest family member. Maybe it was a little bit selfish of him to talk about this inevitable disaster of a wedding with the person who's been the most hurt and humiliated by the bride-to-be. But on the other hand, maybe keeping Natalie in the loop was better than having her wonder what the hell was going on across the sea without her.

"You know, I could find a thousand shitty things to say about her off the top of my head - "

"Oh, I don't doubt it - "

" - But you've really got to admire her gall," the younger Kabra continued. "'How's Natalie?' Like she doesn't fucking know, that fake slut."

Ian heard her take a frustrated inhale. "Stupid cow ruins my life, walks free, and now she's about to get everything she ever wanted. How is that fair?"

"It's not," Ian grumbled in response. "It's just life."

Natalie scoffed. "Bullshit. It's karma."

Probably true. They had a lot of bad juju to work off.

"What are we going to do?" he heard his sibling whisper.

"I don't think there's anything we can do," Ian answered disheartenedly.

He could feel Natalie's agitation growing from the other line. "But - and I cannot believe I'm saying this - but what about Daniel? I know I'm not the wanker's biggest fan, but doesn't he have the right to know what kind of person he's about to marry before making the biggest commitment of his life? Maybe if we - "


"But - "


Natalie huffed. "Ian, be reasonable - "

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do," he argued back, wishing she could just see how much of a strain this topic was already putting on him. After all, it's not like he enjoyed projecting a happy yet duplicitous facade to his friends and family. It's not like he actually liked pretending that everything was going to be okay, even though by the looks of it, that clearly wasn't going to be the case. But it had to be done, and contrary to popular belief, not just to save his own skin this time. Dragging a hand across his weary face, he continued, "Natalie, we signed a non-disclosure agreement."

"I know you don't really care about that," the Kabra female countered.

"You're right," Ian boldly stated. "But I do really care about you."

There was silence on the other line.

"It's not just about the money, or the reputation. I know you know that," he said softly. "It was a tragedy, what happened all those years ago. For all of us, but especially for you. I'm not going to make you relive that over and over again, and then get punished for doing so. You don't owe anyone anything - let Vera own up to this one and finally face the consequences she consistently managed to escape. She would deserve what would come her way. You wouldn't."

He could hear some vague sniffling. "You don't always have to play 'protector' with me, you know."

Ian let out a long breath. "I'm your big brother. Of course I do."

There was a slight pause before Natalie asked, "Do you think she'll actually tell them the truth? It's not like she's always been the model of honesty in the past."

He wanted to say something reassuring, something that could give his undoubtedly stressed out sibling - and himself - a semblance of comfort. But unfortunately, nothing true came to mind.

"I don't know," the man finally admitted with defeat. "I honestly have no idea."

"Yeah, I thought you might say that," Natalie sighed. There was a brief pause before she said something that made his insides twist in incredibly unpleasant discomfort. "I just can't believe we're lying to them again - and on this scale, no less."

"Believe me, it's not like I want to," Ian muttered, speeding up his stride.

It's just the only way to protect you.

"Oh, I bet," she teased, laughing lightly. "I mean, with all the good, new developments on the Amy frontier and all."

Letting out a loud groan, he immediately regretted touching upon that delicate subject with the youngest Kabra earlier, for now he knew that he would never be hearing the end of it. Why, oh why did his mouth have to speak before his brain had time to think - it's like he adored self-sabotage or something.

"Change the subject, Natalie."

"But I am, dear brother," she said as innocently as a totally guilty person could. "And quite honestly, this is a much more riveting topic of discussion. So, do tell. How in love with her are you already, only twenty-four hours after 'starting over'?"

Ian gulped down that warm, pleasant feeling he didn't yet have a name for building up in his throat, and adjusted his tie cordially. "Don't be ridiculous. We're just friends."

Natalie snickered. "Wow, you can't honestly be stupid enough to believe that could ever be possible."


"Oh, please. Don't act so shocked," she scolded, and he could practically feel her dramatically rolling those brown eyes at him. "Just tell me what the game plan is, and I'll do my best to help."

Since Natalie never made her feelings on his and Amy's hypothetical courtship a secret, he knew that she would, of course. Probably by finding an assassin to kill off Jake, but it's the thought that counted, really. And it would have been a tempting offer to take, but Ian knew that it wasn't a really practical option.

Otherwise he would have done it himself years ago.

Nonetheless, he had to break it to her in some way. "There is no game plan."

". . . I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me."

"Ian, must I break it down for you," Natalie growled in frustration. "You and Amy get along. You and Amy get along really well. But then Amy leaves out of the blue and doesn't talk to you for years. Now, cut to present day, a messed up window of opportunity presents itself in the form of a deluded friendship that could obviously lead to so much more. And you're just going to pass that up?"

He thought quietly for a second. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"B-b-but," the woman stuttered in confusion. "But why?"

Ian laughed humorlessly. "Well, for one, she has a boyfriend - "

"Like that's ever stopped you before - "

"And two," he cut in sharply, and with a glare at the nearest staring pedestrian. "It's . . . it's just not worth it. It's not worth going through the whole mess that is the romantic pursuit of Amy Cahill when you already know that it would never work out in the end. It's always been a dead end chase, and you know it. Everyone does. That's why this clean slate - this 'fresh start' idea - isn't just good, it's bloody fantastic. It's a chance for the both of us to start over with a platonic take on an old tale. And maybe this time around . . . everything actually works out between us for once. I want her in my life, Natalie, but that's the extent of it. Trust me, it's better this way."


"What a load of horsesh - "

"Okay, good chat, sister dear! But sadly, I've got to go now," he interrupted.

"Oh, no you don't - "

"Bye, talk to you later! Much love!"


Putting away his phone, Ian finally allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. Honestly, conversations with his younger sibling could unhinge a Buddhist monk.

And yet . . . They did offer a sort of deluded perspective . . .

The Englishman frowned and shook his head, as if trying to clear the doubts from it. No. Absolutely not. He had made up his mind, and he was going to stick to his decision no matter what. Perspective was greatly overrated anyway. And he had more pressing problems to deal with at the moment.

"Mr. Kabra, you're finally here!"

Speaking of . . .

Ian let out a tired, bemused smile. "Tommy Boy! How goes it, mate?"

Standing in front of a bustling construction site, Thomas Lang - wearing an impeccably chic blue Armani suit that only served to accent the blinding shine of the silver Rolex around his wrist - looked less than pleased to see his boss/friend/ex-roommate rushing up to meet him. Ian recalled first being introduced to the British-Asian man in his first year at Oxford, and instantly taking a liking to his sarcastic attitude and semi-pessimistic outlook on life, considering that it greatly matched his own. The two were thick as thieves during their time at school despite Thomas knowing nothing of the Cahill family and it's troublesome history. That's why years later, when Ian started working on what he considered to be one of the most important projects of his life, the only person he could think of to oversee that his vision went off without a hitch was his hilariously pretentious friend, Thomas.

"Bloody hell, Ian! It's Mr. Lang - would it kill you to allow my co-workers to think that I got this job based on skill and not because I'm your 'mate'? This is a professional fucking relationship!"

Ian laughed and threw an arm around the obviously put out man. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, they can always think that you got this job based on your skill to throw back six tequila shots in a row . . . "

Thomas scowled. "I hate you."

"As long as that hatred fuels the fire that will build me - and the world - an unforgettable, five-star gallery with potential for expansion, I'm okay with that," Ian responded, as his friend dramatically rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Ian grinned, looked up at his masterpiece and sighed. The construction of the gallery had reached the final stages of production, where everything was slowly but surely starting to come together. Art from all over the world was due to start flying in any day now, right after he himself clears the site of any safety hazards and concerns. It was a beyond glorious time for the young Kabra. Seeing something that he built from the ground up and not inherited from Vikram and Isabel come to life right in front of him . . . well, it almost made him proud.

". . . 'Cause then, if you're a guest and you look out right there, it's like a surprise garden. And of course, it'll accented by that gorgeous fountain - we're not budging on that one. We're still trying to make sure that the plant purchases won't go to waste - with this Boston weather, you never know. And again, are you 100% sure about the bridges?" Thomas rambled, stopping when he noticed Ian wasn't paying any attention. "I'm sorry, am I boring you, Your Majesty?"

"The bridges stay," Ian replied. "They'll look divine in the summer night."

"Ugh, fine," Thomas sniffed. "But we're sprucing them up a bit and that's final."

"Whatever you say."

"Alright then. Let's head inside for a brief tour."

Following his ex-schoolmate into the grand building, Ian watched with rapt attention as Thomas pointed out to him the developing restaurant and bar area, the extensive prep and renovation for the first exhibition, and of course the stunning indoor fountain that so much hope was placed on.

"This place is going to wow, Ian," Thomas concluded. "You know me, and I'm not an easy judge, but I've got to say it . . . This is going to be the new Louvre. You're about to get even richer, billionaire."

"It's not about the money," Ian whispered, because for once in his life it was true.

"Yeah, for you," his friend teased. "Some of us gotta eat!"

"Shut up, you wanker!" the Kabra laughed, playfully punching "Tommy Boy" in the arm.

"Ah ah ah, you better stop doing that, or I won't show you that special room you've always wanted . . ."

All of the sudden, it was like Ian's eyes turned into tea saucers. "You've included it?"

Lang let out a semi-exasperated breath. "I admit, I hated the idea at first. I mean, there are just so many ways that could go wrong, you know? But after being assured and reassured by the most maximum security companies out there, I've come around and changed my mind. It is your place after all, even if I am one of the more eager investors."

Ian thought that he would burst of happiness. "Please, show it to me now."

And so, Thomas led Ian to the third floor, past the construction and paint fumes, and finally through a hidden door leading to a beyond lovely treasure.

It was one of the more complete parts of the building. However, it wasn't a part of the gallery, nor would it ever be. In a way that is very much unlike Ian's taste, the room itself was ridiculously simple, with no grand showing of opulence or status in sight, the only thing boasting of luxury being the beautiful view. It had a small fridge, a metal sink, a couple of chairs, and a few tables pressed together, but what really stood out about it was the vast amount of easels spread out everywhere.

It was perfect.

"I figured that every secret great artist should have their own space in their gallery," Thomas remarked nonchalantly with a simper. "You can decorate it more however you please, of course. This is closed to the public."

Ian still had no words.

"Maybe it'll give you some inspiration and courage to finally show your work to the world."

The young billionaire swallowed a lump in his throat. "Remind me to give you a raise, Tommy."

His friend chuckled. "You can count on that."

And just like that, it was like the sun shone a little brighter over the Boston skyline.

Well, I hope you guys liked that! So much to talk about! How do you like Thomas Lang? TBH, he's one of my favorite OCs so far! What about Natalie's strong opinions - agree or disagree? I really wanted to focus this chapter on Ian's character development, to show that he is a person and he has more than Miss Amelia on his mind, and that he really strives to be a self-made individual who wants to accomplish things on his own. So, what do you think about him building an art gallery? Anyone excited to see how that turns out? Let me know!

I wanted to give a huge shoutout to anyone who's been favoriting, reading, or reviewing this story. You guys keep me going and I love you all so much!

Unfortunately, I do not know when I will be posting again. :( However, I hope that you guys enjoy this extra long chapter, and I hope to hear what you think soon!

Much love,
