The Edge

Pairing; Toothless X Hiccup

Setting; Modern AU

Rating; M for Mature

Disclaimer; I do not own the HTTYD or any of the music that is used. Everything belongs to its original creator/artist!

30: Life At The Edge

=Harvey's POV=

[Two Years Later; February 28th, 2021]

I couldn't believe two years had passed already since the day Trayden and I brought home our daughter, Celina. Today, Trayden and I turned twenty-nine-years-old today. Our little girl was turning two in July; just four months away. Heather and Ford gave birth to their second child, Raymond Ingerman, November 12th, 2019. Kyle was now six, turning seven in October. Daniel and Stephanie stuck with their one boy and girl. Melanie would be turning seven on the 22nd of March this year, and little Oliver John was now two, turning three on July 11th. Ashley and Zack had another baby; a boy they named Jarod Holt, and he was born December 9th, 2020. Seth and Calista were married one month after the birth of their son, Salvatore Jorgenson, which happened on the 20th of February 2020. The marriage was March 14th, 2020, and lovely. Travis and Winter were married in just four months ago in October 2020 on the 24th, and Winter conceived a child in December, so that baby was due for September 2021.

Roslyn and Eli married May 2nd, 2020, and already had a little girl of their own named Emily Trapp on February 14th, 2020. Talk about having a baby on the day of love? Roslyn had actually been due for a week later, but her water broke when she and Eli were making love, so I guess that worked out in its own way. My Godfather was retired, so were both of my parents. Mom sold her animal hospital, and now they just enjoyed spending time with their granddaughter, Celina. Trayden and I still ran The Edge Bar & Nightclub, happily married for six years, going on seven in June. Gods, we loved it. Oh, did I mention that Storm got married and had twins; one boy and girl. Their names were April and Asher, due to being born in April 2020 on the 30th. Morgan was in a relationship and had a child November 5th, 2020, but the guy bailed out because he didn't want a kid. The Edge family was there as much as we could be for her, and she and her son are doing A-OK now.

Yeah, life is fantastic here, and I haven't even mentioned the best part. Harvey and I were about to become parents again! Another surrogate? No. This time, the adoption agency came through, and somewhat unexpectedly too.

/Flashback; February 22nd, 2020/

My parents had Celina; Trayden and I made it upstairs at 2:47 am. It had been a long, hard night, and all we wanted to do is catch a shower, then some sleep. It was close to 3:30 am by the time we crawled into bed, then kissed, and said goodnight to one another. The next morning came, and groggily at 8:15 am, Trayden and I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I groaned as I reached for it as Trayden got up to use the restroom.

"Hello?" I asked with a yawn.

"Mr. Harvey Haddock?" came the voice of a woman. I hadn't checked the caller ID but became confused.

"Um, yes? May I ask who is calling?" I inquired.

"Oh, yes. Sorry. It's Jasmine Whittaker, your social worker from the adoption agency," Jasmine replied. Instantly, I sat up in bed.

"Ms. Whittaker, sorry. It was a long night at work, and my husband and I didn't get to sleep until around 4 am," I said.

"My apologies for waking you, Mr. Haddock. I'll make this quick; there is a sixteen-year-old girl who just gave birth to a son and is giving the baby up for adoption. In your file, you and your husband had preferred a newborn. I was calling to ask if you and your husband would like to adopt him?" Jasmine questioned. My eyes widened. The chance to adopt a baby boy, a newborn at that?! How could I say no? Of course, I needed to speak to Trayden first, but this was an incredible opportunity that we wouldn't get again for a long time.

"How…long would we have to wait to have him?" I questioned. I didn't see why I shouldn't. Trayden and I started the process to adopt a child December 2017, and by the end of six months, there had been nothing, and so we decided to use a surrogate mother. After Celina was born, we stopped worrying about the adoption because we had a child.

"Unlike with the adoption of an older child who has been in the system longer, there isn't a long process to test to see if this baby will be alright in your home because it's a newborn. All I have to do is come by to make sure you're settled to take care of an infant and mark any changes. Once I file it, you can have the baby home with you in as little as a week for permanent placement," Jasmine explained. "Newborns are a different case because they have no real history in the system having been abandoned, in a foster home, an orphanage, so there is nothing to worry about regarding them having a hard time adjusting,"

"How much time do we have to decide, as we just woke up. There haven't been any changes in our lifestyle from the first time except that we have a daughter who will be two in July," I informed.

"You have about five days. The mother had a cesarean section birth, and she'll be in the hospital that long," Jasmine informed.

"Alright, let me speak to my husband, and I will call you back before today is over," I stated. After she said that was fine, I hung up, then exited the bedroom. I used the bathroom first, then saw Trayden making some coffee.

"Who was on the phone?" Trayden wondered tiredly.

"The social worker from the adoption agency wanting to know if we want to adopt a newborn baby boy," I enlightened as his eyes widened. "The child was born last night by c-section to a sixteen-year-old girl, and she's giving him up for adoption. Jasmine Whittaker picked us because she knew we wanted a baby if we could, I said I needed to speak to you first, then I'd call her back later with an answer,"

"Well, could we handle another baby right now? Celina is walking and talking, she keeps us on our toes. Though it would be nice to have another baby, and I don't think we'll get this chance again," Trayden replied while his added two spoonfuls of sugar, and then some cream to his coffee.

"That's what I assumed too. It's not like we don't have all the baby stuff from Celina still since she's sleeping in a toddler bed, and wearing pull-ups. We would have to go out and get clothes, wipes, diapers, and formula again," I reminded.

"That's…fine with me. How long do we have to wait for it to be official?" Trayden inquired.

"Jasmine said one week because all she has to do is mark changes in our file, then put it in the system after come here to check things out that we can take care of a baby. I mentioned we had a daughter already. I guess the deal with newborns is that because they don't see time in an orphanage or foster home, the placement process is a lot quicker," I explained. "So do you want to do this, Love?"

Trayden looked at me with eyes I recognized before we decided to go with a surrogate mother; he wanted the baby. "I do,"

"Well, then we better move my office into the bedroom or living room, then turn that second space into a nursery," I smiled as Trayden hugged me tightly and then we shared a kiss.

/End Flashback/

After that, Trayden and I spent the morning moving the office things into the bedroom. When that was settled, we broke out the crib from our bedroom closet, and I assembled it with the mattress and sheet in the room. Trayden and I picked up Celina from my parents, then went straight to the store to pick up another dresser and changing table, car seat, playpen, then pacifiers, bibs, clothes, onesies, we bought bedding for the crib, and some wall decorations too. We didn't need a high chair, at least not right away because this newborn would be using bottles for a bit. Trayden and I got back home, and while Celina was watching one of the Disney movies in the living room from her playpen, Trayden and I began to create the nursery. Thank the Gods I had painted it blue when I made the office. It took the entire day, but we got it all done. Around 3:15 pm, I called Jasmine back and told her we would adopt the baby.

Ms. Whittaker was pleased, and we set the update our information, and home visit appointment for Wednesday, February 24th, at 10 am. When that day came, Jasmine took everything in and got to meet Celina. Jasmine approved everything was in order and said that on March 1st, we would have all legal rights to the boy, and he would be brought to us by her. Trayden and I were happy as could be, now all we had to do was think of a name for our son.

=Trayden's POV=

I couldn't believe Harvey, and I were adopting a son, and he was coming tomorrow! Today was Harvey's and mine's twenty-ninth birthday, and we've spent all our free time with Celina. Also preparing to have another baby in the house. The best part is; Harvey and I haven't told ANYONE about this. We were going to invite them over on Sunday the 7th of March to meet the child. It was going to be a shock to them that Harvey and I had two kids, but we wanted some time to get adjusted to having a newborn, that's why we were waiting the week before letting anyone come over to see our son. At the moment, Harvey and I were sitting down to talk about names, since tomorrow we would have to give one to Jasmine for the legal side of the adoption.

"Harvey, what about the name Andy?" I asked asked.

"You want to name our son after my former boss?" Harvey quirked a brow.

I laughed a little, then nodded. "Well, why not? Andrew is the one that put all this into motion," I reminded. "If it weren't for Andrew offering you the server job at Dragon's Cove, you wouldn't have worked there, or gotten this apartment. Subsequently, you wouldn't have been here to meet me, and we wouldn't have fallen in love, made The Edge, got married, had Celina. Don't you see it? It's because of Andrew that we have what we do, and hell, I owe him for my job at Dragon's Cove too. It just…feels right to name our son after the one who made it all possible,"

"When you put it like that, I can't disagree. So we'll name him Andy Haddock? Middle name, or no?" Harvey asked. I shook my head, and we smiled. The name was decided, now we just needed Andy to come home.

=Normal POV=

[March 1st, 2021-11:30 am]

Trayden and Harvey anxiously awaited for Jasmine to arrive with their son; she was five minutes out, and they couldn't wait to meet their week-old baby. Harvey and Tray hadn't gotten to see him yet, so the curiosity was killing them to know. Celina had dark brown hair and green eyes; it honestly looked like she was Harvey and Trayden's daughter. Jasmine pulled up into the parking space next to Harvey's car as they opened the door when Jasmine started walking up the stairs with an infant car seat on her arm. Jasmine stepped in and set the carrier down on the floor by the couch.

"Here is your new son, Harvey, and Trayden. He was born February 19th, 2021 at 5:43 am in Bashem County Hospital. Eight pounds and three ounces, with a length of 20 inches. This guy was born c-section at forty-one weeks after being induced. Perfectly healthy, and he's all yours. All I need from you is his name, and your signatures to say I brought him to you. In about three weeks, you'll get his birth certificate and social security card, along with a copy of all the adoption paperwork to file away," Jasmine informed.

"Andy Haddock," Trayden informed as Jasmine wrote it down, then Harvey and Trayden signed in their respected spots. Jasmine shook their hands, then she waves to Celina who was in Trayden's arms, resting her head on his shoulder. Jasmine left the apartment while Harvey and Trayden moved the shade on the carrier back to get a good look at their son. Black hair, and hazel eyes, some freckles too. Andy was perfect; he would fit right in with their family.

"Well, let's get our son settled in," Harvey suggested. After that, Harvey unbuckled Andy from the straps in the seat and lifted him up carefully. "Hey there, buddy," he greeted Andy who nestled in his arms and fell asleep soon after. Harvey placed Andy in his crib, then flipped on the monitor before exiting. "Ready to do it all over again?" he asked his husband.

"I'd do it a hundred more times to have the feeling I have right now. I love you," Trayden replied.

"I love you too," Harvey kissed him gently.

[March 7th, 2021-6:30 pm]

Today was the big day where everyone was coming over to hang out and learn about baby Andy. Currently, their youngest was sleeping in his room, and the door was closed as it always was because people believed it was Harvey's office. People began arriving at 6:30 pm, then by 7 pm, they were all there and seated comfortably.

"So, how is everyone lately?" Trayden asked.

"We're great," Ashley smiled. "How about you two?"

"We're awesome," Harvey replied. After that, everyone began talking about developments in their lives. The kids were playing with one another, although, Celina stayed in Trayden's lap. Harvey and Trayden set up names for one another to make it easier for her. Trayden was Dada and Harvey was Papa. When she got older she could use Daddy for Tray, then Dad for Harvey. Rebecca was Nonna. Victoria was called Nonnie, and Sullivan as Poppy. When Andy began talking, he would use the same. As 7:30 pm came around, it was quieter when Andy started to crying over the monitor, and everyone looked confused.

"Um, are you two babysitting?" Travis questioned. Harvey got up and moved to his office, then came out five minutes later with a baby boy in his arms.

"Nope, but we'd like for you to meet our son, Andy Haddock," Harvey introduced with a smile. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Y-You two…have a son?" Victoria stammered a little in surprise.

"We do as of March 1st," Trayden stated while getting up to stand beside Harvey with Celina still in his arms.

"Start explaining, Harvey, or you, Tray," Garrett asked.

"Well, we got a phone call from the adoption worker on the 22nd of February saying that a teenager gave birth to a boy, and was giving it up for adoption. Trayden and I took all of ten minutes to decide that we might not get the chance again for a long while, so we told our worker we would take the baby," Harvey started.

"That same day we went out to get everything we needed, then on the 24th, Ms. Whittaker came by to update our file, and see we had things prepared for a baby. After that, she said that she would bring us the child on March 1st," Trayden continued.

"So, six days ago, we became the official adoptive parents over this little guy. Andy was born on the 19th of February in Bashem County by c-section, and now he's ours," Harvey finished.

"You didn't tell anyone?" Heather blinked.

"Well, it all happened rather fast," Trayden chuckled a bit.

"And…why the name Andy?" Andrew questioned since he was over and tonight was his off one.

"Because we wanted to name him after you, Andrew," Harvey said as the man's eyes widened a little. "Trayden and I decided that you were the one who put all of this in motion, so it seemed only fitting that we name our son after you. You gave me the server job at Dragon's Cove, you gave me this apartment, hired Trayden, let me turn Dragon's Cove into The Edge. You made all this possible for Trayden and me, so we named Andy out of thanks for you,"

"Well, then I demand to hold him first!" Andrew said as Harvey nodded and walked over to hand Andy to Andrew.

"Well, congratulations you two. Andy is simply adorable," Rebecca informed. Celina was placed down as Harvey snaked his arm around Trayden's waist, and the two stayed close to one another, admiring the sight of their two children. Harvey and Trayden were happy, nothing could make this better; surrounded by family and friends with their kids, married with a very successful business right downstairs. This was the life, and they would continue to live this life at The Edge.

~Author's Note; Well, everyone, this is the last chapter of The Edge. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Now, I have two story ideas planned out and ready for writing. One will be Hiccup X Moana in the Normal HTTYD setting, and another will be Hiccup X Astrid in the Modern HTTYD Setting. I should have those first chapters out soon! Thank you for all the continued support. Until next time, -Nightstar Fury