From the Grave I crawl

Walking into the village Gates of Konohagakure no sato, a thirteen year old, Horribly wounded Naruto dragged an unconscious Uchiha Sasuke with the help of a limping Shikamaru Nara and bandaged Hyuga Neji.

The retrieval team had been successful, but the one who was more worst for wear, was None other than Uzumaki Naruto, his upper jumpsuit torn to show many wounds, the gaping hole in his chest was currently being mended by the Kyubi's chakra and Ino worriedly healing him.

With the villagers showing nothing but hidden glee at seeing his state of health they looked away as Hatake Kakashi ran up to Naruto and knelt beside him, a look of genuine horror plastered on his face.

"Get The Uchiha to the prison cells, Naruto, we're getting you to Tsunade" Kakashi said with Naruto weakly nodding, falling limp with a soft breath Hatake left in time to fail at seeing the vengeful look Sakura Haruno had before looking towards her sensei.

"Sakura, help us with this please?" Ino requested with Sakura snapping out of her hateful stare she turned to help them.

"Where are we taking Sasuke-kun?" Sakura questioned as she stored her hateful thoughts for later.

"Prison cells" Shikamaru said with no care as those injured on the mission left to the hospital, with Sakura having a disbelieving look.

"What, we can't do that!?" Sakurs shrieked with Shikamaru giving her an angry look, a rare look he gave out.

"Haruno, it's because of him most of us nearly got killed" Shikamaru said with Haruno scoffing, with Ino having a hurt expression at what Sakura said next.


"Okay, Haruno I suggest you leave us to haul this waste to his cell" Shino said with a rare voice of aggravation, making Sakura give him a stunned look.

"What's wrong with you all?"

"Just leave this to us since your more worried for a traitor than your actually half dead teammate" Ino said with a scowl as she lifted the Uchiha more forcefully, getting a hurt groan from him as a result, leaving Sakura in the spot.

Sitting within her office with a scroll in hand, Tsunade Senju had a frown of annoyance on her face, sitting in front of her was a scroll she had found in an old drawer her sensei had hidden, this one had the Uzuamki swirl on it with gold lining.

Ignoring it for the moment to continue signing reports she looked up suddenly in alarm as Kakashi Barged in with a Bleeding Naruto in his arms, making Tsunade stand up in worry.

"Tsunade, the retrieval mission was a success, but Naruto needs medical attention" Kakashi said urgently with Tsunade nodding as she cleared her desk.

"Set him down and I'll get to work" Tsunade said as Kakashi nodded as he set Naruto down.

Allowing her to get to work with a bit of blood getting onto the scrawl as she went to work, not noticing the scroll being opened by Naruto's blood.

"Kakashi, instead of standing there get me something for the blood" Tsunade said with Kakashi nodding before rushing off, leaving Tsunade with Naruto she spotted the open scroll she paid it no mind to tend to Naruto.

"Damn brat, you really know how to take a punishment" Tsunade said as she tended to his wounds, stopping half way when she saw red bubbling chakra rise up and mend the more grievous of wounds, making her frown at seeing the effort the Kyubi was putting in to help the boy.

"At least your doing something helpful for a change fox" Tsunade said as she continued helping.

"So, the demon brought the Uchiha back?" Shimura Danzo questioned within his office as one of his ROOT-nin kneeled in front of him.

"Hai Danzo-sama, right now Senju Tsunade is tending to his wounds as Uchiha Sasuke is being placed into a prison cell"

"Hmm, this could be an opportunity, have a squad ready to-" Danzo began before a second ROOT-nin landed before him.

"Report!" Danzo said with annoyance.

"The scroll Tsunade had found within her office has been opened, Danzo-sama by the blood of Uzumaki Naruto" the ROOT-nin said with Danzo giving him his full attention, waving a hand to dismiss the first ROOT-nin who left with a bow.

"Explain" Danzo said with the ROOT-nin speaking.

"Hai, when Hatake Kakashi placed the Jinchuriki on Tsunade's desk as ordered a small amount of blood was thrown onto the scrolls blood seal, opening it, when Tsunade Senju left to set the Jinchuriki into another room, I took the chance to examine the contents within the scroll… signed by Hashirama Senju himself" the ROOT-nin said as he held the scroll itself to the man who had a frown.

"You will want to see the contents yourself, Danzo-sama" the ROOT-nin said as Danzo took the scroll calmly, opening it he read it over before he took on the look of an idea.

"Call for a meeting with the council, I have a plan that may just be what I need" Danzo said with a smile of evil intent.

Sitting within her office once again with a tired look, Tsunade Senju went over the many reports she came upon one of Iwa-nin working along side the organization Jiraiya had told her about, Akatsuki.

Seeing this with a deep frown she went to look over other reports until an ANBU entered the room.

"Hokage-sama, the advisors have requested you within a council… it regards the Scroll you discovered within the Sandaime's vault" the ANBU said with Tsunade widening her eyes before looking to her desk to find it missing, scowling she sighed while standing up.

"Dismissed" Tsunade said as she walked to the entrance, allowing the ANBU to leave through the window.

Making Tsunade grumble about Shinobi and doors she failed to see Jiraiya enter her office minutes later.

"You really got soft on the fool, eh… kit"

Opening his eyes to his landscape Naruto winced as he sat up, resting a hand on his chest he blinked to look up to see the Kyubi lazing in front of the gates that were held back by the seal, a look of genuine worry seen within its blood red iris' Naruto let out a bitter chuckle as he stood up.

"I made a promise to Sakura-chan I'd bring him back, but it went better than I expected"

"I can tell you right now, our lives are going to go down hill from this point onward, and right now I can tell the shits about to hit the fan the moment you open your eyes again" Kyubi said with Naruto rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure Baa-chan will keep me safe" Naruto said with Kyubi giving him a deadpan look.

"Don't come crying to me when something happens"

"Don't worry, I'll leave you to your sleeps like always" Naruto said as he began to walk away.

"Not like I got anything better to do besides that, Kit"

With that the two went into silence… not knowing they just have hardships in the future ahead.

"So… what your telling me… is that my grandfather, Hashirama Senju… gave all our clan's finances and treasures… to the Uzumaki… WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING!?" Tsunade yelled out at the news shown to her by Danzo.

"It is indeed true Tsunade-sama, my agents have found many other records from the Shodai Hokage's Vault being the same" Danzo said with the civilians having a nerve jabbed.

"That Moron" Tsunade said with a growl as she clenched the papers.

"With that amount of money we could fix the majority of Konoha's problems of rebuilding and expanding" a snobbish man said with the Shinobi side of the council being silent.

"But what will we do when we get it, the Uzumaki may learn of it and demand answers" one of the civilians said once again.

"We can always execute him for putting the Uchiha near death"

"No, we need him if we're to find the treasures, and knowing Uzumaki they always have scrolls linked to direct blood relatives and full blood Uzumaki, and the fact the last one to hold the location of it was Kushina Uzumaki herself" Tsunade said as she had a look of anger towards her grandfather.

"Keep him locked up until we find any evidence of the scrolls location" Tsunade said with the Shinobi frowning at her.

"That seems like a bit much Tsunade-sama" Inoichi said as he voiced his thoughts, looking to him with a look of annoyance Tsunade spoke harshly.

"In favor of locking the brat up, raise your hand" Tsunade said as the advisors and civilians raised their hands, including Tsunade herself.

"Over ruled, ANBU, take Uzumaki Naruto to the holding chambers, and as for me, I'm going to see what the fuss about Iwa working with a terrorist group" Tsunade began to leave until a voice spoke.

"Perhaps we… could answer some, questions" a double layered voice echoed with everyone staring as a figure rose from the ground with its body covered by what could be described as a venus flytrap, with one-half chalk white and the other pitch black, but the two sides had a smile of equal intent.

The next day

Upon waking up from his rest within the Hospital room, Naruto had been taken to the holding cells forcefully by ANBU with a dazed Jiraiya placing a seal on the back of his head he instantly began to panic at losing the connection to his chakra network, as he was carted off he saw those on the retrieval mission looking after him in worry and confusion, but most of all he saw the horrific look Kakashi had as Naruto was taken away.

Feeling his body weaken even more as another seal was placed on him he failed to see Tsunade and Danzo standing at the cell doors.

Feeling himself shoved in without care the door was shut as Naruto was chained in place.

Running to the closing doors he grabbed the bars to look out, looking to his left he aw ANBU taking Sasuke away.

"Hey, what's the big idea!?" Naruto shouted before the bar was hit by Danzo as Tsunade left, not even sparing a glance in his direction Naruto felt betrayed.

"You will remain silent Jinchuriki" Danzo said with Naruto turning to him, feeling a sense of recognition he frowned.

"By that look I'd say you recognise me, good, because unlike your mother when I'm Hokage you will be used properly as a weapon, not fall victim to heroics or honor, Jinchuriki are weapons to be used" danzo said with Naruto looking at him fully.

"You knew my mother?"

"And your father, the young fool, he should have used her as a weapon once he became the Yondaime but instead he married her with the foolish thoughts of love" Danzo said as Naruto stood wide eyed.

"The Yondaime… was…"

"A fool, just like the Sandaime when he let you grow up" Danzo said before leaving the blonde in his cell.

Stepping back to the wall, Naruto leaned and slid down.

A look of thought and dispair.

"My father… he's…" Naruto said before he finally in a long time, broke down with tears… alone with the Fox unable to reach out to him.

Watching the building in silence with a hood over their head, a figure stood with a look of disgust towards the shinobi its look of disgust vanished as it looked to one Hatake Kakashi as he tried to get to Tsunade Senju, along with those from the Retrieval mission the being saw its opportunity.

Dropping down after Kakashi was sent away he spun around with a Kunai in hand he felt his body forcefully stopped as the figure held up a delicate hand of a woman, looking into the beings eyes, Kakashi's eyes widened calmly at the pure eyes of kindness shown to him.

"I have dire news Hatake Kakashi, and right now you and the few on that retrieval mission are the only chance Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto can go free" the voice was like a soft rhythm of a violin being placed.

"Who are you?" Kakashi questioned as he relaxed slightly.

"That is not important right now, what is important is freeing your student from a gruesome fate"

"I'm not listening until I get my answer of who you are" Kakashi said as he narrowed his eyes, making the woman let out a sigh of what was probably rare annoyance she suddenly had a hand on his forehead with Kakashi's eyes glowing as he was force fed information.

Dropping down in a heap the woman looked down to the groaning Kakashi she spoke.

"Choose who you trust wisely Kakashi, because the future will not be kind" the woman said as the man sat up.

"In the northern oceans of the Elemental Nations… a myth is said that whoever drifts there will meet a wall of storms, send your student there and he will be safe from the Cruel greed of the Shinobi world, I am trusting you with this Hatake-kun, do not let him down" with that the woman vanished through a swirl of golden feathers, leaving a dazed Kakashi his mind focused suddenly with the words in his mind.

"I failed Naruto and sensei once… I'm not going to sit idly as it happens again" Kakashi said with a new resolve, his hands clenching tightly before he rushed off.

Intent on freeing his student.

Not noticing the figure watching him moving from above, waving a hand he was covered by a haze of colours to hide his identity.

Her mission done the woman turned and vanished into a ripple in the air.