Fixed Chapter 1
Earth's Orbit
Sol System
December 11, 2582
Robert Black stared into the final frontier, it goes by many names like the void of the abyss but most people know it as "space".
Robert - going with UNSC regulations - sported a haircut that it looked like a shave rather than a cut and his hair showed signs of white and gray.
He wore an officer's uniform with 2 bars showing his rank as Admiral. Yes, he was an Admiral of a UNSC fleet, but not just any fleet but the home fleet. With 135 ships in total, his fleet could glass a planet with their MACs in less than an hour.
That is how powerful humanity came over the last 3 decades after being on the receiving end of a genocidal war between them and the Covenant.
He took a glance at his TACPAD before taking a sip from his coffee. "Gotta love peace," he told himself.
"Agreed Reclaimer," boomed a voice beside him. Robert jumped in surprise. Beside him was the fleet master - or Admiral in human terms - of a visiting Species Assembly (SA) fleet, fleet master Y'irm - he never caught his family for some reason.
Roberts sighed before reclaiming his composure beside their allies.
It's funny really, exactly 3 decades and a day ago, they would be trying to get at each other's throats. Now though they were standing side by side like any good friend of his would do when with him.
He greeted Y'irm with a smile, "Nice to see that you are well."
Y'irm did something that was an equivalent to a chuckle. "Yes, it is. Nice to see you well as well, human." The Sangheili forwent titles and spoke, "some weird structure appeared in one of your cities, Roberts."
Robert looked surprised from the report. "Why haven't we sound alarms or how come I just got word now?" he asked.
"They identified it as a non threat, but I suspect that we might have trouble soon."
Robert raised an eyebrow. "Oh, why would you think that?"
"They identified the structure as a Greek/Roman from your history."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Cause I'm being a good friend." Robert chuckled while Y'irm smiled with his mandibles twitching.
Robert stopped chuckling when he saw Y'irm trying to smile. "Oh god no! Please stop smiling, at least try to be your species for once!"
Now it was Y'irm's time to chuckle. "Nice to see again Roberts," Y'irm said as he walked away.
"What? We just got started talking." Then the alarms blared. Y'irm grinned as he headed to the hanger bay. Robert ran to the bridge in a high score of 1 minute.
"Why the hell is the alarms sounding?!" Yelled Robert.
"Sir! Tokyo is reporting that they are being attacked!" His ensign paused. "Um, sir?"
"What is it?"
"I think we forgot to tell you about the stru-" he was cut off when Robert waved his hand in dismissal.
"I already know about the structure, fleet master Y'irm informed me personally. Just tell me what's the strength of the enemy," Robert ordered calmly.
"Yes, sir. Footage shows that they are cosplayers in gray ancient Roman armor," reported the Ensign. There was silence from anyone but Robert as he laughed.
"Stop messing with me, Jack." Robert waved his hand in denial. "Cosplayers really?"
"Yes sir it is from Japan so it should be regulars but they are coming from the structure."
Robert stopped laughing at that point and started to work for his crew. "Tell the captains of the ships over Tokyo to launch ODSTs over the location of enemy forces then. And Jack." Ensign Jack looked at Robert with a questioning look. "Tell the ships themselves to not fire any weapons but ODST pods got that?"
Before Jack could respond their smart AI, Calisar, reported, "Sir the enemy has deployed wyvern like creatures. The estimated force at around 6,000 humans sir."
"Humans?" Asked Robert.
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, s- sir we have reports that orc-like creatures has appeared, ugly barbarians."
"Everybody not human is barbarians to you Calisar," Robert deadpanned.
"Point taken sir.." Like what Y'irm did with him on the observation deck, Calisar stopped talking informalities, "Roberts it doesn't feel right to kill my fellow Romans..." as a roman inspired AI he was programmed to think like a space roman.
"Think as them like rebels to the empire you serve then Calisar," declared Robert.
The tenth generation AI's hardlight eyes widened before he broke into a Roman salute. "For the UNSC!" He said before he disappeared.
1 hour ago
Hulnus Hill
Unknown Planet
Unknown System
"Sir, is it wise to open another gate after the other one lead to?" Asked an officer.
Dolt Kin was like any other commander of the empire, he was taught, trained, and groomed as a commander, but ultimately he got his rank due to his family's high status. Now Dolt was facing a dilemma: he was either follow orders and open the gate and risk his men or deny it and let others do it.
Dolt let a deep sigh escape his lips. "Of course it's wise! The Emperor is always wise in his choices!" Dolt paused. "Are you doubting the Emperor?"
"Yes... I mean no! It's just that the last time the empire opened a gate it ended with an allied army of 300,000, leaving the battlefield with only 170,000 of the men they set out with."
"BUT only 120,000 died, so that means 10,000 became bandits or thieves, low lives I tell you. Weak and cowards," Dolt said arrogantly.
The older and more experienced officer was about to retort - and ultimately get kicked trying to defend the men, at least he would be respected - but a courier came into the tent.
"Sir," the young courier started, "Emperor Molt is requesting you to hurry and go through the gate. He says "it is in the best interest in the empire"." Then the courier started to breathe heavily before saluting (Roman salute).
"Get some water and food," the officer ordered but before the young courier could go, Dolt raised a hand to the guards to stop the courier.
"Sir?" Asked the officer.
"What's your name?" Asked Dolt.
"F-Frederick sir," stuttered the young teen.
Dolt paused. "Once you're done with what officer Mane told you, get geared up and get ready to move out with the expedition force," he ordered, the Mane's and the teen's eyes went wide.
"Sir, is it wise to send our only means of communication with the emperor to the front lines?" Asked Mane, skeptical, on the verge of anger.
Dolt grinned arrogantly. "We won't need couriers." He signaled the guards to let Frederick through.
Now Mane had enough of his young commander's inexperience and underestimation. He was fed up with his arrogance, his ignorance, and his pure stupidity. Screw my rank, I'm leaving this gods' forsaken gate and commander! Mane thought angrily.
"May the gods bless the soldiers and may the gods curse you, commander Dolt Kin!" His cheeks were puffed in anger. "I resign from this doomed empire!" He then stormed out of the tent and yelled to anyone who can hear him.
"May the gods bless you! Your lives are in the hands of a fool!"
Dolt was shocked, his most trusted officer just gave up on him and basically said screw you.
"Guards! Arrest that man!" But the guards didn't move an inch as they were busy looking at the retreating figure of Mane.
Then one by one their mighty expedition force of 10,000 was reduced to roughly 6,000, 4,000 manpower gone just like that.
"Kill the traitors!" Dolt yelled to his most loyal men.
30 minutes later
Dolt stabbed another cowardly traitor before turning his sights on the gate. "Open it up! Enter it in tight formation!" He ordered. The traitors didn't even put up a fight as the loyalist killed those traitors. Though maybe his family's name might be stained, it wasn't stained enough for shunning.
"Yes, sir!" Replied the gatekeeper as he opened it with a magical key.
They entered tight formation before marching in, with the Wyverns and their riders at the rear.
They appeared suddenly in front of a long and wide road with weird things with wheels. Civilians held weird items and flashing were here and there before the cavalry appeared and charged them. "Wait!" Now he knew what his officer, Mane, said that gods bless his soldiers, as they were turned into merciless genocidal mindless soldiers.
"Sir?" Asked one of his other officers.
Dolt sighed. "Tell them they must capture some slaves! Mindless fools." He arrogantly sighed but this was a fake facade of arrogance, in essence, he was scared from the core.
They slaughtered hundreds by the time the enemy organized, but it was too late for them, estimated 400 of their citizens were on the ground, unmoving.
"Sir! The enemy is approaching in tight shield formation!" Yelled a sentry, so they were, a whole file of them with shields and wands or staffs.
"Mages!" Yelled an officer as they fired smoking magic from their wands. They had at least a dozen of them, mages, hiding behind their shields.
"Calvary charge!" He ordered but he was answered with horses whining and men tearing up for no apparent reason. His eyes widened. "Where are the Wyverns?!"
"They just appeared."
"Order them to attack those mages!" With that order, the Wyverns took off and went to deal with those mages. "This must be a mage Kingdom," he thought. Then hundreds of meteors charged directly at them. "What in Falmar's land have we provoked?!" Dolt thought to see his men obliterated by the meteors, some even took some Wyverns with them.
There was a hiss.
Cairo station
Earth's Orbit
Sol System
Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood sat on his chair staring at the holo-table. He was not in command of the home fleet that laid with the UEG (they gave their emergency powers back to the civilian government) and the admirals commanding the numerous heavy frigates and battlecruisers.
Robert Black stood in front of him, though via hard light hologram.
"You sure this information is correct?" He asked.
Robert nodded, "of course sir."
"Cosplayers and Wyverns, do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?"
"I didn't believe it at first but I assure you that the information is valid." Robert straightened his posture before saying, "also sir. They already killed around 500 and taken a few people captive, hopefully not for rotten reasons." Hood took off his hat and prayed a silent prayer.
"You are dismissed, Admiral." With the key phrase out, Robert disappeared. Hood sighed.
Near Earth
Sol System
"Give me an estimation on enemy current forces!" Ordered Robert.
A reply from a feminine voice answered, "enemy strength is at 3,000."
"UNSC forces?"
Calisar answered that "UNSC forces aren't taking casualties, police forces, however, has around 10 - 70 casualties."
"I want a report when the enemy forces are subjugated!" Calisar nodded before disappearing. "I want UNSC forces to deploy around their gate! Make sure none of our civilians or even worse, military and police personnel, are taken captive by the offenders!"
"Sir! All enemy air force has been wiped out!"
Robert sighed those were the only ones doing casualties apparently. "Good, tell police forces to retreat and secure the area!"
"Sir, we need to go through the police c-" the crew member was cut off when Roberts raised his hand.
"Request then."
"Yes, sir."
"Who bets this is a second insurgency?!" Asked Robert trying to relieve some stress. There were no hands raised. "So that means we show them mercy! Capture some alive!"
There was a round of nods as his orders were confirmed.
Imperial forces
Sol System
"Sir! They have surrounded the portal! We must retreat when we can still can!" Yelled one of the foot soldiers.
"Did I give you permission to retreat?!" Asked Dolt knowing if they retreat they would be executed. But before he could say anything else, his forces nodded before knocking their idiotic leader unconscious.
"We surrender!" Yelled a foot soldier that Dolt Kin would have recognized as Frederick, the courier boy had taken command of his troops.
"Hands on your hands!" The soldier clad in black, head to toe, yelled something that they can't understand.
"Barbarians," muttered a loyalist as he took out a sword and slashed at the "enemy". But the sword didn't even faze them, instead they fired their magic wands and killed the loyalist.
"Hands on your heads!" Yelled the soldier as he indicated the head.
The Imperial expedition team recognized this and put their hands on their heads, while the soldiers used their foot to force them on their knees.
"Great another green people," an Imperial foot soldier said out loud. "The Empire is doomed! Curse that empire and our commander! May the gods curse them!" He was nudged by a female soldier.
"Shut up." The Imperial looked at her.
"They are truly barbarians! They have females in their ranks!" He tried to laugh but was knocked out cold by the female.
"What is going to happen to me?" Most of the Imperial forces thought.
Near Earth
Sol System
"Enemy casualties are 4,630, sir. It seems like their morale was already weakened as many surrendered when ODST drop pods hit near them," reported Calisar.
"Good. Send a request to the UEG to block off the Ginza district and build a structure around the gate."
"Request sent," Calisar confirmed. "Good, now about the Shangili." Robert thought.
"Jack, get me contact with fleet master Y'irm," Robert ordered.
"They were already contacting us. Putting on screen now."
A hologram of Y'irm appeared before him, on the holo-table of course. "Ah. Admiral Robert. We are requesting to send troops through the gate," Y'irm said rather bluntly.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, fleet master." Robert was hoping Y'irm would accept but that wasn't meant to be.
"My troops are fully prepared to go through the gate, think of it as a retribution to you reclaimers. For all the sins we have done 3 decades ago..." Y'irm paused. "They are insurgents.. are they not?"
"What we have seen from medical tests so far, they don't have the forerunner genetic imprint, so no they aren't insurgents," replied Robert.
Y'irm flared his mandibles in glee. "Then we shall eradicate any opposing enemy beyond the gate." There was a moment of tapping. "Sending forces to ground. We just need your clearance now."
A message popped up from Hood: "Let them down."
Robert looked around to see if anyone was typing to Lord Hood before sighing. "I, Admiral Robert Black, allow entrance of Shangili forces to land on Tokyo and conduct operations beyond the gate."
There was a resounding shout of glee as the Shangili celebrated as they were about to embark on a retribution journey.
"But a marine battalion and 2 SPARTAN-IV squads are to escort you to set up a UNSC forward base." Robert signaled Jack to cut the footage.
"Calisar, give me a pinpoint location to where this gate leads to."
The Imperial Capital
Unknown Planet
Unknown System
"Another sacred hill has been ravaged by bloodshed?!"
The Senate, the place where you can listen to wonderful music as people argue and fight, all the while the Emperor sat lazily in his chair always watching with amusement.
"Yes, if our accounts are right, the force was brought into a one sided Rebellion where our troops prevailed." The man in the center of the room paused. "After the commander won the battle, they charged right through the gate. But never returned."
A man in military armor and clothing spoke up, "was there even a courier?"
"Yes there was but due to the foolishness of the commander he forcefully put the courier in the front lines," replied the man. "But we did get an officer, but he marched up to us and said he resigned. We don't know where he is as of now."
Emperor Molt sighed as his head started to ache. "Stop bickering like fools and send another detachment," he ordered dismissively.
"Your majesty! We already lost one-third of our forces, it will stretch our forces thin, leaving our empire weak," replied a senator. "And the other kingdoms and tributaries won't volunteer anymore. Due to the battle of Arnus Hill."
Another senator spoke up, "Then there's the matter of the green people! Your Majesty, we request that we try to negotiate with them."
"Silence!" Roared Emperor Molt. Everyone told their mouths to shut and it obeyed, not even opening to a cough. "We will send a scout just to see if they are advancing."
There was a round of agreements at the sensible idea. "Now tell me if the green people are advancing."
Near Earth's Moon
Sol System
UNSC UNKNOWN TO EYES is part of humanity's - well the Forerunner genetically implanted humans - ONI or Office of Naval Intelligence.
"So the green boys are gonna send some prisoners for us to interrogate?" Asked the captain of the prowler. His first officer nodded. "Ok.. let's see... send the prisoners to interrogation chamber 1 through 5."
The captain was a light skinned Japanese decent male, he had black spiky hair and a black uniform with a black version of the UNSC's captain's cap. Name Commander Matty Jenkins.
"Yes sir," responded his first officer. "I'd like to also report that Sangheili forces have been given the green to go through the gate," the officer reported.
Sangheili forces... what game are you playing Hood? Matty thought.
Genesis, their resident A.I, was a prototype generation X AI, she out performs every other AI, besides the legendary A.I, Cortana, of course. She was based on a maid from the 1500's.
"Genesis, have our prisoners arrive yet?" Matty asked.
"Yes, master. The prisoners are in hangar bay two," replied Genesis.
"Have our translators on this ship to decode their language."
Genesis was gone with a gentle smile.
"Hm ok..." Then an idea popped in his head. "Do we still have access to the Janus key?" Sasuke asked.
"Yes, master." Genesis materialized again, still with her maid avatar.
"Then I want you to look through it and find any forerunner artifacts from the other universe. This gate might not be useless after all."
Genesis replied, "There are dozens of forerunner ships not in this universe, though most are classified as colony ships, there is one supposed intact dreadnought."
"Yes, humanity might surpass the Sangheili or any Covenant species in terms of firepower." Matty grinned grimly. "Tell me the progress in language decoding," he ordered.
"Nearing completion master, estimated time left: 2 minutes," Genesis smiled gently.
"Set course for the radio tower then. We need to send the package to all ONI and UNSC personal."
"Yes sir," replied his first officer.
Unknown Planet
Unknown System
Lieutenant General Kōichirō Hazama of the JSDF or Japanese Self Defense Force stared at the man who gave him the message bow before going out of the door, heading to the Mess hall to have lunch.
Hazama sighed as he wrote a report on the new found information. Once he was done it read:
Report of Lieutenant General Kōichirō Hazama of the JSDF:
We have discovered another gate like ours, 15 kilometers away. The locals call it "Dalnus Hill", another sacred hill of the Empire. When we found it, our jets were able to see corpses of the Empire's troops dead.
Lieutenant General Kōichirō Hazama signing out.
Hazama pressed "send" before stroking his mustache. "Coffee might help my migraine…"
Chapter 1 End
Love Halo and Gate so much that I made this fanfiction. Anyways like and favorite, but most notably review!