For weeks, a dog on end could see her breath in the cold. It snowed small drops of snowflakes and I survived being on my own, season through seasons. But, I am here only to tell you my story, in my words.

I was born near the Mays' house. They had a huge shed, larger than a room, built, with unneeded nesting boxes, burlap sacks and wheelbarrows. My Mother was lucky enough to travel near the Mays' house, as she gave birth to me and my brother there. Most animals who lived with us were cats, mice and other really small ones who didn't bark or hiss and spit in anger. "Because of cruelty.", Mother once heard Mrs. Mays' say, "Cruelty and fleas." It was a dumb reason to me that the Mays' did not want a dog, yet animals lived right behind them. There was a forest behind the Mays' house, and a fox named Destruct would come by, searching for a meal. Shed cats would hide in the nesting box stacks, tucking their kittens underneath them. Mother would take my brother, Cloud, and I to the way back of the shed and would tuck us under burlap sacks. Destruct was a scary fox. She'd brought her kits before, and one time, Destruct had got so close to the shed that Mother was shaking and pushing us further back. She eventually left, sensing our fear going down. Cloud and I wanted to learn more about Destruct.

Cloud went out of the wheelbarrow and whined. He cried, not knowing where Mother was, but Mother scooped him up and nudged me out as well. We played and basked in the sun, and found rubbish bins. It was heaven. I would pounce on the breads and wheat, the cold eggs, the cheese and pasta. Night fell, and Cloud and I's curiosity grew. We snuck out of the shed. We left the Mays' yard. We were lost.

The forest was scary. I was about 3 months old then, so I was weary and feared everything. Cloud consoled me, and nuzzled me. I hoped we would get back before Destruct or any other foxes or coyotes caught us. But it was too late. A flash of vixen-red fur ran across our path, and stood in front of us. Destruct's eyes were blank, and full of nothing but hunger and bloodthirstiness. Cloud quickly growled, then yipped, then cried for Mother. I knew she was sad. I knew she was worried. I knew she was coming. I knew Mother would get to the forest and fight off Destruct. And that is exactly what she did. Mother let out a warning growl, baring her teeth. Destruct growled back, and leaped back, unsheathing long, sturdy claws. Mother unleashed her long claws, and attacked Destruct. Pinning her down, Mother bit Destruct's neck and blood poured out everywhere. Cloud was petrified... I was blank.