Here came the kid who always have many interests in making Lincoln's day go for the worst, Chandler. He's not alone as he is walking with two students, one of them looked like he'd shaved around his head with a black faux hawk and a black thick unibrow. he also has braces on his teeth, he wears a red hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes with green stripes. The other is overweight with dark blonde standing hair. He wears a yellow T-shirt with a light cyan Circle, green short-sleeve shirt, brown pants and brown sandals.

Chandler- (smirked) "Nice mummy costume loser, did you make your sisters mad?"

Lincoln- (frustrated) "It's none of your- wait how did you know about this?!"

Chandler- "Well it didn't take long for your weak buddy to spit out the truth when he came to the park. Too bad about his glasses"

Lincoln- "You leave him out of this, he's got nothing to do with this. Plus me and my sisters made up and we promised to make things right."

Somehow Chandler's expression changed to something of an upset look, why would he be upset about this. something doesn't seem right to Lincoln, but except for Max as he knows all about how bullies act as his experience in the past. this one is something new

Chandler- "And what are you going to do, huh. I bet the whole school would think of your sisters as cruel siblings."

Chandler then placed his finger on Lincoln's left eye (currently covered in bandages) and applied a bit of force. This caused Lincoln to slap his hand away and holds his left eye in pain. His injuries again were not properly healed at the moment. Of course, Max was not happy to see this kind of harm to a child in a serious state.

Max took control and gave Chandler a hard push to the ground making everyone in the hallway to phase attention to the two with an utter gasp. Chandler was now pissed to know a weak kid just pushed him to the ground and in front of everyone. Humiliating

Max/ic- (disappointed) "do me a favor, kid...stay away from me and my friend...and we'll be ok." (Looks at his goons) "Same goes with both of you"

Later max turns around and closed Lincoln's locker. Chandler was not immediately going to be defeated in front of the whole school and just be presumed weak. He quickly got up and popped his knuckles getting ready to make a move. Max heard the sounds of bones popping and looks to his left and see's Chandler getting ready for a rematch.

Lincoln/in- "great, now I'm going to get my butt kicked!"

Max/ic- "don't force yourself, child. Either back off or go for the worst."

Chandler- "you're going to regret calling me a child, Larry"

What Chandler didn't notice it was there's a bathroom near Lincoln's locker just a few feet. the girl's restroom, in fact, giving max the idea that he saw Lincoln's principal, Mr. Huggins, with a bloated bladder just a few moments ago, giving him the opportunity to...oh no.

Max/ic- Hey Chandler can you do me a favor and just turn around. you see the principal looking at you.

Chandler- (fear) (turned around) "what?!"

According to Max's calculation was proven to be correct a little girl came out of the restroom giving Max the chance to push Chandler into the restroom causing him to stumble and wobble towards the little girl's restroom entrance. Even Chandler's goons were even surprised and shocked.

Max/ic- ok, that's that and now we wait.

What makes this more perfect and amazing was that Max's predictions were more correct as the principal came around the corner and holding his own belly as if he was about to explode but instead of going into the restroom to take a number two, he hears this...


"Peeping Tom!"

(Multiple slapping sounds)

All of a sudden the principle see's Chandler running and out of the girl's restroom with his hand placed on his cheek as there is a red mark and also another hand print across his left face. this brought to a conclusion that Chandler might be doing something that is not school appropriate, principle Higgins thought.

Principle- "What the!? Chandler!? what is the meaning of this, were you... in my office, now!

Chandler- "But it wasn't me it was Lincoln I swear he pushed me in-"

Principle H. - "Lincoln, you say, I find it hard to believe as his attendance and his behavior records throughout the school year didn't show any problems, and also you hold the many aggressive behavior records against him."

Lincoln/in - "finally he says my name properly!"

Chandler -"I'm telling you it's him."

Principle H. -"Then where is he"

Chandler then points to Lincoln that is standing right behind the principal and he looks to be more confident than ever. Chandler was confused on why Lincoln is giving Chandler the look of confidence, does he really think that he's going to get away with it. As the principal turns around Lincoln expression quickly change to a confidence look to a worried and confused look.

Principle Huggins was shocked to see Lincoln covered in bandages and also he doesn't seem to look so guilty but rather look to be utterly in pain. there's no way that Lincoln could do this.

Principle H.- "Lincoln, what happened to you?!"

But of course the time is almost up and classes will begin soon. instead, he didn't want to waste Lincoln's time to get to class, as he is busy getting one kid into detention.

Principle H. - "Actually, forget what I asked ( face back to Chandler) you young man, follow me to my office, now!"

Of course, he has no choice but to go but once he starts walking he looks back at Lincoln giving him the Death Stare as if it was 'it's not over yet'.

Then off they go leaving Lincoln Scot free.

Max/ic- "Well, that's that."

Lincoln/in- (Sigh)...I'm gonna get my butt kicked

Max/ic- "Look, if he ever gets into contact with you or gets very repulsive. I will be using my words in order to stop his aggression."

Lincoln/in- "You don't know him very well then I do, he's not going to listen to me when I try to use persuasion to get him to stop messing with me."

Max/ic- "No no, not in that way. I have dealt with this kind of situation when I'm being picked on. The trick is to talk about their issues... In front of the public."

Lincoln/in- "Don't you think that's going to be a bit too far?"

Max/ic- "What makes you think that?"

Lincoln/in- "I don't think it would be right for everyone to tease and mess with Chandler just like how I have to go through."

max/ic- "Alright, he's your bully so it's your call. heh... you're the nicest one in the family, aren't you? You even care for one who opposes you…(down) you almost sound like my brother."

lincoln/in- "Really?"

Max stay silent as he was now overwhelmed with sorrow and grief. he felt that is all his fault that his project has just made his own family broken. of course, he loved his family but he never attended to kill himself by accident. all he wanted is to see his family proud, but now...

Max/in- "you take control...and that doesn't matter right now let's just get to your class, you only have about proximately 15 seconds. But also let's change this subject."

Lincoln- "Alright fine, I have one question to ask, while we were asleep I saw you go through a red portal. can you tell me what was that about?"

Max then felt that his heart dropped to the ground, of course, he doesn't physically have a heart but you get the point.

max/in- (nervous) "That subject may not be interesting for you let's change to another subject."

Lincoln- "But-"

The school bell rang just as max predicted.

Max/in- "Well you look at that! the bell rang, so we have to move on to class."

(History classroom)

Upon entering the class there laid many students on their deaths were getting ready for a new lecture or lesson to begin, but of course, all students could not focus until they saw Lincoln coming in with many bandages leaving many minds confused.

Of course, the teacher didn't do not notice this as she was still writing a new lesson on the chalkboard that reads 'chapter 3- William Boss tweed'. max notice Lincoln's teacher Mrs. Johnson and something looks familiar of her, he swore that he saw her somewhere but couldn't tell...god no, please.

Max/in- (fear) "Ah shit, please don't tell me that's who I think she is."

Lincoln- "Who, Mrs. Johnson?"

Max/in- (fear) "God damn it...I was afraid you might confirm her name."

Lincoln- "Why, you sound like you know her."

Max- "I do know her...she's the one who kicked my ass when I killed her pet snail for the test run for my portal. I deserved it though."

Lincoln- "Wow, you killed her snail? that would make sense of her. Only for her snail?"

Max/in- "I don't want to talk about it, it's been almost a week for me when that happened?"

Lincoln- "But it's been only eleven years-"

Max/in- "All I remember was I got my ass kicked and days later, I'm dead, I'm alive, and I'm here."

Lincoln- "Oh, I get what you mean."

Lincoln then walks towards his seat where Clyde sat next to him waiting to see his best friend.

Clyde- "Lincoln are you alright! I hear what happened to-"

Lincoln- "How did you know about this? Chandler told me you knew!"

Clyde- "Well your mom called and told me about how you were in a coma and the only way to wake you up was a familiar sound or smell-"

Lincoln- "Wait, so my mom told you everything?"

Clyde- "No, my Dads drove me to your house so I could pick up your comics, but all I found was your sisters fighting each other."

Lincoln- "So they told you?"

Clyde- "No, I called your mom about it and she was not pleased. So she came to pick them up while I woke up in my room."

Lincoln- "'re not making any sense. Did my sisters told you or my mom did?"

Clyde- "Both, till Lori could finish explaining...I fainted."

Lincoln- "Ok, now that makes sense."

Max/in- (confused) "He fainted...over the news?"

Clyde- "Is it true! That you could've died if Lynn punched you hard by one more force?"

Lincoln- "Wait, how did you know about that? I remember that my sister's explained that my mom explained my condition to them on the way back from the hospital."

Clyde- "Well the day after I woke up, I called your dad to see if you're ok? He later explains."

Lincoln- "Ok, now that explains it. Yeah, i could've died, but me and Lynn are cool now. it true that Chandler broke your glasses?"

Clyde- (disbelief) "Yeah! I can't believe it, but it's a good thing I have a spare."

Lincoln- (smirks) "Well it's a good thing he won't be messing with us anymore."

Max/in- "For now"

Clyde- (curious) "What makes you think that?"

Lincoln- "Well he went to the principal's office for... some reason."

Clyde- "Well that's good to hear. Hey, do you want to come over, I bought the latest Ace savvy comic. I even got you one too."

Lincoln- (happy) "Great!"

Max/in- "What?! No, I need to make omega 3 supplements-" (realized) "never mind, if your mother came with your medication, we be insane."

Mrs. J- "Alright class today we will- (Notice Lincoln covered in bandages) (surprised but worried) Lincoln, are you... alright?"

Lincoln- (nervous) "Yes, I'm fine th- oh I forgot to give you the note from the nurse."

Lincoln gets off of his chair and starts walking towards the teacher. While that, each classmate stared at Lincoln with an odd expression.

Lincoln- (Hands the note) "Here You go."

Mrs. Johnson takes the note and studies it.

Max/in- (fear) "good thing I'm dead...if I were alive she would've murder me back then for using her ant farm. I'm sure they're dead...since I died."

Mrs. J- (worried) "Alright, but are you sure you're ok?"

Lincoln- "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

(Later time pass and it's Lunch time)

Lincoln sat alone with a plastic tray with pizza, green apple, and milk.

Max/in- (amused) "How did they not know about William boss tweed? He was a cheating ass mayor back then."

Lincoln- "It's a new lesson in class. No one knows anything about him until the class was over."

Max/in- " got a point. Oh, we're almost out of pomegranate and yogurt."

Lincoln- (embarrassed) "Yeah, we could've been more resourceful with it, but I got carried away with the chocolate. Good thing Chandler didn't take it."

Max/in- "Alright, Lincoln, is there anything I should know about this kid, like any history, attitude, behavior, or even relations?"

Lincoln- (annoyed) "How should I know, he's a bully, I don't know anything about him much. All I know is that his dad works for a sewage plant. when it was chandler's birthday he starts giving out invitations to everyone but me and Clyde."

Max/in- "Well that could mean that his father could be Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager and his possible salary is $80,390. The fact with a range usually between $63,287-$106,698, however, this can vary widely depends on a variety of factors. Being manager would allow him to bring children to his workplace."

Lincoln- (amused) "Wow, so his dad must be rich."

Max/in- "Quite likely, yes. It also explains why he allowed his son to bring all your classmates to a hazardous waste plant. seriously, I don't understand why kids find piss and shit something amazing in this future. I also don't recommend anyone getting near contaminated waste that could be airborne with many diseases. HA, best Dad of the year. unless…"

Lincoln- "Unless what?"

Max/in- "Well, I think this is another clue to what caused his behavior issue with you."

Lincoln- (annoyed) "It's not a behavior issue, he just likes to be a jerk."

Max/in- "No no, that's not a good explanation for his attitude...Hmmmm…Lincoln, if you have a son, would you take him to your job to see him happy?"

Lincoln- (unsure) Well…sure, but where are you going-

Max/in- "To the most dangerous or...disgusting place to see your own son happy...after a tragic divorce?"

Lincoln- "What!?"

Max/in- "Think about, there's another reason why Chandler has an impulse behavior. It's possible that he was depressed about the divorce from both of his parents."

Lincoln- "How do you know that?"

Max/in- "Honestly, I don't. This is just one of them."

Lincoln- "So what? this doesn't make sense to why he's acting like a jerk?"

Max/in- "There could be many reasons for his behavior. one of them being social issues, depression (probably parents divorced), jalousie, and/or private issue. Either one could be possible. oh and I forgot, arrogant of pride over money since his father would Give his son a huge allowance. (Thinking) Hmmmm...anything else I should know about him, Lincoln?"

Lincoln- "Well, it's not money since he tried to get free stuff from the arcade at the time. he knew that my sister works there, so he manipulated me into giving him free stuff. I also saw him take tickets from those two kids who used to be my friends."

Max/in- "Ah, so that's one distinction we could take out of the list. now what else, Lincoln."

Lincoln- "Well that's it, later on, he would start teasing and humiliate me."

Max/in- "That's it? (Sigh) well, we already know what type of bully is he. We know he is 'physical' since he tried to continue to apply harm to your wounds, 'verbal' is included as he showed many mockery and humiliation, and 'social' is quite common as I saw that he wanted to spread the word of your sister's action. That part I don't get...why would he try to target your sisters other than you?"

Lincoln- "Maybe he...I don't know...I was thinking if he might of use them against me, you know like make my sisters think I spread the word and later attack me for it. But I did claim him that we made up."

Max/in- "No no, he doesn't seem to have interest in targeting your sisters, just to get them to attack you…(thinking)...not sure if that's his intention …could it?"

Lincoln- "Well I'm not going to continue this subject and I need to think of a plan to escape his wrath."

Max/in- (Still thinking) "...does he have any friends?"

Lincoln- "Well he stole some of mine, you already met them"

Max/in- "No, there are not his friends...they were just manipulated by him, but that's another thing...why? Do they have problems?"

Lincoln- (confused) "This makes my head hurt even more."

Max/in- "Well do they?"

Lincoln- "Well they did tease me over many love notes that Ronnie Anne sends me that one time."

Max/in- "Oh, then Nah. They don't have problems."

Lincoln- (confused) "How? They pick on me too."

Max/in- "Yes but they're not the problem."

Lincoln- "I don't understand, can you explain to me what's going on?"

Max/in- "Look it's normal for kids in elementary to tease one another because of love, it's not an issue. Plus they can be manipulated very easily when it comes to a humiliating subject. So that's that name of the girl you're in love with?"

Lincoln- (blushing) "I am not in love with her! Wait I thought you already know her name."

Max/in- "Oh right, I guess I forgot. so she's in love with you? Never mind that, we're getting off track. I have another theory...since he doesn't have friends that I can conclude that he has social problems, I mean sure he might have invited all your classmates to a birthday party, but that doesn't mean they're officially friends. Plus it's possible that his parents were divorced since it's highly possible for fathers to have attempts to bond with their children to forget the tragic break up. Does he ever tease about your looks, like your white hair and buck teeth?"

Lincoln- "No, never, why do you ask?"

Max/in- "It's nothing, he did look satisfied when he heard the news about your...accident. However, his mood change when you claim about you and your siblings able to make up for it, he looked to be...upset."

Lincoln- "Where are you going with this?"

Max/in- "...Lincoln...when did he start bullying you?"

Lincoln- "Well, since the third grade, he was always cheerful back then...but later he started to get mad at others, especially me!"

Max/in- (thinking) "Hmmm…(realized) ah, now it makes sense!

Lincoln now thinks that Max knows what's going on with Chandler.

Lincoln- (curious) "What?"

Max/in- "Chandler is-"

Before Max could continue, Lincoln was shoved out of his seat and lands to the floor. Not only that but he could still feel some injuries that were still not yet healed. One thing is to know who or what threw him off the cafeteria table? He looks up to see…

Chandler- (pissed) "You think that's amusing, Larry? Thanks to you I got three days of detention!"

Lincoln- (mad) "What the heck man! can't you see that I'm in a bad condition!?"

Chandler- (pissed) "Oh you're going to be in a lot worse than that!"

Lincoln- (mad) "You can't beat me up, my injuries are not healed!"

Chandler- "So? Who's gonna stop me (he then snaps his fingers calling his goons)"

Both Chandler's goons walk over to Lincoln getting ready to give him the worst. Max was not amused as this is one thing that he could to prove him he's frail.

Max/ic- (Stood up) "You know, Chandler... you are so weak."

All- (gasp)

To be continued...

Here's one special advice to every writers and readers. Be sure to bring a spare tire when you are stranded 10 miles away from town trying to go attend a college i had to go through yesterday.

I don't wanna talk about it. XD