My Brother

Pairing; Hiccup X Astrid

Setting; Normal HTTYD

Rating; M for Mature

Disclaimer; I do not own the HTTYD movies, Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk, and Gift of the Night Fury, or the Netflix series Race to the Edge.

Owe It All To You

=Hiccup's POV=

Words could not express how overjoyed I was for my older brother and sister-in-law. I got to stand next to him as he anxiously waited for news about his wife, Mari, and their child, who turned out to be a little girl that was announced later as Frida Haddock, daughter of Einar and Mari Haddock. Young Frida was now two months old and looked like every bit of her mother and father. I was a proud uncle, and couldn't wait for mine and Astrid's son or daughter to be born. Astrid was seven months into her pregnancy, and it showed, but I never tired of lying next to my wife and feeling our child move around and kick at the sound of our voices. My father kept pushing me to take up the position of Chief, but I was standing firm on my decision to wait until mine and Astrid's child was born and reached six months of age.

Astrid and I spent a lot of our time preparing the baby's room and talking about names for our son or daughter. It was hard to pick just one name to use for each gender, but Astrid and I decided that the name would come to us after the baby was born. My life was perfect; I didn't see how it could possibly get any better. All I needed was for mine and Astrid's child to be born, then take over as Chief. In eight months I would have everything I could ever want.

=Normal POV=

The day started off like any other. Hiccup awoke to Astrid being sick, and he did what he could for her. Of course, the time was early morning before the sun rose. After that, the two sat down in the main room at the table while Hiccup whipped something up for breakfast. Just as the two were sitting down to eat when a loud scream rang throughout the village. Hiccup and Astrid looked at one another quickly.

"Stay here. Toothless!" Hiccup called as his Night Fury stood up and Hiccup jumped on his back as they flew out of the house and hovered in the sky. "Track it, bud," he said as Toothless began to listen carefully, while others were starting to come outside to find out what was happening. Toothless suddenly shot forward towards Einar's house. Instantly, Hiccup got a nervous, sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Toothless landed as Hiccup reached the door and heard Mari sobbing loudly and little Frida wailing. "Mari!? Mari, it's Hiccup, what's wrong?" he asked quickly. Hiccup opened the door and hurried inside, following the cries to the main bedroom. "Mari?"

Hiccup looked at Mari against the wall holding Frida close to her trembling figure. Hiccup followed her line of sight to the bed where Einar laid asleep. Hiccup moved closer to his brother and shook him. "H-He's…dead," Mari forced out. Hiccup froze, turning his attention to Mari now.

"…what…" Hiccup managed.

"I-I got up…to get Frida, and Einar…didn't move at all; he…always gets up w-with me. I-I tried to shake him, but he wouldn't wake, a-and the I couldn't see him breathing," Mari tried to explain. Hiccup looked back at Einar's still form. Hiccup attempted to shake Einar.

"E-Einar? Hey, it's…time to wake up now," Hiccup said. No response or movement. "Br-Brother?" he asked, his voice beginning to falter in fear and sadness. Hiccup touched Einar's forehead; he was ice cold. Hiccup drew back quickly, shaking hard as tears formed in his eyes. Hiccup never even noticed Stoick and Valka come in. "No…No, this…isn't…happening. I-It can't…be tr-true…" he backed up slowly. Stoick made his way forward slowly, checking over Einar, then he closed his eyes.

"St-Stoick?" Valka asked.

"He's gone, Val. Einar has left us," Stoick said sadly. Just as Mari had screamed, Valka let out a scream of pain at the information that her eldest son was dead. Hiccup couldn't speak or think; he didn't know what to do. Einar had died? His brother was gone?! Hiccup backed out of the room as he jumped on Toothless's back and his dragon took to the sky. Hiccup threw his fists in the air and yelled out to the Gods in anger and sadness. Hiccup didn't care where Toothless took him, but he did not want to be in the village right now; he only wanted to be alone so he could cry over the loss and mourn his older brother.

{A Few Days Later}

Gothi had confirmed Einar's death to be sickness; that he passed peacefully in his sleep, and everyone had been told of what happened, including the other islands. Hiccup never returned to Berk that day; he stayed gone until the afternoon of the next day, and that is when Stoick told him about the funeral that was to be held for Einar. Today was that horrid, sad day. The Hooligans and Chieftains with their lovers and Heir's had come out to bid a goodbye to Einar Haddock. Everyone was gathered on the beach; before them was a small boat where Einar's body laid draped by a cloth. The family; Valka, Stoick, Mari with Frida in her arms, Astrid and Hiccup stood where the water met the sand.

As Hiccup had the closest bond with Einar, it was decided for Hiccup to head the ceremony. Gobber and Spitelout pushed the ship off the shore, then stood back. "May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and we know that you've taken your rightful place among the Gods and Goddesses. A great man has fallen; a father, a friend, a son…a brother," Hiccup said as calmly as could.

Gobber handed Hiccup a bow and arrow, then he stepped back sadly with his head down. Hiccup felt a tear fall from his eyes and down his cheek as he positioned the cloth-covered arrow tip on the burning log beside him. The arrowhead lit, then Hiccup lifted the bow and drew back the object on the string while aiming for the ship that was straight ahead of him, still drifting out to sea. "Fly high," Hiccup whispered as he released the arrow; it soared through the sky and hit the ship, beginning to burn in. After Hiccup fired, Stoick, Gobber, Valka, Astrid, Mari, and Spitelout had done the same.

Hiccup dropped the bow beside him on the ground as he lowered his head, trying not to cry. Einar and Hiccup never got a lot of time together, and now Einar was gone right before Hiccup was about to become a father and the Chieftain of Berk. Hiccup didn't know how to handle this, losing his brother two months before Astrid was supposed to give birth? Eight months before he became the leader of the Hooligan Tribe? How was this fair! Hiccup couldn't stand it.

"Hiccup?" Heather said sadly from behind.

"We're so sorry for your loss," Dagur continued.

"If there is anything we ca-," Camicazi began as Hiccup lifted his head, back still facing them. Toothless came beside his friend, nuzzling his head under Hiccup's hand. Hiccup grabbed hold of the saddle and threw his leg over.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"I'm sorry, Astrid. I just…need some time alone," Hiccup said sadly. Astrid saw the tears in her husband's eyes that he was trying to keep everyone else from seeing, and she nodded softly. Astrid leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be right here when you're ready to come back," Astrid told him.

"Thank you. Let's go, Toothless," Hiccup said. Toothless gave the nod of understanding as he took to the sky, zipping out of sight soon after. When Hiccup was gone, everyone began to disperse from the beach as they understood Hiccup needed time to mourn the loss. All of them were happy to give him that.

{Two Months Later}

Hiccup was gone for a week; seven full days, and he returned on the eighth. Hiccup was still upset and mourning, but he admitted to being ready to come back and live his life again. That wasn't to say he wanted to stop living, but he needed the break to think and recover without everyone asking if he was doing alright when they knew he wasn't. Hiccup used his time to help Mari and Astrid all he could to keep himself distracted. Mari and Frida, for now, were living with Stoick and Valka because she was not ready to be her's and Einar's home. Astrid was officially nine months pregnant, and due to give birth whenever. Astrid was more than eager to do so because being this far along, she was uncomfortable all the time.

Coping with the loss of Einar was hard; Hiccup had to get used to not having his brother around anymore after spending so much time adjusting to having him there on Berk. Mari was doing better, considering to go back to her house with Frida and start putting things away that were Einar's. Hiccup was helping her a bit, but it was still too soon for him to be there after so little time. At the moment, Astrid was sleeping as Hiccup was sitting on the couch and staring into the fire while looking at a picture he'd drawn of Einar and himself after Hiccup woke up from the fight with Red Death, and learned that Einar's exile was overturned; a proud, happy day that was.

"HICCUP!" Astrid yelled for him. Hiccup's eyes widened as he placed the notebook down and hurried to his and Astrid's room. Hiccup found her lying in bed; looking terrified.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Hiccup asked.

"M-My water…br-broke," Astrid said. Everything seemed to happen so fast after that. Hiccup sent Toothless to get his mother, who would inevitably get Gothi for the delivery of the baby. All of that took a good half hour, and Astrid was in pain the entire time while trying to breathe through it. The hours ticked away with Hiccup at her side, and then he was kicked from the room when Astrid began pushing. As Einar did, Hiccup paced nervously waiting on an update about his wife and newborn child. Hiccup's was wishing Einar was there; to keep him calm as Hiccup did for Einar when this happened. Alas, no such wish was granted.

Finally, a cry was heard, and Hiccup stopped quickly, looking at the door. Gothi emerged from the house and wrote three words in the sand by Hiccup's feet. It's a boy. Hiccup stared at the words; he had a son! Valka came out next and hugged Hiccup. "You have a healthy son, Hiccup," she informed. Hiccup got out of the hug when it was over as he moved inside the room to see Astrid lying on the bed in their room, holding and feeding their son.

"Come over here and meet our son, Hiccup," Astrid invited. Hiccup quietly moved beside her as he saw their son's face, and he smiled softly. Stoick and Valka came in next, then Gobber, Spitelout, Freda, his wife, and Snotlout. Mari was last to walk in with Frida.

"Has your hair, son," Stoick commented.

"And Astrid's eyes," Gobber laughed a little.

"Hiccup," Mari said as Hiccup looked at her. "I know…this might not be the best time, but I found this a few days ago while cleaning up the house. It's addressed to you, and says not to give to you until your child was born," she said while handing Hiccup a rolled up letter. Hiccup took it, then pulled the string off and opened it up. Hiccup staggered a bit, forcing himself to sit down while reading.

"What does it say, Hiccup? Who is it from?" Snotlout asked.

"I-It's from…Einar," Hiccup said as they all gasped out. "He…wrote it before he died," he added softly. Little Brother. If you're reading this, I've already left this world, and Mari has followed my instructions to make sure you got this after your son or daughter has been born. I have a confession to make; I have been sick for a long time and dying slowly. The week before you fought Red Death, Gothi told me my fate, and I chose to keep it a secret. I apologize for any suffering and pain this has caused anyone who wondered why I passed on so suddenly. I don't want you to mourn me, Hiccup. In return, I want to thank you for giving me the one thing I yearned for after being banished; a family. Because of you, brother, I was able to come home and have our parents back, and I got married to someone I've always loved. On top of all that, I got to become a father. I got to have a family and friends, a home because of you, Hiccup. You're going to make a fantastic father, and Chief, and I will be around for it all even if you can't see me. Please take care of Shadowflame, Mari and Frida in my absence, and know that I love all of you. Thank you for everything, my brother. -Einar Haddock.

By the end of the letter, Hiccup was crying; actually letting tears fall from his green eyes. "Hiccup?" Astrid asked him.

Hiccup didn't say anything at first as he looked up and out the window showing the sky. Hiccup smiled a little. "You're welcome," he said, leaving everyone a little confused. Hiccup saw that his new son was finished eating, and had been burped by Astrid. Hiccup held out his hands as Astrid handed the boy over. "And you, big guy; I know just what we'll call you," Hiccup kissed his son's forehead. "Einar Haddock the Second, after your uncle," he stated.

No one could argue with the name choice, and truthfully, it might have been concerning if Hiccup didn't choose that name when he'd just lost his brother two months ago. Hiccup never showed anyone the letter, but they all knew it had to be personal. The group left as Astrid soon fell asleep leaving Hiccup and Einar the Second alone in the room. Hiccup stood outside with his sleeping son in his arms while staring up at the sky again with a smile on his face. "I only found the courage to come back to Berk and show everyone the truth because I had you with me, Einar. I didn't do this alone, we did it together," At that moment, a warm wind whipped through and swirled around Hiccup. "Everything I have today; I owe it all to you. Thank you, my brother,"

~Author's Note; And so ends the story, My Brother. I hope you all enjoyed as I did writing it. Be on the lookout for more updates on The Edge, and perhaps even a new story I'm cooking up in my mind! Thanks for the continued support everyone! -Nightstar Fury