How can you forgive us?

Bad Luck AU. This is supposed to be different from all the other Bad Luck AU's out there. Let us be honest their all pretty much the same. Lincoln wears the suit. He gets mad. He runs away or he murders his family. I am going to try to go in a different direction than that. Be warned my spelling and grammar is not the best, so bear with me. Without further ado, let us get started.

It was the day at the beach. Normally this would be a good thing. Lots of sun, hotdogs hamburgers. Making sandcastles, burying each other. However, sadly this was not the case for a young boy in a squirrel costume. Lincoln Loud, after finally convincing his family that he was not bad luck, was able to spend time with them again. Only in the squirrel costume. He spent a majority of the day on the blanket that his family owned trying to stay in the shade of the umbrella. Lincoln was dying in that thing, but whenever he tried to tell his family, they just told him to keep it on. Lucky for him, there was a little hole in the mouth so his mom put a straw in a water bottle and gave it to him so he could at least drink.

At the end of the day when they all went home, the first thing Lincoln did, since he was still in the costume, was go upstairs into the bathroom rip the costume off and take as cold of a shower as he could. He didn't even bother to take off his clothes. He just sat there, in the fetal position, letting the cold water cool him down. He felt like he would never cool off. After about ten minutes, he moved his hand to the nozzle to turn the water off, and he proceeded to just lay in the tub. He did not want to move, He didn't have the energy.

"I don't know what is worse", he said to himself, "getting stuck outside, or nearly dying in that thing".

His mind immediately thought he would rather be stuck outside, than die.

"Uhh, never mind", he said.

He moved himself up in a sitting position, and looked to his left, seeing where he threw the wretched suit. His mind went back to when he first put it on.

"Yeah, that was a great idea" he said aloud, "I should have just hid underneath the stands or something".

"LINCOLN! Stop talking to yourself and get out you weirdo"

Looks like Lola wants her turn. He got up, looked at himself in the mirror, and almost screamed. His body was covered in heat rashes. If his sisters saw him like this, god only knows what they will do to him. He looked around the bathroom and found the towels; he took two and wrapped them around his body. He grabbed the suit in his hands so his arms would be covered. He unlocked the door and then walked to his room with haste. When he got there, it was as expected. Everything was gone. He had a sleeping mattress for a bed and a bin for his clean laundry. In a corner of the closet, there was his dirty, sweaty clothes from him wearing the suit. When he got in, he sat down and looks at himself in a personal mirror he had. He was completely covered in rashes. Throw a rock at him and you would defiantly hit a rash. It was at this point that he started to freak out.

His freak out was interrupted when he heard a slight knock on the door.

"Who is it", he asked after he calmed himself down. His only response was another knock. He grew a frown on his face. He knew exactly who it was. "You already did that joke Luan"

"That's not how the joke goes", He heard a small laugh on the other side of the door. "Hey can I come in?"

His eyes widened as he looked down on himself, but before he could answer the door started to open. "NO!" he yelled and threw himself at the door. "No, sorry I'm still changing; just talk to me through the door please"

"O…k?" A confused Luan said, "Anyway, I have a gig coming up, and I'm going to need you".

At first, Lincoln was ecstatic that his sisters were including him again, but then he came to a realization. "You want me in the suit don't you?" he asked quietly.

"You got it! If your good luck works then this will go off without a problem." She said excited.

For a moment, he felt bad. Who would not, his sisters only wanted him for a good luck charm. Then he realized that this was going to be a process, and that eventually his sisters would let him out of the suit.

"Fine all be there"

"Thanks Lincoln"

He took his still wet clothes off, and put some dry ones on. He laid down on his makeshift mattress, and tried to fall asleep.

The next day…

"Alright Lincoln you ready?"

"Yeah let's go"

When they arrived at the party, Luan went to go and do her skit, and Lincoln was mistaken for a play toy. H then was separated from Luan as the kid mistook him for a new piñata. They took up bats and proceed to beat him. The parents came over and Luan asked him if he was all right.

"Fantastic", he replied with sarcasm in his voice.

"Good, can't let anything happen to you"

"Glad to see you care", he thought. He got up, and winced in pain because of his body being so sore. After the party, Lincoln went into the bathroom again to shower off. It had become a common practice with him. When he took of the suit and looked in the mirror, he sighed sadly. Everywhere there wasn't a heat rash there was now a bruise. Most notable was his eye. It was swollen and purple. It hasn't been this bad since Ronnie-Anne punched him for kissing her.

After his shower, he went to his room. It was only 6:23pm so there was enough time for him to be called to go somewhere else. And he was right. Not ten minutes later, his dad called him down to go to a Lynn's football game. He sighed and put on the costume.

The game was going very well for Lynn and her team. They were wiping the floor with the other team. The other parent thought it was weird that there was a giant squirrel sitting in the bleachers and not down on the field but they made no comment of it.

"Dad, I have to use the bathroom"

"Ok Lincoln, but be quick"

Lincoln knew that the school bathrooms were not working so he had to go to the porta-pottys on the other side of the field. He got in the bathroom, did his business and was walking out when he was stopped by some teenagers.

"Hey, you're the Squirrels mascot"

Lincoln looked down on himself. "Well… yeah." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Good. Grab him."

Two teenagers grabbed Lincoln and took him behind the porta-pottys while another looked out.

"You think you can just walk around like you own the place?" The boy punched him in the gut. "You think you can just come in here and make us look bad?!" "No, no I don't… please stop" Lincoln begged. The boy took out a knife and lifted the mask off. "I'll teach you a little lesson". The boy took the knife and slashed down on Lincolns face. Lincoln screamed in pain, until the boy took his hand put it over Lincolns mouth and slashed his right forearm through the suit. "You shut your mouth, or I'll put it in your heart next". Lincoln silenced himself. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll find you and kill you". The boy and his friends left him behind the porta-pottys. Lincoln got up, silently crying, went to the nurses office.

"Help me. Please"

"Dang kid what happened to you?" a man said when Lincoln showed him his injury's.

Lincoln, remembering the boys waring, said, "I fell down the stairs".

The man looked unconvinced, but did not ask questions. Lincoln's injury on his arm was a cut from his wrist down to his elbow. The nurse wrapped up Lincoln's entire forearm as a result. However, since the cut was new, some blood seeped though. Not a lot, just enough so you could see exactly where the cut was. The cut on his eye had the same situation. The cut was vertical. It stretched from his left eyebrow, down to the left corner of his mouth. The nurse had to wrap up half of Lincolns face leaving only one eyeball open.

"Ok kid your good, just be more careful".

"Thank you"

Lincoln returned to the game just as Lynn scored another touchdown.

I know that this chapter seemed rushed, and if I am being honest, it was. However, to get to the actual story we need to have some quick filler. It will get better I promise, besides this is my first story. Either way, I know people are going to be giving me a hard time about Lincoln being this weak, but when I watch the show, that is all I think. Lincolns to nice to do anything. He is just a little kid. So, quick recap. Lincolns wearing the suit. He has heat rash and bruises, and now because of those bully's, he has some wounds on his body. What is going to happen next? Till next time.