Just a dumb halloween idea that I had. Although I am considering doing a third Family Marco Bedtime Stories if there is any interest. I have a few ideas bouncing around.
Remember to review, not just this but all of my other crap, and thanks for the reviews so far. They mean a lot. Would love to see artwork of this or any of my other stuff but I am also a cheap jerk so...here is the story enjoy. Not exactly as funny or heartwarming as some of my other stuff, but enjoy.
"Sexy...Spooky...Sexy...Spooky...Sexy...Spooky." Star said holding up one dress and then the other. They were both skeleton themed, but one was clearly from one section of the halloween store and the other one ordered online late at night after a few too many glasses of wine.
"Let me see them again." Janna called from where she lay on the bed massaging her knee. Her leg bothered her whenever it was too hot or cold. And the day had been a little bit of both. Star turned around and held up the cobwebs and broken bones to her chest before turning around and holding up the small lingerie that had white bones clearly plastered all across the butt crack.
"I can't choose!" Star wailed as she held them both up "They're both great!"
"What was the difference again?" Janna said with a quirked eyebrow.
"Ugh. Again. Sexy. Spooky." Star said holding them up one way and then the other. Janna smirked evily in response.
"I can't see the difference. They both look hot as all hell to me." Star raised an incredulous eyebrow before giggling and tossing the outfits onto the bed beside Janna and plopping down beside her good friend/wife.
"You flirt." She said before giving her a kiss to the cheek, "Seriously though, I really want this to be a good Halloween. I mean this is going to be Stabby's first one! And Kelly's first one with the family! We need to make a good impression!"
"So beside the fact that the two of them have been living with us for a few months now, we have managed to literally murder a god with them around and the fact that somehow Kelly not only enjoys but actually seems to love us isn't enough for you?" Star grinned and chuckled in response.
"What can I say?"
"Maybe that you're super excited that Jackie and Hekapoo are the ones taking the kids out trick or treating while we get to relax at home? And maybe get some good loving time in with our main squeeze?" Janna teased Star who blushed and pressed their shoulders together.
"Okay okay you got me there too. I just hope that everyone is ready for tonight.""
"Hey Thomas is helping his siblings get ready and Marco is helping Hekapoo get the toddlers ready. It's all completely under control." Janna said as she picked up the costumes again before handing Star the spooky one. "This one looks better."
"I do not have this under control." Thomas said simply as he rubbed his aching forehead. After all this was easy on paper, get his sisters ready, find something that looked cool for his girlfriend and him to wear and then get out of the house before any cheesie family pictures had to be taken. But of course that all went out the window the instant that they had started to get ready.
The first problem had been Sol, because of course it was always her fault. She had gotten her hair caught in her zipper and was now completely stuck. Jane was recording the entire thing as a livestream to her blog which meant that Sol was arguing with her whenever she could. GP was seemingly not interested and too busy texting her 'boo' as she had been calling her secret date that everyone knew about.
And then of course the twins were practicing with their portals and kept on appearing on high surfaces and giving everyone a heart attack. Baby Keats had wandered off and Glacier was crying his tiny little blonde heart out.
"All I want to do is get everyone ready and out of the house so that I can go on my freaking date." He muttered, this was a big night after all! A homeboy had plans! Plans that did not involve babysitting!
"So just to be clear. You dress up as famous people and places...go around door to door...and demand that they give you sustenance or else there will be harsh repurcussions?" Stabby said thoughtfully as she hefted the plastic mace in one hand and the tiara in the other.
"Stabby I know that this is your very first halloween and you want it to go great. And I am all here for it. But please shut up and let me think." Thomas muttered under his breath.
Stabby paused and glanced at him in concern before her mouth got very very small and her eyes very very empty.
"Yep. Got it." She said before standing and walking to where Jaquelynn sat with a book in her lap and an only half finshed costume on. Thomas snapped out of his headache and glanced after his sister before sighing.
"Crap." He muttered and shook his head. He knew that Stabby was still super afloat in the world, especially considering that this wasn't really her world. But he was also starting to find it...dificult to always be the guy for his siblings. Especially since their antics normally consisted of him getting hurt or in some way humiliated.
"Just apologize." He muttered and stood up before yelping as his foot fell through a small portal that one of the twins had opened up beneath him. Any thoughts about taking care of his sister was instantly off the table as he growled and pulled himself up to chase after the obnoxious giggling kid who was wearing half of a pumpkin outfit.
"You okay?" Jaquelynn asked her sister as Stabby sat down beside her and began playing with the strings of her red hoodie.
"Yeah fine." Stabby responded as she tried to keep her breathing even and her mind blank. No emotions. Negative. Positive. Nothing, she was completely and utterly empty. And that meant that she was safe. She had to stay that way in order to remain emotionless. She sighed and tried to dg herself out. She was trying to get more in tuned with her emotions. But it was difficult. She had spent her entire life telling herself that to do so would lead to disaster for everyone involved.
But here. In this alternate universe? It was okay. And she had to get that through her thick skull. Jaquelynn closed her book and looked insistently at her sort of alternate dimension half sister.
"Really? Because it looks like you're going to-"
"Tell me about it. Please. Just one more time."
"About Halloween?" Jaquelynn said with an excited grin.
"Yes. Please."
"It's this earth holiday that has started to affect other dimensions. The basic idea is that people put on costumes and go from one house to another in a small neighborhood and ask for candy from the inhabitants. And they have to give it to you."
"And if they don't?"
"Then we get to mess with their stuff. It gets even better a lot of the time you get to watch movies that are scary and spooky and creepy and try to freak yourself out with them. Or you can go to a party in a fun costume, which is what mr grumpy over there wants to do. You, Sol and I are taking Keats, Glacier and The Twins out trick or treating. They are all generally too young to have any candy, and we are almost too old. But if we go together we are able to split the profits and everyone benefits."
"Nice." Stabby said nodding her head as if she actually understood any of the words that the younger girl was saying to her. "And everyone else is?"
"Going to a party if they can ever get the twins together." A small portal appeared beside them which Stabby reached into and gripped the small white ankle that was kicking away. She pulled the small annoying twin out of it and tickled their belly. The other twin showed up soon afterwards wondering where its counterpart had gotten to.
"They do look adorable, is that the entire point of dressing up young kids? So that they look this cute?" Stabby said with interest as Jaquelynn chuckled.
"Something like that. So you've got your costume ready right?" Jaquelynn stood up triumphantly and showed off her own suit of armor which was remarkably flexible and breathable. She had a fake sword at her side and a cloak on. "I'm going as my favorite adventurer from the best book series of all time! What are you going to be?"
"I was...thinking...maybe a ..."She blew out some air and shrugged helplessly. "I'm not sure really. I should have thought about it some more but I didn't and now it's probably too late right?"
"Eh. We've pulled worse out of our butts. Sol was a toilet paper mummy every single Halloween for four years running."
"Because toilet paper mummies rule!" Sol shouted as she walked past in her skeleton make up. It was disturbingly accaurate, with small red lines connecting the bones and tiny splashes of blood coating it.
"So spooky." Jaquelynn muttered out before she grabbed the other twin, now holding two pumpkins in her arms. "Why do we need to get everyone ready anyway Thomas? Shouldn't this be our parents jobs?"
"They're going out to a party tonight. Which is why you and the others get to drag these four around." Thomas said grabbing Keats who was wearing a dog costume and Glacier who was dressed up as a cat.
"And you get to go and smooch Veronica right?" GP said casaully as she wiggled her eyebrows at Thomas. He blushed and frowned at the punk rock dressed half demoness who was casaully floating around the room.
"Exactly. Now you've actually got this right? You're not just going to go running off and leave the kids with well..."He glanced at Jane and Sol who were laughing like crazy people as Jane's head went in a circle again and again. She had a toaster attached to her head. Which was also her costume. It didn't make any sort of sense, they all just assaumed that it was a cyborg joke and didn't question it. Diving too deep into Jane's mind would get weird.
"Don't worry bro. I've got them. I mean it's just four hyperactive toddlers going to get sugar. We drop down in Echo creek get candy get out and then party with the aunties. What could-"
"NOPE! Not happening!" He said clapping a hand over GP's mouth. "Every time someone says that the shit hits the fan. And that is not going to happen tonight! You will all go out. You will have a great time and I am not going to get worried about this. Got it?" GP rolled her eyes before nodding and pushing his hand away.
"Do you ever calm down? Like at all?"
"You of all people should know that I'm just one enormous ball of stress at all times." Thomas responded before his phone began to buzz. He took it out eagerly before sighing. "It's our parents. They want everyone for pictures."
"You hear that you little weirdos? Pictures!" Jaquelynn said down to the toddlers who giggled and squirmed as the kids trooped out of the large hall that was a connection to all of their bedrooms. They had added on an additional room when Stabby had shown up and were in the process of adding more for the twins, Glacier and Keats when they all got older.
"Do we really need to do pictures?" Thomas said tapping his foot and glancing around in irritation.
"Well someone sounds like a party pooping grumpy pants." Star teased as she waltzed in and tussled the boys hair. She was wearing a bunch of wrappings that looked aged and withered and were covered in cobwebs.
"I just really don't want to keep Veronica waiting and I need to-"
"Calm down because Mom can teleport you literally anywhere in the universe in a snap of her fingers?" GP quipped before chuckling at his dark and irritated look.
"Yeah Thomas. Take a chill pill, it's all taken care of." Heckapoo said as she appeared out of mid air wearing a devil outfit, bright red spandex leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination and making GP and Thomas blush and try not to insist that they're mom was too old for an outfit like that. It was weird that she would wear that.
"Okay okay. I just have to get everyone right. For a bet." Janna said walking in with a bit of a limp since her weird fake robotic leg was giving her some issues, she normally used a can for locomotion.
"So we have what I think is obviously Jaquelynn dressed up as her favorite fantasy princess. Girl power. Awesome. Thomas dressed up as a stick in the mud. Gecipee as a punk rocker. Golden oldie. Sol as a skeleton which is a little inaccurate. You have too many bones there kiddo. My little baby keats as the cutest cat, Glacier as a precious puppy, the twins are pumpkins. And Stabby is flummoxed right?" Janna said with a devilish smirk.
Stabby blushed and rubbed the back of her head. "I didn't know what to exactly...wear?"
"Well you could always try out this. I'm a cyborg...And no Jane! Not racist." Jane rolled her eyes at her moms weird joke, she did think that it was a tad abealist of her mom to dress up like her daughter but she wasn't going to make a too big deal out of it.
"Star is a Mummy. Because apparently my ideas were too PG-13 for this party. Hpoo up there is a demoness which fits her perfectly. Jackie is...somewhere..."
"She's getting her costume and Kelly's stuff finished." Star said simply. "Mermaid and witch. Guess who is who. The answer may surprise you." Star did tiny finger guns before chuckling.
"And Marco is going as..."Janna began before pausing with her mouth open and her eyes lighting up.
"Oh yeah." Heckapoo said with a devilish grin as she landed down from where she had been hanging on the ceiling.
"Mummy like." Star said with tiny stars exploding in her eyes as she raised her eyebrows in appreciation.
"Don't make this weird. For our kids sake." The young man said walking into the room between Jackie and Kelly who were both as thunderstruck as the other women in the room. Jackie was an impressive mermaid outfit, with tiny moving limbs and everything. And Kelly's witch costume was simply, striped and fit her perfectly.
Marco was a werewolf. With cut dog ears, an impressive set of abs and biceps in a ripped shirt and fake fangs and body hair to complete the epic look. He looked super impressive. His clothes were absolutely feral and his fake fangs were expertly made so that they fit in his mouth without messing with his speech. Janna of course was shamelessly checking out his package with a massive eager smile on her face. As if she couldn't wait until after the party in order to get home and tear the clothes right off of the sexy chunk of man cake.
"You are the one who made it weird be deciding on taking all...this out in public." Heckapoo cooed as she floated slightly in the air and leaned forward to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively.
"You're one to talk wearing a skin tight red body suit to a halloween party." Marco quipped back to the self confident demoness. She just shrugged absentmindedly in response.
"Come on! Pictures! Time is money here!" Janna said as she snapped out of her daze. "Not to mention we are loosing very valuable drinking time! Need to get this party started!" She whooped to the ceiling as the others joined her. Which set the twins off and they had to be calmed down by Heckapoo and Marco until they could finally sit still long enough to snap their pictures.
"Now you're positive that you can take care of four toddlers, Sol and Stabby tonight?" Marco asked his clan before they stepped through the portal to earth. Jane chuckled and whisked her father towards his portal.
"Daddy O trust me that this is no problem." She pushed her through and then grinned eagerly at the others.
"I thought that only you and I were going out with Sol and the kids?" Stabby said in confusion while Jane and GP quickly ducked through another portal. "Oh I see they lied to him."
"Yep pretty much. Those two are going out partying. But we will all meet up before the night is over. Come on it will be fun. Plus I don't like partying too much anyway." Jaquelynn said as she and Sol dragged Stabby through the portal and rapidly to the other side. The girls eyes widened behind their glasses at the world that greeted them on the common street.
It had been transformed to a long strange world filled with pumpkins and orange trees, spiderwebs were everywhere along with fake bats. Houses that used to be drab and normal were now coded in harsh oranges and reds and blacks. Fake skeletons and cats were everywhere.
It was strange and amazing. And amazingly enough there were dozens of people out on the street. Kids running from one house to another and eagerly ringing on the bell or knocking on the door with eager anticipation.
"This is...amazing."
"I know right!" Sol said as she grabbed Glacier before he could toddle off and get into the middle of the street. "Come on! Let's hit the best places before the others get there!"
Sol grabbed her sisters hands, they in turn grabbed their younger siblings hands and the seven of them sprinted out into the night with eager looks on their faces.
"So where are we going to meet the aunts?" Jane shouted to GP as the two wound their way through the party. It was already full to bursting with a bunch of annonymous high schoolers who were acting like anyone does whenever there is no actual supervision around.
"They said that they had a themed costume. Zombie cheerleader I think. They are around here somewhere." GP said before she grinned and grabbed a drink before chugging it. She blinked and smirked.
"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Jane paused and glowered at her sister.
"Should you really be drinking right now? I mean jeez."
"Oh don't be such a prick. This is nothing. Anyway Mom and Dad used to drink Space Time Wine all the time, and that stuff packs a punch." GP said waving it off. Jane rolled her eyes and thought about turning off some of the more higher fuctioning systems. It would make her a bit more reckless, but it would also probably be a lot more fun.
The two squirmed through a bunch of people, the place was packed. It had to be someones parents house. The triplets had told them about the party so they didn't really know anyone there. They were homeschooled after all. According to their dad it was because it would be a pain to register all of them along with the fact that Star said they could probably afford better tutors then anything a public school had.
Which was probably messing with them on a socializing level but that was why they went to places like this with their strange aunts. Jane grunted as she was shoved into someones back. She of course shoved back and then slipped around. She glanced around and gulped.
"Crap." She muttered out. She had lost GP who had wandered off somewhere. That girl was getting weird. Like weirder then normal weird. Sure Jane liked to pretend that she was the awesome and aloof one, but hey she also worried about her siblings now and again. And especially when someone as uptight and straight laced as GP messed with the status quo. It normally meant that she would have to be the one in charge. And she didn't want that!
She spotted a zombie cheerleader who was glancing around and glaring at everyone. Jane sighed in relief she recognized the sour look on her aunts face from across the room and quickly jumped and moved through the moshing crowd to the triplet.
"Oh thank god I found you." Jane said grabbing Angela by the elbow. Angela turned and let a small smirk come out.
"Same. Have you seen the others?" The strobe lights were getting in Jane's eyes but she could see that Angela looked nervous. On top of that Angela was also glancing over heads. Every third word was lost in the pounding music.
"This way." Angela grabbed her niece and dragged her to the kitchen where a bunch of people had set up beer pong and were cheering as GP dunked another ball and chugged her cup anyway.
"Dude! Seriously?" Jane shouted grabbing her sisters wrist only to have GP snap it away. GP frowned before she purposefully grabbed another cup and drained it.
"Yes. Seriously. Now what do you guys want?" GP snapped before she turned her back on the game. Her eyes glowered at Jane before she smiled at Angela and gave the girl a hug.
"Great to see you." She said with a smile.
"Same. Anyway I lost track of Em. And Rita. And the problem is that well...a dude is here that's been giving Em some trouble."
"Trouble? Like that whole..." Jane left the word hanging in the air. Angela nodded. The youngest of the triplets was almost idiotically naive, which was bad because a lot of guys liked to take advantage of that. Mostly because apparently most people couldn't raise their sons to be respectful anymore.
"Yeah like that jerk who tried to string the three of us on at once. We need to find her before she gets in over her head." Angela said with a firm voice. GP bit her lip and glanced back towards the drinks.
"Okay but couldn't we also..."
"LATER!" Jane shouted losing patience with her sister and grabbing her to drag her back with them towards the next room.
"I can't believe that you actually got this entire place just for us." Veronica said as she romantically wiggled closer to her boyfriend who smiled as he cupped her shoulder in his hand. Her tail was whipping lazily beside them, it was honestly adorable and went really well with her costume. She was apparently someone from an anime that she loved, he didn't watch them but he was more then willing to dress up as the guy from it. It made his grilfriend happy and blush like crazy when he showed her it. So that was a plus in his mind.
"Well it wasn't easy but it is definitely worth it." Thomas said as he grinned and nuzzled closer to her.
"So uh...I know this will sound weird but what did you tell your parents?" Veronica said pulling away as the constellations began to change a bit above them, the large comfy bed that they were laid on was the perfect size for the two of them. Thomas pulled back and blushed nervously. He recognized the look on her face, she had something to tell him.
"Well I said I would help the others babysit for a bit before meeting up with you...but Sol, Stabby and Jaquelynn were alright with doing it so GP, Jane and I ditched early...why? What did you tell your parents?"
"Age aprorpiate party with a few of my friends from school." She grinned widely before pressing her nose to his.
"But instead I just came here right away. It's not every night that your boyfriend rents out an entire building so that they can watch the stars and cuddle." Thomas chuckled before he leaned forward to kiss her. He smiled as she kissed back. Her fangs nibbled at his lip. He crossed his fingers and moved his hand around to caress her tail, he then grabbed it and gave a pull.
She gasped and pulled back rapidly. Her face glowing bright red. Her eyes widened and she frowned.
"Crap. I'm...uh...I'm sorry..."He said nervously as she frowned and turned away from him. Crossing her arms and pouting. Her three eyes turning a bright demonic red.
"Hey! Hey! Come on! You can't just expect me to...Veronica I said I'm sorry!" He said slightly annoyed but mostly just desperate that she wasn't mad at him. Veronica instead stood up and began to walk down the aisle of the empty room. Her nose in the air and her entire posture saying don't talk to me.
"Dammit! Hey! Veronica!" Thomas shouted and sprinted forwards before getting beside her and trying to explain.
Marco was chatting and laughing before pausing and stiffening. He glanced around at the party. Something was not right. He could feel it. Feel it in his bones. His tired, slightly worn out Dad bones.
"Hey. Uh...excuse me..."He said before walking towards the window. The house was somewhere in the nicer district of town. It was hosting all sorts of people tonight. Probably people who were important to his work and his wives work. But right now he was just getting a very bad case of the jitters.
"Hey...You okay?" Heckapoo said stepping to his side and squeezing his elbow. Marco glanced down at her and then back out the window.
"I can't explain it but I just had a weird sense that well..."
"One of them is up to something." Star said walking up while holding an entire platter of fried coconut shrimp in one hand and a flute of wine in the other. Marco nodded and the three glanced out.
"I mean I know where they said they would be. It is nothing for me to just send a clone out to give a check in." Heckapoo said while tapping her demonic heel. Marco sighed and slapped his head against the glass.
"Yeah. I would really appreciate that Heckapoo. Just you know put my mind at ease." He said with a smile as she cloned herself and sent the nodding extra through a portal.
"Man I am convinced that you have anxiety or something buddy." Star said simply as she chewed on a shrimp and offered him one.
"Yeah and how often am I normally right that they've done something recklessly dangerous?" Marco shot back. Star was about to respond before nodding with a shake of her head.
"I just hope that they don't drag Stabby into anything. That would be like them. Or she might drag them into something. She is impulsive."
"All of them are. and I wonder where they get that from?" He responded before taking the offered shrimp. Star chuckled and quirked an eyebrow.
"Well they all do have a dad in common. Maybe we got your childhood nickname wrong. It should have been danger kid instead of safe kid."
"Anything is better then that thing that Janna called me for all of thirty minutes." Marco said with a chuckle as he took another shrimp off of her platter.
"Stallion Stud? You got to admit that was pretty funny." Star said chuckling and glancing over towards Janna and Jackie who were talking with a colleague of Jacckie's.
"She said it in front of my parents. It was uncomfortable. For everyone involved." Marco responded with a snort. Star shrugged and giggled. Janna wiggled her fingers at them, as if she knew exactly what they were talking about. And knowing her she probably did.
The portal reopened and out popped a nervous looking Heckapoo.
"Okay so...uh...none of them are where they said they were going to be. At all." Marco gripped his nose and rubbed, a bit of the fake fur was tickling his nose.
"I am disappointed but not surprised." Marco muttered out before glancing between Star and Heckapoo.
"I'll send out the clones." Heckapoo said rolling her eyes before opening another portal and tossing a few of herselves into it. Marco glanced towards them but Star gripped his shoulder.
"Nope. You're staying here. The Hpoo's will take care of this." Marco sighed and glanced around helplessly.
"I wish that there was some sort of a spying spell that let us know where people were." MArco said in disappointment only to have Star look aghast.
"Are you kidding me? The person who makes that would have to be insane! That is such a violation of privacy! I mean that is just a sign of evil." Star said shaking her head in disgust.
Marco was about to try and force the point but let it drop, after all they had a few more important things at the moment.
"Where's Tom? He might know where Veronica is." Marco said quickly stepping away from the two women and glancing around for the prince of the underworld. Tom was with his wife and chuckling along with someone. He was dressed as some sort of weird pirate as far as Marco could figure out. Why a Pirate? It made no sense with the guy.
"Tom. Got to talk with you. It's important. It's about the kids." Marco said grabbing his buddies arm and pulling the purple skinned man away to the side. Tom followed with a bit of a nervous gait.
"What's up buddy? What about the kids?"
"They aren't where they said they are we're freaking out and-" Tom placed a finger to Marco's lips to shush him and chuckled.
"Dude. They're kids. They run off sometimes. I'm sure that they're completely fine. So they lied to you. Kid's do that!"
"But this also means that Thomas is awol. With your daughter." Tom paused for a moment to let that info sink in before his eyes grew very dark and very seriously.
"Let's find these brats." He growled deep in his throat like a wild animal.
"This is not fine." Jaquelynn said nervously as they watched Sol walk through the store, seemingly not giving a care in the world. Stabby's red hoodie drapped across her to hide the costume.
"Isn't this part of the holiday? Robbery?" Stabby asked in confusion. Sol had made it all seem so straight forward earlier...if only she had let Jaquelynn also give her own explanation of things.
"No you don't just randomly steal stuff because of a holiday. That's crazy. I mean what did she expect? That we would get candy? We are a bit too old to go trick or treating. She should have just accepted the few pity pieces we managed to snag." Jaquelynn said as she groaned.
"Now of course she is going to go overboard and steal toilet paper and eggs." Sol was walking out of the store before she increased her speed and was soon sprinting towards the hiding girls and the waiting toddlers who were getting tired. It was almost midnight now and they just wanted to go home, count their candy and go the fuck to sleep. They had no idea why their older sisters were being so weird about everything.
Sol smirked as she got close. She gripped her side in irritation and grimaced at the stitch that was developing.
"God I wish I had magic back, this would be so much easier if I had some magic." She complained before she set the goods out in front of the others with a nearly manic grin on her face. "Okay we have eggs, toilet paper, milk, a watermelon, sixteen fireworks and more eggs."
Sol grinned and glanced at the other two who looked amazed that she had snuck all of it out.
"Great! Now we just need to get to the house and make them regret all of their life decisions!" Sol said stnading up and clapping her hands.
"You know I really thought that the two of us going out with her would actually be able to control her." Jaquelynn said as Stabby began gathering up the merchandise. Stabby paused and looked at her sister in surprise.
"I thought you knew. Sol radiates craziness, she is able to corrupt you to join in her crazy ideas. It is actually pretty amazing." Jaquelynn sighed and picked up the sleeping kids while the other two hashed out their battle plan.
"We've looked everywhere!" Jane shouted into Angela's ear as she frowned and glanced around nervously. They had looked through every room in the house including the first floor and basement and not found Em. Angela tapped her heel and glanced around again even more pissed off. She didn't expect to see anything or anyone but she was at least doing something to ease her nerves.
"Have we checked upstairs yet?" Jane shouted before dragging her towards the staircase. Standing halfway up the stairs they ran into the oldest triplet. Rita glanced at them and grinned throwing up a peace sign.
"Hey. Where have you guys been?"
"Where have you been?" Angela snapped back at her older triplet. Rita quirked an irritated eyebrow before gesturing around her.
"Here. Why what's it to you?"
"We lost Em, and I think that that jerk is here. We're worried!" Angela said quickly. Rita instantly stood up and gripped her forehead before chuckling lightly in pain.
"Are you drunk too?" Jane said in annoyance. There was chanting from the kitchen, clearly GP was becoming a really popular attraction in there.
"Just tipsy." Rita protested as she finished her cup and tossed it away. "See? All good."
She turned and marched up the staircase clearly expecting them to follow her up. Which they did, they didn't really have any choice. The upstairs was also popping and bursting with life, cigarette and weed smoke hung in the air. Jane was a little amazed that the fire department hadn't been called. Also that the owner of the house wasn't freaking out more. They had had some wild parties back at their house but this felt like it was on an entirely different level.
"Maybe she is in one of these bedrooms? Or in the bathroom?" Angela said trying a door and shaking it aggressively.
"Would you calm down? Em can take care of herself she doesn't need you constantly babying her." Rita said rolling her eyes at her sisters almost manic state, which of course was over the top. Angela worried too much about Em.
"Yeah but the prick is here!" Angela said grabbing Rita's shoulder and giving them a firm shake. The girl's eyes widened and then narrowed.
"You checked everywhere?"
"Not upstairs yet!" Jane pointed out. The three of them turned and sprinted up the stairs without another word. Pushing past other people and finally glancing around the third floor.
There were more rooms then on the second floor, but most of them were closets. It was the last door that they kicked open that they saw Em sitting on a bed with some guy. He was pressed tightly against her. She was blushing and pulling away slightly.
"W-wait!" She said and then opened her eyes to see who had opened the door. "You!"
"You!" Angela cried back and went to her sister and gripped her by the shoulder. "Where were you? What were you doing? Are you nuts?"
"What? What are you talking about?" The youngest triplet said wiggling off of the bed and nervously looking at the three girls.
"Hey we were worried about you! You can't just run off and not expect us to..." Angela was cut off as a small portal opened up and a small pumpkin wearing toddler walked through, quickly followed by their other siblings.
"What the? What are the twins doing here?" Jane said in confusion as seh scooped them up to keep them from teleporting.
"You tell us!" Rita said grabbing Keats and grinning as she bounced the bundle of golden curls.
"Get out! All of you! We were just-" Em said trying to push them towards the door.
"Being loose?" Angela growled out. "And to him of all people? Did you forget the shit that he pulled?" Em gasped and blushed harder while Rita shook her head in disgust and distrust.
"That is none of your business! Anyway I can do what I-"She was cut off as a larger portal opened up and GP appeared with a big grin on her tipsy face.
"See?! I Jumped to the rooooooffffff..."Her eyes closed and she plopped out of the floor portal before rolling over and gripping her belly before she heaved up the booze she had drank. She groaned and rolled over while Jane wrinkled her nose.
"JEEEEEZZZ! GP are you okay?"
"Get Daddy. I don't feel well." GP complained as she moaned and held her stomach and head in pain. Jane looked nervously at her aunts in fear.
"I-I-I I don't know what to do." She whispered out.
A wet crack filled the air as a watermelon burst on the window. A rain of eggs followed afterwards. Rita opened the window and shook her head.
"Oh my god it's your sisters." She yelped and ducked back inside as another egg cracked onto the windowsill.
"Wooo-hoooo! That's house number twenty eight! We are young! We are immortal!" Sol shouted at the top of her lungs before tossing her head back and letting out another crow.
"SOL!" Jane shouted out the window. Jaquelynn and Stabby had already wrapped toilet paper around a car and a firework was fizzling beside them. "GP is in trouble! I think she's really sick! You need to call Dad and..."
A final portal, firey red opened up. And out stepped Marco. He had changed into his normal clothes, a jacket and jeans. He glanced around and the kids all grew silent. Another portal opened up. Out of it stepped Tom who had a hand firmly on Thomas's shoulder and another on his daughters shoulder. Their was lipstick stains and a red hand print on Thomas's cheek and Veronica was blushing with her contacts exchanged for her normal glasses.
"Home. All of you. Now." Marco said simply glancing at all of them as the firework went off behind him.
"So besides the fact that we are furious that you let the babies out of your sight long enough for them to practice teleporting." Marco said glancing from one kid to another. "You are all in trouble for different reasons."
GP took another drink of water and did not meet anyones eyes. Thomas held a cold cloth to his neck, the hickies still large on them. Sol and Jaquelynn were rubbing their shoulders and not meeting anyones eyes. Jane was fiddling with the toaster on her lap her technology turned off. Stabby was tapping her heel.
"You all know better. You should not have lied to us. Or split up without telling us. You should not have gone to a party with booze, you're too young for that. And you split up which is even worse. You don't just destroy property for kicks. Or look away from those four for a moment."
He pointed towards the sleeping toddlers who were unconscious in a small adorable pile, their uncounted candy in a small pile beside them.
"You are in trouble with Uncle Tom because of how you grabbed Veronica's tail. And in the morning we are having a discussion about how to treat women with respect."
Thomas opened his mouth before closing it. He was too beat to argue.
"You two are having a discussion with the triplets about inappropriate parties." Marco said pointing towards GP and Jane. Jane looked offended.
"I didn't even drink anything!"
"No but you let her drink. You could have called us, or convinced her to leave. That's why we are having that discussion." Jane huffed and sat back rolling her eyes.
"And Jaquelynn you should know better. All of you should." Marco finished with Sol and Stabby who were not making eye contact. "It's late. Go to bed. I hope that you had a fun night out. Because it is your last one for a long time."
The small army of half siblings stood up and marched out of the room. GP hiccuped slightly and rubbed her lips. Her mom had been walking her through the now uncomfortable feeling in her head and stomach. She felt awful and just wanted to wake up and find that it was a bad dream and all of these bad decisions were not true.
Marco sighed and rubbed his eyes, leaning back in the fancy chair that apparently came from a super violent ancestors of Stars.
"Hey." Kelly said walking in and wrapping her arms around Marco's shoulders and kissing the top of his head. "Sorry that you had to play adult to the kids. Jackie is too upset to talk rationally to them, Janna is trying to do damage control and I think Heckapoo is looking for something to help with GP tomorrow morning."
"And Star?"
"Here." She said walking in with a shake of her head. "Talked to Tom. Apparently Veronica is okay, Thomas grabbed her tail and pulled it when she wasn't expecting it so that freaked her out. They apparently argued, she slapped him, then they made out and he got hot and bothered and did it again and then they were arguing and that's how Tom found them."
"These kids are going to kill me." Marco moaned out putting his head in his hands. "I mean I was just so worried! And Rita, Angela and Em? God I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my parents."
Star frowned and took Marco's hands in hers and helped him to his feet.
"Look damage wise this isn't great. The kids lied to us, screwed up and left a mess of astronomical levels on our plates. But pros, no fires, no evil interdimensional others crossing over to cause havoc, and no one got seriously hurt. GP's thing is bad but we will deal with it. Thomas was concerning but we will deal with it. Sol and Jaqulynn was disappointing but guess what? We will deal with it."
Marco sighed and touched their foreheads together.
"When did you get so smart and mature?" Marco said breathing out very slowly to ease his nerves.
"Meh. Probably by sheer luck of the draw. Also having to learn to reign in Sol over the years." Star said before giving him a quick peck to the lips.
"We should probably hit the hay. The kids are going to get into so much trouble tomorrow." Kelly said as she wrapped her arms around her spouses shoulders as the three walked back to their bedroom.
In the kids wing there was a massive pile of sleeping teenagers around a sweaty and slightly dehydrated GP who was sound asleep. Thomas was still nursing his hurt cheek and Jaqulynn was rubbing at her eyes. She had cried a little since she had never gotten into as much trouble as that before in her life. Stabby rolled over and wiggled closer to the still awake Sol.
"That was actually pretty fun. How many more days until we get to do it again?"
I know that this mostly focused on the kid OCs instead of the actual characters from the show but just felt like doing it this way. So...yeah...
Review, not just this but any of my other stuff. Especially the stuff that doesn't get much love. Update to Bimbo Bug or Max/Nikki/Tabii coming next. Thanks for all of the reviews so far.
Also don't do underage drinking or drink too much. Its bad for you.
Any interest in a third Family Marco PM me or leave something in the reviews or something. I have an idea which might need some help but it probably won't be up or worked on anytime soon.
List of Kids
Stabby-Half Human/Half Wollet (From another dimension)
Sol-Half Human/Half Mewman (Lost her magical powers)
Glacier-Half Human/Half Mewman
The Baby Keats-Human and just as strange
Gecipee (GP)-Half Human/Half immortal demon
Unamed twins-Half Human/Half Immortal Demon
Thomas-Human (Cautious)
Veronica-Half Human/Half Demon hybrid (Just got her tail!)
If there is any confusion just reread Family Marco and Family Marco:Bedtime Stories.