It is almost noon, a light snowfall decorates the cold air of the pristine Canadian Yukon lands, an area where wildlife proclaims its own. The scarce human population and the abundance of resources available for wildlife make it the ideal place to carry out the culmination of a long process of almost two months, in which the work and dedication of a group of people with great love for living beings and an unwavering will, finally succeeded in giving back to a particular animal; the opportunity to be free again.

A small part of that group is in the middle of a huge forest that seems to welcome them with the movement of the trees before the winter breeze and the distant sound of the eagles in flight.

Well gentlemen, our work ends here - Exclaims a burly man to the members of the team Kratt, he is the head of veterinarians in charge of the medical care and rehabilitation of the bear that was used by Zach Varmitech in his wild show and was involuntarily injured almost to death by someone who in his five senses would never have been capable of such an outrage - The bear is fully recovered, and has accumulated enough fat in his body during his stay in the shelter to survive the winter that is already approaching, will soon hibernate and that he better do it in complete freedom - Continues the man with an expression of total satisfaction for the work done.

- You don't know how happy it makes me hear that - A young brown-haired man with a thick green jacket answers - This bear deserves to live in freedom, where it belongs, I hope that transport cage is the last one he sees in his life- And so it will be bro - Affirms the man with the blue jacket - That will be as long as there are people who care to keep the natural areas protected and the animals safe. Fortunately there are still many more people who are assured of their well-being.

- So, who will do the honors? - Ask the man to the brothers, to take the final step and open the door of the cage- Come on Chris, you do it - Martin steps aside giving way to his brother pointing with his hand the way. Chris approaches the cage and looks with emotion at the bear who, impatiently, moves inside the cage ready to go - I hope you will forgive me for all the damage I did to you, it was never my intention to make you go through that. I hope you can be happy in your home again.

He speaks with longing for the creature, who looks at him through the grating with eyes completely free of any possible feeling of anger or rancor, his only aim is the forest is in front of him. With a movement of Chris's hand, the door of the cage opens, the bear takes a few steps towards the front sniffing the air, touching the snow with its paws and trying it with its tongue like a child tries a candy, it seems to recognize the sensation of the cold air and the snow that melts in his nose, and without paying attention to the figures that watch him, the bear begins to advance with hurried steps that quickly become a fast race to finally lose itself between the forest thicket.

Chris watches the bear get lost in the forest, completely embedded in his thoughts until he is brought back to reality by feeling a stick on the collar of his jacket and a cold snowball on his back. With a look of astonishment, contorted by the ice cold underneath his clothes. Chris gives himself to life again, ready to continue protecting the wild creatures and help them to return to the place to which they belong while enjoying nature and having fun in his brother's company.

The End.