A/N: Hello loves! So this is so different from my usual genre. I would not normally watch a show like The 100 but Kabby is why I do. I had a few prompt ideas and this is the one that you guys ended up choosing: Abby and Marcus have a baby on Earth and have to raise it. This takes place at the start of season 2 and may continue from there. Some things are subject to change but not sure what until further notice. This will probably be posted on multiple sites as well.

You know the drill mistakes will be edited later.

Review! Review!

Love you all!


Abby sat behind her desk in Medical late that afternoon. They had been on the ground for about a week now with still no sign of Clarke. She wanted to go out and look for her but the people needed their doctor. Marcus had said he was going to speak with the Grounders Leader soon but she wondered what good that would do? If any. She sighed leaning back in the chair, she had been up for over 24 hours now. Raven was recovering from the emergency surgery Abby had to preform on her due to her gunshot wound. It was one of the hardest things Abby ever had to do, seeing Raven go through such pain proved how strong of a young woman she had become.

Raven had reminded Abby of Clarke from the first moment they met on the Ark not long ago. Glancing over at Raven sleeping in the bed across the room Abby stood up. She needed to be here with her people but she also needed to find her daughter. She knew Bellamy and Finn wanted to find Clarke as much as she did. She didn't come all this way just to lose her child that was for sure. Abby left Medical and walked to where Bellamy and Finn were talking beside the fence.

"I need you two to find Clarke." She whispered.

"What do you think we've been trying to tell you?" Finn hissed.

"None of our men know these woods as good as you do" Abby said "I need my daughter alive."

"We want her alive too Abby" Bellamy agreed "but we'll need guns."

Abby glanced toward where they kept the weapons and then back to the young men, "Done."

"Just like that huh?" Finn questioned.

"Meet me outside the fence at dark and you'll have your guns. Take anyone else with you but you cannot tell Kane." She bit her lip at the mention of his name.

"As if we'd be that stupid."

"Finn" Bellamy barked "Abby, if I do this you gotta do something for me."


"You watch over my sister."

She nodded holding out her hand. He grabbed it and the two shook hands in agreement.

"We have a deal."

"We'll be outside the fence."

"See you then."

Abby turned on her heel and started walking back to Medical when she felt an uneasy feeling come over her. The beaming sunlight became too much for her eyes and her head started to pound. Her stomach began to flip, something was definitely wrong.

Get back inside.

"Abby are you okay?" Finn asked noticing her struggling to stand.

"I'm fine." She snapped and took a deep breath before walking back to Medical.

She was just tired, or at least that's what she kept telling herself. If she believed it then everyone else would too. She checked on Raven once more before sitting at her desk again. Making sure no one was around Abby opened the bottom drawer to her desk and pulled out an envelope. She felt the plastic object inside and bit her lip, should she open it?

The object could turn her whole world upside down, even more than it already was. Her stomach flipped as she began to remember the very reason she was in this predicament.

Marcus Kane.

Or Chancellor Kane as he was now referred to since Thelonious had stayed in space. He had sacrificed himself so that they all could live, he was an amazing man.

Marcus was loving his new title and he wasn't even shy about it. He loved power and attention and being the Chancellor gave him both. The men of the Ark looked to him for guidance while the women looked for eye candy. Abby did agree he wasn't bad looking, in fact he was the best looking man on the Ark. She would never admit that to anyone, not even Callie. No, not even her best friend knew about her secret relationship with the Chancellor.

It had started months ago, even before they had planned to send the 100 to the ground. That night was a blur to Abby now. Heated Council meeting, a ton of moonshine and she was naked in Marcus' bed. They had blown it off as just drunken sex and went their separate ways. But after it happened a few more times they began to realize they needed each other. On the outside they are still hostile toward one another but behind closed doors they were like a couple of teenagers. Things began to fall into a strict routine, Abby would go to her quarters for the night, leaving the door unlocked. She would wait up and pretend to be asleep when Marcus snuck in around midnight. If it had been a good day the two of them would just sleep, it was comfortable and not the slightest bit awkward. However if they had managed to disagree it was a long night of skin on skin contact. Abby found herself craving every bit of Marcus Kane and she was afraid. With Jake it had never been like this. Yes, they were married and shared a daughter but that was it. She viewed him more as a friend than as a lover. Marcus was different, he was someone she could relate to. He was her equal, someone who challenged her and protected her all in one.

After the decision was made to send the 100 to the ground Abby and Marcus returned to their old ways. She didn't leave her door unlocked anymore and he didn't bother turning off the security camera outside the door to her quarters. He knew sending her daughter down to die, or so they thought, had broken her. They were more bitter toward each other than before. Passing in the hallway using nothing but their title of Counselor to acknowledge the other. Many times Abby wanted to have him in her bed, have him tell her Clarke would be fine but she knew that was not going to happen, so she suffered many nights alone.

The final straw for her had been when he tried to have her floated. Not once but twice. She had went on believing that he loved her. She now knew that it was all a ploy to get on her good side. She still wondered if all those things he said on those late nights were true? She doubted it. After her council seat had been replaced by Diana Sydney, Abby kept to herself. Staying in Medical waiting for a reply from Raven on the ground. Her days and nights had all turned into one. The night before the Unity Day pageant and all of Diana's antics Abby found herself at Marcus' door, an empty bottle of moonshine in her hand.

He let her in. Not because he wanted to comfort her but because he was lonely. After what he had done to those 320 innocent people no one on the Ark really had anything nice to say to him. They had engaged in yet another night of drunken sex only to wake up in the morning and agree that it meant nothing.

Abby had been lying to herself all this time, she did love him, a lot. She loved the fact that he knew how to get what he wanted and nothing would stand in his way. She loved how when he was with her he became a different person. There were two sides to Marcus Kane, she knew them both but the others only knew one.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Marcus walking in. She looked down at the envelope in her hands and quickly shoved it back into the drawer.

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?" She stood up crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't give me that Abby, what's in the envelope?"

"Doctor, patient confidentiality."

"As your Chancellor I'm ordering you to hand it over."

"And as the Doctor to this patient I can't do that."

She was standing her ground, that's something he admired. There had been many women over the years but he had turned them all away. She had been the object of his affection ever since he could remember. He had brushed it off and resorted to hating her instead. He hated the way she spoke, the way she smelled, the way that damn ring of Jakes would sparkle every time she would hatred eventually wasn't enough and he had given into her. Now, he missed their routine and how domestic they were for a short time.

"Abby just give it to me."

"Or what you'll float me?"

"On Earth the policy for crime is shock lashing."

She took in a deep breath. Was a lashing really worth keeping this secret? But if she took the lashings would there even still be a secret? It was a 50/50 chance of both. She glanced at Raven to make sure she was still sleeping before opening the drawer.

"Chancellor." She spat tossing Marcus the envelope.

"Thank you Doctor Griffin." He replied tearing open the paper.

A pregnancy test fell out into his hand. He paused and looked at the stick, "Well, who is the lucky lady that gets to have our first baby on earth?" He asked turning toward her.

Abby took in a deep breath, "Me" she exhaled.

If I am being honest, this took a bit of a different turn than originally intended. Let me know if you like it, I'm not completely sold on it just yet.