A/N: New chapter of NATSU is up and ready. Please read and take note that I do not own anything.
Location: Bureau HQ, Year X800
"And in the end, the Fairy Tail guild triumphed against the tyrannical Edolas empire. They sent the other-worlders back to their world on the grounds they never returned. Though Mystogan had to return to his world, he vowed to make it into a safe haven for all races and thanked Fairy Tail for all they have done."
Seven children sat in a row as they listened intently at Yoriko, who had just finished reading another story arc of the Fairy Tail manga.
Among the children were Nashi and Yukana, who both sat in the front. Nashi smiled in amazement at another happy ending of what has become her most favorite story.
In the few days that passed, Yoriko made it a routine to read a Fairy Tail manga to Nashi and Yukana. However, soon five of the children came and wanted to join on the public reading. Not that Yoriko had any objections, as she happily allowed them to join. She even gave the names as well. The five children that joined were named Terra, Octus, Rosalina, Finn, and Renzo.
They were all now in the rec room, with the children having finished another rigorous training session.
"Wow. I can't believe they were able to take on an entire alien armada and won." Yukana cheered.
"I don't know." They looked to see Terra with a skeptical expression. "This whole talk about aliens and stuff sounds a little unrealistic."
"Oh, shut up Terra." Yukana jeered. "How do you know? It's not like you've ever been there."
"Well you weren't there either." Terra shot back. "So how do you know if it's right?"
"Please don't fight." A chubby, dark-skinned boy said, meekly. His name was Octus.
Yoriko sighed as she put her manga down and got up. "Enough." She sternly said, clapping her hands. Everyone shifted their attention over to her.
"I will admit that some of this sounds skeptical, but people are entitled to what they believe in and you should respect that." Yoriko informed. The children said nothing as they nodded, Yukana and Terra glancing away from each other.
Just then, a young, blonde-hair, Caucasian girl raised her hand. She was Rosalina. "Ms. Yoriko, can you tell us somethings about the outside world?"
"Yeah. Rosalina's right." A tan-skinned boy with spiky brown-hair exclaimed. He was Renzo. "We never got to hear about the world the Fairy Tail live in."
"If that's alright with you, we want to hear it all." A boy with yellow hair that was slicked back concluded. He was Finn.
Yoriko saw Nashi nodding her head, as she wanted to learn more about the world that lied beyond the Bureau's laboratory.
Yoriko could see the intrigued looks the children all had. It made sense since these children never once got to see so much as the sun rise. And since they were going to be shifted out to Worth Woodsea in four days, she thought it would hurt to let them know what to expect.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain." Yoriko said before smiling as the children leaned in closer. "Now, where do I begin.
Location: Akane Resort, Year X803
In real time, Nashi slowly stirred as she woke up from her sleep. Looking around, she saw Makarov snoring as he leaned back on the seat. She also saw Natsu was still driving and looked at the timer that said it was around nine in the evening.
Not wanting to bother him, Nashi looked out the window, only to immediately gasp at the sight. Just down the mountain pass was a large castle-like structure, with a peculiar head at the top, that shined brightly. Using her enhanced eyesight, she saw the worlds "Akane Resort" inscribe on the opened mouth.
Nashi also noticed some weird, road-like structure going all around it, and a giant wheel right next to it. But the sight that completely took her breath away was the large body of water that stood adjacent from the huge white sandy beach.
She then remembered Yoriko explained to her once that this large body of water was called the sea. It covered a large percentage of their world and was mainly salted water that merchants could spent their whole life trying to contain it without even taking ten percent of it.
Natsu looked at the rear-view mirror and noticed Nashi staring out the window.
"Oh, you're up." He said, causing Nashi to look at him briefly before starring back out the window. Natsu could tell what she was looking at and could see the fascination in her eyes. He immediately remembered that she along with dozens of children raised by the Bureau never got a chance to see the outside world. It made sense that even the simplest things would be enough to amaze her.
"Yeah, that right there is the Akane Beach." Natsu explained. "Came here a few years back with some friends of mine. This place still is the most popular tourist spot in Fiore. Along with its five-star hotel, beach, and amusement park rides that I won't be riding."
"You should also explain to her about the casino in its basement where visitors can enjoy themselves." Makarov said.
"When did you wake up?" Natsu asked, incredulously.
Nashi heard what they said and looked as they were approaching the resorts entrance. A feeling of joy growing inside her with each passing second.
After a few minutes, the trio drove straight through the main gate, where they finally entered the resort. Nashi gaped in awe at the sight of the bright, flashing neon lights. She looked through her window, and saw small buildings that were serving all sorts of exotic foods, restaurants, and even game booths.
Natsu drove the car up to a hotel, and ushered Makarov and Nashi out of the car. As Nashi got off, Natsu pushed Makarov's wheelchair into the hotel, only to stop momentarily to talk to the parking valet.
"Keep it parked." He said bluntly to the appalled valet, who stood staring at the state of car that looked like it just went through a war.
The three entered the hotel, which had an arcade, all kinds of restaurants, a bar, which Natsu would be paying a visit later, and the resort's most famous casino.
Natsu walked up and spoke with the hotel's receptionist.
"Hello, welcome to the Akane Resort. What can I do for you?" the female receptionist asked.
As Natsu ordered a suite for him, Makarov, and Nashi to stay in, Nashi looked around at the hotel. Growing up in a lab, she never got the chance to know what a hotel looks like. She was amazed at the things around her, the men and women gambling money at the casino, the old man guzzling beer, and most of all, she saw this place they called an amusement park.
Grandpa Makarov explained to her that the road-like structure was called a roller coaster, a light railroad track with many tight turns and steep slopes, which people ride can on with small fast open car. And there was also the Ferris Wheel, that people on from the carts attached.
This was something she never got the chance to see and hoped she'd have the chance to do, so long as they were here.
As she thought to herself, Makarov also woke up and looked at Nashi. When he saw what the young girl was doing, the old master smiled, admiring the child's curiosity.
When Natsu got the keys to the hotel room, he pushed Makarov's wheelchair, preparing to head to the elevator, however, he saw that Nashi wasn't beside him.
"Nashi." Natsu looked around. "NASHI!"
"Natsu." Makarov called and pointed to Nashi, who was walking up to the entrance that led to the amusement park.
"What is she doing?" Natsu asked as he pushed Makarov, going over to the young dragon slayer's direction.
Nashi walked up to the front gate where she saw a man standing over in the entrance.
"Come right up everyone and enjoy an evening of fun and hilarity at our local amusement park! Admission is just ten jewel per person!"
Nashi smiled as she marched right in. At least she would have if a hand didn't grab her arm. She turned around and saw Natsu with a not so pleased look.
"Kid, where the hell do you think you're going!?" He angrily asked.
Nashi said nothing as she pointed straight at the entrance.
"Natsu, I believe Nashi wants to go inside the amusement park." Makarov said, which Nashi nodded in confirmation.
Natsu's expression, however, didn't change. "Yeah, well we're not going." He said causing Nashi to frown. "We're only staying here for the night. In the morning, I'm going out to find us a new ride and getting the hell outta here. Got that!"
Nashi still remained emotionless.
Makarov decided to intervene. "Now Natsu, this amusement park and everything else for that matter is opened 24/7. And since this is Nashi first time at an amusement park, I think it's best to let her have fun."
"What do you know, gramps!?" Natsu snapped at him. "In case your losing your memory again, we only have six days to get to that Sanctuary place and Crocus." He then turned to Nashi. "Which means; NO. Side. Stops."
Nashi said nothing as she glared at Natsu straight in the eyes with a blank expression, which was starting to piss him off.
"Look kid, right now, all I want is to get settle, go to the bar, have a drink, and then go to bed." Natsu specified to her. She still remained emotionless, which only served to aggravate to former dragon slayer.
"I don't know what game you're playing, but it ain't gonna work." Natsu claimed, getting down to her eye level. "This is the last I'm saying it; We're not going and that's final!"
Natsu grumbled as he, Makarov, and Nashi stood in line for the Devil's Mountain, the Akane Resort's most famous roller coaster.
"How the hell did she talk me into this?!" Natsu fumed in anger and annoyance.
"Well, you know how persuasive children can be." Makarov chuckled in amusement. "I wonder where she gets it from?"
Natsu sighed as they arrived next in line. Nashi excitedly ran to one if the open carts and sat in the back. As she did, Natsu couldn't help but let out a small laugh. It's hard to remember that she was a test-tube raised assassin when she acts like a little kid.
As more people got on, Natsu took the time to stand at the sidelines. Since he left the lacrima that prevented his motion sickness in the rundown car, he wasn't going to be riding on any vehicle.
However, as he attempted to walk away, the riding mechanist grabbed his shoulder.
"Excuse me, you her father?" He asked as he pointed to Nashi, who was trying to figure out how to put on the safety harness.
"Uhhh…yeah." Natsu lied, having to say something.
"Sorry, but she can't ride without an adult." He said, which caused Natsu to gulp nervously. He knew where this was gonna go.
"Oh, uh, well…" Natsu stuttered, trying to think of a way out. He then beamed as he placed his hands on Makarov's shoulder's. "He's her grandpa! So, he'll ride with her!"
"Wait, WHAT!" Makarov exclaimed.
"Isn't he way too old for this ride?" the mechanist inquired. "Besides, the roller coaster wasn't built for wheelchaired people to ride."
"WHAT! You won't let wheelchaired people on! That's racism right there." Natsu snarled, melodramatizing the situation so he wouldn't go on. He really hated vehicles.
"Sir, we have to get this ride going." He said, starting to run out of patience. "You're riding with her. If not, she's getting off."
"Natsu this is embarrassing." Makarov barked, shamefully. "You're a grown man and yet you still get sick at the thought of going on a mode of transportation."
Natsu glared at the old master in annoyance. In a few short seconds, Natsu pouted as he sat beside Nashi, both of them strapped down to the carts.
"ALL SET!" The mechanist said as he flipped the switch, the wheels of the cart moving slowly as the carts began moving up the tracks.
Not even five seconds past and Natsu soon found himself sinking in his seat, his eyes swirling as his face turned slightly blue.
"Oh fuuuuuck. I knew this would happen." Natsu groaned as he felt ready to throw up. All the while, Nashi gave him a quick incredulous glance. The ride barely started and he's already feeling sick.
She simply shook her head in shame. What a baby.
The cars finally got up the ramp, and almost immediately came down with great from the decline. The passengers braced themselves as they held on to the harnesses tightly. Nashi even clenched her teeth as she stifled her screams. The rush she was feeling was intense, and yet, it was very exciting.
Natsu wasn't screaming either, only because he was moaning in agony with every loop and turn the roller coaster was making.
Makarov laughed as he watched the roller coaster continued on for several minutes. "My boy, this has to be the only enemy to get the better of you."
Location: Magnolia, Year X803
In the ruined town, many members of the Ravagers were busy disassembling their tents, and put their equipment in several cases, tossing them all into their trucks. Right now, Zero walked out of his command tent, with a female operative walking alongside him.
"How goes the preparations?" Zero asked.
"With the way the men move, we should be prepared to move in an hour." She replied.
Zero smirked in satisfaction. "Excellent. Once we move out, we'll begin our manhunt for the child and the ones who helped her escape."
"If I may ask sir, do you have any leads to their location?" The operative asked.
"Truth be told, I do." The Ravager's leader replied. "Yesterday, I intercepted a call from a road stop owner. He claimed he was robbed by to wizards. He said one of them was a girl with pink hair that could produce fire."
"If that's true, then they could already be gone at this point." She stated, feeling slightly discouraged.
Zero face however, remained confident. "Which is why we'll have to ask him some…questions of where they were going."
The female became slightly pale as she gulped. She knew what her comrade and his ravagers did whenever they interrogated people.
"CAPTAIN ZERO!" They turned to see a man in a standard guard uniform running towards them. When he reached them, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath.
"What do you want!?" Zero sneered. "We have other matters to attend to!"
"I know sir but please listen." He said as he began. "We just got off communication with one of the Ravagers from the fourth subjugation unit. The group that was deployed to a rural village where X-20 was sighted."
"That's why you came to me." Zero said, feeling he had his time wasted. "Leave the situation to them. Especially since that arrogant captain of theirs bragged about how he was going to apprehend all of them."
"I'm afraid that's not it sir." The guard said.
"What do you mean?" The female operative asked.
"Because the fourth unit was wiped out." He revealed, much to their shock. "The Ravager that called said that they were all attacked last night after they subjugated the village. Before he died, he believed that the people who attacked were all wizards."
The operative looked at Zero who remained silent until he asked. "Tell me, was there anything else he mentioned before his death?"
"He did mention something." He said. "He told us that before he lost consciousness, he caught a view of the attackers. They were three people, all females, and subject X-20 among the three. He was the one that killed commander Pretty Boy."
"Judging from what he saw, can we surmise that we might have other enemies that are opposing us." She assumed.
"While I admit, as preposterous as that sounds, it does explain how the children were able to escape in the first place, as well as hide in plain sight." Zero confessed.
"Let's take into account that there is an unknown party that is trying to oppose us. Just who could they be?"
"I admit that I am not sure." Zero said before moving his gaze towards a large, dark-colored, van. "But I bet a former guard of ours might."
Zero looked over at the guard. "You, report this over to the main branch. See what they can do to fill in the messing numbers."
"Sir." Was all he said before moving out.
"And you, tell everyone to begin preparing for departure."
"I will sir." She said before leaving.
When she left, Zero began to muse in his mind about the turn of events that he just learned.
"An unknown party." He thought before maniacal smile. "This hunt is turning out to be more interesting than I had anticipated."
Location: Akane Resort, Year X803
After the roller coaster finished, Natsu wasted no time running over to the nearest trash can and started emptying the contents of his stomach.
Nashi and Makarov stood behind him, the former giving her grandfather figure a questionable look, to which he chuckled.
"Natsu's always had a strong aversion towards vehicles." He explained. "Whenever he's on one and it moves just a few inches, he immediately suffers from motion sickness."
Nashi did not know that. Which was mainly because the manga never mentioned anything about him suffering from motion sickness. Now that she knew, it kind of made him look dumb.
"Yeah…well, it's…not like…I'm the only one…blegh." Natsu retorted before he puked once more.
"Apparently, motion sickness is something ALL dragon slayers suffer from." Makarov further elaborated.
Nashi's eyes widen in surprise. But, if that was true then why could she ride on the roller coaster just fine?
"It's not something that's automatic." The old master said, as if he read her mind. "Two of our dragon slayers, Gajeel and Wendy, could ride on vehicles without any problems. However, as they matured and their powers grew, did their motion sickness began."
The young dragon slayer kept that in mind. That would mean she would only have a few more years of riding on vehicles before she begins suffering from motion sickness. After seeing how Natsu couldn't handle the roller coaster…she wasn't going to look forward to it.
After Natsu was finished throwing up, he wiped his mouth and turned to the young girl and old man. "Yeah, well luckily we got that lacrima with us. With it, I can drive any car without suffering that damn motion sickness."
"Finished already?" Makarov joked.
"Be quiet." The former dragon slayer said. "Alright. You got what you wanted. Now let's-" Natsu was unable to finished talking to Nashi since he noticed said girl was not standing by them anymore.
"NOW WHERE'D SHE GO!" Natsu shouted, exasperatedly.
"Natsu." The old master pointed at a nearby game booth that Nashi was standing in front of. Natsu pushed Makarov's wheelchair as they approached Nashi, who was looking up at something. When they got there, they followed her gaze and saw that she was looking up at a giant sky-blue cat with a white spot over his left eye, and had white angel wings. It was sitting on the highest shelf and she stared at it with fascination.
She remembered from Yoriko's stories that every dragon slayer had a flying cat with them as a traveling companion, except for Laxus and Cobra for some odd reason.
Noticing Natsu and Grandpa Makarov behind her, she turned and pointed at the cat, her body language clearly saying she wanted it.
"Natsu, I believe Nashi wants that prize." Makarov said.
Natsu scoffed at first, before looking at Nashi, giving him the puppy eyes. Natsu remembered how Asuka used to give him that same look to get him to do what she wanted. And it always worked.
Natsu groaned in defeat and walked over to the guy in the booth. "Hey pal, how much for the flying cat?"
"Sorry dude, not for sale." He replied. "If you're kid wants the cat, what she needs to do is throw those balls, and knock over the ten bottles all stacked up."
Natsu looked at the ten empty milk bottles stacked in a triangle formation. "How much?"
"Three balls for ten Jewel."
Sighing, Natsu looked at Nashi. "One game, alright." He said sternly.
Nashi nodded and Natsu placed the money on the counter. The man collected the money and placed a basket of three balls on the table.
Nashi grabbed one ball. So, all she had to do was hit those battles with this ball. The game sounds easy enough. Reeling her arm back, Nashi stuck her tongue out and aimed at the bottles. When she got a clear shot, Nashi throw the ball with all her strength. However, she might have added too much strength as the ball flew above the bottles and tore straight threw the stand.
"OW! MY EYE!" Cried an unfortunate pedestrian.
Natsu and Makarov winced as Nashi meekly looked away in embarrassment. The game booth guy chuckled in amusement.
"That counts as one try." He informed as Nashi took her turn again, aiming it once more. This time, the ball bounced off the top shelf and ricocheted from the flagpole, flying over the stand.
"OW! MY SPINE!" Cried the same person.
The booth guy laughed out loud as Nashi grunted and stomped her foot in frustration.
Natsu let out a tired sigh as he walked "Alright, before you sent that guy to the hospital, maybe you should try something different."
Nashi shot a questionable glance as Natsu continued. "I was a good shot myself but one thing I never did was try to aim for someone. Instead, I just saw them and took the shot. That's what you gotta do; Throw it, don't aim it."
Throw it, don't aim it. Nashi pondered on that before she grabbed the ball. Following Natsu's advice, she saw the bottles in her line of sight. Once that happened, she took the chance and throw the ball with all her might. Miraculously, the ball made a direct hit on the bottles, however, the ball then ricocheted off them and flew past them at high speed.
"Hmmm, I thought that man was behind the stand." Makarov pointed out.
"And that makes three." The man said. "Sorry kid, better luck next time."
"Hey wait a minute." Natsu said as he walked over, realizing something wasn't right. "That ball hit those ball dead center. And your saying she still loses."
"Look pal." The man said, putting his arm around Natsu's shoulder. "See those bottles? See how they're still standing? Unless those bottles fall down, she loses."
Natsu removed the man's arm from his should as he got a better look at the bottles. Using what remained of his enhanced eye sight, Natsu saw several white goo from the bottom of each bottles. He quickly realized that the stuff was glue.
Natsu growled in fury. That son of bitch rigged the game so people would keep spending money and never win anything.
"He can play it that way?" Natsu took out another Jewel bill and placed it on the table. "Set me up for a game."
"Done" The guy said as he placed a ball, much to Makarov and Nashi's surprise.
"Natsu, what do you think you're doing?" Makarov questioned, wondering if Natsu wasn't getting too competitive.
"Just sit back and watch gramps." Natsu said as he looked at Nashi. "I got this."
The pink-haired man stepped back as he got a clear view of thee bottles. When they were in sight, he pulled his arm back and suddenly…
His whole left arm ignited in flame that covered the ball, as everyone stepped back in surprise and astonishment.
"W-WH-WHAT THE!" The guy stuttered in fear.
Makarov's eyes also widened as he knew the risk of Natsu using his magic power. "NATSU, WHAT ARE YOU-"
Natsu gnashed his teeth as he steadied his arm. With one swing, he launched the ball with all his power.
"Fire Dragon Home Run Comet!" the blazing ball flew like a small comet and when it contacted the bottles-
The bottles not only exploded, but half of the game stand was reduced to churred splinters. Fortunately, no one was harmed, though they were knocked off their feet by the impact of the explosion. The smoke began to dissipate as the everyone saw that nothing remained on the game table.
Natsu smirked in accomplishment, though he still felt immense pain on his entire left arm, which had second to third degree burns all over and his left sleeve was gone.
"That's how we do it." He said in triumph.
Nashi looked stupefied at the outcome. She heard how reckless he was back in the day, but this was too much.
Makarov could tell what she was thinking and closed his eyes in annoyance. "As you can see, he's every bit as reckless as you've heard. Self-control comes as a foreign language to him."
Clutching his arm, Natsu turned to the booth guy. "So, do we win?"
The man in question turned white from head to toe as his eyes bulged out and his jaw looked ready to fall off. After a few seconds, he fell back, having fainted.
Nashi smiled brightly as she was holding the giant flying cat she wanted. Finally, after so long, she gets her own flying cat.
Natsu saw how happy she looked and huffed, though had a smirk. "Looks like she got what she wanted."
"Yes, she did." Makarov said as the trio left the amusement park and made their way to the elevator. "And you should feel lucky we weren't thrown out after what you that. Or worse." He gestured to Natsu's bandaged arm.
"Hey, I only did that cause that guy back there was cheating. I cheated a cheater." Natsu proclaimed. "Besides, I can still moves this arm. No pain at all."
"If you say so." Makarov said as she walked besides him, who smiled as she held his hand.
As the three made their way to the elevator, which would take them to the tenth floor, Nashi stopped and noticed some nice clothing that were currently on display, and for sale at half-price. Natsu noticed Nashi's expression, and not wanting to put up with another similar incident, said, "Nashi, come on."
But Nashi didn't move. Only looking at Natsu with a pout.
"Let's go." Natsu repeated.
"Come on, Natsu. We do need clothes, after all." Makarov said to Natsu. "We're about to embark on a week-long trip and we should make ourselves decent. Especially in your state."
Natsu sighed in annoyance, "Why does this shit happen to me?"
Defeated, he went inside the store and bought a few pair of clothes for himself, Nashi, and Makarov. Finally, he got Nashi and Makarov into the elevator, which took them to their suite on the tenth floor. After getting off the elevator, they made it to their room, "Room 1020".
Nashi, curious as usual, opened the door and walked around the suite, admiring the interior décor; the queen-sized bed, the wide screen Lacrima-Vision, and running to the veranda, got a great view of the entire beach and amusement park.
"Careful now child, don't want to fall off." Makarov warned as he yawned.
"Looks like one of us can use some sleep." Natsu said as he carried Makarov and gently placed him on the bed, covering him up as he drifted into sleep. Nashi quietly got next to him and placed her new stuffed toy between them as she to fell asleep.
Natsu gave a small smile at the two, as if they were really a grandfather and granddaughter. After covering them up, Natsu grabbed a bottle and sat on in a recliner, drinking away his worries. After he finished the bottle, he slumped back, falling asleep on the chair.
Location: Rest Stop, Year X803
Meanwhile, at sunrise, back at the rest stop where Natsu, Makarov, and Nashi had previously stopped, Zero and several Ravagers, along with Mest and Yoriko, arrived. Zero and five of his men went inside, storming the place, which alarmed the manager.
"Hey! We're not open, yet!" He said, until Zero made a gesture telling him to be quiet.
Feeling intimidated, the manager asked. "If you're with the authorities, then I assure you that I spoke with the others about…"
One of the Ravagers locked the door, flipping the sign to close, as another one walked over to the manager, crackling his mechanical knuckles while grinning sinisterly.
From the truck, Mest and Yoriko sat across from their cell, waiting patiently as the Ravagers went in.
"I wonder how they are?" Yoriko asked. "Nashi, Mr. Dragneel, and Master Makarov?"
"Don't worry." Yoriko turned to Mest, not looking the least bit concerned. "If there's one thing I know about Natsu is that he's not one to give in without a fight."
Yoriko nodded, but was still concerned. "I know. I'm just worried."
"We both are." Suddenly, they heard screaming all the way from the building, and automatically became alarmed. Moments later, they saw Zero and his Ravagers walking out of the building, fresh blood all over their hands. They braced themselves as they got back into their trucks.
As Zero got into the truck, he looked at Mest, "Well done, you did a splendid job. Nothing less from the Magic Council's favorite tracker."
"They're not there anymore, are they?" Mest rhetorically asked.
"No, but we know they were driving south east from here." Zero replied. "And if they follow this path, they should be at the Akane Resort."
Mest looked away as he held his head down. Zero turned to walk out but Yoriko interrupted, deciding to speak her mind.
"Tell me something, Zero. I've noticed you hardly ever used Mest at all, especially since you need him to capture Nashi." She said. "And what about me? You said you wanted to make me suffer despair, but I've witnessed nothing. There's no point in any of us being here."
Zero chuckled darkly and turned to the two prisoners. "You speak the truth Ms. Bilstein. If I am being honest, my Ravagers and I are more than capable of finding her on our own. We know other people who are trained for such a purpose. However, doing that would mean resorting to much…bloodier methods. Which would draw too much unwanted attention for my superior, and that his something we cannot afford."
"Besides…" Zero grinned murderously, causing her to crawl back in fear. "I just really enjoy having someone I can hit. That, and I know neither of you will tell us what we want. But…in time I intend to collect." He said to her, before closing the truck's backdoor, and giving the signal for the driver to continue driving.
Location: Akane Resort, Year X803
Back in Akane, Natsu woke up to the alarm clock. turning around, he saw that it was ten in the morning. After getting up, Natsu made sure to check if Nashi and Makarov were dressed in the clothes he bought for them last night. Fortunately, they were.
Nashi was wearing a white pearl blouse, under a pink sweater, a white frill skirt with black silk leggings, and pink caprice shoes.
Makarov wore a simple blue long sleeve polo shirt, with a white T-shirt underneath, black trousers, black shoes, and a brown suede jacket with matching hat.
Natsu went into the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. While he was washing himself, Nashi and Makarov were watching a movie on the Lacrima-Vision. The movie was a film version of the award-winning novel, "The Adventures of Iris" written by Lucy Heartfilia.
The scene showed Iris about to set off to her final battle but was confronted by a young man.
"I remember reading this novel." Makarov said, sitting on the bed as Nashi sat on his wheelchair. "It was written by one of my children. She always aspired to become a novelist and had her dream made into a reality!" Makarov said, pointing at the screen.
Nashi looked at the screen and saw Iris talking to a boy around her age. "A person is who they chose to be, Happy. Not what others tell them to. So long as you find that reason, then you can be free to do anything and forge your own path."
When Natsu was finished, he got dressed into his new black jeans, a gray undershirt with a light blue collared-shirt over it, and a brown jacket with white shoes. He still wore his scarf over his neck.
When he finished getting dressed in the bathroom, he noticed Nashi's bag on the floor.
"That's right, I brought it with me to put her clothes in." He remembered. He saw that it was opened and took out three files that were label under "The Bureau of Magical Development: Medical Study."
Sitting himself on the bed, Natsu opened the files but found himself squinting at the small letters.
"Shit." He cursed his failing eyesight and took out his reading glasses. Much clearer, Natsu saw that it was a profile chart, showing X-Ray pictures of a young boy. His chart read;
Subject: X-20
Age: 156 Months
Sex: Male Wizard
Blood Type: AB Positive
Attack Power: 5/5
Defensive Power: 5/5
Speed: 5/5
Intelligence: 6/5
Source DNA: Jura Neekis
Natsu looked intrigued. This kid was bred through Jura's DNA. Turning the page, he saw another boy, younger than Nashi, who was dark-skinned and chubby.
Subject: X-21
Age: 98 Months
Sex: Male Wizard
Blood Type: O Positive
Attack Power: 6/5
Defensive Power: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Source DNA: Olga Nanagear
Natsu then turned the page that showed Nashi's data.
Subject: X-23
Age: 122 Months
Sex: Female Wizard
Blood Type: A Positive
Attack Power: 6/5
Defensive Power: 6/5
Speed: 6/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Source DNA: Natsu Dragneel
If that was true, then that would technically make Nashi his genetic daughter. Natsu sent a questionable glance at the girl before putting the files away. However, when he picked up the bag, it fell open and several mangas fell out into the floor. After examining them, he recalled that these were the same Fairy Tail manga from Yoriko's room back at the inn.
Curious, he looked at the first couple of volumes and read them, though he soon began to scoff at most of their content. Many of them were either greatly exaggerated or completely false, ranging from different sets.
One, showed how he and Lucy first met. Though it was sort of accurate, it said that he leveled the entire city of Hargeon, which wasn't true. He only leveled the harbor, at least, he thought he was right.
Then showed their adventure to Galuna Island, which portrayed Lyon, or the Cold Emperor, as a wacky stereotypical comic villain that made bad jokes and overexaggerated monologues of how he's the most powerful wizard in the world. It even said that he was beaten up badly by Lyon and Gray came in and saved him, declaring eternal friendship as a result.
Next came their war against the former guild, Phantom Lord. However, it depicted Phantom as a terrorist group that wanted to take over the kingdom and Fairy Tail was the one to throw the first punch. It even showed Jose as nothing more than a lunatic making bad puns and speeches about how Fairy Tail is inferior and how he will take over the world.
But one that really caught his eye was an issue detailing 'Crashing the Heartfilia wedding'. He looked through the manga, which told the story of how Lucy returned to her father and agreed with the arranged marriage to Duke Sawarr Junelle, who was as ugly as he imagined. Of course, the wedding was crashed by Team Natsu, with Natsu saying he objected and took Lucy away in his arms, declaring his everlasting love for her.
When he came out into the living room, he found Nashi moving around in the wheelchair. Natsu sighed as he put his foot in front, stopping it.
"You read these?" He asked, as Makarov paused the TV, and Nashi nodded her head.
"Oh yeah, Makarov. Look here, we got ourselves a Fairy Tail fan." He said, sarcastically, as Nashi scowled at the ground. "You do know these are all bullshit, right? Yeah, maybe a quarter of this stuff happened, but not like this." He continued, as he began looking through the manga, now showing his and Lucy's wedding, which never happened, before throwing it at Makarov, who caught it. "Because in the real world, people die."
"And you know way they die? Cause they weren't strong enough. And there was no stupid plot armor, strength of feelings, or power of friendship crap did anything to change that!" He spitefully said to Nashi.
"Natsu." Makarov said, hoping to calm him down.
"This is ice cream for bedwetters." He continued.
"Natsu." Makarov said again.
"What? Her friend's been feeding her some grade-A+ bullshit, and you don't think she deserves to know?" He asked Makarov.
"Natsu, I don't think that Nashi needs to be reminded about life's impairments, do you?" Makarov asked. Natsu said nothing and pulled out the medicine bag, grabbing Makarov's pills and the needles, handing them to Nashi.
"Give two of these to him in an hour, okay? The pills are to help with the seizures, the needles are supposed to stop them. Unless he's having a seizure, which he won't, move as fast as you can to get a needle in him, alright?" Nashi nodded.
"I'll be back, soon." Natsu said, as he turned to leave the room.
"There are you going?" Makarov asked.
"To get us a new vehicle. Hopefully, one that's a whole lot faster." He responded, before exiting the room, with one hundred thousand Jewel in his wallet.
Makarov sighed as Nashi saw the speech Iris was giving to her allies. "The enemy is a great one! But, if we unite our strength, then we can win! Because our bonds are what ties us together, and enable us to use the one magic that unifies all! And that is love! Now, show me that strength and come fight with me!"
She said to her allies as they cheered in response, all while Nashi watched intently.
Natsu drove to an area where there were a couple of gangsters hanging around, they stared at the state of the car as Natsu got out and grab everything from the car, which included the Lacrima and manga, which he brought along for further examination.
Knowing he had no further use for the car, he tossed the key to one of the gangsters, who caught it.
"All yours." Is all Natsu said as he walked off, heading inside a garage. When he got in, he spoke with the car dealership, where he argued with the manager over the expensive price of a blue Ram truck, which was currently at nine thousand Jewel.
"Tell you what. For just nine grand, I'll give her a fresh paint job for you, new tires, mounted, balanced, and complete paperwork." The manager attempted to bargain.
Looking at the time, Natsu said, "Look, I'm kinda in a hurry, so I'll just give you ten as is, if you can forget the paperwork." He said, put the amount of money on the desk.
The manager just shrugged, so long as he was being paid extra. "Fine, but you still need new tires." He said.
"And how long will that take?" He asked.
"About an hour." He replied. Natsu accepted the deal and headed off to a bar that was just across the street. Natsu sat at one of the tables and ordered a large beer. As he drank, he decided to take another look through the manga. Then, when he was looking through one of the manga issues, he saw a title that caught his eye: 'Journey to Sanctuary.'
Natsu nearly choked on his beer, before turning the page, and noticing a panel of the manga showing the coordinates for Sanctuary. He pulled out the envelope that contained the money for him, and saw the exact same coordinates as the one in the comic:
If that was true then that would mean. Natsu fumed as he slammed the manga in the table as his veins throbbed in ire. "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!?"
After paying for his drink, Natsu left the bar, which meant that his hour-long wait was finally over. Now, he went over to the garage and picked up his new truck, which just received new tires. After installing the lacrima on the dashboard, he drove back to the hotel, as quick as he could.
Natsu parked the truck and got out, where he played the valet to park the truck inside, but didn't bother giving him the keys.
As he made his way toward the hotel's front door, he spotted a dark-colored van that looked familiar. Too familiar.
His ears then twitched as he heard chuckling. Looking around, Natsu noticed two men standing nearby.
"Oh, shit!" He muttered under his breath, knowing that they were Ravagers. That meant Zero and the Bureau found out their location. Natsu gritted his teeth in anger. Of all the times they show, it's at a place with many people.
Knowing he needed to warn Makarov and Nashi, Natsu started making his way around the Ravagers, trying his best so that they wouldn't discover him. After making it around, Natsu made his way to the front door. However, just as he entered, his ears twitched as he began hearing ringing. Natsu's eyes widened as he saw the ground began rumbling. Suddenly, everything became distorted as he felt like his head was about to shatter into a million pieces.
Suddenly, all time essentially stopped for everyone as they remained frozen in place. Natsu looked up and saw bright light coming from the tenth floor. "Oh, no. Not now, gramps."
Natsu knew he needed to act fast. Using all his strength, Natsu began to make his way through the hotel's entrance, though he tumbled and grabbed on to anything to prevent him from falling off. As he walked through, he saw multiple people standing around, frozen, and though they held no pained expressions, he knew their minds were slowly being torn apart.
"No. I can't let this happen, again." He thought to himself.
It wasn't just everyone, from the dark van, Mest, Yoriko, a few officers, and even Zero were suffering from the effects. Zero had his eyes focused on the monitor, which showed Makarov having a seizure while emanating an immense amount of magic energy as two Ravagers had him at gunpoint, though they too were frozen.
Eventually, Natsu made it to the elevator, pressed the button that would open it, and got in. He automatically clicked the button for the tenth floor. As the elevator slowly ascended, he could only worry about Makarov killing everybody if he didn't get to the room in time.
"Come on! Move faster!" He muttered to himself.
When the elevator finally stopped and opened its doors, Natsu slowly made his way out, and saw a Ravager positioned outside of the room, with his weapon ready.
This was enough for Natsu to realize that his worst fear had happened. The Ravagers burst in and got the drop on Nashi and Makarov. The stress must have been too much for the old man and that's what lead to his seizure. Using his long nails, Natsu dug deep into the walls for support as he struggled to get to the room.
When he was in close contact, the Ravager moved his eyes to see Natsu outside of the room. Unfortunately, he was still frozen and could not move his weapon to fire. This was the perfect chance for Natsu as he twisted his head around, killing him.
He made his way into the room, and saw four other Ravagers, all standing in place. He looked and saw Nashi, on the ground and remained able to move, though barely. She had a needle in her hand, and motioned to Makarov, who sat in his wheelchair, shaking uncontrollably.
Natsu made his way over to Nashi, and broke the neck of the Ravager who had his gun pointed at her. He then generated small flames on his right palm and used it to blow another Ravager's face off. With them dead, he bent down and grabbed the needle from her hand.
Then, he made his way over to Makarov, and, with his nails, impaled the two other Ravagers standing over him from their backs. He took the needle, and, as quickly as possible, moved the hand that held the needle towards Makarov's neck. Then, he slowly plunged the needle in, and, suddenly, time returned to its natural speed.
The Ravagers that Natsu killed, who had remained standing due to being frozen, finally fell to the floor, completely dead. However, one Ravager that stood behind Makarov, collapsed but was still alive, barely. Nashi took notice of this, jumped onto him, screaming as she blasted a torrent of fire through his heart, finishing the job.
As Natsu panted, Nashi went over to Makarov, who outstretched his hand. Nashi took it, and held it.
"Are you alright?" The former guild master asked. Nashi nodded her head to show that she was.
Natsu then saw something attached to one of the Ravager's hats: it was a recording lacrima. Grabbing it, he realized that it was recording this whole event. It also meant that Zero was also here and had found them.
"Oh, shit!" He said, before smashing the camera. Looking out the window, Natsu saw that everyone was alright, though they collapsed to the ground, panting in fatigue.
Back in the van, Zero was gasping for air, unsure of what he had just felt. Mest and Yoriko were also gasping for air, the former was fully aware of what had transpired. He looked in desperation as Natsu smashed the camera.
"Natsu, you got to get away from here." He thought to himself.
Natsu turned to Makarov, with Nashi standing behind. "We gotta get out of here. Grab whatever you guys brought up." He said, before he and Nashi started grabbing the things that they had with them in the room, leaving Makarov to stand next to the door.
As soon as they got what they needed, Natsu hurriedly pushed Makarov's wheelchair with Nashi beside him. As they arrived on the lobby, they moved as quickly as possible, so to avoid looking at the people that were on the floor, in pain.
However, Makarov was aware of their expression as many men, women, and children were deeply terrified.
"I'm sorry. I'm…I'm so sorry!" Makarov said over and over as he was overcome with guilt and regret.
When they made their way out of the building, Natsu and Nashi situated Makarov into the back seat of the truck as Natsu tossed the wheelchair in the back. With everything settled, the old and young fire dragon slayers got into the front seat, and Natsu began to drive off.
Meanwhile, Zero stumbled out of the truck he was in, and tried to see if he could find any sign of Natsu, or Makarov, or Nashi. But he found nothing. All that he saw was the destruction and chaos caused by Makarov's seizure.
Zero roared as he slammed his metallic fist on the truck, leaving a massive dent. The situation had become bedlam; people were on the floor, groaning in pain, and gasping for air. Mass hysteria and worst of all, he still had failed to find the girl.
His boss was not gonna be pleased about this.
To Be Continued…
A/N: I apologize that this took a while. I meant to inform everyone that I am currently on vacation with my family in Peru to visit relatives. Luckily my aunt's house has Wi-Fi but it comes and goes due to airplane mode. However, I didn't want to leave anyone waiting so I decided to post this chapter that was half completed at the time.
Anyways, the next chapter may not be up for a while, since I will be going to Cuzco. But I will try to get some done in August. Until then, be patient. Please read and review.