Alright. Let's get this over with.
For the past 8 to 12 months, I haven't been able to bring myself to write a certain couple of stories. Stories that really helped me learn as for what it means to write. I learned how to structure a story through trial and error, I learned what works and what doesn't. But the problem with knowing what's wrong is that I can't keep writing these certain stories without feeling that the only thing that will come out of it will be less than mediocre, and there's a whole lot wrong with these certain stories.. So, much like a band-aid, I'm going to be quick and brutal about it. I'm going to can Time-Traveling Bastard along with Drunken Bastard.
My reasons being that I believe that the concepts were fun, but the problem wasn't the concepts, it was execution. I wrote both of these stories around three years ago, and as much I hold them dear, I've got to put em down because there isn't much of a reason to keep going if they're going to turn out like dog shit. I don't know, maybe I'll go back to the concepts at some point when I've got some time, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Because as a senior in high school, trying to get my certificates and trying to get accepted into schools, well, it might be awhile before I post anything. That, and RWBY's honestly been fuckin' killing me. I just can't deal with the bullshit it keeps throwing at me, so if I'm going to write anything to do with RWBY, it probably won't have to do much with what goes on with the show to begin with.
Now, I'm sure some people are going to be a little pissed that these are getting canned, and you've got some right to be, but let's be real, you've read either 10 or 20 chapters of this shit, and maybe half of those chapters had some sense of substance, you knew this was going to happen. I feel bad for making so many of you sit through so much nothing for that long, so I'm just going to start over.
I'll probably be writing other stuff, not as much stuff as I used to, but small little projects aren't going to last nearly as long as the stuff I'm canning. Maybe something like 12-15 chapters at most. So, if you feel like still reading my stuff after all this stuff, that's something you look forward to. If you don't want to read some of my other stuff, that's cool, you'll still probably see my name floating around anyway.
Well, I suppose I should wrap this up. If you ever feel like bitching at me, either hit me up via pm, or hit me up on my discord. I'll welcome you with open arms, despite the bullshit you throw at me, just uh, be sure not to be too much of a dick. This has been your friendly neighborhood Rum Aficionado, later. And seriously guys, swing by and say hi, my server's pretty fucking quiet.
Muh Discord: /hEu4QQP