Hello. Well time to tell a little about this project. This is a story between me and a friend of mine. We have a system in doing this. I'm the guy who thinks of the story and do the rough draft of how the scene plays out, making me the story writer. While my friend will go over my story, correct and make changes to it, and then polishes it. I call him the editor. While doing this he is helping me see the mistakes I have made and make suggestion on how I should write. So with that out of the way, here is the story.
Spider-Man Academia - Chapter 1
New York City, the city that never sleeps. The home to many heroes like Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, Avengers, and the Amazing Spider-Man. Today we will be looking into Spider-Man life. Right now he is in the Baxter Building as his alter ego, Peter Parker, helps his friend and scientific hero, Reed Richards, on a project he is working on.
"So Mr. Richards, have you decided what you are gonna name the device?" Peter asked while helping him tighten a bolt on a metallic box device on the table.
"Of course. I thought calling it the Dimensional Gate would be fitting. If my theory is correct, with this device, we can create a small wormhole and travel from earth to other worlds, like Asgard. It will be similar to how Thor travel between worlds. However, instead of teleporting, it will be like opening a door to a hallway to reach the other doors, or worlds." Reed explained while working on the wiring. "Also, I told you to call me Reed, Peter. There is no need for formalities."
"You know I asked for the name, not its dating profile."
"Ha ha ha. Now how about you get up and help me wire these to the control panel."
Across the way, three people on an adjacent roof stare at the top floor of the Baxter Building. The first, a man with a bowl cut who wears a lab coat, yellow sweater, green pants, and goggles with four metallic tentacles that seems to come out of his waist. Next, a bald man with a burn pattern across his face wearing a green costume that has a lighting design. Finally, a man wearing what looks to be a oversized fishbowl, a purple cape, a green costume that looks like a skin of a reptile, and metal boots. These three are Otto Octavius, Maxwell Dillon, and Quentin Back but they go by Doctor Octopus, Electro, and Mysterio, respectively.
"Today, gentlemen, is the day our plan will come into fruition." Doctor Octopus said proudly. "Today, we will steal the device that will grant us a way to acquire new heights, new spoils, and new power."
"Are you sure Doctor? I mean, sure we practiced and prepared for this, but still, this is the Fours building. I mean, sure we plan this out, but, what if something goes wrong?" Mysterio asked before Doctor Octavius put one of his claws on his shoulder.
"Relax, Mysterio. As long as we all stick to the plan, we will all get out of this in one piece. With the real prize to boot." He reassured him. "Now, it's time for the first stage of our plan. Electro, I think it is time for a blackout."
"Alright! Time to get to work." He shouted before flying towards the building.
In the rec room Johnny Storm, also known as the Human Torch, and Benjamin Grimm, the man made of rocks known as the Thing, are watching football. It's the quarter before halftime and their team is 5 points ahead. Right now it's the opponent's play.
"Ha! Man this is gonna be a close one! Can't believe the dweeb is in there helping Reed with whatever and not watching this with us." Johnny said.
"Ah, let them do their own thing. As long it doesn't interfere with this, I'm good." Ben told him. As soon as the opponents team quarterback was about to toss the ball the power and lights went off. "... Ok, this has better not be them. Richard!"
"What's going on?" Reed asked himself when lights went off. "The backup generators should have turned on by now." There was a hint of worry in Reed's voice. "Peter, wait here while I go check on this." He then used his powers to reshape his hand to fit into the crack of the electric door and manually open it up.
Just below them, Electro had used a device that Doctor Octopus had created to knockout security for 5 minutes. With his electricity, he burned a hole to get into the generators. Then, once again with his power, he absorbed all the electricity and put it into an insulation device Doctor Octopus had built previously for him.
"Ok Doc. The power is all gone. It's time for the 2nd act of the show." Electro said into his headset.
"Excellent. Now Mysterio, it is your turn." Doc told Mysterio in his headset as he starts crawling up the building cement wall.
"With pleasure." He said menacingly, using the hover boots to fly across the gap between the building. These boots, as well, were the work of Doctor Octopus.
Reed, using his powers, opens the door and goes inside the Machine Room to check on the generators. His wife, Susan Storm, is already there trying to figure out the problem as well.
"Susan, I'm glad you're here. Do you know what's going on?"
"No. Right now I'm trying to figure it out." She told him. "It seems like all the generators just suddenly dropped dead. There seems to be no power in them whatsoever. It is almost like it has all been-"
"Stolen?" A voice behind them asked. As they were about to turn around a metallic ball rolled by them. Before either of them could react, gas spewed out of the small orb. Susan managed to put up a barrier, but not before they both took a breath of the gas.
"It is a bit too late for that, my dear. The gas has already entered into your system." As he finished his sentence the world around them started to blend and swirl around them. They turn around and see what looked like to be a alien come out of the smoke. Mr. Fantastic try to use his elasticity to punch him from a distance but the punch missed him by a mile. During this, Susan drops her barrier, unable to properly focus.
"It seems like the effects of my hallucinogen gas started to take effect." He pulls out what looks to be a laser gun and shoots an energy blast at Susan. She tries to put a barrier in front of her, but, with the effects of the gas, she wasn't fast enough.
"Ah!" Susan cried out and holds the shoulder where the beam hit.
"Susan!" Cried out Reed. Before he could go over to check on her a beam hit him in the back of his leg. "Gah!"
"Now, now. I don't think that it is wise to turn your back on someone pointing a gun towards you." Reed turns around and thanks to the pain he is starting to gain back his surroundings. Slowly he can start to make out who the attacker is.
"Aren't you Mysterio? Why are you here?!" Reed asks him, surprised to see the villain. "You aren't the type to attack us, especially alone. Unless-"
"Unless he wasn't working alone." said another voice. Reed looked behind him and saw Doctor Octopus and Electro walking towards him. "Now Electro, time to make sure that Mrs. Storm won't cause us any further trouble."
Electro then puts a small electrical barrier around Susan, leaving next to no room for her to move.
"Now tell us where your newest invention is and I promise not to hurt your wife." Doctor Octopus told him.
"And how do I know that you will uphold your part of the bargain?" Reed asked cautiously.
"You don't." Doctor Octopus mused aloud. "I do wonder, is that a chance you are willing to take?"
While trying to thinking of a way he could get out of this situation, he remembered that someone else was also here. Hoping that he will get a drop on them, he decided that was his best option. With a fake sigh of defeat, he tells them that he will take them to where it is, hoping that a certain someone will put them in their place.
Meanwhile downstairs, Johnny and Ben are trying to get the elevator to work.
"Come on you blasted thing! Work!" Ben said as he is looking to see if there is anything he can do to make it work.
"You know the backup generators should be on by now. Something seems-" But before he can finish he heard the screams of both Reed and Susan.
"Sis!" "Reed!"
"That's it! I need to get up there now! Flame on!" With that, flames cover his entire body and he turns into the Human Torch. He then rushes and goes out of a window to try to get to the floor above.
"Wait! Johnny!" Ben yell out to him. Before the Human Torch can reach the window of the floor their in an electrical barrier appears and shocks him.
"Aaaahhh!" Johnny screams before falling into unconsciousness. Seeing this, Ben runs and jumps out of the window. He catches Johnny before landing onto the ground hard.
"What the hell is that?" Ben ask to himself. Unknown to him, the device that Electro had to drain the power out of the generators serves for a second purpose. Before Doc and Electro went to see Richard he places the device onto the wall outside of the building and activated it. It created a electric barrier surrounding the 33rd floor. This way, no one can get in or out until Doc deactivates said barrier.
Now back with Peter in the science lab, he uses the flashlight on his phone to continue working on the device until he heard the screams of both Susan and Reed.
"Ok, that didn't sound good." Peter said to himself. "I know that Reed told me to stay put, but, I'm pretty sure he'll understand this time around. Besides, teens rebel right? That's a thing, isn't it?" He joked, turning off the flashlight and moving quickly to his bag.
Reaching into the backpack he brought out his costume, mask, utility belt, and web shooters. He then goes into the corner of the room and starts to change.
"Well look out trouble because here comes your friendly, neighborhood, Spider-Man!"
Reed is now walking with a limp to the science lab with Doctor Octopus and Mysterio following close by. They enter the science lab. He then points to the device.
"There it is, my newest creation. The Dimensional Gate." He told them.
"Excellent. Mysterio, make sure our friend doesn't do anything foolish while I grab the device." Doctor Octopus told him while he goes and get the device.
"Hold on. I have a question for you. The device isn't even finished yet, so why are you stealing it now?" Reed asked.
"With my mind I'm sure I can figure out how to finish this amazing wonder. Besides, you have already done most of the work. So, for that, I shall thank you before I kill you and your beautiful wife."
"We had a deal Otto! You wouldn't touch her as long as I cooperate!" Reed yelled out.
"What can I say? I lied. You trusted me, a villain. Don't act so surprised.." He told him as he reached the device.
"Well then it's a good thing there was one variable that you never considered." Reed told him. Just before his claws about to grab the device webs from the sealing attached to the device and pulled it up. Doc looks up to see Spider-Man with the device now under his right arm.
"Spider-Man?!" He yelled in surprise.
"Hey Doc! Long time no see. How are the kids? Are they in evil elementary yet? Hopefully they won't be picked on. Although, with your looks, their chances are 80 to 20." Spidey mocks him. He was about to continue before his Spider Sense flared up, prompting a swift dodge to avoid one of Doc Ock's tentacles.
"Curses! How did you get in here?! The barrier I set up should've kept out any intruders, especially annoying arachnids like you!"
"You know, you are the only person that I know that calls me by the correct terminology. If you weren't so violent, I'd probably like you, Doc." He quipped before using his left hand to shoot webs onto his face.
"Gah! Mysterio, a little help would be appreciated!" Doc yells as he tries to rips the webs off his face.
"With pleasure." He aims his gun and starts firing, but, Spider-Man keeps dodging while making sure the Dimensional Gate doesn't get damage. "Hold still you annoying insect, so I can fry you!"
"See, no respect at all." He mocks.
While Mysterio is distracted, trying to shoot down Spidey, Mister Fantastic uses this chance to stretch his body, wrapping the villain tightly in his grip.
"Spider-Man, go help Sue! She is in the Machine Room. Electro is holding her hostage. I'll try to keep them distracted."
"Got it!" He then webs the device to the ceiling and starts web swinging to the Machine Room. Unfortunately as soon as he leaves Doctor Octopus manage to pull the web off his face and uses his metal arms to pull Reed off of Mysterio, quickly tossing him against the wall. He then grabs two tables and pin him to the wall by embedding the tables into the wall.
"Well while things haven't gone exactly as planned, we still have got what we came for." He told Mysterio as he uses his metal arms to reach and pull the invention free from the webs.
"Finally, we can finally commence with our escape plan." Mysterio said happily.
"Electro, you have some company coming towards you. More specifically, an annoying spider." Mysterio told Electro through the headset in his helmet.
"What?! Are you kidding me?! How did that annoying bug even get in here?!" Electro ask through the headset.
"I don't know, but, I suggest you hurry up and finish before Spider-Man makes it to your location." Doctor Octopus suggests as he and Mysterio starts heading out.
Back with Electro and Susan, he looks at her with a wicked smile.
"Well, little lady, I think it is time for us to part ways, but let me give you a little something to remember me by." Electro starts to charge up his fists to finish her off. Just then Susan creates a force field to send a shockwave into him, pushing him back. With the loss of concentration Electro's barrier dissipates. Susan gets up with her mind now free of the hallucinations caused by the drug. Without wasting a moment, she vanishes from sight, invisible.
Electro gets up and sees that she is gone. Looking around, he tries find something to indicate her location. A soft tap, a dent in the floor, moving dust, anything. Just as he gains his bearings, he receives two swift blows to his body. The first one to his head, the other to his back, knocking him forward. He gets back up only for a fist to smash into his face, knocking him down once again. He was about to get up a third time when a shot of webbing attached itself to his chest. Looking up, he grimaces as he sees Spider-Man, on the other end of the web, waving his left hand teasingly.
"Hi Electro." He said before he swinging him out of the room and into the hallway. "Bye Electro."
"Susan, are you here?" Spider-Man asked before Susan drop her invincibility. "Well glad to see you're alright."
"Where is Reed?" Susan asked him.
"Don't worry. He is keeping those idiots busy. I wouldn't be surprise if he turns around the corner and helps us with zapper there." Almost as if on cue, Doc Ock and Mysterio turn the corner, Doc holding onto the Dimensional Gate with one of his robotic limbs. "Me and my big mouth…"
"I thought you had it covered, Electro." said Mysterio.
"She got the jump on me, but, don't worry, she and the bug is dead!"
"It doesn't matter. We got the device. Our mission here is complete. Now let's hurry before any more unforeseen complications turn up." Doctor Octopus told them. Just when they were about to go down a different hallway to their escape route a force field appeared, blocking the path. They turn around to see the Invisible Woman holding one of her hands up keeping that barrier up.
"I don't think so." She said.
"Time for you boys to hold your hands high and reach for the stars." Spidey told them while making a gun with his hand. "Sky? Stars? You get the idea."
"Kill them." Doctor Octopus told them and the villains starts to charge at them. Spider-Man webs the feet of Mysterio and pulls it to make him trip. Electro tries to punch Spider-Man with his fist charged, but, he performs a backflip kick to knock him off his feet. Doc Ock quickly grabs Spider-Man before he can touch the floor and throws him onto a wall. He then tries to skewer Susan, but she uses her other hand and push him away with her psionic abilities.
"That does it!" Electro yells out. He then throws a series of electric bolts towards Susan as fast as he can. She dodges it well at first but a lucky bolt strikes her from the left side.
"Aaaahhh!" She screams before another bolt hit her and knocks her unconscious.
"Got her!" Electro said with joy. The three villains turn to see the force field going down.
"Perfect. Now, make haste!" Doc Ock said. He started to move when Spider-Man kicked him from behind.
"Forgetting about little old me?" Spider asked him.
"You're starting to get on my nerves." Doc Ock told him.
"Just now? I must be losing my edge."
Doc Ock swung one of his arms out with Spider-Man quickly ducking under it. While he is in the crouching position another arm tries to stab him but Spidey rolls to the side, firing a quick kick to Doc Ock's heel. Doc falls down and Spider-Man grabs the Dimensional Gate trying to pry it out of his arm. Electro, seeing what might be his chance, sends a current of electricity at him. With the help of his Spider-Sense he backflips and dodges it. The bolt unfortunately hits the device instead and overloads it.
The Dimensional Gate flew out of Docs hold and starts to glow. Spider-Mans Spider Sense starts to warn him that something big was about to happen.
"Oh that's not good." He muttered to himself.
A portal came out of it and starts sucking everything around it. Doc Ock put his arms through the ground to try to hold him in place. Spider-Man shoots a web to stick to the other end of the hall and holds on for dear life. Electro uses his powers to magnetize him self to the ground. Mysterio holds on to a pillar with all his might.
"Electro you fool! Do you realize what you've done?!" Doc Ock yelled at him.
"What?! Ain't that what it supposed to do?!" Electro asked.
"Yes, but, without the controls to operate it, the portal it creates will be unstable and incomplete! It can either send us to different world with no way to get back or tear our matter down and destroy us!"
"Way to go, trigger finger! We could all die and it's all because you didn't think before shooting!" Spider-Man yelled at Electro.
"Well it's your fault that you got out of the way! That blast was meant for you!" Electro yelled back.
"So you are saying I should have just stay in place and-" Spidey was about to go on, but he then saw something that stopped him cold in his track. Susan unconscious body went past him and is heading into the portal. Spider-Man then fire a web and catches her right before she went in. With all his might he tries to hold onto both webs, hoping nothing will happen and that they will all make it out of this. Unfortunately the web that was holding onto the wall snaps and they both start falling towards the portal.
"Aaahhh!" Spider-Man yells before he and Susan falls into the portal. Doc Ock seeing this starts to use his brain to come up with a solution that can save the rest of them. As he was thinking his claws slip out of the floor. Reacting fast he grabs onto the legs of Electro with his metal arm.
"Hey man what are you doing?! You're too heavy! Are you trying to get us both killed?!" Electro yelled.
Unfortunately Electro was right, and even with his magnetic powers, the weight of Doctor Octopus was too much and he was pulled off the floor. They both fell into the portal. Mysterio seeing this starts hoping for some kind of miracle. His miracle came as the Dimensional Gate blew up and the portal calmed before disappearing. Grateful that he had lived he got up from the floor and starts heading to the escape route, hoping to forget this day. That is until he felt something wrap around his helmet, making him turn around to see the angry face of Mr. Fantastic.
"Where are they?" He asked with his voice seething in rage.
Well now that is over, please tell me your thoughts and what you like and dislike. Thanks for reading.