I'm back! I'm going to keep it short today. Good luck with school/work/whatever. Enjoy! Reviews:

Arc-Fire115: Thanks! That's so sweet! :)

TwotailedKitsune: Protect the child.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ok K.O.

Carol's P.O.V.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello? Yes, I need help. My son... please, send help!" I panicked.

"M'am, I'm going to need you to calm down. What happened to your son?"

"He, um, I don't know. But it's bad. There's bruises, cuts, and burns all over him. Please! He needs an ambulance now!" I cry.

"Ok, we'll send one right away. We're tracking the call to your location. The ambulance should be there any minute now. But I need you to keep him calm and as comfortable as possible until we can help you. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes. I understand. Thank you."


I lean over to pick up K.O., and cradle him in my arms like I used to do when he was younger. His face was scrunched up in pain, and his hair is sticking out in all directions. I couldn't bear to see him like this. I rushed him over to the ambulance, and all of us jumped in. I lay K.O. down on the gurney, being careful not to further aggravate his injuries. We drive off, sirens blaring.

The hospital is not far, and soon enough we are there.

"Ok ma'am, we'll take it from here. Just sit tight until someone comes to get you."

I nod.

"He'll be fine." I thought. "It's only a few cuts and bruises."

My eyes started to tear up. I knew it was much worse than that, life's not all peaches and roses, but I had a nagging feeling that it was my fault. This wouldn't of happened if I didn't make sure he got the job, he's still young and technically not legal to work. My poor baby. I wonder what's going on in there.

K.O.'s P.O.V.

"Ok, just finish up the last few stitches and call for his family. I'm going for lunch."

"I'll meet you in the break room in... let's say 15 minutes."

"Just don't forget to give the kid more pain killers. I usually put them in the IV, but if you don't like that, the injector's over here."

"You can go, I know what to do. I'm basically done anyway. Actually, wait, can you clean up while I get the burn cream? I'll only be gone for a minute."

"Fine, I'll clean up. Just be quick."

I hear the doors open, then slam shut. There's a long pause, then the doctor runs back in.

"George, you know what happens when you break the rules."

"Oh, it's fine. Nobody will mess with a doctor in a hospital."

"Whatever. Just use the burn cream, bandage the kid, and let's get out of here."

A gentle hand dabs the cream on my cheek where the spot is, and I grimace. It's still sore, and the pain meds are wearing off. I look up at him, and he gives me a soft smile before leaving. Soon after, my mom walks in, followed by Rad and Enid. They explain to me that Mr Gar had some important business to attend to, and that he would visit tomorrow.

"Honey, you still haven't explained what happened!" My mom exclaims.

I sink down into the covers, trying not to think about it.

"I-I d-don't wanna t-talk about it." I stumble over my words.

"Carol, I might be able to, uh, somewhat explain." Enid offered.

She looked at me. I nodded.

"Okay, so Rad and I followed K.O. to Lord Boxman's lair-"

"But why did he go there in the first place?" Carol interrupted.

"Hey, I said somewhat, didn't I?" Enid frowned. "We went to his lair, and found K.O. tied down to a table."

"Or something." Rad added.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I did not want to hear it. It was physically and emotionally painful to remember.

"K.O.? Do you need me to stop?" Enid asked softly. I shook my head and instead covered my ears to block her out. She continued her explanation, but I wasn't listening. I waited until she was done.

"K.O.?" Rad questioned. "You good?"

"Huh? I mean, y-yeah. I'm g-good." I stutter.

"Do you want to be alone?" My mom wondered.

"N-no! Please don't leave!" I cry. "I don't want to be alone." I whisper.

"Then I'll stay." My mom stated.

"I can't. I have to let my parents know I'm ok." Enid sighed.

"Same here." Rad frowned.

"Then you can go. I'll stay, and you can always come back tomorrow." Mom smiled.

"I guess. At least things will be back to normal around here soon." Rad smirked. "Well, as normal as it gets."

"See you tomorrow." I say.

Both Rad and Enid wave goodbye, and I fall right asleep. The last thing I hear before drifting off is a quiet "Goodnight."

Ok, I know that was the worst ending ever. And I'm sorry. But I had a really good idea that I couldn't use, so look out for a possible Ok K.O./Danny Phantom crossover from me! Please R& R, you know the drill. Bye B-)
