A/N: I do not own Harry Potter

republished after editing. The whole story is being edited and reposted

Chapter One - Changing Allegiance

It was a dreary afternoon in Hogsmeade; the sky was overcast, the inhabitants were shy of being outdoors, but that was usual these days. The Dark Lord's grip on the wizarding world was now quite secure, and those daring to stand against him were few and far between. The wider wizarding world of Great Britain was now resigned to the oppression that had gripped their world. Before the 'great wizarding war', Hogsmeade had been a vibrant little country town, the only wholly magical village in the country. There was no knowing what you might see - children with the latest magical toys, usually brooms, each trying to outrace one another. They might even be eating one of many varieties of sweets with rather odd side effects, not unlike the peppermint fancies that would leave smoke coming out of your ears for a while. Joyful witches and wizards would usually be seen coming out of The Three Broomsticks, but there was barely anyone in there anymore; it was almost as lifeless as The Hogs Head.

Hogsmeade is somewhat famous for being so close to one of the greatest wizarding school in the world: Hogwarts. It just so happened that the current Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was holding interviews for various posts that day. He would be taking these meetings in an upper room in The Hog's Head. There were numerous applicants for each position, presumably because Dumbledore was widely believed to be the only wizard that ever frightened the Dark Lord, and as such Hogwarts was thought to be the safest place with Albus at the helm. Due to the number of applicants, the governors would likely turn many away before they even saw Albus. Two candidates were more important than any others, though Albus didn't know it yet.

One, Sybill Trelawney, was seen as a courtesy, she was a descendant of a great and genuine seer - Cassandra Trelawney. Albus was not keen on continuing the subject further at Hogwarts, nor was he all that impressed with Sybill's gift of foresight. The other was interested in the Defence Against the Dark Arts post - Severus Snape. Dumbledore remembered him from being a student, a gifted boy; however, lured unfortunately to the dark side. Albus realised that this was Voldemort's attempt at infiltrating Hogwarts.

Voldemort, also known as Tom Riddle, had applied for the job himself years before which Albus had declined. He had a duty of care for the young minds at Hogwarts, and he knew the plans that Voldemort would have for them. Since then it was challenging for Albus to keep staff in that position for more than a year, many suspected that there was a curse on that particular role, Albus knew.

In fact, Albus knew a great many things. He knew that if one wanted to be secretive, the Hog's Head was not the place to go, far too easy to be overheard in such a quiet, unused pub. One thing that he didn't know was that he would hear something in this first interview that needed not to remain secret. Albus had never suspected that Sybill might have authentic visions; her interview had so far gone dreadfully, and as Albus was going to close the meeting, he was shocked by her grand finale. Sybill went into a trance-like state - she was stiff as a board, tensed from the top of her head to the tips of her fingers; her voice that had once been airy and mystical was now just as harsh and gravelly, and when she spoke, the words seemed to be a genuine prophecy:

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…."

Only a moment passed before Sybill was back to her usual airy self as though nothing had happened. Albus was stunned, and what was more, Sybill seemed to have no idea what she had done. He, of course, decided to offer her the post; it appeared that she possessed the gift, though she was not aware of it and maybe she would give Albus greater insight. Albus looked into her large be-speckled eyes and saw hope, hope that Voldemort would be defeated.

Outside the door waiting for his interview was Severus. He had heard bits and pieces of a prophecy he didn't truly understand. Upon hearing the news of a child having the ability to defeat the Dark Lord, Severus knew that the information should be given to his Lord immediately. He always had misgivings, and with a child being the subject of the report he had to offer, he felt sick. They, however, were his family; he must be loyal, knowing that if The Dark Lord found out he even pondered this, and he had ways, then that would be it. The tale of Regulus Black was evidence enough. He was a Death Eater, and this is the life of a Death Eater, fraught with fear, but once chosen there was no going back. Albus never had to refuse Severus the job; self-preservation had won the internal battle once again. Albus full of hope was blissfully unaware that Voldemort too would hear some of these words.

Snape reappeared outside a grand and dark looking estate. He wasn't eager to give his Lord the prophecy, knowing that the only option would be acting now as the child would be only an infant, they surely would have to remove the threat. Any feelings of disconcertedness had to be dismissed, thinking only of the will of his Lord. He added to his uniform the mask that he had to wear in the presence of the Dark Lord. Severus' robes billowed behind him as he strode purposefully towards the gates. An absent wave of his wand and the gates dissolved into smoke, just long enough for him to pass through. The gates solidified as he walked through to pretentious garden complete with the ridiculous pair of white peacocks strutting on the lawns.

'Suits Lucius' thought Snape somewhat snidely. He continued through great wooden doors to a large dining room where Voldemort sat at the head of a table with many masked faces. He stood in the entrance, waiting to be called, head bowed submissively.

Voldemort glanced lazily over to his servant. He perceived the tension in Severus' body, his body stiff, his fist clenched. Voldemort regarded him to be desperate to serve, never considering that there was a war going on inside the man. Voldemort associated these signs with good news; Severus had proved himself to be a great gatherer of information, making himself a useful servant. From the outside, it was clear that this was all he, The Dark Lord, wanted from his subject - their usefulness. If this were to pass, then so would his favour; things would be even worse were you to become injurious - he rewarded failure with death. To strive for his regard was glamorised in the Death Eaters minds, but this was the risk of being in his inner circle, unlimited favour or absolute destruction. Voldemort nodded at Severus, permitting him to talk.

"I think this news is best to be shared My Lord privately." Severus spoke evenly.

Severus' had now made his choice; the Dark Lord sensed something, and let's not forget that he was a Legillimens. If he were to keep quiet now, it would be suicide. He bowed his head slightly, his eyes fixed on the one he called Lord.

Voldemort stood and gestured to a door at the side of the hall. They walked together, Severus' eyes fixed on his master who moved gracefully towards the private chamber. He remained silent securing the door behind them, and silently he cast a spell of his own making; 'muffliato'. He then turned to the Dark Lord, finally removing his mask.

"My Lord." He spoke, at last.

The moment had come, to speak or not to speak.

"I have overheard a prophecy, My Lord." He bowed his head submissively.

A secret fear welled inside him; dare he continue? It is dangerous to speak against the Dark Lord; to speak of his defeat could be perilous. Not to mention the threat would be equally disastrous. Severus' thought went to the unnamed, innocent child he would be condemning to death. Severus was an intelligent man; he had come too far, and it would be worse not to speak. Self-preservation was a very Slytherin trait.

"My Lord the prophecy speaks of the birth of one that would have the power to overcome you…" Severus paused filled with shame; he had turned a child over to the Dark Lord, he had no choice but to brush the feeling aside. He waited for the reaction. Voldemort stood silently for a moment, thinking, nothing to read on his face. Finally, he spoke.

"Severus, where did you hear this prophecy?" His voice was sweet, silky almost, it would have been beautiful if it didn't freeze your insides with fear.

"I was waiting to be interviewed by Albus Dumbledore, as instructed my Lord." He paused momentarily.

He glanced at his Lords' face; always reading his mood, sensing either his Lord's displeasure or his delight.

"The interview was in an upper room at The Hog's Head Inn. Sybill Trelawney made the prophecy; she was by an applicant for the Divination post. Albus Dumbledore witnessed it." He again paused waiting for a reaction; he pushed aside the usual squirm. His Lord's face was even; no hint of either anger or pleasure. He dared himself to hold back something, something to save the child.

"Please, Severus, recite the prophecy for me ...exactly." His voice cold and uncaring, he gave nothing away.

Voldemort was calm and confident; there was little fear in this prophecy for him. At least that is what Severus read on his face, and he was by no means easy to fool.

"My Lord, it was as follows; 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies.' That is all I heard my Lord." Severus bowed again.

His shame increased. He realised all he would have had to do was keep the second line to himself; yet ashamed as he was ensuring his own safety seemed of more importance. His Lord's confidence helped fear of retribution subside. The room was silent, and the air seemed to freeze as the atmosphere changed. Voldemort's mind moved over the words that Severus had spoken.

Voldemort took up a seat in the corner by the fire; his mind flitting over the information and those that were in the Order of the Phoenix. They were the only ones that were still willing to defy him. Many had tried, many had fallen. Not many had survived more than one encounter with him; and even fewer couples. There were only two in fact - and only one couple - that came to Voldemort's mind. James and Lily Potter. They had been a thorn in his side, they had defied him, yes, three times. He thought over the words again; he knew that the Potters had recently conceived, but when would the child be born? Was the Potters' child destined to overthrow him? He sat still, silently sorting through the various facts that he had stored in his mind. It came, like lightning, yes, it fits. James and Lily Potter, their son, must die. Severus was still stood there awaiting instruction.

"The Potters are the ones that the prophecy speaks off; but fear not, I shall take care of that myself." There was a tone of finality in his voice.

Severus knew that he should leave, but he couldn't; he loved her, and saving her mattered more than his own life. For her, he would willingly die. These words froze Severus' insides; his mind was darting through memories of Lily; he did not desire her, he adored her. She was his worst mistake. Severus should have loved her when they had had the chance. There was nothing he could do to save her; his heart sank - he felt hopeless. Then in a moment of faith, he fell to his knees before his Dark Lord.

"My Lord," he began, "the woman, Lily, may I ask for her life to be spared? I implore, she is … special to me." He stopped, head bowed, subservient.

He hoped and begged that this information would be enough to purchase her life. He prayed to all he knew - to every deity he knew of, even to Merlin himself. His shame redoubled over his failure even to try and save her child; he also felt shame at not saving James, though he despised the man.

"Severus," he glanced over at the young man before him.

Desperation oozed from Severus' every pore. All Voldemort saw was a weakness.

"I think we can find a more suitable … companion. There are many fine pure-bloods within the ranks." He spoke coolly.

He glanced at Severus; his face was utterly impassive.

"Is she worth so much to you, Severus?" he asked. "So much that you would risk your life, simply to beg for hers?"

"Yes, My Lord." His heart was thumping in his chest as he spoke.

"I will consider it; you are after all, a faithful servant after all."

Ice gripped his heart; he should have felt relaxed, knowing her life might be safe. At that moment Severus knew that he did not trust this man; her life was too precious to place in the hands of this mass murderer. Severus had never had to guard himself so much in the presence of his master; he knew he had to ensure her protection. Was there was no one else? To Severus, a world without Lily was no world at all. Now there was nothing that he would be able to do about it.

"I understand completely, My Lord. Thank you for considering it, My Lord." His tone was dull and emotionless.

From Severus' hard exterior no one would know, not even Voldemort, that his heart was secretly breaking. He resigned himself and left the Dark Lord's presence; moving from the headquarters immediately, he didn't know where to go; he didn't know of anyone that would be able to help him.

He disapperated and found himself on a hillside with a small thicket of trees. There was a small sunlit river glittering through the trunks; it was a special place for him, it was the place he met Lily. At that moment he knew that there was only one person that might be able to help him. Having delivered messages before, Severus knew how to contact him; he sent word and waited.

Severus was panting and pacing, and in his hand, he gripped his wand. His heart still full of despair and now filling with fear; he felt he had made a choice, the only option really. This gave him no safe ground - from now on there was no side to call his own. Severus was a traitor to both sides of the war. Those in the light had always hated and rejected him; and he expected to die, but if that was the price to save Lily, then so be it. Suddenly a blinding, jagged jet of white light flew through the air. Severus dropped to his knees, and his wand flew out of his hand.

"Don't kill me!" He begged.

"That was not my intention." Albus' voice was hard but kinder than it ought to be.

Any sound of Dumbledore apparating had been drowned by the thundering sound of the wind in the branches. He stood before Snape with his robes whipping around him, and his face was illuminated from below in the light cast by his wand.

"Well, Severus? What message does Lord Voldemort have for me?"

"No - No message - I'm here on my account!"

Snape was wringing his hands; he looked a little mad, with his straggling, black hair flying around him.

"I - I come with a warning - no, a request - please -"

Dumbledore flicked his wand. Though leaves and branches still flew through the night air around them, silence fell on the spot where he and Snape faced each other.

"What request could a Death Eater make of me?"

"The - the prophecy … the prediction, Trelawney…"

"Ah, yes," said Dumbledore. "How much did you relay to Lord Voldemort?"

"Everything - Everything I heard!" said Snape. "That is why - it is for that reason - he thinks it means Lily Evans!"

"The prophecy did not refer to a woman," said Dumbledore. "It spoke of a boy born at the end of July-"

"You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son; he is going to hunt her down - he will kill them all -"

"If she means so much to you," said Dumbledore, "surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?"

"I have - I have asked him -" he paused.

"You disgust me," said Dumbledore, his voice full of contempt. "You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die as long as you have what you want?"

"I know, I disgust myself," Snape spoke barely above a whisper and looked up at Dumbledore. "Hide them all," he croaked. "Keep them - safe. Please?" It was the second time he had begged for her life in one night, and he knew he had to ask for theirs, too - losing them would destroy her and he couldn't have that.

"And what will you give me in return, Severus?"

"In - in return?" Snape gaped at Dumbledore, after a long moment he said what he knew to be true; what he would give for her. "Anything."

They talked for a long time on the hilltop; they spoke about what Dumbledore would require as payment. The more they spoke, it seemed this payment was a kindness to Severus. Some weights lifted from his overburdened shoulders, and Dumbledore settled an altogether different weight; Severus accepted the challenge of being Dumbledore's spy. His heart was still full of fear; the Dark Lords retribution was fearsome. Snape may pay dearly for Lily's life; and yet hope remained because the world would still have Lily Evans in it. That, thought Snape, was worth dying for.