Namimori was a nice clam place, with a criminality rate from almost zero (really). So small and unimportant on the big world map, no one beside those that lived there, those that had connections there, or lived in a neighboring town knew that it existed.
Uhm, a lot of places are like this…
It was one of the most ordinary places you could live, if you didn't count the boys in pompadours and their leader that had a strange kink (biting people to death, in a figural kind of sense) and seemed to prefer to call everyone herbivore, carnivore (seldom to never, beside himself) and a boy that everyone, even his mother, called Dame-Tsuna that had an uncanny resemblance to Tuna, not only by name.
How can on ignore all of this?
Helpless like a fish on the dry ground. He could be great, someone just had to save him and throw him in the ocean.
Of course, there is also a certain hyper active boxing fanatic with the favorite word "extreme" asking randomly to join his boxing club.
How… extreme?
And lots and lots of other fun people.
So why did Ginny, Ginny Weasley to be specific chose this place, to go in to hiding, how did she even know about Namimori, when it was just a small point on a world map? When you had no chance of hearing of it, when you had no relationship ship to it.
Oh, I don't know, maybe…
It (Hey!) is simple, really, because Ginny is not Ginny, even though she was born as Ginny, so she somewhat is, she didn't see herself as her and gave a flying shit anything that concerned the Harry Potter plot. Not if she had to suffer for it and for someone that gave a flying shit, she helped the plot far too much.
She still cared about people, her older twin brothers, and the least she could do was to at least help destroy the first horcrux.
Just once she would help, she thought back then when she ended up with Tom Riddle's Diary, in her cauldron. This one time she let the plot win, but just this once, this once didn't mean for her to lose the entry war.
Step one, of her escape-the-plot plan, was to find a getaway to win against the plot and the best way to actually get away was to forcefully enter herself in another plot and once she would be in another plot, her original plot would be unable to bring her back, in fear to change its own story too much.
Not-Ginny felt like an evil master mind, from this point onward.
Step two was to find a way to get there and it laid on ice for some time, so she jumped straight to step three. (to start she needed Gringotts and for this she needed to be old enough, to wander of on her own when they visited Diagon Alley.)
Step three was a Nana-level mastery of the kitchen, with the unknown help of her older brothers that more often than not ate as if they hungered for months and her mother as support system in her kitchen, it was hard, but not impossible.
Step four and five were get there and get in to their lives, possibly before Reborn arrives, or to at least lay the ground work.
The less suspicious the better.
One the day the Hogwarts express was supposed to bring her to Hogwarts, just bevor her third year would start she was ready to go.
She had a job at Gringotts, Ginny still had no idea how exactly she managed this feed, without anyone knowing to boost.
Apparently, there was no age limit to work, most just didn't do it because of the lack need and being away to Hogwarts.
Yes, older students did jobs over the summer, when pocket money wasn't enough and some were interns to gather experience, or find out what job they would prefer to work in after their finished their last year.
Back then she was seven, nearly exactly four years before she would do her own first year shopping. Her mother, never mom, and her father, as well as all of her siblings went, to gather the necessary supply's. With a will of steel, she didn't know she had before, she convinced her parent to let her wander of on her own, they would meet later in front of Gringotts.
Her first stop were the owls, since she just knew that someone would keep an eye on her until they were sure that she wouldn't do something stupid, like wandering off to the Knockturn Alley.
So, like the little girl she was supposed to be, she went straight to the owls. After a few minutes standing in front of the shop and cooing at what she could see from the outside, she went in and positioned herself behind a bunch of owls, so that she would be able to look at the street and saw Percy watching her. Playing of she acted as if she didn't see her and worshiped the owls, like all the other brats regularly did and she was not ashamed to say that she for a while lost track of her mission until she was reminded by and now no longer interested Percy. Her dear brother was chatting up some girl, that with all the books she was holding looked as studios, as Hermione was supposed to be.
Deciding that her brother was no longer observing her it was time to venture of too Gringotts and start her business.
Since it was still early in the morning and stores opened barley more than an hour ago the big entrance hall was mostly void of customers, as well as goblins. Even though she, as a lone seven years old was together with her bright red Weasley hair should have been as notice able as a dog in rainbow colours in the muggle world, as well as in the wizarding world.
Maybe not this extreme, but she was a basically a little kid, so someone should have paid attention to her in some way, at least kept an eye on her and Not-Ginny was not sure if that was something positive, that the wizarding world, of Britain was this careless, or something positive.
In the end not really caring she made her way up to the next best goblin and demanded to talk with someone in private. Her demand did not go over as well as she hoped, the goblin raised an eyebrow at her and led her away, so everything was fine, but she felt like she just made herself an enemy.
Maybe she should try to be a bit friendlier? More sunshine than her usual grumpy demeanor?
She would try.
After what felt like hour, she was led to an office in which an important looking goblin sat, ignoring her. Suddenly unsure of herself, she didn't dare to seat herself whit out invitation.
At this point she didn't know that in front was Claws, her future partner, the only person she would dare to call her best friend and that the fact that she was at this point extremely unsure feed his ego enough for her to be considered as a business partner of Gringotts, as partner for him.
What she at this point also didn't know was that goblins worked in groups of at least two and Claws, was, is the worst partner one could have, by goblins standard.
Standard was that was that the rules were more important than anything, beside maybe gold, or anything else that was worth a lot and Claws didn't always play by the rules and if he didn't like you personally he would not be a good business partner. The sad thing was that you couldn't get rid of him since his great grandfather was head of Gringotts, ergo Claws had connections.
To say that Claws on his side was not surprised that a small girl like her wanted to business, whit him, would overdo it just a tiny bit, because, he was indeed surprised.
Wizards did not request him if they didn't really, really need a curse so be lifted send fast, otherwise they would do it by them self and Gringotts didn't have many interested in curse breaking, so he would keep requests as low as possible and he could keep his position has head curse breaker.
And when kame out that her magic automatically destroyed anything magical, beside her own magic, as long as she didn't keep it in a tight grip.
She was born as the perfect curse breaker, and her personality stroked his ego, with how unsure she gave herself.
The rest was history and Bonefist should have known better.
Their plan was to portkey her out as soon as the express would have been on his way for more than an hour, this would have left her with more than enough time to set herself up in a compartment, shrink her belonging until their were too small to pass as Polly Pockets accessory and put them in a small bag, that she wore whit the help of a sting around her neck, secure her compartment with at least a notice-me-not charm and let herself be seen by a few students, so that she would not be suspected of disappearance.
Thanks to Harry`s and Ron's little stunt security was much tighter than before and the perfect's checked if everyone was there.
So, after saying her goodbyes she left to find an unused compartment and it was easier than most let it seem like.
The express was not without reason the Hogwarts-Express and often described as bigger in the inside, than the outside.
It actually expanded itself to fit all the students as needed and if on wanted a compartment for himself, or herself the express would provide one just for the student. Making the excuse that nowhere else was any space and that you had to please let the person sit with you just an obvious excuse and lie.
That after you entered your compartment no one tried to enter was sadly not provided by the express, so you had to secure, by yourself. Something Hogwarts students should be able to do.
And after checking in whit a perfect she did just that, secure a compartment. Then basically ready to go the waited and became a nerve wreck.
One side she would be fare, fare away and be save. The one thing she had been planning for years, no plot, no noting, she would be free to do whatever she wanted, as long as she didn't break any laws and on the other side was everything that could go wrong
Ginny (not Ginny) knew that she was now save the only thing that could go wrong was that the Japan's King decided against her entering his domain, what was highly unlikely. Her case would most likely not even land on his table for him to read, only for a quick signature.
She passed all the tests, his right hand`s right hand controlled her results and had a quick talk whit her, meaning her case went higher up than it should have and more was just, noting that should happen, what on the other hand meant it could happen, but she was uninteresting just a citizenship and emancipation.
Their had people for these cases, her gift may have let some higherups keep an eye on her, but if no one searched for her she would not be a case that let anyone pay attention.
The Goblins on her side may let the one eyebrow rise, but no one suspected Goblins for foul play, loop holes in contract and higher prices than necessary, sure, but business was business and they loved their business and would not even dream of letting dirt on their white, white west. Every child knew that, it was laughable.
If it was really laughable, why was she so nervous? Why did every reason that should clam her down, as if it all was just a reason to kick her out?
She never got older than eighteen and never had to do the big decisions. Could it be that she never got the experience to back her up? She made her own decision, she always had, but in the end, she went to someone to clear up things, if she didn't understand something and got at least on second point of view before doing the big decisions.
Was she still a little child that clung to her mother's leg? Fuck, now she sounded like a little brat.
What the fucking, no, no swearing… What the, no, is wrong with me?
I am a grown-up person and everything will go fine. I have to stop now, like fuc… now.
And just like this the time passed, like a bull on steroids hunting a red car. Walking up and down she didn't even noticed how the portkey activated, until she felt like she was wearing full body skinny jeans, five sizes to small and was spit out in front of her god old friend. Her longtime goblin partner, Claws aka. Big C, because his ego was big enough for both of them, three times over.
His grin (oh god, he was grinning) was big enough to scare her for her whole live. "Guess who is here?"
Well… it turned out she really had not to guess after she entered her own office, that had a direct connection to what she dubbed as her work space, it was really just a really big space in which she was able to store all her cursed items, that still needed work and a small space in which she actually worked on the items.