Less Than Fate
BtVS/WWE x-over
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Rating: PG for now.
Spoilers/Notes: Takes place after S6 BtVS. AU after this. Willow goes to jail after being found guilty of murder for some of the cops at the station and Warren – let's just say that his body was found. For WWE, Matt & Christian haven't turned on Jeff and Edge yet, Lita's not hurt and Jericho's not an ass. No roster split, so Stephanie and Bischoff are co-commissioners.
"Rosenberg, Willow and Morgan, Faith." The voice came out loud and clear even through the heavy oak doors that lay between the two prisoners and the prison warden. The two females stood, glancing hesitantly at the door and then at each other. The guard in front of them pushed open the door, letting them into the warden's line of sight.
Olivia Roberts had been prison warden at L.A. County Jail for Women for fifteen years, and never had any two prisoners raised such inner turmoil within her. Neither of the two women in front of her had yet reached 22, yet both of them were in for multiple counts of first-degree murder. That wasn't what affected her though – she had seen that occasionally. No, what bothered Olivia was the amount of pain their eyes held. At the moment, two pairs of emerald green and chocolate brown eyes were staring at her, emotions carefully masked.
It took all of her will power not to recoil from them. Olivia remembered her grandmother once saying that war changed people. It gave them old souls, and it showed in their eyes. For some chilling reason, that's what their eyes represented to her. Old souls.
Olivia had spent 15 years looking into the faces of inmates, and never before had she quite seen the likes of these two. When you looked at them, their faces were expressionless – coldly indifferent. But when you looked at them when they didn't know you were looking, their faces were so haunted it made the mother hen in her want to burst into tears. But that's what scared her. What could have happened to these girls that they felt the need to hide their emotions from the world? And if they could turn that mask on and off at will, that made them dangerous.
And that was why Olivia was desperately pissed at some pimply-faced teenager working at the D.A's office. The same intern had lost all the evidence relating to these two cases. And as lawyers had argued, if there wasn't any evidence, how could they prove that the two of them were guilty? Human error was letting two murderers walk free, and that didn't sit well with Olivia.
Although, it probably had less to do with human error and more to do with the fact that multi billionaire Vincent Kennedy McMahon couldn't let his two youngest, albeit illegitimate, daughters sit in jail forever, now could he?