"What happened after you walked in on them?"

Hange frowned. "What do you think? They probably continued having se –"

"No," Mike shook his head, placing a hand on Pati's knee to adjust his seating. "I mean after the news broke, tell us what happened."

"Sexual intercourse is a natural human reaction –"

"Shhh!" Pati lunged forward, slapping a hand over the child's mouth. A few mumbles pushed through but after a moment, a singular brown orb lifted to stare at the warrior woman. Pati continued to eye the child, one of her hands somehow covering the other eye during her attempt to remove the adult-like words from such pure lips. "Juniper, regardless of what your mother says, stop using grown-up words and start using child mannerisms."

Hange's previous frown turned into what could only be described as teetering insanity, "Pati, while I appreciate your visits from the Garrison and Mike, your visits from the weapons department, I don't appreciate you disciplining my spawn."

Mike frowned. "Spawn?"

"I'd like to know the rest of the story!"

Mike glanced over his shoulder, spotting the owner of the voice perched on the kitchen bench and holding a mug of water. She was dressed in simple grey trousers, a beige shirt and thick, leather boots. Her long hair was left unruly, dark as the night with the faintest hints of chocolate when the sun glimmered through the window and over her head. Lids lined with thick lashes, closed as she brought the mug to her lips, tilting her head back and taking several gulps before lowering the drink. Peering curiously at the adults and the other young child, were two almond shaped eyes, one as rich as mahogany and the other just as similar, only spliced with the silver of a particular soldier, in the shape of a rams horn.

"Ersha," a softly scolding voice chimed as they entered the room, lightly slapping the child's thigh to prompt her to get off the counter. Ersha giggled, jumping from the bench without a sound, landing like a cat in the night. "You know your father hates it when you sit on the counter tops."

Equally as silent and with combat boots on, the person in question entered the room, eyeing the small child with utter scrutiny. His ink-black hair had a similar shine to the childs, only that he had his trademark undercut. The upper lengths had grown some, resulting in the male pulling it into a careless top-knot at the back of his head, allowing for several strands to fall lazily around his face.

"Ersha Zoe Ackerman, what the shit did I say about using tables as chairs," Levi began with a voice so steady, it could make any adult question their level of safety. "Chairs are for sitting. Tables are for food, not arses."

"Hanji was just telling us about how beds aren't for sleeping," Ersha shot back, the single slice of silver shining as she turned to face the window. "Weren't you, Hanji?"

There was a clank of kitchen wear falling into the sink and Juno clearing her throat, a hand resting on her hip as she turned to set two very stern eyes on her longtime friend. The child seated by Hanji grinned, her face now free of Pati's hand and peering back at them with chestnut brown orbs littered with metallic speckles.

Juniper pushed her glasses up her nose, tilting her head back and chirped, "Mamma was telling us the story of finding out Juno was pregnant."

Levi's hard stare immediately shifted to his comrade. "Commander Hange, there is a time, place and particular age that is not four and half that you should be explaining graphic stories to children."

"She only just got up to the part where she walked in on you guys doing the dirty," Juniper explained, receiving a mixed response from everyone. "What? It's the truth."

"And with that, it's our time to leave!" Mike called out, taking the walking stick from Pati and pulling himself out of the cushioned chair. There was a faint whir as the gears inside of his mechanical leg and two feet came to life. "I think I know enough about Juno and Levi to pass on this lovely recount."

Several farewells were shared and as Pati neared Juno, the shorter of the brunettes said, "How are the prototypes? They look great, especially the feet."

Pati grinned, "Well, he had to make sure that with the update in technology after meeting other people in the world that he was loaded with the best of the best if he was going to run a weaponry and prosthetics department. He won't tell or use anything he hasn't tried himself."

Juno grinned. "Nice. And the warehouse?"

"Really good," Pati resonated her grin just as brightly. "We bought out forty percent of that war site we made in The Underground –"

"Oh yes, the one I blew up, very good."

"That one. The warehouse is up and running and quite a few of the people who lived in the surrounding area have been employed to manufacture the prosthesis'. Many of them have missing limbs too, so we're able to try out a lot of the prototypes on our own men and women."

"That's great news," Juno replied, placing a hand on Pati's arm and shooting a glance at Mike who was stretching his arms over his head. "And I see he made sure he maintained his height."

Pati rolled her eyes. "Don't get me started."

As the pair left, Juno turned to the stove and put a kettle on. She drew three tea cups, one filled half with cool water.

"Dad, I want to hear the rest of the story," Ersha said from behind Juno. She could hear Levi letting out a sigh, likely shifting to allow the little brunette into the seat with him. "I know how it ends but I like hearing the badarsery my parents get up to right before they leave for another scout."

Juno scoffed. She certainly did not teach their child that word.

"Well, you were up to the part where your mother and I celebrated the news of your existence, yeah?" Levi began as the kettle popped-off. "Shortly after that, I forced your mother to undergo some additional tests with a certified midwife and doctor to ensure she was in top condition."

"He really did force me," Juno added from the kitchenette. "We only had a day before the Historia saga continued. I got the all clear, though."

"Of course, she did," Hange now scoffed, crossing her arms. Juniper replicated the sound and movement as her mother said, "I told you Juno's uterine lining was made from what I can only describe as mixture between titan muscle and her own flesh. Nothing was getting past that."

"You're a scientist, Hange," Levi deadpanned before turning his gaze away and to Juno who handed a full cup of black tea to him and half a cup to the brunette child at his side. "Scientists use trial and error and that was not going to happen to these two."

"But trial and error is how we found out about Ersha."

"As I was saying," Levi went on, holding the tea cup between his index and middle finger and thumb. "We were forced to leave due to the issues with Historia and her messed up family. It almost resulted in a half-developed Reiss titan consuming an entire town."

"And your Uncle Kenny almost killing Dad," Juno added, taking a seat next to Hange. She brought the steaming hot tea to her mouth, not bothering to cool it down as Levi was currently doing. She flicked her eyes to Ersha, who was cupping the tea intently with both hands, eyeing the liquid until the soft sound of bubbles could be heard and the light mist of hot liquid hovered above the ceramic cup. "Ersha, not too hot okay. We still need to practice."

Levi reached over, taking the cup from the child and handing his already cooled tea to her instead.

"But Da –"

"Heat this one up too, firecracker," he mumbled and began to cool down his new tea. "As I was saying, we were faced with additional issues which resulted in us having to acquire several safe houses. And, go."

"Uncle Harleys!" Juniper called out.

"Mikey's!" Ersha added.

"Oh, Uncle Ocho too!"

"Mountainside View," Juno said with a nod. "Can't forget that's where you were born!"

"And the last one, Ersha?" Levi turned to peer at the child to his side. She turned to him, honey skin warm with life, cheeks lightly dusted with sun-kissed freckles.

"Here," she said with a clear nod of her head. "Here on the beach."

"And who knows about this location?" Levi questioned the two young girls.

"Only us!" They called back with Juniper following up with, "Mike and Pati too, obviously."

Juno took a sip of her tea and asked, "Does Jean and Connie know about this location?"

Levi pursed his lips. "No. Horse Face still loves you and Onion Head lost the coordinates."

Juno pursed her lips in return, giving the male a hard look before saying, "So, we're just not telling them? Even though we're off in the blimp tomorrow? And also, Jean has been with Miriam for almost five yea -"

"Mummy," Ersha lowered her cup of tea, suddenly looking much older as she crossed her legs and placed one hand on her knee. With sincere eyes, she said, "Mummy, clearly Jeanie-bam-beanie still loves you and obviously, Daddy doesn't want to have to kill him. Probably best he stays away because you look real nice in the new, black Scout uniform. Daddy said you could bounce a coin off your arse, isn't that right?"

Levi reached out, running a hand through the girls locks as he said, "That's right, baby girl. Daddy doesn't want to kill Horse Face."

"What about the other thing?" Juno rose a brow.

"He's right," Hange said with a shrug. "You could bounce a coin off that."

"Right, so this is entirely inappropriate," Juno stood, clearing her throat. She turned to Hange and said, "You okay to get the girls to bed? I know it's still daylight but with Summer being here, they still need a proper bed time."

She glanced at the clock, noting it was now eight-thirty.

"Yeah, and I gotta head back to finalise some test runs," Hanji stood, stretching and reaching down to grasp Juniper. Ersha hopped down from her fathers lap, lowering her now empty tea onto the table. "Say goodnight to the most irresponsible parents known to man."

Juno frowned at Hanji as the two girls coiled around her neck, placing kisses on either cheek. "Remember what I said," Juno said with warmth. The two pairs of startling eyes peering back at her, shining silver a mark of their true heritage. "No flames unless you're in a life or death situation, got it?"

Both girls nodded.

They rushed over to Levi and received the same hug, only a lot gruffer as he lifted them both, swinging them into giggles before allowing Hange to head for the stairs. Thumps could be heard as they darted up to the second level.

Juno leaned into the counter, letting out a long sigh and running her fingers through her hair. Levi turned his gaze to the woman, taking the short amount of steps to her and grasping her hips as he gazed into her shining eyes.

"Another mission, another day we leave the girls here," Juno mumbled, her brow creasing with concern. "It'd be nice to settle down one day."

Levi pulled her close, leaning in and pressing his lips to her temple, breathing in that sweet scent which permanently came from her long locks. "Yeah, it would be nice. But with Erwin gone and a promise to be met, I know it'll be over soon," he sighed into her warmth, closing his eyes. "And with the brat missing, the merge of people and well, you might be carrying –"

"It's not confirmed, Levi," Juno said with a coy smile. "Plus it wouldn't be a good time to be baking buns in any oven right now."

Levi gently rocked her from side to side, enjoying the way her hips moved with each soft lull. "I'm getting old, Juno. Don't wanna miss out on the opportunity."

Her cheeks bloomed that delightful peach as she said with humor, "There are and will be many opportunities after this Eren-drama cools off. By the way, did you notice how quickly Ersha made that tea hot?"

Levi nodded. "I did but I credit that she is our child and perfect by default."

"Ha, typical proud father," Juno scoffed then added, "But it was within seconds. Have you been training with her more often? I can't find more time to train at the rate we're going not to mention it couldn't be Hange because she's with us most days."

Levi paused the swaying motion, pursing his lips as he considered his response. After a moment, Juno rose one brow which then prompted him to say, "I haven't however Baphomet did insinuate it would be our blood, our genetics combined to end this all."

Juno digested the response then in a whisper that was both wary and curious, "Hm, I remember. Do you think Juniper is the same? I've seen them both out on the fields. She's not as fast and accurate as Ersha but she has power behind those little hands."

Levi shrugged, "Probably. What she lacks in fire power she certainly makes up in madness."

"Intelligence," Juno corrected with a bemused smile, slapping his arm lightly. "Intelligence, Levi. Be nice to your daughters best friend."

As one child finished brushing her teeth, Hange glanced up from braiding the hair of the other child who sat patiently on the floor. Her hands moved over the thick hair with a memory of their own, having done this countless times, more evenings and mornings than she could possibly remember. She could continue the swift movements of her fingers without looking, choosing to watch the girl standing by the basin.

They had been lucky when it came to their private locations, especially by the coast. With her promotion, Hange was able to secure a decent location for what she could only describe as their dysfunctional family. It was important to do so considering the increase of international traffic onto their little island, they needed security for their little ethereal children.

She was sometimes concerned with the level of publicity that Juno had received however with every passing day, week, month and year, it was clear that her little golden friend, the woman who was almost trumped in height by their two girls, was stronger than a titan. She didn't need protection, to be hidden, to be shunned from the public. Juno was known by most based on her appearance and if you had lived during her rise in otherworldly strength but with the increase of travelers to their location, it wasn't hard for the unusual female to blend into the community.

As for the two pip-squeaks who were now jibbing one another, Hange was never entirely certain they were protected. Both of the girls were unique in appearance and she was certain it was the icy slice and specks which littered their eyes. Juniper appeared more native than Ersha for obvious reasons but with the known knowledge that Juno was made of fire and brim and Juniper had no known father (to the general community), it often crossed the Commander's mind whether it was worth keeping them on the surface or in The Underground with Mike and Pati.

"You're thinking off the clock," the soft chirp of Juniper came from below her. Hange sighed, tying off the end of the braid and encouraging the girl to face her. She scuttled around, turning round, shining orbs towards her mother as she added, "I know you worry about us. There's no reason to. He makes sure we're okay."

"Yeah, he does," Ersha added from the doorway, resting against the frame and crossing her arms like an all-too-familiar soldier. "He let us blow up the side of a mountain two nights ago."

A strained hum rumbled in Hange's throat, pursing her lips with worry as she let the sentence settle on her brain. "He's making sure you're all good, yes? Feeding you, ensuring he doesn't make you too quiet? You know the mess we'll be in if they find out."

Ersha grinned. "Yes, Hanji-bananji."

"Won't you be late for your evening session?" Juniper asked innocently from below her. Hange returned her gaze to the girl. Narrowing her eyes, she didn't answer as she scooped the child up and brought her to the giant bed the pair shared. Ersha followed suit, lightly dancing across the wooden floor and hoping airily into the fluffed bedding.

The pair tucked their legs into the warm bedding, wiggling under the sheets to allow Hange to pull the covers up to their chins. She leaned down, placing soft kisses on their foreheads before studying their expressions carefully.

Two pairs of brown eyes, earthy and burnt, glistening with silvery-iron stared up at her, knowing smiles on their lips. Hange sighed before saying quietly, "Three hours. At least eight hours rest. Back before sunlight. Got it?"

Both girls nodded silently, excited grins curling on their faces.

Hange left the room quietly, catching the faintest of jingles reaching her ears.

"Dad said he misses you."

The room was shrouded with darkness for a few minutes before beige warmth flickered across the walls. A controlled blaze reflected lightly from Juniper's eyes as she turned to look at Ersha, now up to her elbows with creamy flames. She was now sitting in the bed, the flames pulsing around her and although touching the bed sheets, not causing any hint of burnt fabric. They lulled in large waves, perfectly situated in controlled heat and perfected power.

A faint crackle erupted in the room and smaller, yellow sparks twirled between Juniper's fingers. They swirled mechanically, flickering quickly in their own rhythm like a personalized beat. In comparison to Ersha's caramel toned flames which pulsed in large waves, Junipers static jolts were bright yellow like the lemon button up her mother so favored.

The electric vibrancy and flames provided illumination for the pair as the room darkened further, a swirling black mist encompassing them as a large archway formed before them. Neither young girl showed an ounce of fear or worry as the doorway extended higher and higher until the faint outline of horns could be seen, followed by an inhumanly large chest and shoulders. Lastly, two very distinct thuds of hooved feet hit against the stone on the other side of the archway.

Silvery orbs glistened in the darkness followed by a huge smile as the two girls propelled themselves from the bed and threw their arms around his legs in a hug as he towered over them protectively as they were both his own. Their hugs could melt the coldest of all ice.

"We missed you, Da!" His daughter whispered against wiry fur, peering up at him with speckled orbs which flickered like mirrors meeting moonlight. Her skin seemed to be vibrant in his presence, hair shining unnaturally. "Ma misses you."

Turning his attention to his granddaughter, he observed how the mixed-child was equally as glowing, skin humming with golden dust and eyes ablaze with terracotta. "She misses you a lot, Pa," Ersha whispered, her expression calmer than Junipers. "She doesn't say it but we know it's true."

"I wish I could see her," his response was solemn although a smile was on his face. "But I can only maintain form for a short period. I left abruptly last time because I almost slipped up."

The girls were silent, observing his expression and tone. They were both so inquisitive, wise beyond their years and so powerful, beyond anything he had ever observed. Ersha and Juniper, Levi, Juno and Hange would easily end it all in a matter of time. The world would be okay again. He could rest when the day arrived.

They watched carefully, intrigued by his comment and both deciding they would not push it. It was a painful topic, the idea of leaving behind your great-great-great grandson, the direct descendant of his first love, Ymir, the mad woman who took his heart and of course, the two children before him.

But at least he had this, these moments. For every few days he spent with the pair, he could enjoy the stories they'd share of their parents. He could live through the children, smiling and laughing as they talked about the silly conversations they had over dinner, how Hange often daydreamed and they were certain it was about him and lastly, how both girls were certain Juno was carrying a third addition – even before she knew.

"You ready to blow up more buildings with Pa Baph?"

The two girls squealed with glee as they followed alongside the great creature, the portal snapping close behind them.


A/N: So it's done. It happened. Two years and I finished the damn story - sHFcnAIEJDJDLEDPKihfeifncsdjfnsd!

Thank you - everyone, for being on this journey.