What does your heart say now

"Now that we have touched, now that we have kissed. Now that its come to this. Is it the same, or has something changed. Now that we have let our guards down. I just want to know, what does your heart say now." Enter, Saotome Kiyomi. She might be related to Ranma, and she certainly looks the part, but no one's really sure. Could she ever find peace with the Saotomes? OC-centric!

Chapter 3 – Heart's content


Akane silently fumes. First she gets forced into an engagement with a sometimes boy, sometimes girl. Then she is forced to start learning to be a 'proper wife'; cooking, minding the home, all that junk meant to turn her into a clone of Kasumi-nee. Then, as if that isn't enough, she can't even steal the heart of Tofu-sensei—so she isn't Kasumi-esque enough.

Ranma, of course, has to prove he's far more feminine, far prettier, has bigger breasts, a better figure, and can rake in the guys if he wants to. So, Akane knows she isn't even woman enough when compared to her fiancé—the same one she didn't want to begin with.

No one ever listens. No matter that she made it perfectly clear that she isn't into boys. Because, of course, that's 'just a phase'. No one ever listens.

Then, to boot, everyone argues that Ranma is 'a girl half the time anyway', so there shouldn't be a problem. Except even when a girl, Ranma is still a boy. He still acts like a boy, still carries himself like a boy, still is a boy. Having a nicer figure than her doesn't change that.

And now, to add insult to injury, Chishu-kun has to point out that how Akane is so close to Ryouga-kun. She glares at the blue-haired boy—he notices immediately, but shrugs as if she doesn't matter.

No one ever listens. So of course, Akane is just going to be forced into marrying Ranma, having his ba… ba… his ba…

It isn't that she's against having children. She loves them! She just doesn't want his children. Or his baby-maker anywhere near her.

Ryouga is at least kind enough. He's sweet on her. He dotes on her. And he's a superb martial artist!

"BWEEE!" Akane turns toward the sound, finding her little P-chan tumbling into the family sitting room.

"Great, just what I need," Ranma grumbles. Akane, per the norm, ignores him and his complaints. If no on listens to her, why should she listen to anyone? Instead, she dashes for her poor little P-chan, and she scoops him up into her arms.

"P-chan!" she coos, beaming at her pet. He beams up at her, clearly exhausted. "Oh, poor baby! You look like you got into a fight!"

Akane takes her little baby, sitting back down to the table and immediately feeds her widdle cutie. She tries to ignore the usual annoyed glares, the quiet insinuations that she's an idiot. Some things will never change, so she figures making sure her black piglet is munching on a piece of her beef is far more productive.


Typical, Ranma complains. The porker can't stay out of trouble, and all he ever gets is a warm meal for it. And don't think I don't notice how you never offer him any of your cooking, you hypocrite!

Ranma snorts at his own thoughts, going back to shovelling his meal in.

Curiously, he feels Kiyomi glaring at Ryouga. He looks to her, wondering if she knows about his curse. From the annoyed 'Humph!', and how she turns her attention back to Jiro and Keitaro, he's going with 'definitely'.

Hmm. Maybe that two-timing little…

Ranma sighs, shaking his head. It doesn't matter what happens. Mom wants him to marry Akane, and he refuses to upset her. He'll just have to man up and face the music.

He sighs again, looking down at his meal.


Kiyomi used to think her life was a mess. But by the gods, this is a tangle she doubts even she can straighten out!

Auntie keeps giving Akane furtive glances, trying to wordlessly tell her to mind her manners with guests here—Kiyomi knows the look. Then, of course, Auntie decides to give Kiyomi pleading looks, as if she knows this isn't something she can handle alone.

Kiyomi sighs, shaking her head. Auntie's going to start asking questions any minute now. Or maybe she'll wait until dinner's cleared? Either way, there's no way my input isn't going to be asked, and I have no idea what I'm going to tell her. This is just a mess.

She sticks her finger into Jiji's mouth, unlatching him from her nipple. She switches him over to the other breast before he starts complaining about his interrupted meal.

With that done, she shakes her head and lets Kei-kun continue feeding the pair of them. This is going to be a nightmare.


Once everyone has had their fill, Nodoka starts bringing the dishes into the kitchen. Kiyomi, of course, offers her a hand with washing up—just as she hoped.

So, aunt and niece find themselves in the kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes making an imposing Tokyo Tower impression.

"I'm not getting involved, Auntie," Kiyomi intones, shaking her head as she takes the first plate and washes it. Nodoka starts, tears stinging her eyes for some reason. "I know you are going to ask. And I can figure out the situation easily enough. But frankly, you don't want to hear what I have to say."

"Isn't that my decision?"

"How you react? Yes. Whether I am willing to tell it? No. That is mine." Kiyomi glances out of the window, finding the sky aflame—the sun is setting. "We need to get going soon anyway."

"Kiki-chan, please. I don't know what to do," Nodoka pleads. "I just need to know what you think. I promise, I won't hold anything you say—"

"Do you want my help with the dishes or not?" Kiyomi demands, handing her the first soapy plate.

Nodoka blinks, narrowing her eyes. You don't start with plates, you start with cups—and she's certain Kiyomi would know that. She sighs, understanding that Kiyomi only means to help with the worst of the mess, and that doesn't involve sorting out much of anything in her son's life.

"Ranma! Where do you think you're going?!" she hears Akane's shouting. Nodoka sighs, shaking her head. Just like his father, Ranma never faces a problem head on unless it can be solved with his fist.

"None o' your business! That's where!"

"He's going to see Ukyou," Nodoka murmurs, shaking her head as she takes the plate to rinse and dry it. "Sometimes I worry I'm only making his life worse."

Instead of words, Nodoka gets another soapy plate from Kiki-chan. "You think Ranma and Akane aren't going to grow closer," she grouses, hating how the redhead just grabs another plate to wash. "So there's nothing I can do to help them?"

Another soapy plate, this time before Nodoka is even ready for it. "If I don't figure this out, Genma and Souun are going to have those two wed the day Ranma turns eighteen. You know that."

"I also know that you've done nothing to discourage it. That means you approve. That means my input is both pointless, and going to do nothing but cause problems," Kiyomi counters. Nodoka can detect no emotion in her tone—it's as if all she has is words to offer. "I have my own life to live. My son to raise. And my husband to put through school. Do you really think I want to get tangled up in this?"

"So you'd let Ranma—"

"You're the one with the power to change things," Kiyomi cuts her off again, offering another soapy plate. When she hesitates to take it, Kiyomi eases it into the sink with plain water, setting it on the last two. "So you are the one letting anything happen. Don't try to pin that on anyone but yourself and your husband."

Nodoka bristles, but finds she has nothing to counter the accusation. "What if I forbid Akane from seeing Ryouga? Would that—"

"Then she counters that Ranma can still see Kuonji-san."

"Then I forbid that as well."

"Ah. Classmates forbidden from seeing each other. That makes sense," Kiyomi snipes, clearly being sarcastic. "Why don't you put Ranma in another school while you're at it."

"If that's what it takes," Nodoka insists.

"Takes to what? To force them into something they clearly don't want?"

"This is what Genma and Souun decided," Nodoka argues stubbornly.

"Great. You have the answers you're looking for. Make your child miserable, force both of them into a loveless marriage. And see how long it takes before they're both having affairs, or one of them poisons…" Kiyomi trails off, her brain catching up to her tongue. She grabs the next plate, washing it quickly and grabbing the next and the next. She quickly moves onto the bowls, washing those just as quickly.

Nodoka sees it coming, Kiki will refuse to utter another word about this. She isn't surprised, really. If there's anything she knows about redheads—being one herself, even if her hair colour dulled over the years—is that they are passionate about everything they do and feel and are.

If only she could get her to open up and tell her more…


Ranma enters Ucchan's, finding the place packed. Ucchan and Konatsu are so busy running here and there, doing this and that, that he isn't too surprised neither notices him. He saunters over to one side, in the corner so he isn't in the way of the paying customers, and he waits.

He waits, and he wonders. Why does he keep coming back here, back to her? Is it because they're friends? He's friends with Ryouga—though they're just as likely to help each other as knock each other's teeth in.

No, he decides there's more to it. He doesn't know what 'it' is, but this isn't just a friendship, not to him.

With nothing better to do, his mind wanders.


Ukyo saw him the second he walked in. Of course, she's busy with customers, but she'd usually greet him all the same.

This time, something seems off. Her Ranchan is here, but he's also a million miles away. She studies him out of the corner of her eye, wondering what has him like this. He's been down a lot again lately—she can only guess what's been going on, given how little he really talks about it. But the subtle frown isn't comforting.


Having finally made it home, Kiyomi tucks her baby in, kisses his brow, murmurs for him to have pleasant dreams. She goes to the bathroom, sits down…

And she cries.

She wants so badly to help, but she can't. She knows how Auntie's generation thinks, how they operate. They'll say you can trust them, just so you'll open up. They'll ask you what you think they should do. And they'll crucify you for having an opinion that disagrees with their own.

Keitaro's aunt was just like that. So 'honest' and 'open', until her daughter declared she wanted to marry another woman. She looked to Kiyomi for advice—it's what they did, really, just talking about something that was close to their heart. Kiyomi said what she thought, that she shouldn't let society tell her how to raise her child, that she should love her baby with all her heart and support her any way she can.

Kiyomi didn't know that woman knew half the curse words flying off her tongue—she certainly didn't know half of them. The same woman that praised Kiyomi for her wisdom beyond her years, the same one that bragged endlessly about how good a wife Kiyomi'd be for her nephew—that was suddenly the woman calling her harlot and worthless and tramp and things Kiyomi can't even recall.

Why? For choosing love? For wanting nothing more than Kei-kun's cousin to live a happy, full life?

The door swings open, but Kiyomi doesn't look. She hates it when Kei-kun sees her crying—hates seeing how deep her tears cut into his heart.

"She asked me," Kiyomi says, still refusing to look at him even as her chest quakes with each breath. "She asked what… what I thought… thought she should do… about Ranma an… Ranma and Akane…"

Kei-kun takes the final step into the tiny room, squatting down to her height as he takes her into his arms. "It's alright, Kiki," he murmurs, making soothing shushing sounds for her. "It's alright, just let it out."


It's only around eight-thirty that things started cooling off in Ucchan's. But for some reason, Ranchan doesn't immediately come to her. She is still making one last dish, so she doesn't push him… not yet.

Instead, she studies him. Studies the lost look in his eyes as he chases his own mental tail in circles. He'd been standing there in the corner for the last hour and half, but he doesn't seem to notice. That troubles her.

He isn't good at dealing with his emotions—he was never taught how to deal with them, seeing as 'anything that distracts from the art' was to be shoved aside. It's times like these that she truly feels hatred for Saotome Genma and his obvious ineptitude at raising a child.

Serving her last remaining customer his meal, Ukyou makes the usual small talk—sorry for the wait, enjoy your meal, let me know if you need anything. Then she turns her full attention to her favourite brunet.

"Hey, Ranchan?" she calls out, careful not to startle him. He looks up, his blue eyes cloudy from his troubles. He sees her warm and welcoming smile, a hand patting an empty spot at the counter. "Come on. I don't bite." He smiles shy little smile of his.


Nodoka is having one of those nights. The nights where she knows sleep wont' come. Not only does she worry about Ranma and Akane—an age old pastime. Now, she has to worry about Kiyomi as well.

Her little sister could never cope with such a fiery personality—the pair of them fought almost constantly growing up for it. But there's also the clear distance Kiyomi puts between herself and giving the opinions Nodoka knows she yearns to speak. Something happened to her, something her opinions caused. She wishes she understood what.

She reads people, Nodoka would have to be blind not to notice that. Not only did she almost instantly see the rift between her son and his fiancée—the most important one, at least—she also saw Nodoka's questions coming, and clearly said she didn't want to get involved.

It makes sense, she muses, being raised by someone she'd never win an argument against. She likely needed to read her birth mother's moods to protect herself. But… something in her bones tells her there is more to this.

Nodoka needed someone to talk to, someone to bounce her thoughts off of, to pick apart what she knows and what she thinks and what she suspects. But who could she trust with this? Kasumi-chan is the obvious choice, but most of this regards her little sister, a conflict of interests that history taught her will never get the whole truth in focus.

She's used to calling her elder sister, talking to her about these things—all she'd be able to do is listen, given she's never met Ranma or Akane and has no inkling of their personalities or even a fresh angle on the situation.

Talking to Ukyou might help, but frankly that shows a bias towards the young chef—never mind that she's the obvious runner up in the fiancée brigade.

Genma's an unrepentant fool—husband or no. Honestly. Engaging Ranma to at least twenty girls, that she currently knows about, on the promise of food! No. She sees no point in talking to him how to solve a problem he created.

The Amazon matriarch—what was her name… Cologne?—was too obvious biased towards her great-granddaughter. The outcome of such an endeavour is known.

She has a few friends she still keeps in contact with, but they would only point out that divorce is the only solution—they hated Genma at first sight, and it's strained their relationship more often than not.

Sounn is just as unlikely to help—he wants his daughters to marry well, and if he can keep the Tendo Dojo in the family, so much the better.

Shaking her head, Nodoka decides she needs some tea, and perhaps a distraction. This isn't a problem that's going to be solved tonight, or any time soon.


Kiyomi turns off the burner, grabbing the kettle with a towel to not burn her hands and pouring the steaming water into the tea kettle. She goes through the usual motions, setting things on the tray, and bringing the tray into the sitting room. She and Kei-kun sit to the low table, as she sets everything in front of her.

As she's reaching for the teapot, he wraps an arm around her middle and pulls her to him. "The phone rang," she murmurs, knowing he's about to tell her something important. Almost no one calls them, after all. "Who was it?"

"Tanami," he says, a smile obvious in his tone. "She's finally fed up with auntie. She called to ask if we can put her up?"

"Of course!" Kiyomi doesn't even pretend to think about it. Tanami has always been like a little sister to her and Kei-kun. "When can we expect her?"

Keitarou kisses her cheek, giving a gentle squeeze. "Saturday afternoon."

"Two days… is she sure about that?"

"Yeah. She's attending a swim meet this week." Kiyomi nods, knowing that means she isn't in that house. How Tanami put up with her mother a full two years after coming out to her, Kiyomi isn't sure. Still, she's glad her little sister finally made the sane decision—and having a little help around the house won't be a bad thing, either.

"Would you mind if she brings her girlfriend?"

"Please tell me that's rhetorical," she teases, leaning a little further into his warmth. He chuckles, highly amused. "Are you sure you can handle living with three women?"

"I'll manage." He leans forward, grabbing the teapot to pour them both tea—hers first.

As he sets the teapot down, she claims his lips. The gentle fire in her kiss shows him how she loves how she loves his, how she loves him. She doesn't have to say the words, he sees it, feels it in all she does.


He doesn't know how it happened. One minute they were talking, her begging him to talk about it, him eventually caving and talking about it all. He remembers the floodgates opening, the way he talked about how he hated what his life was becoming, the fiancée of the week chaos that no longer phases him, the jealousy and awe he felt before, during, and after dinner at how obviously in love Kiyomi and Keitarou are…

"I want it," he remembers saying. "I want my wife to look at me with those eyes. That look that tells me she'd do anythin for me, not because she has to, but because she wants to. I wanna see how deep her love goes."

The next thing he knows, her lips are against his. Their two worlds collide. Her heart thrashes against his chest. Her sweat clings to his skin. Her eyes as wide as his, until he kisses her back.

His arms slither around her waist, hers around his shoulders. It isn't electric, there is no fireworks. None of that crap he's overheard. It feels… right. So right, that he can't get enough of her taste, of her scent, of the warmth she so freely gives him… of her.

She pulls back. Her eyes flutter open. He doesn't like the fear he finds there, the vulnerability even less so. He wants to say something, anything, to make that look go away. But he feels breathless, like she stole the air right out of his lungs and is refusing to give it back.

He tugs her right back into their embrace, a soft, breathless sigh escaping her, as if she can breathe for the first time in forever.

He likes that sound almost as much as he likes the feel of her against him. He doesn't know where this is going, but he knows he needs this—the comfort she offers, the peace he feels as the chaos of the world fades away. "Ucchan?"


"I need your help."

She pulls back, that look in her eyes again. The I'd do anything for you look. "Of course, Ranchan. Anything."

"I need to talk to mom. To explain things to her. But I can't do it alone."

"What do you want to talk to her about?" Her eyes, those pretty brown eyes that effortlessly see past the mask he wears for the world. They're so expressive, so open… she begs for him to tell her he feels the same way, that he needs her as desperately as she needs him.



Kiyomi's eyes open, the room around her is dark, the first rays of sunlight kissing her good morning. She slips out of her futon, rolling it up and putting it away in the drawer to the right. Her boys are still sleeping, thankfully. Though Jiro didn't sleep through the night, he mostly did—waking up only for his two o'clock feeding.

She carefully, quietly eases out of the tiny bedroom, and heads into the kitchen to boil water. If she doesn't get coffee, she's going to be… moody. Coffee is the only thing that gets her day started, truth be told. And adding the bloating and aching back…?

A cup or three of some black magic should keep her from flying off the handle too badly—she makes a mental note to stock tampons into her purse.

Something deep inside her bones tells her today's going to be a trying day, so she also makes a mental note of buying a few bars of chocolate.


"Ah, Chishu-san, good morning," Ono-sensei greets her as she arrives. He's coming from a different direction than usual—the Tendo Dojo, if she had to guess. When they both stand before the clinic's front door he bows to her, his cheeks tinged pink for some reason. "Could I perhaps speak to you?"

She only nods, sucking on the chocolate bead melting on her tongue. They enter, him being almost overly chatty, her quietly sucking on her chocolate to keep the devil's waterfall from making horns and a pointy tail from sprouting.

Other than her looks, she'd inherited her mother's cursed luck when it came to their monthly visitor. She is somewhat used to it, but that doesn't mean she won't tear something or someone in half before the day's through.

She makes her way into the kitchenette and sets water to boil, taking a herbal tea meant to ease her cramps and bloating—and singing the good doctor's praises for being considerate enough to keep the precious, precious mix in house for just such a day.

Once the tea's ready, she brings the tray into the office, and sets Ono-sensei's tea in front of him. She carefully arranges herself and Jiro so they may sit comfortably, taking her own tea and blowing gently to cool it off somewhat.

He smiles, no doubt knowing just which tea she's drinking, given the distinctive scent and how quiet his usually amicable secretary is being.

"I'll be closing the clinic at eleven today. But I'm afraid I'll need you to come with me to an appointment I need you to make," he says, a glowing smile taking over his face. "I've spoken with Kasumi-chan. And she agrees that this should happen sooner rather than later."

"I see," she murmurs, biting her lip to mask a knowing smile. His lips curl up, not bothering to hide his jubilation.

"If you could call the Tendo Dojo and make an appointment for some time this afternoon? I need to speak with Tendo Soun pertaining to Kasumi-chan."

"Of course," Kiyomi assures him, no longer able to fight the smile. "You'll need me to attend?"

"Yes," he agrees, nodding gravely. His smile wanes, his eyes swimming with worry. "Though I'm afraid you'll need to know the details beforehand to ensure you understand the totality of the situation, and to help me prepare a suitable response to it."

"You woke up with Kasumi-san in your bed. You spent the night together. And from the urgency in the meeting, I'm assuming you took her maidenhood."

He sighs, his shoulders sagging. "Yes." He nods. "Yes, that's exactly it. Asking for her hand is the only honourable course of action. It's just…"

"You don't think it's enough." He nods, agreeing with her. "Waive the dowry and propose you be wed within the week before even a pregnancy test could prove her pregnant or not," she offers, cocking an eyebrow as she wonders why he didn't come up with that himself.

He sighs in relief, though he still looks worried.

"Will you trust me to speak for you during the negotiations?" He nods, almost too quickly. "Then don't worry. I know them well enough to know how this will play out."


The day almost blitzes by, and Kiyomi finds herself walking with Jiji-chan, Kei-kun, Akane-san, Ranma-kun, and… Kuonji of all people. Though she doesn't make a peep, she has a glowing smile in her eyes that seems to spill into Kei-kun's good mood as well.

They walk mostly in silence, with Akane-san holding her 'pet pig'—Kiyomi still isn't sure what to make of Ryouga's dangerous stint, but she figures that isn't her problem.

They aren't even halfway when Ranma pipes up. "Hey, Kiki. I… need to talk to you." He can't seem to meet her gaze, gazing at an uninteresting cloud and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Kiyomi is surprised when Kuonji starts looking every bit as nervous, already suspecting what this is about. She looks to Kei-kun, finding his questioning gaze already on her.

"Alright, Saotome," Kei-kun agrees, though his eyes never leave hers. "Lead the way."

She can't say she's too surprised when they veer off course, heading to the park, leaving Akane-san to make her way home alone. Ranma leads them into the park, to a secluded spot in the shade.

He stands there, unable to even begin explaining what this is about. "Kiyomi… Ranchan came to me last night." Kiyomi grins, her eyes lighting up like a child seeing Christmas lights. "We plan on… talking to his mom about it, but… We agreed that… that maybe talking to you first might be a good idea?"


"We agreed that… that maybe talking to you first might be a good idea?" Ukyou isn't used to feeling this nervous, this unsure. But Ranchan has a point. Kiyomi's opinion, while important, carries less weight. That means they can practice talking about this with someone that sort of understands the situation, if not entirely, and they can practice talking through it—like a spar, being Ranchan's exact words.

If she doesn't…?

"We… uh… we kinda…"

"Kissed. Made out. Had sex." Ukyou isn't sure how to decipher how the redhead feels, given her tone is blank, but the amusement in her eyes isn't making her feel any less uneasy.

Ukyou looks away, her whole body aflame from the hottest blush of her life. "Made… made out," she confesses. "Ranchan and I… We agreed that we want to make it official between us… and… well, we…"

Kiyomi frowns, her eyes suddenly hard.

Ukyou sighs, already seeing this is going to be a harder sell than she feared. Still, she and Ranchan agreed they were going to face this, come what may. She tucks back her shoulders, lifting her chin as she rights herself, standing proud in the face of adversity. She steels herself, cursing that her heart throbs like a rabid animal against her chest and in her throat.

"We want her ta end all engagements but ours," Ranchan says, moving to stand beside her. "We're not askin' for your help, Kiki. We just… needed to tell someone we trust first."

Ukyou grabs his hand, needing his support to keep her from freaking out. Their fingers intertwine, and he gives a gentle squeeze to show he's right there with her.

Chishu and Kiyomi share a look, but Ukyou can't seem to make sense of their wordless exchange. "You're only informing us?" Chishu asks. Ukyou nods, seeing her Ranchan following her lead.

Heh. Her Ranchan. He's always been her Ranchan, just as she's always been his Ucchan. Scary as this is, knowing that they have each other's back in this… it sloughs off the worst of the anxiety sweltering in her.

"In that case, congratulations," Kiyomi coos, running her index finger along her jawline and glowing brighter than the sun. "It's about time you two figured that out."

Her head snaps to Ranchan, her eyes wide as dinner plates. He's not doing much better. Slowly, his eyes soften, and that shy little smile of his peeks out as if from behind a cloud. Her stomach does a little flip.

"About…?" Ukyou mutters, unsure what to make of the redhead anymore.

"Time…?" Ranchan finishes for her, every bit as lost.

"Heh. Already finishing each other's sentences," Chishu teases. "You two are just adorable."

"Whoa… hol' up!" Ranchan demands. Ukyou's too busy blushing, too desperately needing his warmth to keep standing tall. She inches closer to him, gently grabbing his elbow with her free hand. She revels in the strength the simple action gives her, even though it makes her blush deeper. "So you're cool with it, as long as we don't involve you?"

"That's right," Chishu agrees, nodding.

"Auntie cornered me after dinner. She suspects, and she needed someone to help her figure out what to do," Kiyomi offers, her eyes smiling even brighter. "As long as we aren't caught in the crossfire, you have our blessing."

Ukyou breathes a sigh, relieved beyond words.

"You might want to dress up a little, though," Chishu offers. "Saotome-san strikes me as very traditional. So you showing up dressed like a guy will only make things harder."

"Hmm?" Ukyou noises, wondering about that. She doesn't have a kimono, but she does have a girl's uniform from school. Or, maybe she can borrow a kimono from Konatsu? "That might work. Thanks, Chishu-kun."

"Tendo-san has a meeting in forty-five minutes," Kiyomi offers, shifting her weight and frowning. If Ukyou didn't know any better, she'd think the Chishu matriarch is trying to help as much as she can, without getting her fingers burned in the process. "I'd say you have two hours to get ready."

"Thanks," Ranchan says, tension leaving him entirely. "Really, Kiki. That means more than you know."

"Any… any tips?" Ukyou asks, hoping for anything leg up she can get.

"As his mother, no one can overrule auntie's decision. Not even his father. She knows the stakes, she knows the situation, but she is also very traditional. Present yourself as the better choice, and do not bring up the other engagements at all."

"Huh?" Ranchan scratches his cheek, unsure what to make of that.

"If she favours one over the other, she'd end all other engagements without prompting," Kiyomi explains, her tone soft but unrelenting. "Fact is, she doesn't favour Akane. And she's already aware of your feelings for Kuonji. That means, she's been studying her, and she finds her wanting. Given her state of dress, I can't say I'm surprised."

Fix the predictable problems, in other words. Ukyou nods, a nervous smile taking over. It's not a guarantee, of course, but it's a solid bet.


Kiyomi takes her place beside her boss. Kei-kun has Jiro up in Ranma's room, awaiting Kuonji's dramatic entrance and likely giving him some last minute tips and lessons in manners and protocol—something Ranma doesn't know a thing about, for some reason.

Kiyomi and Ono-sensei sit to one side of the table, with Tendo-san to the other. He'd asked the others for some privacy, and given the stern look as his eldest daughter walks into the room and sits beside him. Her limp is subtle, barely noticeable, but no martial artist worth their salt would miss it.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Tendo-san," Kiyomi begins. "Forgive Ono-sensei for asking me to speak on his behalf. Given the delicate nature of last night's events, the last thing he desires is to make things worse."

"I see," Tendo-san intones, stoic and unreadable.

"As a martial artist not currently training or sparring, you no doubt believe in dealing with the problem efficiently. Taking the path of least resistance to ensure the end goal is achieved without fail. We wish to respect this approach and delve into the matter as it is, pulling no punches to ensure you can ascertain for yourself Ono-sensei's true intentions in his response. As such, I will to state the obvious. He's taken your daughter's maidenhood."

The man narrows his eyes, but remains silent.

"We understand there is no excusing such an act. As such, instead of offering apologies and explanations, we have asked to meet with you to honour your daughter, as she deserves. With your blessing, we wish to discuss having them wed as expediently as is appropriate."

Tendo-san's lips curl up, his eyes softening. "What do you propose?"

"Given Ono-sensei has wronged her, he wishes to waive the dowry, and will foot the bill for both ceremony and celebration befitting such a momentous occasion, thereby relieving the Tendo clan of any and all monetary responsibilities for his actions. Additionally, he will hear any demands you feel needful."

Tendo-san smoothens his moustache, clearly thinking about that. "Kasumi, dear. What do you make of the offer?"

"Father, I… I love him," she almost cries out, tears threatening to fall.

"You would agree to become his wife? Even this suddenly?"

"With all my heart," she agrees, her tearful gaze focused on Ono-sensei.

"Very well. Then here are my additional stipulations." Kiyomi has to fight back a face-splitting grin. "You will marry her within seven days. Both the ceremony and the celebration will be held here, in the Tendo Dojo, surrounded by hers and your family. She will don the Ono name, as tradition demands, though neither you nor your descendants will be allowed to sever ties with the Tendo clan. And lastly, you will move in here, with her, until such a time my younger daughters have enrolled into a college."

"Done," Ono-sensei agrees without a second thought.

Tendo-san beams, placing his hand on Kasumi-san's shoulder. "In that case, welcome to the family."

"Thank you, father!" Ono-sensei beams, bowing so low his forehead slaps the low table.


"Thank you, father!" Nodoka beams, glad her plan is finally come to a head. It was challenging to get Kasumi-chan to agree to having a drink with her, especially without hinting that she'd called Tofu-sensei to join them. She didn't exactly plan for them to spend the night together, that was a bonus, but either way, Kasumi-chan will be married within a week and she couldn't look happier about it.

Quietly closing the kitchen door, Nodoka saunters over to the stove to start making tea and warming some sake—it's a bit early, but she feels today's worth the break in routine.

"Not bad." Nodoka almost jumps out of her skin, not having sensed Nabiki sneaking up behind her. "Getting them drunk to get them over their inhibitions. Not the best plan, considering how many thousand ways it could have gone wrong, but it seems to have worked out all the same."

"Oh? Is that what you think?" the Saotome matriarch asks, composing herself. She continues her ministrations, uncaring what the middle sister thinks about this.

"My only question. Did you plan for Chishu to help with this? After all. She's the one that suggested Kasumi-nee walk him home. She's the one that Tofu turned to for help." Nodoka only smiles serenely, fishing out a few bottles of sake and setting them on the counter. "No, in other words. Otherwise it would have worked out the last four times you tried this. So you also try to enlist Chishu to help you with my other sister. But given you've been in a foul mood all day, even with this plan working out, that means she turned you down. So how about you clue me in, and I see if I can help somehow?"

"If you planned on helping Akane-chan through this, you would have acted long ago," comes the obvious rejection.

"How could I? If Saotome's own mother refuses to accept her claim, refuses to end the other engagements? What could I possibly do but make things worse?"


"What could I possibly do but make things worse?" Nabiki asks, feeling an all too familiar frustration creeping through her. It isn't that she hasn't been trying, but fact is she's also the breadwinner of the family. She has bigger things to worry about than romance and heart-warming fluff—if she loses focus for even a moment, her family starves.

"Nabiki, honey, darling, sweetie. You don't know the first thing about the hearts of others." Auntie's words come as a slap in the face, though the middle Tendo shows nothing of her inner turmoil. "I understand why you do it, and I remember being much the same after my father passed away. But the fact is, you've gotten so used to the Ice Princess persona, that you can't even remember who you were before your mother died."

"Then tell me," Nabiki challenges stubbornly.

"What makes you think I know?"

"Because you were mother's best friend. Because you are Kasumi's godmother. Because you…"

Nodoka's eyes sag, her shoulders suddenly feeling too heavy for her to carry. As the silence of the room drags on, save the quiet huff of the burner and the dancing of the kettle as it rocks back and forth on its flaming perch, she feels only older and older.

"You were the quiet one," she begins, tears welling up. "Always walking around with the latest book you were reading. Not the Nancy Drew types, mind you. You were into detective stories, into mysteries you had to unravel before the story revealed it all. You didn't talk much, but your eyes were so expressive. You adored your sisters, even though you and Akane fought about everything."

Nabiki stands rooted in her current spot. She doesn't remember any of that.

"You would tell your mom how you wanted to be a musician. You even pestered her for weeks to buy you a toy piano, and you wouldn't stop playing it from the second you got it."

So that's why she could never part with that worn down piece of junk. She keeps it hidden in a drawer, nestled away from the world's cruel touch. Her mother got it for her? Why doesn't she remember that?

"So I'll make you a deal. Start taking piano lessons, and I'll start telling you stories about you and that Kuno boy. You two were inseparable growing up, you know."

Nabiki walks off, her mind awhirl with the slivers of her past she was just given. Slivers of a past she only now realises she buried so deep inside her, that she can't remember any of it.


"We're going out for dinner," came the predictable proclamation. Nodoka could only pour Soun another saucer of sake, leaving her buffoon of a husband to fend for himself. "After all. My baby just got engaged. This is no time to let her slave away in the kitchen."

She could only smile, wondering how he would feel if she told him she was conspiring to get those two married ever since she barged back into their lives. She once again offers Keitarou and Kiki a drink, but both turn her down—she argues it'll curdle her milk and they can't afford to buy formula for Jiro, he refuses to drink if she won't.

"So, Kiki?" Nodoka tries, for the umpteenth time. "I was hoping you two would join us for dinner? It would be nice to have my niece there to celebrate with us, you know."

"You could offer not to get her involved next time you start plotting against her cousin," Nabiki snipes, sipping her saucer empty. She holds it out to Nodoka, wordlessly demanding another.

When Kiyomi snorts and rolls her eyes, Nodoka realises the depths of her mistake. She gives Nabiki the requested refill, as thanks for another missing piece of the puzzle.

"So you were burned in the past," the elder redhead muses. "Someone from my generation asked you to help them figure out someone, and they blamed you for disagreeing with them."

"My aunt," Keitarou offers, his hand on Kiki's lower back even as he makes a funny face for Jiro. The little wince tells her that he was just pinched, and hard. Kiki isn't happy he's talking about this, but Nodoka would be a remiss if she wasn't grateful for it. "My cousin came out to her, and she didn't know what to think."

"Came out to her?"

"What's important is that Kiki offered her honest advice, something she always used to do, and it cost her."

Nodoka pours herself another saucer, wondering about that. "Your aunt. One of her children refused to marry as she desired."

"You could say that." The last piece falls into place. It's no wonder why poor Kiki reacted as strongly as she did. Her she was, another aunt begging her to open up, promising her the stars and moon, and all she could see was her past repeating before her very eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," she murmurs, giving her niece a sad smile. Kiki kisses her son, uncaring for the apology. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"No." Nodoka sighs, wondering at how easily she was shoved out of the girl's life. She doesn't doubt it was Kasumi-chan's insistence that they stay that kept the Chishu family in the Tendo home.

"Oh, that reminds me. We're picking up a cousin of mine tomorrow. She and a friend will be living with us from now on." Nodoka starts, her sake spilling onto her kimono. She has a sinking suspicion there's so much more to that than just an update—it's a warning.

"Oh?" Nodoka tries to sound more curious than panicked, but she isn't sure how she's coming over just yet.

"Nothing for you to worry about. She and her mom just can't see eye to eye on something important to her. So she's moving to Furinkan. Keep an eye out, Saotome. She might end up in our class."

"She a martial artist?" Ramna asks.

"Swimmer and gymnast, actually. Both of them."

The sinking feeling in her gut tells her this is the same cousin. The same one Kiki had a fall-out with Keitarou's aunt over. From the activities, Nodoka suspects they're both girls. From the running away from home, she suspects they're more than friends. Kiyomi would know that as well—Saotome women are notorious for their sniffing out potential romances, and fostering the ones they approve of—and given the pair are to move in with them, it's obvious she isn't bothered by that.

"How long have they been lovers?" Nodoka asks, gazing at Kiki to show she's asking her directly.

"What's important is that her mother gave her no choice," Keitarou cuts in, before his fiancée can mouth off. "She'd planned out the rest of her life for her. And that included a boy she'd sooner stab than kiss."

And there you have it, Nodoka thinks, sipping her saucer empty. That means Ranma's making his move today, and Keitarou is warning me that they'll choose Ranma's side should I reject what he has to say without hearing him out.

The only remaining question, then, is who her son would be presenting as a potential daughter-in-law. She swallowed painfully, hoping it was a girl he was bringing home—Kiki obviously isn't against homosexuality.


"Sorry for interrupting!" Nodoka sighs in relief, recognizing the voice. The Kuonji girl. She certainly dresses odd—Nodoka isn't sure what to make of her boyish presentation—but at least it's a girl!

Nodoka heads to the front door, loudly apologizing for taking so long. As she slides the door open…

Before her stands a young lady. Her soft yellow kimono with long sweeping sleeves telling her she is single, the nervous smile and her inability to meet Nodoka's gaze telling her she wishes to do something about that status.

Her long, brown hair was brushed until it shines. Her subtle makeup a light perfume announcing how deep her need goes to make a proper impression. But it's the nervous look the ruins it for Nodoka—she looks like she wants to cry and run for the hills.

She remembers the day Genma came calling at her home, to ask for her hand in marriage. She was every bit as nervous.

"Why, hello Kuonji-san. My, you look lovely this afternoon," Nodoka tries helping the girl out, feeling quite nervous about this herself. "Would you like to come in? We were just celebrating Kasumi-chan getting engaged."

The hope mingled with fear tells Nodoka this one hopes her words will be every bit as celebrated, though she fully expects the worst. Nodoka nods, understanding the situation all too well.

"I would like that, Saotome-san. Thank you." The elder leads the younger into the family sitting room, inviting her to have a seat, and pours the them both a saucer of sake—Ranma also gets poured one, seeing his nerves are suddenly acting up.

Drowning a sigh in sake, Nodoka knocks back her drink, needing it more than ever.

"Mom?" Ranma begins cautiously. It isn't hard to see coming, really. "We need to talk to you. Privately."

"We?" Nodoka asks, curious who 'we' entails. Kiki starts strapping Jiro into the pouch, obviously refusing to see this through. "You don't have to leave, Kiki."

"No, we don't," she agrees, offering the baby bag to Keitarou.

"Very well, Ranma. I will meet with you. Provided Kiyomi stay and listen."

Kiki, however, has other plans. She stands, thanking everyone for their hospitality.

"Are you really trying to tell me, you don't want to hear what I have to tell my son?" Kiyomi doesn't even pause, walking towards the front door. "I'm sorry, Ranma. But unfortunately, if you wish me to do much of anything regarding your engagements, I'll need another Saotome to help me decide."

"Kiki asked to stay out of this."

The room grows deathly silent. Only the tapping of bare feet against tatami mats as the Chishus leave can be heard.

"And that's ignoring that she's a Chishu. She ain't answered to Saotome in years."

Fear wells up in her heart. A fear that if she lets this girl walk away, like she allowed her mother that day, the next time she'll hear about her will be on the news.

"I'm scared, Kiyomi," Nodoka admits. Keitarou grabs his love's waist, wordlessly asking her to stay and listen. "Your mother walked away just like this. And I never heard from her again."

"Mom. I'm trying to talk to you."

"And I'm trying to keep my niece in my life. Be patient, son. I will listen to what you have to say."

Without a word, Kiyomi walks out, leaving even Keitarou where he stands.


Kiyomi kneels before the headstone, just as the first rays of light kiss the morning sky. She sits to make herself comfortable, tucking her business suite skirt to keep her unmentionables out of view. Keitarou, wearing his school uniform, holds Jiro beside her. Her eyes take in the kanji pronouncing the day her old self passed away. The day the high school rising star fell. The day the only woman that ever loved her died in her arms.

Chishu Amaranthe
January 8th, 1958
July 1st, 1987

"She made me promise," Kei-kun murmurs, tears welling up in his eyes, "that if anything happened to her, I would take care of you."

"I know." Her words come out emotionless.

"You reminded her of herself at that age. Smiling so bright that the world never suspects the darkness of your past."

"Not now, Kei."

"My father raped her," he stubbornly continues, seemingly unaware of the tears pouring down his fiancée's face. "She was only twelve at the time. She gave birth to me on Christmas day, an early thirteenth birthday present. And she loved me more than life itself."

Kiyomi can't seem to make sense of it. Barely more than a child, having a child, and she was always so… full of life.

She remembers that day, the day her mother came into her life. That day in the hospital. The only reason she had to get out of bed was to go get food. It's all she even cared about anymore.

The woman that birthed her had succumbed to her injuries, leaving her lost, confused. The woman that told her over and over that no one loves you like your mother, the woman that told her that the biggest mistake of her life was not drowning Kiyomi in the tub while bathing her. She didn't feel anything for that person, and that hurt more than recovering from the twenty-something surgeries meant to 'save her life'.

The problem was, food was starting to interest her less and less. She had nothing, no one. And with each passing day, her reasons to get out of bed, her reasons to continue physical therapy to keep her muscles from atrophying, dwindled a little more. Kiyomi was in a bad place.

Then this vivacious bluette came into her hospital room. She doesn't remember how the conversation started, but she remembers the shame as her roommate blatantly asked her when she stopped caring about her life.

"I know those eyes," her words thunder through the corridors of Kiyomi's mind. "You plan on killing yourself. So what's your poison? You plan on just withering away? Or do you have something more direct in mind?"

"It doesn't matter," Kiyomi remembers the words falling off her lips. The first words she'd spoken since waking up from her coma.

"Life doesn't get easier, you know. But, if you have someone in your life that is worth living for, you'll find the strength to get out of bed every morning. You'll find the will to smile brighter than the sun." She was running her fingers through her sleeping son's hair as she said it. "That's what my Keitarou means to me. He's the reason I wake up every morning. He's the reason I smile my brightest. He's the reason I breathe."

"I see the way he looks at you. He sees the strength in your eyes. He sees me in you. And he will fall in love with you, if you let him."

Kiyomi snorts, shaking her head. Tears fall, even now wondering at the casual way the woman talked about her son falling in love with a cripple.

And that's what Kiyomi was at the time. Crippled. The doctors needed to perform at least another three surgeries to hopefully help her regain feeling in her legs, but she was growing weaker with each passing day. They didn't dare risk another operation, fearing her little body couldn't take any more.

"Let him in, Kiki. I promise, he will never turn his back on you."

Even five years later, Kiyomi sees the simple truth playing out before her. Keitarou never walked away from her. He never betrayed her. He never let her wonder if he loves her—though he doesn't say the words, the look in his eyes tells all.

"Arigatou." The word finally falls off her tongue, finally makes it out into the world, though it kicks her in the guts and hurts more than feeling her mother breathe her last. "Thank you… for saving me… when no one else cared."

A callused hand rubs against her cheek, gently tugging her, inviting her to look at the reasons she gets out of bed in the morning.



She leans in, laying her head against his shoulder. "Can we try for a little girl?"

"If you want," he murmurs, unwilling to deny her. "Do you want to start trying soon?"

"When Jiji's a year?"

"Would you mind if we wait until we're married?"

"We're already married," she counters, breathing him in. "Just because we can't sign the papers yet doesn't change that."

"You pick a name?"

"Amaranthe." He smiles, already having suspected as much.


Nodoka stands and she waits, her kimono and short, auburn hair flapping even in the morning's gentle breeze. Her niece has come to the cemetery every day without fail, she hopes today will be no different.

Ukyou stands beside her, wearing a girl's uniform, shyly clutching her book bag in front of her. To her other side, Ranma is also wearing the school uniform—Nodoka is more than pleased that Ukyou helped convince him to wear it.

In the distance, she sees the pair coming to her. The pair she very much hopes will appreciate what she has to say. The closer they come, the more Nodoka worries. They look like they've been crying.

"Why are they here?" Ukyou asks, fidgeting nervously. She didn't believe anyone that told her they would find the pair in a cemetery, she seems to refuse to believe it even now.

"Kiyomi comes every day to visit their mother's grave," Nodoka explains.

The trio wait silently. The nervous tension almost becoming palpable as the Chishus approach.

"Yes?" Kiki intones, her eyes blank even though the tears she shed are still more than obvious.

"I want to introduce you properly," Nodoka begins. "To your cousin's fiancée, Saotome Ukyou."

"Congratulations," comes the dry monotone.

"I'm sorry, niece. I… I don't know what I can do to reach to, to help you."

Instead of answering, Kiyomi fishes out a pair of baby wipes, offering one to Keitarou and they wipe their faces to hide the traces of their tears. Nodoka gets the impression they're so used to this they barely notice or care if someone's watching anymore.

Ukyou walks up to the shorter girl, wrapping her arms around her and being extra careful not to smother little Jiro. "I'm here, little sister. Any time you need me. Any time you just want a friend. I'm here."

As the soon to be former okonomiyaki chef pulls back—Saotomes may own eateries, but may not work in them, sorry dear—she sees a flicker of hope in those sky blue eyes that remind her so much of her Ranma.

"Ranma and I are always here for you. For all three of you."

Kiyomi blushes, looking away. Her hand idly ghosts over her lower abdomen, bringing a smile to Ukyou's eyes.

"We'll adjust for inflation as needed."

"Sweetie?" Nodoka takes the risk, steps up to her daughter-in-law and her niece. She cups the younger redhead's cheek, sighing as Kiki looks away from her yet again. "The Saotome clan will always be here for you. Just, please… please Kiyomi… let us in. I swear, we only want to help you."


End Chapter 3


End What Does Your Heart Say Now.


A/N: It's on you now, dear readers. I have quite some more ideas for this story, but I have enough going on.