No One's POV

"Hey there," Anastasia smiles as the three Kings crowd on the screen to see her.

"Hello mia regina." Aro greets his mate with a warm smile that as typically just reserved for her.

"You know, I suppose there are a few benefits to you guys not sleeping…" Anastasia comments playfully. "The time zone change isn't bad either. You're only an hour behind West African Time." She also says, glancing at the two clocks she had on her computer, one in the current time zone and the other set to Central European Summer time zone, helping to keep her closer to her family in some fashion.

"Yes, it is a good thing." Aro nods.

"So, how's the first day?" She questions.

"The children are fine. Already missing you." Marcus answers. "They are napping at the moment."

"Good, good." Anastasia smiles.

"So," Aro folds his hands in front of him. "How are things there? Tell us, tesoro."

"Well," Anastasia's eyes light up with excitement. "Things are going great… Most of the volunteers will arrive in the next week. So there are only the workers that are the Mercy Corps paid workers, and of course, the Special Ops teams. We're pretty busy right now. Most of the camp is set up and the aid packages are here. We're pretty busy just taking stock of everything. Claire has been great help. If it wasn't for her I'd probably not remember to take a break…" Anastasia rambles off, the Kings fondly watching her ramble about things.

"Dad- daddy?" A small voice intrudes, breaking Anastasia's rambling and making the Kings quickly turn towards the voice, the response automatic to one of their children's call.

"Genesis," Aro quickly moves to pick up his daughter. "What are you doing up?" He questions gently.

"I wasn't tired an'y mwore." She answers innocently.

"Alright, Genesis." Aro answers, placing her in his lap.

"N' I was lonely." Genesis continues. "Is that mommy?"

"Yes, that's mommy." Aro smiles. "Do you want to say hello?"

"Hello mommy!" Genesis waves into the screen, her tone excitable and several decibels higher than needed, not quite understanding that she didn't need to yell in order to be heard.

"Hello baby girl," Anastasia smiles at her daughter.

"Mommy I miss you!"

"Oh, I miss you too. I promise I'll be home as soon as I can be." Anastasia promises.

"Anastasia," Claire walks into the tent.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in a second." Anastasia waves off.

"It seems you have your duties to attend to." Marcus states the obvious.

"It's busy here." Is all Anastasia can answer.

"Another time then." Marcus replies with understanding.

"I love you."

"Ti vogliamo bene, Anastasia."

Sorry it's so short, I promise I'm working on longer chapters. But, I'm sort of just establishing what's happening.

teroro ~ darling

Ti vogliamo bene, Anastasia ~ We love you too, Anastasia