Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: finger. When Castiel has communication issues, it's Crowley who suffers. 2 x 100-word drabbles.


Let Your Fingers Do the Talking

Despite the sulfurous stench of Crowley's fetid breath, Castiel leaned into the demon's face so close their noses almost touched. He curled his lip in disgust as he struggled not to gag.

"Stay away from the Winchesters with all your stupid, transparently underhand schemes," he growled.

Crowley squawked but still managed to roll his eyes... down to where Castiel's fingers were firmly clamped around the demon's throat.

"Ah, sorry," blushed Castiel, relaxing his hold.

Crowley muttered something unintelligible, but unmistakably insulting, under his breath.

Castiel scowled and strengthened his grip, hauling the demon higher than before.

"Not sorry!" he snarled.


Dean found Castiel holding Crowley up by the throat, while the demon squawked and flailed his feet. He paused to enjoy the view.

"Okay, let him go," he instructed once the thrashing became particularly frantic.

"Tell your bloody attack dog to keep away from me," rasped Crowley.

Castiel growled.

"What did you do?" sighed Dean.

"I only asked if I could help..." Crowley whined.

"He said he'd give you a hand!" interrupted Castiel.

Dean blinked. "So?"

"Well, Sam said that gesture you made was 'giving him the finger'," explained Castiel. "So I concluded this insult must be five times worse..."
