Author's Notes:

Um... busy finishing up my thesis and presentation for submission. Sorry folks. Also have to search for placement, should've done that before thesis but now... damn, during an outbreak like this.

His arrival upon Bruneberg's central square was met with an eager crowd that had anticipated his arrival for some time now. Celebrated almost as venerably as their patron deity himself, the districts' affinity for food and culinary cuisine was what brought them closer to him apparently. Hitoshi didn't know the details of how the general public became aware of his existence but Hekrel shed light on that too during their tour through the many renown food suppliers and stalls. Sausage delis, cheese makers, beer breweries, cattle farms and specialized wholesalers of spices and other rare additions to improve the taste of food.

While upfront about being just a human being, the Dwarves were adamant in their belief that what they were looking at was merely a mortal coil for something much more powerful. After all, was he not the same God of Cookery that swayed Hardy, punched Flare and punished the High Elves of Amarel? Hitoshi was beginning to think that his popularity stemmed mainly from him beating the Elves of Amarel into such a sorry state. Fictionally, according to Takeo, Dwarves and Elves were like ice and fire. But the main reason for their present strife, who would have thought to hear a familiar name like Elisen again.

Elisen Wa Amarie, or what the Dwarves affectionately call Eliwatir in their Dwarven Tongue which meant forest strumpet and a play on her name. Due to their belief that the High Elves were hypocritical pleasure-seeking junkies and tree-loving bohemians, everything the Dwarves found distasteful and Hitoshi couldn't agree more. But she was more infamous for the timber shortage she caused during the reign of King Branwen, the present King's grandfather. Back when she was still a princess, she pushed a conservation bill that greatly affected enchanted wood imports to Velduar while they were in the middle of a state-run project to restore the primary bridges that connected the seven city islands. In reality, it was merely an excuse to bar everyone else from acquiring timber except the high elves. For her vanity, the Dwarves were forced to renegotiate on terms that favoured the High Elves to attain a limited quantity of special timber every year. Elisen earned the Founding Houses approval, while also earning the ire of every Velduarite Dwarf. What she used these terms for was the material to build their Sorbuine stone wall around the forbidden district, cancelling out the aura of the Nightstar Elves which could be felt by those who lived near the segregated area. He didn't know what to think was funnier, the fact that she was the one who casted the exiles further into despair or that a certain American President should've learnt from her before proposing his "wall" and have others pay for it.

Daikokuten. A deity among the seven gods of luck immediately came to mind on how these subterranean city dwellers regarded him. Thus, their overwhelming positive feelings and offerings of their trade.

However, Hitoshi was not one to be accepting free gifts unless he had worked for it or they were from friends. So he gave a return in the form of jewels he had accumulated as reparations from Flare's temple. And not a moment too soon, as Hekrel also introduced him to the substantial debit Arpeggio and Imazu had accumulated in just one day of shopping and drinking while he was away. For putting the tab on him without his permission, these two were going to suffer repercussions at a later date. In the meantime, he needed some local currency to pay it off. To help in this troublesome dilemma, Hekrel directed him across one of the draw bridges leading him to a neighbouring district called Sturmheim. Another island on the lava lake that had a particular trope to it. Air laced with a heavy scent of ritualistic scandalwood and roaming residents adorned in plain religious garbs. These were the hints to the districts' main function and to its Dwarven Jarl, Tharl Sturmhammer's responsibilities. Here, the temple of Duncan resided, as did the temple schools for their youth. A hub for their education and religion in Velduar. Further expressing the power of the temple would be the presence of the national bank which Hitoshi had been led to residing here.

His jewel capital was quickly converted at Hekrel's recommendations to the local currency called Ducat, standing for Duncan and not a european Dukedom coinage. Many gold coins had Novar's impression on them, as he was told that each preceding monarch had his own and was twice the value of the current one. While the ones before them preceding were thrice the value of the current one, giving the coins some measure of incremental value. It was usefyl as a tool for managing their delicate industrial economy, in that when times were bad, they would eject the coin of the highest value and move them up consistently. A Novar Ducat was roughly worth one and a third of an Imperial Denarii. While a Suwani gold coin was worth three quarters of a Branwen Ducat, the highest coin of the Empire and Velduar respectively. Otherwise, Velduars economy was relatively stable in comparison to the Empire.

It enjoyed a higher standard of living despite its high density than any other Special Region nation. Education was free, while conscription was mandatory, but no one would ever go hungry. Occasionally when mining booms occurred which they often did, tax refunds were also possible. Because of these luxuries, Velduar often ignored the happenings of the outside world for the most part and would've loved to continue doing so had they not relied heavily on food imports abroad.

Then, there was the other nuisance of their trading caravans getting raided by the Gnolls, a blockade which they tried to starve the Dwarves out with. But the Dwarves had learnt their lesson from previous campaigns and stockpiled, providing the claim that Velduar could withstand siege for a year.

Food in Velduar as Hitoshi begun to understand from the offerings and samples he was given was the epitome of Junk food. Imagine having the food only available at special occasions like wedding feasts or Christmas dinners everyday of your life, greasy meat, fatty cheese, tasty malt beer. Some people could live with the consequences to one's health for such an indulgence, Hitoshi was not one of them. It appeared that the only thing they missed out on were vegetables which they regarded more as a garnish or to season their meats with. Furthermore, their stockpile consisted of dried and salted meats, which if their diet consisted of nothing but these would destroy the kidney and livers of any human in a decade. Even if the Dwarves claimed to possess iron livers and kidneys, this kind of unhealthy lifestyle had to end, this gluttony was not the Dwarves ultimate goal in life.

And Hitoshi felt compelled to do something about it. Thus, Bruneberg witnessed the God of Cookery perform two "miracles" before them in a kitchen of a humble tavern whose owner was overjoyed to receive.

He concocted a drinking cocktail out of brandy and vinegar from their preservatives stock, along with a mixture of local fruits sqeezed dry for their juices and a dash of cinnamon and a mint leaf. Creating an alternative beverage to their beer and wine that was inexpensive yet enjoyable to those who had lower alcohol tolerances even. He called it Shrub, but it ended up being called…..

"Come and get your Miracle Dew! Straight from the gourd of Lord Furuta himself, I swear it on my family!"

When he left, the taven owner immediately marketed it as the "Miracle Dew", for its mysterious ability to revitalize those drinking it, only because it was actually supplying them with much needed electrolytes after their long days at work, like an isotonic drink. The Dwarves didn't care what it was, only what it did. Either way, he had encouraged them to take in more vitamins as a result.

His second miracle, was making a vegetable and bread into a meat steak, or at least taste exactly like it and appear as one. Performed at a meat exhibition, using chickpeas acquired in Amarel and grinded down to paste.

He kneaded it like bread before panfrying the anomaly with rosemary he picked along the way. The result was a meat paddy that resembled one of mince meat in every conceivable way. By smell, appearance and even taste for those that sampled it. From this displace, he hoped that he had encouraged the food making community to experiment more liberally with ingredients than with what they were familiar with. Also, he proved that vegetables could taste just as well, although frankly none of the Dwarves would likely trade a good old steak for that. Unless they ever entered food shortages, this could be a decent way of replicating the taste of meat when there was none.

Before they knew it, dusk had approached leaving only the night bazaars and other late hour businesses open. The rest wanted to retire to Hekrel's mansion after Arpeggio had finished shopping for precious stones and Takeo had decided on the choice jewelry for his Persia. So he let them go about their business while he returned to Sturmheim with an agenda. Hekrel promised that a scrumptious dinner awaited them at his manor when he and the others returned. His home in his territory wasn't difficult to spot, a feudal castle at the highest point of the island complete with highwalls, moat and keep.

Hitoshi raised his head towards the place his feet had brought him to, the Temple of Duncan. A complex carved out of the rock into the likeness of a face welcomed visitors in the most daunting of manners by having them enter through the mouth area. Beyond that, a fortress-like layout and courtyard, as Hitoshi recalled the place while he was airborne. Pillars of fire could be see in the background over the entrance, and the resounding of hammers pounding metal made it sound more like a foundry than a place of worship.

A pair of front guards walked up to him intending to demand his presence during the late visiting hours, until one of them recognized him and struck his companion to cease his inquisition.

"W-…What is Lord Furuta's purpose here?"

"It's has not even been a day and the God of Cookery graces his presence here." Their unease was saved by the approach of an individual of near equal status from behind. Coming around the corner, the Dwarf temple guards bowed and stood aside. Standing before him was a brown bearded Dwarf cladded in armor that gave off a distinct aura of might engraved into its workings, even though they were concealed by the religious templar-like tunic. There was an even strong aura coming from the hammer slung behind him, occupying the length of his body.

There was no doubt in who was in front of him. As he faced the Apostle of Duncan with a friendly smile.

"Just came to say hello. It would be rude to ignore Lord Duncan throughout the duration of my stay here, wouldn't it?" In addition, he raised a jar containing a strong whiff of alcohol. Premium stuff that was sold in the offerings store at Bruneberg.

"I understand, I thank Lord Furuta for his consideration in bringing a decent offering as well." The apostle returned his pleasantries.

"Mortar Mobkis, at your service. My Lord." The apostle bowed with a hand to introduce himself in person.

"Hitoshi Furuta, at yours." Hitoshi bowed humbly in return.

"Please." The apostle motioned for him to enter the temple grounds and entered after him.

They entered into a dimly-lit corridor with the space of a grand hall, flanked by life-like statues on both sides. Even grander in appearance to the Pantheon of Amarel.

"This is the hall of heroes, a mausoleum holding Velduar's finest warriors who fought in the name of Lord Duncan. From the first, to the last." The apostle informed him as they walked pass the torch-lit corridors.

The corridor length lasted quite some time before there was any change in setting when they exited the tunnel and entered a courtyard, where one of the pillars of fire stood towering. The hammering sound became more distinct as he noticed metal works being performed at the base of the pillar within. A foundry dedicated solely to the temples' own use. This foundry seemed to dedicate its hours upon the fashioning of metal into body parts for an assembly line of incomplete statues of Dwarven Warriors. Only, he got the feeling that they weren't statues, it was a very strange way to sculpt a statue by making it piece by piece rather than cutting it out from soft stone. They might be something else entirely, as he noticed one that wasn't a statue at all, but more golem-like in the midst of crafting as well. A giant that was almost thirty feet high.

"Over here, Lord Furuta." The apostle directed him quickly on a different route while he motioned to two acolytes to close the foundry doors swiftly which they did. Around the corner of another corridor, he found himself being led by the Apostle to a different courtyard that had a large brazen belching ethereal flames from a chasm pit beneath it.

"And this is…?"

"The Altar of Inferno, my charge. The most suitable place for offerings to be given onto the holy flames." If he was suggesting he chuck the whole jug in, even Hitoshi was reluctant to do so.

"Is he not able to come up and talk?"

Hitoshi raised his essence detection magic skill to detect the fluctuations of the Deity's presence but found none.

"I regret to inform My Lord that Lord Duncan is not currently with us." Nevertheless, Hitoshi searched around and only stopped after reading Mortar's readings which emulated a strong red aura. A flame attribute, most suitable for one that deals with fire and metal.

"That's a shame really, I was hoping to have a drink with him." All the Gods he had previously had the misfortune of crossing, they were all capable of appearing physically in this plane of existence through possession, to enjoy the vices of living. Hitoshi saw no reason for Duncan to be any different.

"Regrettably, Lord Duncan has entered his two-decade cycle of slumber a few months ago." The God of the Forge had a hibernation cycle? That was a bummer, he was hoping to talk to the God of the Forge about adamantite.

"Is this common?"

"He must, in order to calm Mount Nyx."

"Is that so." So, Duncan was somehow in control of the volcano. And was forced into entering a voluntary seclusion for years in order to prevent the active volcano from erupting. Seemed that each God had a quirk or two to handle on their own. Hardy managing the spirits of the dead, Wareharun kept things green and growing, even Flare made sure that the sun didn't suddenly enter an eclipse because of some cosmic storm. The Gods appeared less like actual Deities and more of caretakers to this strange world. At least they were ensuring that it wasn't falling apart, as if they were ancient machine intelligence built for the sole purpose of maintaining this strange world. Then, developing unique personalities on their own.

"It is either that or the ancient tradition of tossing one's child, pure of heart down the altar. But Lord Duncan has long overruled that practice even before I became an apostle." Hitoshi didn't really need to know that they used to do that sort of sacrifices. Even so, it appeared that even this God would prefer to sleep for a while than have the blood of an innocent upon his altar.

"Very magnanimous of him." These words were genuine. This was one of those Gods that didn't have an amoral view towards the beings that worshipped it. Duncan actually cared enough about his followers despite their intrusion and allowed them to even continue their way of life within a place that was otherwise inhospitable. Forget eruptions or earthquakes, the city could also be in danger of toxic gases because they chose to reside within an old extinct magma chamber.

"Indeed it is, I'm glad Lord Furuta appreciates Lord Duncan's commitments." Aside from the wasted time, Hitoshi placed the jug on the floor by the reclining steps to the brazen.

"So what purpose did you have in wasting both of our time instead of just telling me he was away?" For that, Mortar could have simply told him at the entrance and accept his offering all the same. Instead, he was purposely led to where there was nobody, not even his own acolytes, away from listening ears.

"Yes, I suppose it would be to quietly express our sincerest thanks for delivering this boon to us." At first, Hitoshi had no idea what crap he was going on about, until Mortar presented him with an ingot of Adamantite. The very same one he gave to the King, yet somehow had made its way to the Apostle.

"Then you'd be thanking the wrong person."

"Oh, are you not that brat's master?" He sensed deliberate anatagonism from the apostle's sarcasm, did he bring him her to gloat at him? Hitoshi wasn't interested in these petty debacles.

"I'm master of no one but myself. Kugel is my companion." Hitoshi pulled out a pair of shot glasses from his sling bag.

"Kugel…. Yes. Kugel Griffin is Lord Furuta's companion. But no friend of ours." The apostle turned around from his gaze at the brazen.

"As long as he is still Kugel Griffin and not Iraemus Bloodstein, we will have no qualms with his stay in Lord Duncan's domain." The apostle expressed his thoughts on Kugel as if he were hiding behind the silhouette of others.

"You mean through your judgement." Hitoshi questioned him as he set aside the glasses filled with liquor.

"I am Lord Duncan's word, Lord Furuta. While this would pass off as arrogant to yourself and my peers, his will and judgement are passed through me. I am but a mere conduit of his will. You yourself have said it so to my counterpart on Amarel, did you not?"

"….." Indeed he did.

From this, Mortar was admitting that he knew what really transpired in Amarel. It might have been him who told the King and his subjects all the same. But more than that, it showed that Mortar was actually wary of him, that's why he brought him there to assess the danger that he posed to his operations.

"You're pretty talkative for the will of someone in dormancy." With the forgefather asleep, the apostle seemed to be talking more than he should.

Nonetheless, Hitoshi held out a glass for the Apostle who accepted it with a grin.

"Now then, to our health and Lord Duncan's?" Hitoshi proposed before they drank. While Mortar allowed his mirth to overcome his politeness.

"I am an apostle, Lord Furuta. You should know that I will neither die nor suffer ailments."

"But you can still starve…. and you can still bleed here." Hitoshi pointed to his heart, making Mortar flinch for a second. For he had grasped at one of the primary flaws of the Apostles, they were all psychologically vulnerable for their strength and immortality. The toll of loneliness crept into their hearts as they watched their loved ones wither away while they stayed eternally youthful. Disconnection from society was a common trait among Apostles, at least among the ones Hitoshi had met. But while Apostles like Granham had the companionship of long-lived beings, what about Mortar? Their bodies were immortal, but not their hearts.

Hitoshi poured another cup as he approached the altar of inferno, emptying its contents down into the endless flame pit below. To ensure that Duncan could also enjoy their toast to his wellbeing.

"Some for you too."

Said Hitoshi before returned to where the apostle was but did not sit on the steps any longer.

"I was hoping you could do me a favour then, since its now with you." He referred to the adamantite ingot being played around in the Apostles hands.


"Regarding acknowledgement to those who deserve it." At these words, there was a visible line to the apostle's face.

"You're asking me to recognise that runt after what he did? Then, why don't I declare that Lord Duncan is inept while I'm at it!" And wasn't taking it very well, such that his temper showed.

"Even if the approach was wrong, he still did it for the benefit of Velduar and Duncan."

"That's besides the point, Lord Furuta! It may not matter wherever you're from, but here, we have laws and the respect for the hierarchy!"

"So that's it, huh? Because he didn't respect you, so you pick on him endlessly!" Since they came here, Hitoshi had witness Kugel undergo all sorts of discreet harassment from the public, the nobles and the clergy, with the exception of his adopted family members. And it could only come from the orders of a higher-up. Where the misgivings of Kugel all started from.

"I will not have this, not even from you Lord Furuta!"

"Oh, you will." He responded in a low tone, that created a silence between them and their stares growing hostile.

"Be careful where you tread, Lord Furuta. These aren't the Vorshant forests or the Urban Metropolis of humanity. Where you stand, you walk upon our God." He said with an equally low tone.

"Hiding behind your God again? My, I've not seen that even among your contemporaries, Mortar!" Hitoshi smirked to the later's dissatisfaction.

"All I've heard from you for the past ten minutes have been nothing but excuses." Why else would Brom protect and accept the responsibility for the transgression Mortar claimed he did? Why would King Novar even bother to bestow protection beyond amnesty to him? Why did the residents and lord of Bruneburg still keep on good terms with him if they didn't believe in him? And why did Kugel himself believe that he had committed this crime and accept the punishment given to him despite his complaints?

"The only one that thinks Kugel is unworthy is you."

"And what of it?!" Hitoshi had finally tipped the apostle over the edge with his last comment.

"A disrespectful runt that trundles carelessly over tradition and makes light of the efforts of his predecessors, and yet cannot see the shame he brings to his begotten house or to Lord Duncan! You ask too much of me! To absolve him of a sacrilege which others have been punished more severely for less. Then what does our sacred law become in your eyes?!" His ranting meant nothing to Hitoshi, because it said nothing meaningful to it.

"Yes, I do hate him and everything he stands for. Is that sufficient as an answer for you?"

"I suppose, it'll do for now." Not forgetting that this was the words of an Apostle to the dwellers of Velduar, his words were regarded as Duncan's. But not to Hitoshi.

From the moment he had noticed the presence of the Apostle in the throne room thanks to being the only attribute wielder among magically inept dwarves, he could sense the ill intent directed towards his companion.

"Lord Furuta supposes? Then I will make it clear to his Lordship as well, Kugel Griffin shall continue to be called such, or I will make it an official matter to every temple militant to carry out what Bromhall prevented those years ago. Bloodstein will never recover his fallen birthright, so long as I'm around."

"Heh!" Hitoshi couldn't help but grin at his threat.

"Good. Then let me leave you my warning as well, so you won't forget it." His eyes had changed from a gentleness to a set that had ruinous intentions upon the apostle.

"If a single hair on his head is touched by the likes of you or your cronies, you'll have just declared a personal war with me, Mortar Mobkis. And don't forget, this is your home, not mine. So you be the one who treads carefully." Hitoshi stepped around the apostle as he made his own way out of the Temple Grounds.

"The rest of the wine is yours. Drink it, chuck it away, makes no difference. If you're Duncan's proxy as you claim that you are, it shouldn't matter, right?" Having said that, he left the apostle to his lonesome to process this information on his own and judge for himself whether Hitoshi's threat had any weight.

Without care, the jug cracked into pieces under the apostle's unnatural grip. Slipping its contents all over sacred grounds. Giving meaning to what Hitoshi had thought regarding the independent will of the Apostles.

Blood that was mixed with the wine from wounds that were healed instantly from the cuts of sharp ceramic. The apostle begun to understand the meaning by "still bleed here" in the heart. As the God of Cookery had just inflicted upon the apostle and could still walk out of this temple scot-free like nothing ever happened. Injuring his pride where no one had ever done so before. He had been warned by others not to interfere with Hitoshi and Kugel's actions, but after the provocation, he wanted nothing but to do just that. Why did he have to cross paths with such a Human who existed with the impossible status that he had?

"This is my Velduar, as if I'd let you do as you please…."

The question was, how could he divide the undivided?

Hitoshi had played the Apostle like a fiddle. While Mortar was assessing him to no avail, Hitoshi had learnt a lot more about the stance of the Temple of Duncan and their movements. The Apostle indeed ruled over the religious component of Velduar, an equivalent to a Christian Pope. But the Dwarves moved on their own will and to their king whom they respected, this could be seen from the respect Kugel gave to Novar despite his status as an exile.

Hitoshi sensed a rift between the sovereign and his subject to those of the temple backed by the Apostle. This was made apparent when Novar publically proclaimed an act that defied the Temple law regarding Kugel. For his own sake of discerning the parties, he would call those with the Apostle the Traditionalists, while those with the Velduarite King, the Nationalists. Two camps with conflicting views towards their technology and its proliferation. The traditionalists regarded rune technology and adamantite as the gift of God, while the nationalists regarded it as progress and the symbol of their kingdoms' strength. A silent cold war had been going on, and his arrival had shaken it with his reintroduction of renewed adamantite synthesis of higher quality and stable, trumping Velduars existing state-secret method.

He had made yet more enemies than friends here. Worse, he might have implicated Kugel for more aggressive schemes from that Apostle and his supporters. It was unfortunate that Duncan had not been available to talk to, otherwise he believed he would have conversed with a more reasonable individual and also reconsider Kugel's transgression for the benefits he reaped for the sake of his kin. Unfortunately, said Deity had gone into slumber, becoming unavailable. Or so the Apostle claimed.

His essence detection seemed to confirm that Mortar told the truth though. But he didn't like it, because the temple felt entirely empty of any presence like in Amarel. That wasn't something that should be felt especially when he was at its core, the altar of inferno. Brom had told him that this site had been the closest point of which the Dwarves communicated with their Deity, the altar in which their ancestors spoke with him. And God had been eerily silent.

But now, it was just him solving this Gnoll problem. The factions could continue fighting with one another. Hitoshi only wanted to come out in three days with a signed agreement for his wargear. Wargear that would make one thousand destroy a competent army of fifty thousand. The hallmark which would cement the Restorations' superiority over the falling Empire.

And to do that, he had to help the Dwarves innovate. At present, he gauged them to be under the post-renaissance era equivalent to Earth history, a time where mainstream religion was unable to keep new theological understandings at bay. Enlightenments that steered clear away from the draconian era beliefs, allowing technological innovations to prosper more progressively. What he had to do was give them the tools to advance past that stage into a pre-industrial age. Where production engineering and mass-manufacture became common staple. And the challenge was having them avoid the mistakes that Humanity had made to achieve this. He had to do this whilst the apostle was looking over his shoulder.

"If Lord Furuta was planning to visit the Temple this soon, he should have informed Ashlaug sooner." He was joined along the corridor by the shieldmaiden, who was out of her armor and in her temple light duty robes apparently.

"I did say I'd drop by to say hello to your deity, didn't I?"

"But not on the same day."

"I just didn't want to waste time. In any case, it was." The Dwarven woman was taken aback by the grimace that he wore which she had never seen him wear before. Realising that he was affecting those around him, he rearranged his expression.

"Shield maidens do turn in early, don't they?" Hearing his wayward mannerism return, the shieldmaiden was once again irritated.

"I was devoted to evening prayers. Lord Furuta has no need to concern himself with my routine."

"Yeah, I'll be off now. Good night."

"Lord Furuta. What were you discussing with his holiness?" The shieldmaiden inquired at her own initiative.

"Is Ashlaug Oakenspire personally interested or does the Temple's eyes wish to know?"

"If Lord Furuta does not trust in this shield maiden then-."

"I told your apostle not to come within five feet from Kugel or I'll blast his sorry butt all the way out the mouth of Mount Nyx." For some reason, the shield maiden hid her mouth as if trying to hide a snicker. But immediately turned blank faced when Hitoshi turned around.

"You don't need to escort me. Go back." He looked behind to see heads poking out from the lit dormitories where other Shield Maidens were currently resting.

"Then I will be neglecting my given duties, there would be no reason for me to act as your liaison to the Temple."

"Fair enough." Although, why was she so insistent on keeping this job if she hated the Dwarf that he was with?

"Does the temple allow you to visit your family?" Hitoshi became chatty again.

"On rare occasions, so long as it does not clash with religious events such as the Winter Solstice festival in the coming week." Basically, she could visit on preplanned dates that weren't public holidays.

"A Shield Maiden's job must be hard."

"Lord Furuta mistakens long durations away from one's family home as harsh."

"Is that so?" She looked at him wondering why he would even say something like that. Almost as if he had never known the comforts of a family to go home to or chose not to believe he did.

"Does Lord Furata….. not long to return home?" It may have been impudent of her to ask given their positions, but it was his fault for making her ask.

"If you mean the place where I was born, even I don't know that. But if you're asking where do I go back to to seek comfort, I guess it'll be nowhere else but the kitchen." Ashlaug was further from the question that she asked. Realizing that she had been comparing him to the life of a normal human, only to remember that no human could earn a title like God of Cookery if he was normal.

But lately…. Its been in the company of the Warrior Bunnies. I dunno, I guess those living there have somehow grown on me." It almost sounded like the legend of Duncan who found the Dwarves, Ashlaug did not question him further on the matter.

"I don't know what went on between you and Kugel in the past, nor do I want to interfere any further. Or what you think about him now. Whatever you think, I will say this. I trust him." They both knew that this subject would come up eventually.

They neared the entrance where the temple guards from before noticed his return. It was time for her to return as well.

"You would give blind trust when he has not even mentioned me?" It was certain that if she were significant at all to him, he would have told Hitoshi about it if trust was there as he said it would. She questioned him, but it sounded like she doubted her own words, she was conflicted.

"You can't expect a perfect answer from him, no one can. Even he thinks he wronged everyone, could you in the same situation work up the courage to ask for forgiveness? If Kugel was as despicable as Mortar said he was, why did Brom leave with him?" A Dwarven Lord, one of the most powerful individuals in this conglomerate of metal industry had just relinquished his title and entered self-exile for a friend's child? It wasn't just him, but the direct heir, Swen, and his six other brothers too. Leaving the succession into the hands of Hekrel's father, his younger brother.

Dwarves may be stubborn at times, but that didn't mean they were blind to the qualities of their comrades.

"If you can't forgive him, that's fine. After these three days, Kugel's not coming back again." After those three days, any reconciliation that went between Ashlaug and Kugel would be over. Already coming back out of obligations to his race was too much for him. He had freely given away his life's work of restoring Adamantite values and would still be treated like a criminal for his past actions. He was only here because Hitoshi had convinced him to take a chance at resolving his past karma that haunted him every night.

Kugel did not know it but his sister, Grimilde had always been watching over her little brother. She sourced sleeping pills from Mari who told him about his companion's mental health.

"Actually, I heard about you from Grimilde. She didn't give a name, but she did say that this person saved Swen from taking up the Tithe of First Borns to your family name." If not for Ashlaug, Swen would be unable to marry Grimilde and be forced to serve Duncan.


"She also said that when it came to this person in cherishing her brother, she only lost to that person. I don't suppose you know who that is do you?" He teased, as prudent as it was, but if he didn't no one would.

Ashlaug no longer followed him to the entrance and planted her feet firmly there. Hitoshi was silently being ushered by the temple guards to go on so that they could lock up the temple doors and go elsewhere to guard.

"Maybe, that person still does…."

"It is time for Lord Furuta to leave." She would not hear anymore from him and demanded that he leave, alarming the guards on the tone she was using.

"And so it is, I'll catch you later." He walked out of the entrance to have the door close behind him.

A warm arid breeze blew at him, even though they were within a volcano. He noted a shadow coming towards him from under the silhouette of a streetlamp.


"Hey, boy'ó."

"What are you doing here? Thought you were with the others on their way back."

"I was but told the others I wanted to take a detour. And then I ended up here….. somehow." That sounded like an extremely convenient coincidence, but Hitoshi wasn't going to ask further.

"Would you like to go for another walk?" Kugel gave him a nod and that was all he needed to go on as they walked side by side around the corner of the temple on their way out of Sturmheim back to Bruneberg.

"Too nostalgic?"

"Unreal, it's literally unchanged since the day I left." Kugel exclaimed his surprise at so little change there was to the place that was once part of his home. They walked a little more till they reached the bridge just before it was being scheduled to raise during curfew hours and paid the proper toll to the bridge master two Novar Ducats.

"I bumped into our shieldmaiden again by chance."

"Did you?" Kugel showed poorly that he was disinterested.

"Had her tell me a little about the temple life on my way out."


" I think… being a Rune Priest doesn't suit you." Before Kugel got to speak against Hitoshi's sudden conclusion, Hitoshi completed what he wanted to add on.

"Could you imagine yourself having the freedom to build whatever you wanted in there?"

It gave Kugel something to think about deeply on their way back. Shortening the time to the Oakenspire Manor, they hitched a ride on a night soil removal carriage in exchange for a few bottles of cold beer for the hardworking Dwarves doing the most unsavoury job of all.

For once, they enjoyed the privilege that was given to them. For the first time in years, Kugel could return home. And Hitoshi wouldn't need to raise his blade for anything other than preparing a meal.

They were just two friends, having meaningful discussions and chatter on their way back.


"""Welcome Lord Furuta!"""" Entering through the main gate after being identified by the guards, they were greeted by two columns of servants on either side of the walkway in the first courtyard to the manor.

"Welcome, Lord Furuta. To Oakshire Manor, Melvin is my name. I serve Lord Oakenspire as his chief attendant for many years and hopefully many more."

An old gentleman who was neatly dressed as one who would hold a head butler position bowed deeply as they walked forward.

"Pleasure to be here. Thank you for the greeting." Hitoshi could hear the excited murmurs of the servants to his humble response.

"Once again, I must divulge, we are honoured by your presence here, Your Greatness-."

"Please, just call me Furuta."

"I cannot!" The old man exclaimed as if it were blasphemy. "Your Greatness has been like a shining star upon our mere presence. Showering our native Bruneberg with his blessing."


Just hearing this old man rant was already embarrassing for him, as he heard snickers even among the row of servants being made to line up to greet him. It wasn't as if he had a temple of his own, let alone a genuine cult following.

"Sir Melvin?" Hitoshi chose to call the head attendant that way.

"Y-Yes, your greatness?" The old butler responded almost instantaneously.

"I would appreciate if you would call me by my surname as my friends do. It would mean a lot if you do." Hitoshi gave a gentle smile to the volatile elder who seemed greatly enchanted by the rare honour he had been bestowed.

"I would be honoured, Lord Furuta!"

"Thank you, Sir Melvin. I look forward to working with you and your colleagues in the coming days."

"Uwwooaah…" The old man looked like he was about to collapse at these words that were nothing more than a complimentary Japanese workplace introduction, but seemed more prestigious when a God was asking to cooperate with them. The attendants next to him caught the senior attendant before he did, so it was fine.

"Will he be alright?" Hitoshi asked the female attendant who bowed an introduced herself as the second in charge.

"He will recover as he always has, it is just that he has been yearning for this day since Lord Furuta's descend upon the Empires Capital." This only confused Hitoshi more, as it sounded like Hardy or the Oprichnina's accounts of him had somehow muddled up and formed a completely different interpretation of the God of Cookery.

"My Lord…." The old man waved his support away as he approached Hitoshi once more.

"If it wouldn't be too much to ask, would you sign this?" In shakey hands the chief attendant Melvin held out a piece of paper that could only be described as a scrap of paper. Yet, the writtings on it seemed familiar.

"This is….." Hitoshi received it and it ran perfectly clear as to what Melvin had attained and what this scrap of paper was.

A recipe for flatbread called Gözleme, consisting of cheap affordable ground meat and vegetables. A Turkish recipe he had acquired in the Mediterranean, bearing similarities to the one commonly made in the Imperial Capital.

When he was still Zorzal's South Palace Kitchen Head, he regularly posted recipes on the city notice where the Capital residents updated themselves on the latest affairs and policies introduced by the senate and monarchy. The equivalent to a national newspaper agency with the exception of town criers who read the articles to the masses, since most of the population was illiterate. He had done this to improve living conditions around the capital, particularly the poorer parts by money saving solutions to the preparation of their daily meals that were otherwise foul or boring with just these simple amendments.

Why did he do such a thing in the position that he was? To throw the suspicion that he was a spy, since the more time those watching saw him doing something as monotonous as his routine would give up on suspecting him being associated with the Men in Green in the Akusho district. Of course, only Bouro and Tyuule didn't buy it at the time. Herm and Calasta just thought he was a pleb and was jealous that he had always managed to turn Zorzal's mood around where they couldn't.

Since his departure, that section on the notice would naturally be left unattended, or so he thought. For he had no memory of ever posting this recipe yet, which could only mean one thing.

Someone with a complete collection of his recipes had been continually updating the Imperial notice, and there was only one person that had both the means and the know how.

"Patch…." Parslay Romuli, his former adjutant who had been sent off on his way to Italica had restarted the notice trend and hopefully a new business of cooking. Since the Capital was now officially where Pina and Molt were based. After his departure, Patch naturally fell out of contact and off his radar upon his evacuation from the original Capital CIty with his family members and the two troublemakers, Chive and Basille. This was so that Herm, Woody or Calasta wouldn't go searching for them to threaten him.

While Mera, Nidi and Tequila were the only ones with Zorzal's camp, but they were immune because they prepared his meals everyday with special care that no one else could. Regularly, Hitoshi would also use his Syndicate assets to check on their safety and evacuate them if trouble came to their doorstep.

This scrap of paper meant not only that Patch was alive and doing well for himself over there. A trivial paper that had traveled over thousands of leagues to its final destination here, this was fate. For this good news that he had been inadvertently given through the old Dwarf attendant, how could he refuse to do him back this small favour or reward him for it?

"I'd be delighted." Hitoshi immediately drew out his pen and signed the bottom with his signature.

Carefully, he returned the paper that the Dwarf held so dear. Receiving his paper autograph, the Head attendant was besides himself with unsurmountable joy. With even greater joy, he was directed on into the manor to where the others were waiting.

"And, if you'll forgive the delay. It is good to have you back with us again, Master Iraemus."

Kugel found that Melvin had not deliberately avoided him like so many in the familiar streets that he roamed and turned to nod albeit sheepishly.

"Good to see you too, old Melvin."

Shepherded into the foley of the manor, Hekrel was the one to greet them this time as he had only just been informed of their arrival and hurriedly changed. Hitoshi and Kugel gave their housewarming gifts that was warmly received as they were taken on a tour through the estate. From individual accommodations in the wings of the manor, to the wine and beer cellar down below where the Oakenspire vintage was stored.

For centuries, the Oakenspire Family had in possession a Royal Warrant of appointment as procurers and preparers of not only the Royal Families food supply, but the entire City itself. This warrant also gave the House of Oakenspire particularly strong influence over politics as well. And as such, developed a deeper connection to food-centric duties than any other of the Dwarven Lords who specialized in other professions, although, all Noble Families were trained in the art of the forge, nonetheless. This explained the apparent affinity they had towards Hitoshi and why they had been tracking his feats ever since Hardy made news of it. Since news would travel wherever trade was, as the Dwarves learnt of him through the Kingdom of Mudwan, a vassal of the Empire. While it wasn't a sin to worship more than one God it was frowned upon by more monothestic religions like those of Emroy and Zufmuut. With him, it was less of worship and more of veneration, which was alright for the Dwarves of Bruneburg.

Hitoshi finally met up with his companions once more, by a fireplace lounge in one of the guest wings where he was to share with the others. Although, having much grander accommodations than the rest for obvious reasons.

Placing his pack on a chair, he climbed onto the bed after removing his footwear and closed his eyes. There was still time till dinner so he took the opportunity to take a nap.

(knock)(knock) "…. Master, the Dwarves have called us for dinner."


In a blink of an eye, two hours passed as if they were only seconds. But that was all that he could get it seemed.

"I'll be out in a minute." Hitoshi undid his clothing which had seem him through a whole day and a night in the dungeon for much clearer articles of clothing, pants and a tunic made of cotton. Simple, yet elegant due to the tidiness of his dressing. Imazu would have questioned why he didn't wear his Type 3 uniform, but there was nothing more conspicuous than a dressing that identified them as Men in Green. No. That's not true. He was really beginning to feel detached from his own army. It had been a long time coming, since his days in the SR, he had only worn the main fighting uniform of the Self-Defence Force for three years at the bases of Omiya and Yokohama as an army cook and his cadet days.

Hitoshi sighed exasperatedly as he buttoned up his collar. One more year, that was all he had left to complete his contract to the Self-Defense Force and be given his welfare checks that had been previously denied to him, as well as full pension. While two decades earlier than the average retiring serviceman, Hitoshi had served in the Intelligence branch and on clandestine operations that weren't allowed to be declassified under any circumstances. Hence, retiring him out of service would ensure that everything he'd done thus far in places were the JSDF were never supposed to be would not be known by even those in parliament or media. Hitoshi would get his honest money that would fund his very own restaurant and close the most illustrious arc of his life.

But to think that those in the Joint Staff would reclassify his outfit and redeploy them into the Special Region after spending three years to decommission him and the SR. All for the sake of making full use of his abilities was truly inscrupulous. Kazufumi Ryuzaki. The career colonel who reassigned him to Hazama's task force, who hadn't even met him personally yet recommended that he be posted here when Hitoshi was in the process of declassifying himself for retirement. Hitoshi would not forget a face like Kazufumi Ryuzaki, he certainly wasn't going to have a smooth career transition after this Gate business was over.

He met Parna who was waiting for him at the fireplace so she could follow him to the dining, the others had gone ahead. It seemed they were quite familiar around Lord Oakenspire's abode after spending a night previously while he and Kugel shared a damp dungeon space.

Having known the way, Parna led him to the dining where he was greeted by a whole congregation of Dwarves of all shapes and sizes. Relatives, all one hundred and seventy-six of them.

The entire Oakenspire family tree.

"This is Uncle Bolfin, Aunt Barrowmill, Cousin Drake and his two little wee lads….." Out of courtesy for letting them stay as guests, Hekrel led him through the sea of his relatives and Hitoshi took the time to shake hands and give greetings.

"Was it like this yesterday?" Hitoshi quietly asked Parna after the eighth hand was shaken. "No, it was just us, the Dwarf Lord and his wife and three children." It appeared that Hekrel had made many promises to his relatives near and far for a chance to meet him, not that Hitoshi was against it or anything. Perhaps it would allow Hekrel to regain favour from his relatives who were spanning into various sectors of business throughout the country and by Hitoshi attending, saved him a lot of pleading time and bribing money. As with most men of power had to deal with, Hekrel's position as the representative of Bruneberg could be compared to that of a Lord Mayor of a city.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats so that we shall begin this Dunsday feast!" With a clap of his hand Hekrel gathered the attention of his distant relatives who went to find their seats at the ornate long table lavished with main courses, and dessert. As if the word appetizer were merely a direct translation for early dinner. Suckling roast pig, a tower of sausages, lamb chops, smoked salmon, melted cheese fondue with caramelized fruits and a variety of boiled avians.

When all were silent, Hekrel said….

"Let us gather for our prayer."

Like the Christians, they bowed their heads and raised their hands in awe of the sublime feast bestowed upon them not just by their generous relative who was the reigning Lord but to the God that had made it all possible.

"Today is Dunsday, the first holy day of the seven-day week, like your Japanese Sunday." Kugel had quietly informed him across the table before Hekrel approached him.

"Iraemus, will you do the honors?" Hekrel tapped him on the shoulder as everyone else awaited the prayer to be said.


"Who else would be more qualified than a Rune Priest?"

"Former, then again, I never advanced beyond aspirant."

"Details. Details. You know the proper rites better than anyone, isn't that right everyone?"

"Has Iraemus returned? Welcome back, cousin!"

"That's Iraemus? Bless me! I thought it was "Blackmane" Bloodstein himself!" Old Uncle Randel joked to everybodies amusement and to lighten the tension that Kugel had initially felt as he sat silently to himself while everyone arrived.

"I'll ask again, Iraemus. Will you do us the honor?"

Kugel felt like such a fool to think that those he grew up with him had been no different than the general masses of Velduar.

"T-….Then. I will begin." They all bowed and closed their eyes in prayer as Kugel took the lead prayer.

"Blessed Forgefather. O'Heart of precious jewel, blood of iron. I ask of you as your unfaithful, banish the fear of flaw in our heart, fill this bread and wine with your grace and wisdom. So that were may depart from this feast… better people, fervent believers." Kugel continued to ask for individual blessings upon the host and each and everyone of his extended family.

While all were focused on their prayers, Hitoshi remained silent out of respect. It was as quiet and serene as one could expect for the hollow dining halls that were carved into the ground of Oakshire manor.

Until his essence detection magic naturally kicked off as it had become a passive skill on its own from extended use and notified Hitoshi of a sudden spike of magic power in this very room. Where the only two "mages" were himself and Arpeggio.

He turned towards Kugel, focused in his prayer to see an aura bathe upon him from out of nowhere. Not glaring like Flare's light, or radiating warmly like Wareharun, let alone oozing out invisible miasma like Hardy. But showering him like sparks of fire, yet not intensely as an unnatural occurance of fire spells. Behind that aura was a powerful providential will that had done everything that Kugel had asked for. When he asked that an ailing aunt who suffered from leg pains be given ease, that aura showered that relative with its power, and the elderly woman's face of internal agony softened with relief. When Kugel asked that Hekrel's cousin be at ease from the burdens of motherhood, her noisy children quieten down as if something had whispered into their ears to calm themselves. Was this the power of a Rune priest? To call upon a power that didn't prescribe to the attribute laws of magic that the mages used?

"….. Hallowing is his presence, Hja Klavram."

"""Hja Klavram!""" Immediately repeating the last phrase that Kugel said in his prayer, those in attendance raised their glasses and began to feast without further consent.

While that was happening, Kugel had not yet ended in his own personal prayers.

"What was that?" Hitoshi murmured as Hekrel came over to express his interest to hear stories of their exploits.

"Pleasant, isn't it? Iraemus' prayers are the most soothing to hear after all!" Hekrel exclaimed proudly.

But that wasn't what Hitoshi had asked, it appeared as if none of the Dwarves had noticed that powerful presence emanating from Kugel as he had said the prayer.

"… It was." But that was alright, so long as they were content with what they already had. He remembered a phrase that came from the Christian bible he had been read to by a pious colleague of his.

"You see and yet believe, happy are those who don't and yet believe…."

"Lord Furuta?" Hekrel caught him in his monologue as he turned to gladly indulge the Dwarf Lord on a story or two of their adventures over dinner.

At least, that was the original idea. Before many relatives crowded around him and Kugel as they shared their feats. Some gathered around Takeo as well, as he indulged them on his survival of the legendary Flame Dragon encounter and how the infallible beast was made to bleed once more.

But the real story that attracted the attention of the Dwarven relatives was their most recent exploits in Amarel. Mainly, how Hitoshi and Kugel had made the High Elf Queen Elisen suffer miserably from her own schemes and plans backfiring on her. This was karma for what she had been doing all this while coming full circle, not that she would ever think that she was in the wrong or did anything that wasn't for the sake of Amarel. Still, hearing the her scream, cry and grovel was a refreshment to the Dwarves.

"I propose a toast, to Lord Furuta and Iraemus!"

"Here! Here!"

Their celebrations were the epitomy of having a good time, an endless flow of drinks, food kept replenishing, empowering them in song and dance. Arpeggio indulged more than her fair share of mead, leaving her drunk again.

Hitoshi shared a moment alone with his companions, Kugel and Parna. While Takeo took over story telling, where he enlightened them on what was on the other side of the Gate. A world of technology and individual freedoms.

A world troubled with its own rapid growth, more like. That couldn't decide what it really wanted to do and made all the blunders in its short-term plannings. Hitoshi had stayed sober the entire time, and only filled his stomach with whatever he could take.

"Stay off the mead and wine for tonight." He told both of them quietly as he bit into his portion of roasted duck. He felt it very imbalanced that all he had were salted and sweetened meats without proper vegetables. There was not even a single stalk of greens anywhere among the dinner table and yet half of the older relatives seemed to have one or two noticeable metabolic disorders or deficiencies in sight, walking, hearing and body pains. He had learnt early on from Grimilde that Dwarves hated greens, that's why she made it her mission to learn from Hitoshi how to cook vegetables as delicious as the meat was.

But the bodily problems of House Oakenspire were far more severe than just missing out on vegetables for a week.

Hitoshi resolved himself to fix it while there was still time and made his way to the kitchens.

"L-Lord Furuta, what brings you to our humble Kitchen?!" The frightened chef thought he meant to come to complain about his food which he had spent every ounce of his strength and will to impress him.

"Rest assured. Your food was nourishing, Master Chef. I just wanted to ask if I could borrow your kitchen for a while, if that's alright with you.

"Yes-… of course! My kitchen is at your service, Your Greatness!" The chef and his crew agreed on what he said and awaited his instructions as if he had assumed total control over the kitchen. Hitoshi sighed internally, having no means to amend their addressing of him as they would their own God.

"Where do you drain the blood of the livestock?" If he recalled correctly, blood was part of offerings to the deities in the special region. Hitoshi was shown to the cold storage room where he was presented a vant of duck blood, being the among the various offerings.

"We'll take ten gallons out."

"Might I ask what Lord Furuta intends to do with this?" The head chef asked confused.

"We're going to prepare it for tonights closing dish."

Prepare blood for a meal?! The Dwarves were stricken by the idea of consuming blood for the likes of none other than savages like the Gnolls. But the God of Cookery wanted to prepare something, so it couldn't be as bad as they though it was. Reluctantly, they heaved the appropriate amount of animal blood in vants back to the Kitchen where Melvin had caught word of his actions.

"Whatever Lord Furuta wishes, this Melvin will get it done." The Chief Attendant was surprisingly cooperative.

"Thank you, Sir Melvin. Can I count on you to keep everyone in the dining until I'm done preparing? It'll take under and hour."

"This servant will do his utmost, Your Greatness." Without wasting more time, the Chief Attendant went about entertaining the Oakenspire family and their distant relatives that had gathered. For to him, there was no greater honour than being served by the God of Cookery. House Oakenspire should not miss this chance, be it animal blood or intestines. There was no way he wouldn't prepare something that was good for them.

The Head Chef wished he shared that belief but couldn't imagine when did animal blood coming into making cuisine. If there was one, it would be too exotic for the likes of them.

Hitoshi examined the state of the kitchen and the inventory that was already out, before nodding to himself.

"Excellent, we have just the ingredients."

He dispatched them to arrange all the vegetables he could gather, mostly rooted veg. And also the leftover duck meat and bones that were left out when the choice meats were sliced out and placed on a tray for ease. Hitoshi washed his hands and rolled up his sleeves as he instructed them carefully on how to make the blood into a delicious soup that would curb the unimaginable cholesterol multipliers that was Dwarven cuisine.

Forty minutes later, while Takeo had tired himself out of stories to tell and was in turn told many a Dwarven folktales. Sitting amongst the children as an older Dwarf told the tale of the founding father of all Dwarven society in Velduar. The ancestor to all Dwarves and the father to the sons that would become the Seven Dwarf Lords, Marvyn Griffin.

"Isn't that also Kugel's new surname?" He realized that the new aliase that Kugel had been bestowed by the King was none other than that one.

"It is indeed, Master Kuruta. For you see, Marvyn Griffin had come to this world, eight wives, thirteen daughters and seven sons. Fleeing from what was a dying world, it was Marvyn who had encountered the Forgefather in his earlier days resting in his domain of brimstone and fire." The old Dwarf had the difficulty of making the story sound interesting to the children whilst answering the questions of the larger "child".

"It is said that unlike his sons, Marvyn could hear the voice the earth. And could thus hear the Forgefather's wisdom as clear as I whisper to you now." The old Dwarf went on to tell the exploits of how Marvyn cracked the riddle that would lead to the first forging of Adamantite Alloy by mortal hands. However, nearing his deathbed, he did not tell his sons the method of forging said metal.

"You must listen to the earth, my sons. Only then will your hands be guided to that which you seek." He recited the last words of Marvyn Griffin to his family and left behind a legacy of a kingdom for his scions to inherit.

"So, only someone who can hear the earth can solve the riddle of Adamantite?"

"That's what they say."

"But only Marvyn Griffin had the gift of hearing the earth, right? What does that mean?" Takeo was more curious than the Dwarven Children themselves and pressured the old man as he tried to reach for his pipe to calm his own nerves, he was simply telling a story he heard when he was young himself.

"Most experts speculate that Marvyn might have been a mage." Hekrel interrupted to bring him away from the troubled storyteller.

"But I thought Dwarves had no affinity with magic."

"Yes, we are quite aware of that fact. Although that isn't quite right, there is just one person alive that can use the Forgefather's magic." Even when given hints, Takeo couldn't figure it out for himself.

"He means the Apostle." Kugel appeared with another round of pints to water down the food for the both of them.

"Oh, right." He had only just recalled that Apostles were abnormalities onto themselves, blessed with the attribute powers of the Gods to act as their physical proxies to their fellow Gods and mortal subjects.

"It's as Iraemus says, only his Holiness is the exception that can comprehend the old archives and riddles."

"So he can hear the earth then?"

"I should think so."

"Then why did the Adamantite quality drop?" Hekrel was about to answer back when he also realized it. And took a moment to absorb and reflect on what he knew from the palace.

He then pulled Takeo in to whisper into his ear discreetly.

"Look here, Master Kuruta. While I am not sure whether that be the case or not, it would be unwise to continue speculating this. These walls have ears not of our own. So, please do not ask any further." He gave his warning to Takeo before his mouth reached the ears of people who should not hear this sort of conspiracy theories.

"..Ah- alright." Hekrel was relieved to hear but had been left in doubt by what the open-minded Man in Green had just figured out that no one else had thought to ask.

Why did Adamantite quality drop during Mortar Mobkis' term as Lord Duncan's apostle? Then again, how did Kugel figure out how to reproduce superior quality Adamantite without the apparatus and technical resources of Velduar to aid him in his exile? It was ominous as Hardy's underrealm. Furthermore, it appeared that the King did not unintentionally bestow the last name of Griffin upon Kugel by accident or happy coincidence either. It was hinting a provocation to the traditionalistic factions. Worse, it was a challenge to the Apostle's authority over the temple and the nation.

His Majesty appeared to be playing a deadly game of flames. And to think that much of the King's gamble rested heavily on the one supporting Iraemus from behind. The God of Cookery. Much of what had occurred in elf country from when they were last reported to have been just a two days earlier. How did they cross a thousand leagues over treacherous mountains remained a mystery until this Men in Green told them of a flying vehicle that could circumnavigate the world in relative ease. The High Elves had covered up most of the anomalities that their spies had reported back just this morning. But it was agreed upon that he had caused a rebellion to ignite between the Elven Noble Houses and somehow defeated both the resident Apostle and her God's physical incarnate whilst subjugating the City on his terms.

Which left the outstanding question of whether Lord Furuta would respond back favourably to the King if the Apostle decided to act upon the King's impudence?

The question was, would Lord Furuta back the King if the Apostle decided that he would not tolerate the impudence that the King imposed? King Novar had only one card that kept the God of Cookery on good terms. Their manufacturing capabilities.

The sound of distinct claps to gather everyones' attention to Melvin broke his train of thought as his chief attendant announced that the God of Cookery had made a closing dish for them before they retired. Usually, this was time for fruits and desserts. It added extra excitement and curiosity to what the God of Cookery had personally made for them.

Attendants came out one after another with soup pots which were placed at the centre of the dining table where it was accessible to everyone. The attendants poured out a steaming dark broth into bowls before serving it out to the members of the Oakenspire family including Lord Furuta's own companions.

"My Lord, yours." Melvin passed him his own bowl.

Where its steam bathed his skin passed his beard with a warm tickle and the most fragrant aromas invaded his nostrils.

"Did Lord Furuta tell you what it is?" He asked his chief attendant discreetly.

"I did not question the workings of his Greatness, does my Lord feel differently?" Melvin said politely to his master, even though it was also warning him not to question the God of Cookery's food that he freely cooked.

"Fair enough, Melvin." Hekrel glanced over to the members of his House who were also unsure of whether to drink this ominous looking clear broth that had dark dangerous colours, even though it smelled wonderful.

He looked over to Hitoshi's companions to see they were already drinking without question, he looked back to his family who all were facing him for directions. He understood that they were awaiting his actions first and that he had to lead by example.

Hekrel raised the bowl, neglecting the spoon entirely and drank directly from the broth and was assaulted by such a complex taste that was both not too savoury as the salted meats, yet delicious and wholesome by just drinking it. It revitalized his body, making him feel as energetic as he was in the day while warming his body without making him feel too stuffy.

He exhaled pleasantly after taking more than a few mouthfuls and even became adventurous in eating the contents of the broth. The floating vegetables were delicious. Seeing him enjoy his soup so much, his relatives were inclined to follow him and were equally glad they did. What he enjoyed the most was a strange jelly like pudding that was found within the soup, it very enjoyable and he dare say more so that the softest meat he had ever tasted. The children and the elderly were in the exact same opinion. Under a minute, they were already asking for seconds as he was, with the mind to ask for a third.

"Make sure to get as many of those jelly things as well." He instructed his attendant on what he wanted from the pot.

"Ahhhh! Uncle Hekrel's taking all the jelly!" A naughty nephew informed the rest of his relatives to their disbelief.

"Even if you're master of this house, that's unacceptable Hekrel!"

"That's right, this is the God of Cookery's blessing that should be shared!" Hekrel was forced to surrender the additional puddings as he contently received his second serving just as Hitoshi retired from the kitchen and returned to the dining hall.

Where he received thanks from a few gracious folks for the treat that he gave them that not even the King had yet enjoyed, if he ever got the privilege to.

"What other surprises does Lord Furuta have? House Oakenspire is privileged to have this honour."

"Really, I'm sorry for using your inventory and hijacked your chef's kitchen." Hitoshi only just came out after finishing the last pot of his wonder soup.

"If you had only asked, I would have called upon the entire district if you required it!" Then again, Hekrel reflected on whether he would truly bestow the whole town with his blessings as well. It was certainly raise the spirits of his people.

"Maybe at another time, I just wanted to make sure everyone got the right amount. Some of your relatives seem to be suffering from arthritic joint pains." Hitoshi pointed out a few to justify him taking the kitchen to treat that condition.

Hekrel also notice that said relatives were no longer wearing discomforted faces and were eating happily.

"I was unaware that food could cure such ailments." Dwarven health sciences was at the basic level of understanding that if one ate well, he would live well.

"My Shishou used to tell me, its what you eat that defines you." Hekrel nodded but had no idea what a Shishou was.

"Normally, if a human's diet consisted of nothing but bread, cheese and meats, he'd die of heart complications if he didn't exercise enough. I don't know about Dwarves but I'd say that if you eat the same thing, the same could happen to you as well, if not sooner." They were eating the above average of a human despite their stocky short builds, even if they had iron livers and kidneys, there was a limit that the body could take.


"My Lord?"

"Were they good?" He asked of Hekrel who nodded.

"As pleasant as eating roast beef." That was not true, it was more like it was almost unnoticeable compared to the simplistic boiling of vegetables that the Dwarves were familiar too.

"But I think we can all agree that this jelly is far more enjoyable." On that, the relatives made their compliments known.

"So they enjoyed the blood after all." Hitoshi gave a knowing nod to the Head Chef who had come out of the kitchens.

A sudden silence brewed in the dining when they heard him say what the jelly was made of.

"Forgive me, My Lord. But it sounded like you said blood, could it be a Japanese word for some kind of dish?"

"Nope. It's blood, duck blood coagulated and boiled with the soup."

"Blood is liquid, is it not?" Hekrel voiced the confusion that all of them had. To which Hitoshi couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"But is ice not frozen water?" They could see where he was going, but that would mean that this jelly was frozen, yet it didn't feel cold at all nor did it melt.

"I'll clear some misunderstandings now, its true that if you drink raw animal blood you could increase the risk of disorder or even disease. But if its cooked, it's a great source of body enriching minerals and it cuts on the accumulated grease and oil of all the fatty meat you've been eating. Eat well, yes. But eat smartly as well. And you'll find that you might not only have more years ahead of you all, but can also enjoy them without the worry of ailments. You have my guarantee as God of Cookery." His answer was to all the relatives of House Oakenspire.

"I'm not advising you to give up your favourite roasts or boiled cuisines, or even to limit it. That's your right and privilege to enjoy the bounties which His Majesty, the hardworking folks of Velduar and Duncan have provided you, as it was the sweat off your brow that helped bring that food to your tables."

Telling people that they were eating wrong and should change was the easiest way to have them neglect your advice unless they themselves believe it. Hitoshi had often made trips to public primary schools where he enlightened children on healthy food sciences out of public relations for his Food district where the restaurant was. A person could be told to eat healthy their entire life yet keep to eating just fast foods and convenient store snacks, only to suffer the easily treatable ailments that could have been taken care of if they had just watched their diet carefully.

"I was surprised when coming here, I did not expect this sort of abundance in food in Velduar. But I'm glad that no one will starve here." Hitoshi let out a genuine smile, for if he was the God of Cookery as everyone said he was. Then at least he should ensure that no one would starve in his path if he could help it.

"How does it feel to eat well?" He asked them after they enjoyed his food so much that they didn't care what it really was.

"It was wonderful, Your Greatness!"

"Wonderful? It was fantastic!"

"Why, I feel better already!"

"Absolutely marvelous!"

Hitoshi received a growing applause from the relatives as they loved his strange broth concoction.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind giving that same applause to the Head Chef, his crew and the attendants, no? I guided them, but this soup was made entirely by their hands." Hitoshi credited the chef and the kitchen hands for the preparation and serving of the food which he had only shown an example for them to follow. Meaning that he had given the Dwarven chef and his crew the ability to cook this delicious broth that they were otherwise unable to before.

As expected of the God of Cookery, they thought. To empower mere mortals with these abilities of his. They gave the chef and his crew their much deserved gratitude and praise as well. Looking in their direction, the Head Chef and his kitchen hands bowed ever more sincerely to him as he curtly nodded back to them.

He would give them a few recipes which would be of help to the Dwarves' diet in particular. But for now, he would have to answer Hekrel. For he had just been asked what this soup was.

"Czernina, is what the locals in my world call it. To us, it is known as black brew soup." The black-part referring to the blood when cooked. An Eastern European dish that originated from Poland, it was their rendition of duck blood soup. Although similar dishes appeared in China and South America, it was this recipe that he used due to the similarity in ingredients that were available. He used the Chinese method of producing blood pudding though. It was originally believed to replenish the old and stale blood of the individual who ate it, which in a way was true. Although liver would have done the same, that was the one part of meat the Dwarve all avoided due to its texture.

Because of the broth, the vegetables received the same benefits and flavouring of the soup and its contents while remaining crunchy yet soft.

As the night became later, the relatives departed one after another with comfort in their bellies. They had originally expected to wake up the next day with food cramps and hangovers from binge eating, but the rejuvenating broth that Hitoshi had served them had cleared all those after-effects away. They would sleep soundly tonight, as Hekrel was eager to do having tucked his children into bed early.

Perhaps this pleasantness would make them reevaluate the way they ate in future, maybe they might share it, maybe they'd just return back to the same eating style as before. Either way, Hitoshi had exposed them to the way of a healthier lifestyle.

Hitoshi talked with the kitchen crew who were eager to learn from him this easy way of cooking well but he told them that the secret was to experiment and fail. Fail, and keep failing, until they finally got it right. Lord Oakenspire wouldn't mind the wastage of food if he was guaranteed a delicious meal to come out as a result. The attendants including Melvin were treated to a surprise extra pot that had been kept warm in their servants' pantry. Where they drank the same soup as their Lords' family just before turning in. Hitoshi had kept aside enough for them, for he believed that a healthy working force was also vital. But to the servants, this was more than a blessing, it was a bounty. Hitoshi could hardly imagine how Melvin took it but was told the next morning that the Chief Attendant had licked the bowl clean even when it was unbecoming of a man of his position and expected mannerisms.

Hitoshi's companions were the last to turn in at their rooms. Arpeggio was fast asleep long before the first of the relatives returned to their homes. The Colonel too, had slept early as his old bones and hangover demanded.

After a brief chat with Kugel in the fireplace, Takeo returned to his room that was fit for royalty. Although only possible through Hitoshi's presumed title. Though, he never expected the former to be regarded as an actual God in this world. Not since Amarel, nor how he actually acquired it. His long-time friend had many mysteries behind him, dark secrets and haunted pasts. That's right, Takeo knew that as well. For when they were bunkmates, every night, Hitoshi would suffer from nightmares. So he would wait for Takeo to fall asleep before he did so as not to wake him.

But tonight, he would sleep well. Under the comfort of thick sheets and fluffy pillows, with hot soup warming his belly. Takeo could close his eyes and dream on pleasant dreams.

Maybe he might dream of Persia tonight, and how his proposal of dazzling jewels will win her hand and his future in-laws' approval of their daughter. Or maybe tonight he'll simply dream-

"Wake up. Takeo." He opened his eyes unvoluntarily to the sound of someone calling him which wasn't possible since he had this room all to himself. But opened nonetheless, only to see an inverted face of Hitoshi under the illumination of a gas lamp.

"Wh-…. what is it…?" Hitoshi entered his room at a time when almost all of his muscles had relaxed themselves ready to fall asleep.


Hitoshi dropped something heavy onto his stomach which forced him out of his recline to see what it was. A duffle bag that resembled the one that all servicemen were issued, the weight of it was familiar also.

"What's this-… why did you put my field pack on me?" He asked confused and half-asleep.

"Because we're going to work." Hitoshi said with a serious tone. Takeo was still processing those words while noticing that Hitoshi was no longer in his previous tunic but in combat fatigues and had a pack slung on his back as well as a trench digging tool clipped to the side of the back among other digging apparatus he had personally purchased from the stores during the day.

"What-…. Wait, now!?" As reluctant as Takeo was to acknowledge this as anything but a dream, it wasn't.

The door behind them was knocked upon, where Parna poked herself through the crack.

"Myself and Kugel are ready." She informed him.

"Hang on, what are you doing at this hour?"

"Bringing in Mother Goose." Imazu had affectionately named said aircraft after his own callsign. Right now, the Albatross was exposed to the elements and in danger of being stumbled upon now that they knew the state Velduar was in. Takeo's mind was still denying this as reality, as he was just a blink away from a pleasant night's sleep.

"We've only got three days here including today thanks to the King. And we can't very well use it if all our equipment remains on Mother Goose." Strapped securely in its cargo hold were state of the art forging equipment the likes the Dwarves had never seen before. Trivial and basic in their world, these tools could graft metal with precision unheard of before.

Hitoshi lifted him out of the bed against his will.

"Mother Goose isn't going to move herself you know. Come on, come morning I'll let you sleep in till the next day." Hitoshi didn't blindly promising his group to end the conflict between the Dwarves and Gnolls in three days for fun, nor was it simply empty words. He was on a tight schedule to keep and he needed to make a start now.

"You coming?"

Originally this had been only part of the plan in their visit to Velduar, if things had progressed as they should've. Unfortunately, they had expended their "demonstrative" tools in raising their rebellion in Amarel and finishing off the monsters of the Fane. So now, they had to build their own game-changing weapons that would revolutionize the industry of Velduar to stand-in for firearms. But things had once again taken a twist from their expedition to Volgia, for the key to this possibility now lay on their salvage from the Fane. A shattered blade, derelict armour and a rifle of unknown properties. Each artefact had stranger properties than the first, a combination of science and magic in its circuitry which had never been seen before, yet a bridge between both. All they needed to do was study the fusion rune circuitry that allowed the conversion of mana into electric power.

But bringing back those hefty pieces of equipment and research materials was a business that required the most energetic of companions, particularly, the younger ones. Imazu got a free pass for now because he was expected to represent the Special Task Force on their meeting tomorrow, he left Arpeggio alone to snore away in her room as well for he wanted to consult her extensively on their tour through the Dwarves' research laboratory.

There was no amount of favours Takeo wouldn't have pulled just to close his eyes and pretend that he was asleep and unavailable. But he knew better, he was a soldier and his superior… his friend needed his help. Takeo sighed but got his game face on and requested a minute to changed to an appropriate attire.

"I am."

It looked as if that lovely dream would have to wait.

While the residents of the settlement had been informed of the developments outside of their town, many thoughts were upon how these refugees outside would affect their daily lives more than who they were or where they came from. As one could expect.

Tyuule urged them to all turn in early after their supper while leaving it in the capable hands of the Fuyuki Clan and the remaining Aesir Clansmen. A total of nine special forces operatives and an odd twenty Warrior Bunnies who had been given the assignment to guard the outer perimeter while Ymir and the Aesir Company were away. A measly understrength platoon with an overabundance of firepower for their circumstance.

Roused from their bunks, the rest of the SFG team were placed on guard from their standby position. If their previous experience in relief aid in disaster relief on the mainland had any meaning, it was that rioting was a common place among desperate people. Hungry and anxiety played their part in motivating otherwise unmotivated people to do anything to ease their suffering or get out of harm's way. The advanced groups around Alnus as they were speaking was being subjected to this with the refugees pouring in from the Pro-War Factions' push to Alnus. Respect for law was irrelevant in a breakdown of civil war. None of them had powerful mages by their side or Apostles to watch their back like a certain someone did, the Imperial Army knew that their opponent was Human. And would exploit that very characteristic of their enemy if need be.

Kenzaki said they would be expected to perform riot control duties if things were blown out of proportion, but Sindri instead gave them their usual full combat gear. G36K rifles that were the Company-standard rifle and FN Minimi SAWs. About the only non- and less-lethal item they had were CS gas and flashbang grenades. Did he do this on Kenzaki's orders as well? The SR operatives weren't saying anything either, only collecting their gear and returning to their air defense post up on that mountain vantage point. Leaving the SFGs and Warrior Bunny partisan contingent to police the refugees while they received their rationing of food and also monitoring the checkpoint too.

Curiously, the preserved packs of food given out weren't the basic JSDF MREs but actual UN Humanitarian MREs. A strangely fitting type of relief food stuff to issue out to these displaced citizens of the falling Empire.

When a truck was loaded with enough boxes to feed the refugeesit was driven towards their camp by Sindri himself whilst distributing the arms to the Warrior Bunnies on such short notice. Tyuule couldn't thank him enough, even if he was being overly cautious.

As previously agreed upon, the refugees had made camp a distance away from the checkpoint but not out of sight.

*May I have your attention! One member from each family will come forward to claim the appropriate food for their groups. If you are alone, organize into groups of five to receive an equal share.* While announcing on a megaphone, Noriko took advantage of her superior fluency in the Imperial Language to pass along instructions on how to claim their food from the truck in an orderly manner. The Warrior Bunnies unloaded the boxes and set up a distribution point where rows of refugees awaited their rations.

*If you are unable to collect food for yourselves or are too weak to walk, stay where you are and someone will bring you an issue shortly.* And this was carried out by none other than Tyuule herself, with support from Kuribayashi who had the ability to cheer up children better than the others.

"What is this crap?" One of the refugees complained. Instead of a typical broth or gruel, he was given a weird transparent package that contained biscuits and other sealed preserved foods they'd never seen before.

"Take it or leave it for the others, it's your choice." Sindri told the complacent man straight to his face, if the man wanted to starve, that was his own problem.

"Tsk!" The refugee expressed dissatisfaction as he went on his way with his packs without realizing that he was getting rations that were better than most foods he would ever taste as a poor villager or farmer.

There was open dissatisfaction among the refugees who had been barred from entering, but were receiving aid nonetheless. At least, they weren't in the mood to break out into a riot or border rush. Not while they would face the fabled Men in Green. Of course, if this were an Imperial Town, their rights as imperial citizens were zero. Its garrison would have likely bludgeoned anyone who attempted to slip past and kill any who smuggled them through illegally.

Only one outworlder felt differently about this situation and thought that they were still mistreated, nonetheless. Komurasaki could only be seen up to his usual nonsense, appearing as if he were an adjudicator for the Human Rights organisations. Hoping his vigilance of watching the SFGs would catch them breaking an ethical boundary or international law, despite them not applying in this world. Things were as tense as they could be without the bulk of the SR company with them, worse still, Helheims commanding officer was away on mission with a Resource Investigation expedition. They had only the Warrior Bunnies to rely on as back up, but how competent were they? The SFGs were all aware of the war that stripped them of their homeland, but that was years ago. How combat proficient were they, and how would they react to rapidly changing situations is what they wanted to know?

"Here you are." Tyuule passed out a plastic sealed MRE to a man with a missing leg.

"B-… Bless you!" Replied the lame man, surprised that anyone would give him anything in the state he was in. Not everyone was as pushy as those out in front were, there was innocence in the form of elderly, wounded, crippled and child. Who had no choice but to stay in a group if they hoped to survive through the winter.

Kuribayashi was of bigger help, and seemed more acquainted with relief aid work as she showed them how to open the many packets to get to their contents. Vacuum sealed packaging was still an alien concept to such simple folk of the Special Region, it couldn't be helped that they would regard it was a certain level of suspicion to the food that was naturally farmed.

Tyuule did her best to give out the MRE packs particularly to those who couldn't collect it themselves and had no able kin to do it for them. Internally, she brooded on why she even hired her bodyguard if all she wanted to do was drink from dawn to nightfall.

That miserable drunk dragonoid woman was nowhere to be seen, the clerks could only tell her that she was last heard from chasing after some kind of smell about the air while she had actually stayed away from the bar for a whole day. Clearly, no one else could catch a whiff of what she was following. Then again, Yam De Gurcia was a member of the draconian people who often caught wind of catastrophes before they happened, she also harnessed the power of wind attribute magic as most of her race members did. Allowing her to catch whispers in the wind when those doing the discreet exchanges thought they weren't heard. If it had anything to do with the sudden appearance of the refugees, Yam was nowhere near them.

"Your assistance is appreciated, My Lady Iota." The voice of the merchant made himself know to her, treading through the masses that sat down figuring out how to open and eat the contents of these strange packages.

"…" The faster these refugees were sated, the quicker they could leave this place without attention being drawn to them. But Tyuule wasn't going to say that in front of these people. She knew the mentality of desperate people better than anyone given her repertoire as the real hand behind Oprichnina.

Instead, she answered him by handing out one of the packages to the merchant named Cimon.

"I thank your ladyship for her concern, but I have plenty of my own food."


Yet he didn't give any to the refugees, Cimon was not a kind person. Justifiably, what he brought was his own and had all the right to keep it to himself, especially to the likes of refugees who wouldn't think a second thought to kill and rob him of his food supply if not for his substantial bodyguard detail paid with coin from his own pocket.

"All the same, these can keep for months without turning bad." She insisted to which he smiled as he received the packet by holding her hand.

"Then, how could I refuse?"

She smiled out of courtesy as she retracted her hand, only for Cimon to keep his latched onto her uncomfortably long.

"If My Lady would permit me by speaking blatantly, these hands have much… character." The merchant brought up the uncomfortable subject to the roughness of her hands. From the callus on her palms in certain areas.

"Might I recommend an ointment, one that would do wonders for the skin?"

Tyuule tugged her hand back to indicate that he was holding her longer than he should.

"I have no need of such luxuries, Mister Cimon. Your wares would be wasted on me." She politely refuted him as she possibly could without showing her discontent.

"My Lady is indeed modest. But I don't mean to sell it so much as I'm willing to offer it to you for free. As thanks for the shelter, no matter how temporary it is." Cimon wanted to give her a gift as a token of appreciation? This merchant was truly wayward yet charming, although not that wayward as "him".

"I'm not so sure-…."

"Please, it would be a great honor. Furthermore, I'd like you to give a second opinion on the ointments and perfumes I have in store."

"Wasn't Mister Cimon not a spice merchant?"

"I am, although at times like these, it is better to diversify, no?" This was reasonable from a merchant's perspective, especially when the market was currently in a very precarious situation on its own.

"Will My Lady not grace me just a moment of her time?"

Tyuule found herself not wanting to mingle amongst them longer than she should, they were just strangers from here and there. Who had no commitment to her cause and her to theirs. She was uneasy because she of all people knew how mobs worked better than most. She had seen how Oprichnina and the Haryo had roused the slums of the Capital and Telta by manipulating crowd mentality, she had pressured them to do so, yes. But their means of getting the job done reflected the worst of their characters all the same.

This merchant felt no different, he might be representing them in speech, but he was also using the crowd as his shield against the elements and wilderness without proper conpensation. What sort of honeyed words did he feed them in order for them to march up to her settlement in such a demanding manner? Perhaps, it was better that she found out now than later, so it would pay to speak to him more.

"In a minute, after I've ensured all have had their fill." Tyuule politely excused herself as she handed out whatever remained in her possession.

"Of course, Her Ladyship need not rush." Cimon bowed elegantly for a merchant.

By the time she assessed the situation at the collection point, the truck had more a less emptied its hold as the Japanese soldiers packed the folding tables and other apparatus they brought along. Content that they had done something noteworthy for once in their station here in Helheim. Tyuule returned to hear the details of their part in the relief effort and account for the numbers of extra rations remaining. Out of five hundred MRE rations, four hundred and thirty were given out.

While it was prudent to waste the rest, Sindri, Kenzaki and herself agreed that they should leave the rest here for the refugees in case they needed more since it was already brought out and they had expected to give out that many. Noriko made her announcement that anyone was free to take a second helping if they wanted from the stack of boxes that remained at the collection point, while the SFGs and Warrior Bunnies were ready to return to their post at the checkpoint.

"You want me to what?..." Was it the way she phrased it that caught Noriko's attention as strange coming from her? Tyuule didn't know, Noriko only smiled and nodded her head agreeing to come along.

"Of course, I'll come!" Noriko seemed to have gotten the wrong idea about what she intended to do, having talked about the merchant's wares, she thought she was going there to give a second opinion.

Tyuule sighed as she was pulled along by Noriko to have a look, while Sindri inquired on their returning to the refugee camp.

"I would like to learn of the merchant's intentions." She told him straight, so that there would be no misunderstandings.

Sindri nodded and called the Lieutenant to accompany her, since it was only natural for a ranking officer to accompany the ladies which he did reluctantly but caught up nonetheless.

"Didn't he say he was a spice merchant?" Tyuule was surprised by Kenzaki's memory and smiled.

"Honestly, he feels too smart for a travelling merchant." Travelling merchants were bound by their expenses and had to make profit by means of supply and demand in distant towns and cities. But the way Cimon brought about himself had more class. And definitely someone who could afford to set up a shop or even a guild to manage exchanges at a larger scale.

Kenzaki didn't like it when she said it that way, almost as if she was accusing him for being an advanced scout of the enemy.

"Understood." He gave the most minimal of answers which was backed up by his rifle cocked and put on its safety, ready to fire at his notice. If they couldn't get information out of him, he had better not make it back to his main camp if he really was a scout infiltrator.

"I hope it is just my imagination and paranoia….." Tyuule murmured but not out of earshot.

"You and me both." Kenzaki replied as he walked alongside Noriko and Tyuule.

Passing through the refugee grounds that had grouped themselves around campsites to warm themselves near their fireplaces, the merchant's campsite was not hard to find. As it was the brightest of all, with lanterns lit and hung on the trees, complete with tents pitched next to their caravan carriages. A dozen of the merchant's private mercenaries loitering around the fires having themselves roast piglet on a spit rotating over the fire. A little bit too much in the presence of this many hungry mouths, yet when Kenzaki turned back to the refugees they turned away instinctively afraid.

"You have come!" The merchant exclaimed excitedly. "And with company…."

He acknowledged that she obviously wouldn't come alone, but her choice of companions intrigued him. A woman and only one Men in Green warrior.

"Once more, I am Cimon. A merchant of Italica, but I hailed from Proptor. Please to make your acquaintance."

"Lieutenant Takeji Kenzaki, Japanese Self Defence Force."

"Noriko-… uh!.." Noriko wondered if she should have mentioned her name at all given her unique situation. But neither the Lieutenant nor Tyuule told her off.

"Wonderful, then, shall I show you the products?" He walked over to one of the carriages to bring them out.

Kenzaki vigilantly scanned his surroundings, particularly towards the guards, but none of them seemed to care about their presence and continue to do their own thing.

The merchant pulled out a cosmetic box that had many drawers that revealed its contents. As he said, ointments of the skin in vials. But there were also rouge powder, and face creams in tin capsules.

"Please, tell me what your heart desires." He encouraged them to sample and chose.

Noriko loomed over the boxes containing the mud.

"Ah, Miss Noriko has good eyes. This is volcanic mud from Bellnagho. Do not be fooled by its origins, for while it is the centre of worship to the Mistress of the Underworld, her mud springs are said to renew one's skin to their prime." It was a bold claim indeed, but what would he be if he didn't market his own products well?

Tyuule found that to engage the merchant further, she would have to give him what he wanted. So she too looked over the cosmetics looking over the rouge powder but remembered Mari mentioning something about it being bad for her body. Lead compound and cinnabar were toxic to the skin and body when absorbed. It was common knowledge to Japan but to the socialites and young ladies in waiting of the Empire, this was a ticking time bomb to their health and looks. While she had no need of these cosmetics during her rule, they were necessary at times to cover up the bruises and cuts left by that vicious man in his efforts to torment her body. Zorzal had both a fickle memory and temprement, forgetting his deeds the next day like everyday was a new day. There was no respite with him in his attempts to break her spirit. But would she break so easily? Her will to defy him was to surpass his expectations, that's how she expressed her defiance, by continuing the fight in her own pathetic way.

That was the life which she had lived not too long ago. The memory of it haunted her to the point that it showed on her face as she retracted her hands away from the rouge box that ignited that horrid experience in her mind.

"Iota?" Her distress was noticed by them.

"Perhaps the shade of colour is too strong." The merchant reasoned.

"I'm alright." She told Noriko who held her arm to support her weight.

"Maybe its time we retire." Noriko hadn't taken into account that Tyuule had been working all day, and had even imposed on her to the extent that she did this afternoon.

"No. I'm fine." Tyuule assured her as she balanced herself once more, she approached the box with Cimon awaiting her. She was done playing games with him, it was time to expose him for what he truly was.

She picked up a vial and brought it to her face to take a whiff of its contents.

"Rose…." She could instantly pick up the perfume fragrance without a second thought.

"My lady is indeed correct. Sourced from the Tuba mountains, a rare flower called Turbac, that is harvested only once a year. A very dangerous process given the effort to climb the mountain, and until recently, been home to none other than that Flame Dragon. The one your friend over there whose group had taken out." He gave a nod to Kenzaki but received none in return.

"Wow….." Even Noriko acknowledge the effort taken by the gatherers of this product's key ingredient.

"Wrong." But Tyuule said otherwise.

"My Lady?" The merchant sounded confused.

"This is not Turbac." Her eyes were as steadfast as she was with her motion of placing it back on its stand.

"This is but a common rose petal variety, Marda's passion."

"My lady, I assure you it is not-." But Tyuule wasn't done there as she pointed to that vial once more.

"Turbac is indigo in hue, as is its essence. However, your vial contains amber colour essence. While its scent is almost the same, Turbac has the addition of keeping its qualities around than permeating through the air." All those times passing those gossiping nobles' wifes and mistresses did not leave her without knowledge of the variety of beauty products but also about the activities of their husbands. The merchant began to show some surprise that he had not known this.

"I beg your forgiveness, My lady! I never meant to-."

"Deceive me?" Tyuule snickered as even after that mistake he slyly tried to cover it up as incompetence and simple conning.

"Just because the vial had said it was Turbac, does not mean it is. But you didn't know that did you?" Tyuule had finally caught him for his mistake in his cover. Noriko began to realise that this had never been about sampling the products as she stepped away, but something else.

Cimon, if that was really his name was quiet in his reply.

Kenzaki already had his rifle selector switch off the safeties and in a ready stance.

"A real merchant, whether crocked or not would have at least masked the fluid appearance with pigment or dye. Yet you sell these wares as if they belonged to someone else." It probably did, the actual merchant may have been deprived of his belongings and his identity assumed but it left the mistakes and quirks of his effects standing.

"Which begs the question as to who sent you to spy on us?" Tyuule finally revealed her suspicion of the young merchant who did not fit his description well.

(clap)(clap)(clap) "Bravo, Iota. Bravo." Instead of hesitating before these accusations, Cimon smiled pleasantly as he clapped his hands to applaud her inquisitive nature and deduction.

"To think you would ruin my cover that I had spent a great deal of study on. It was not easy rile it out of my cover. He was so stubborn about his stupid perfumes and ointments, even burning his own diary to prevent me from stealing his trade." It was as Tyuule predicted, Cimon had stolen the cover of the actual merchant with a warrant from Italica.

"Actually, you were meant to inhale a sedative I'd recommend next. But to think that you'd find out so soon is quite refreshing as well." He exclaimed with much unfounded glee as he walked towards her with seemingly ill intent with his façade broken. But instead of retreating, Tyuule pulled out her sidearm and pressed it against his forehead before he got within grappling distance.

Cimon did not move, yet he did not show a disturbed face even though it was clear that he knew what kind of device she was holding.

"I'll ask once more, before I rile YOU out of your cover my own way." It was not a ruse, he knew that, and so did everyone around them too.

Naturally, with their charge threatened at gunpoint, the bodyguards converged. But the cocking sound of Kenzaki's rifle told them he meant business as well.

"Who are you?" Tyuule would not ask again, as she was poised to end his life herself if she didn't get a satisfactory answer.

"I'm Cimon, there's no doubt about that. And I am a prefect of His Majesty Zorzal El Caesar's Imperial Forces." He said with a bow despite the gun to his head.

"Nonsense. There are no expeditions besides those to Proptor and Italica."

"Oh? How intriguing, to think that you of all people would know His Majesty's grand campaign. However, you made one mistake in your assumptions of me and my crew."

"Get back!" Kenzaki warned the bodyguards that increased in number from out of the shadow and as they inched closer to them. He was ready to fire a warning shot next.

"We weren't sent to spy on the likes of you or that Cook's territory…" Hearing this, Tyuule was astounded within that they knew this was Furuta's land.

"But to burn it to the ground."

And in that moment of carelessness, a sword appeared from behind his back and disarmed her of the pistol. Before he grappled her two hands in the next stance and beholding before him were a set of eyes trembling in fear for the first time.

"Yearghh!" (crash)

The Imperial's grip loosened as the cosmetic box came crashing down on his head.


Taking advantage of his stifle, Noriko grabbed Tyuule but the hand and wrenched Cimon's off her's and away from that man. When Tyuule came to in her hesitance, she had realised that Noriko had been the one to protect her from that cunning trickster.

(Bang)(Bang) Kenzaki fired his warning shots and alerted the garrison that something had happened to them. The question was, would they react in time? His next shot would be at anyone courageous enough to meet the end of his muzzle.


"Hardy's teet, you little black-haired bitch!" The prefect raged at his face being cut by the glass vials smashing and embedding his face.

As Noriko backed away shielding Tyuule with her arms held out. Why was she being protected this way, she couldn't understand. After all the wickedness she was responsible for upon Noriko. The sight of her protecting her as if it was her only means of life was heartwrenching to Tyuule.

"What are you all waiting for, grab them!" At his command, the bodyguards who were clearly not legal protection squads raised their weapons out of their robes and charged with wild abandon at the only threat to present.

(Bababaam) (Bababaam) Kenzaki fired disciplined bursts at four individuals who were unfortunate enough to enter his line of sight, but he was quickly overwhelmed from all sides in a matter of seconds.


"Hold him down!"

He ended up raising his rifle to block a swing of a sword that toppled him to the ground as they reached out and grabbed him from all sides restraining him for good before he could bring up his sidearm or anything else. They quickly with discipline only found amongst professionals of these traits, gagged his mouth and begun tying rope around him. Attempting to remove his sidearm while he struggled. But it was clear that they did not intend to kill them, not yet. But take them as hostages to gain access into the settlement through its remaining defenses.

Tyuule realised how grave an error she had made that had not only endangered her own life but everyone else. With her, they would attempt to force the settlement to yield, with Kenzaki, they would tell the remaining SFGs to lower their weapons.

And then, they would begin to ravage her people.

-Not again!-

Her mind screamed as the anxiety overwhelmed her ability to think of a way out of this. It was impossible, with fifty more men closing in and Kenzaki disarmed. It was just her and a hopelessly brave Noriko trying to fend for themselves.

In this desperate moment, she was assaulted by a feeling of hesitance and anxiety that felt almost too familiar. And then she realised, it was a repeat of the events three years in the making. It was happening again, that turning point that decided it all.

If she was alive, they would seek to use her to exploit her people once more. They might live, but under the thumb of yet another tyrant. If she were to die, they might as well, as the Prefect was certain of his standing directives. All that work that she and Furuta put into building this sanctuary, its people who tried to make it their new home. She could not bear to see it all gone. But she could not allow herself to be the result of that, which meant one thing only.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a knife which increased the caution of the legionaries as they approached to bound them with rope and net. A gift that had been given to her when she was first given her alias and disguise. But instead of raise it against them, she placed it against her neck.

"Iota!" Noriko had only turned around for a moment to see her friend performing this.

"Boss! She's gonna end her own life!" The anxious Optio called out to his leader for instructions.

"You imbeciles, don't tell me that!" He wanted to shout at them for not acting sooner as they did with the Men in Green.

"Iota, please!" Noriko tried to talk her out of it with both pleas and desperation on her face.

"I'm sorry, Noriko….. I should never have brought you here."

"It doesn't matter, don't let it end here!" Noriko could be seen pleading her in a hysteric manner. As the Imperial legionaries sought an opening to grab hold of her, they were smart enough to lay off Noriko for she was the only one convincing Tyuule to yield.

"I'm sorry, Noriko! I'm so sorry….." Tyuule let out tears as she let her heart pour out at this crucial moment. Which only worsened Noriko's anxiety, right after saving her from herself, her benefactor was going to kill herself?

"Don't… just don't!... Iota-…" Noriko couldn't let that happen, even if it killed her.

"Iota-…. Iota is not my name…." Tyuule could no longer maintain the lie that she built.

"What? What are you saying?!"

With the other hand, she lifted the veil off her head exposing her head and more importantly, her face.

"….. No-… it can't be-….." It was Noriko's turn to be astonished and bewildered. How could she forget that face, how could she not notice that tone and voice all this time?

The Legionaries gave them respite for they too were beguiled by her seeming beauty and piercing eyes that reflected with the tears in her eyes. Somehow, it paralysed there moments from their hearts. It was as if they were looking upon a Goddess incarnate, they, were forcing this Goddess to commit suicide than be defiled. The prefect was no different to his men, only that it had confirmed his resolve to claim her as his own.

"How did-…" How did she escape Zorzal's grasp is what she wanted to ask? But those words wouldn't come out.

"I'm sorry, Noriko….. for deceiving you all this while."

"N-None of that matter now!- Just-…" In her fumbling to get Tyuule to do otherwise, the latter's expression only expressed a smile and a will to do the opposite of what she asked.

"Let me pay for it all with my life." Tyuule pressed the knife harder against her throat as she closed her eyes to reflect upon the glimpses of her memories, how few those precious ones were.

Yet, strangely they only began when she met Noriko. That fateful meeting with "him", their hot-cold banter, the day that she opened up to him, every meal that she ever had with him, the settlement and its inhabitants. These were truly the only joyful memories that she had ever had. Not even when she was still a queen or before it, those grey days of being raised to be a leader she never asked to be. And of course, glimpses of the one that was responsible for all these emotions. Regret began to cloud her thoughts, as she wished that those days could continue, that he would be there to ensure that it would go on and perhaps…. Grow into something new and exciting.

-I'm sorry- ….- "Guurrgh!?"

Her world suddenly turned over as she opened her eyes to find herself knocked over by brute force. And the Legionaries that tried to pry the knife from her hands.

"Bind her now!" The prefect ordered as he made every attempt to stop her from ending her own life.

When the knife was no longer available to her she opened her mouth wide to bite down on her own tongue. But was foiled once more by a cloth gag swiftly wrapped around her mouth.

"Keep her steady!" Her captors instructed one another.

"By the Gods! What is she made of?!" They couldn't believe the strength behind her movements to break free of her bindings as she made so that if they didn't kill her they could get hurt.

"A pure-bred, an alpha amongst their kind. So expect nothing less of a Warrior Bunny Amazon like her." The prefect relaxed himself as he wiped the blood from his lips.

Noriko was restrainted without difficulty, due to her weaker disposition.

"You want to continue struggling?" The prefect asked her simply as he took a dagger, and plunged it into her gut when she showed a look of defiance.

"NORIKOO!" Tyuule screamed in pain as her friend fell on her knees looking at the blood from her abdomen in her hands.

But the prefect was not done with her yet, even in that state. Grabbing her by the arm to raise her towards Tyuule, in a final bid to make her end her struggles.

"Yield, and she will be saved!"

Noriko hung like a marionette almost lifelessly as colour drained from her face and eyes into a zombish dullness. In that desperate moment, all they needed was Tyuule to relinquish her strength by a little bit for a split second to overpower her and complete her bindings. As for Noriko, Cimon simply let go over her. Allowing her body to plummet to the ground, bleeding out slowly, for he had no intentions of fulfilling his promises.

There was never a more vexing moment for Tyuule before, except one, because it was exactly the same as that time. She let her resentment and pain be known despite the cloth gag muffling her cries of how helpless she'd become once more. Not allowed to enjoy a normal but fulfilling life, nor allowed to take it than suffer this agony over again.

"That's the look I wanted from you all along, My Lady." The prefect said mockingly as he raised her head by the chin with his palm. The look of someone strong whose spirit was being crushed, he had savoured that emotion many times on his many exploits in banditry and pillaging of towns and cities. Often, it was the governors he tortured physically or mentally, he could not get enough of it. It became the only drug he ever needed as he spoiled his men with riches and women. Someone so crocked to the core that his only meaning in life was to watch others suffer.

"We will enjoy seeing your many expressions soon." His soldiers laughed with satisfaction as they could only agree with him.

And in response, Tyuule's eyes glared at him behind their dampness. With a fire so strong that it made all the feelings of despair and anxiety strip away, even making him lose his composure briefly.

The Prefect's response to her defiance was made apparent with his hand held up wielding a bludgeon to beat it out of her. There was nothing more exciting than to see her flame flicker.

But because of it, he noticed that the others didn't…. a shadow reflected from her blood ruby eyes. A shadowy silhouette falling from the moonlight above.

(BANG) A powerful burst of wind blasted their surroundings and lifted even the heaviest of his soldiers into a few feet off the ground. A popping sound that caused an intense ringing in their ears and disorientated them.

Yet, those that were unaffected was Tyuule herself and Kenzaki.

"Quickly, My Lady!" The silhouette of the winged draconian woman held out her hand towards her.

Without taking a second more to reflect, she held that scaley hand and let her semi-reliable bodyguard do her job.

Yam let her wings beat against the ground to gain momentum as she also murmured a wind-attribute spell with area of effect to blast those Legionaries a second time to give her breathing space to take off.

"You, there! Hurry up!" She called to Kenzaki who had realised that she was offering him a chance to get clear of this mess.

"Oh no you d-(Bang) gurghh!?" Picking up his fallen pistol, he shot his captors each before running over to pick up Noriko as he rushed towards Yam's outstretched hand.


"Hurrghhh!" She hefted the weight of three additional people without even murmuring a complaint.

"Stop them! Archers!" The optio was the quickest to recover and saw that their efforts were about to get wasted. But Kenzaki was already ahead of them as he tossed a canister behind as he made his exfiltration.

"Shut your eyes both of you!" He said as they were in mid-flight, considered dangerous for the one who needed to see where he was flying. But she had noticed he had thrown something earlier, a device which she had witness them use in their training simulations and paid dearly for not heeding the advice at that time, but not this time.

(Bang) A loud discharge of noise and light disorientated those who were able and attempting to stop them.

Given this window, Yam made the climb despite not hearing the call to do so. And lifted them with her combined strength and magic pushed to its limits. She knew that she couldn't go far with their weight, but it was enough to clear this refugee camp. Clearing the canopy of the forest, she flew for a stretch of two hundred yards in under twenty seconds. Before losing flight altitude and bashed through the canopy once more as she tried to make an abrupt landing.

Releasing Kenzaki first who performed a tumble to reduce his momentum, followed by Tyuule and Noriko. But there was no time to take a breath, as the activity at the refugee camp begun to come with angry shouts and frightened screams. The Legionairres were coming.

But so were the Men in Green and Warrior Bunnies, who they were within thirty yards from the checkpoint to. Came rushing to their aid almost immediately. Kenzaki called out to his men to form up on him, to create a firing line to meet the approaching Imperials. Yam quickly approached her employer who had been trying in vain to keep the blood from pouring out of Noriko's puncture wound.

"Her wounds aren't fatal but if not treated quick will lead to blood loss." Sindri who had approached first assessed the injuries and gave his assessment before tearing a coagulation agent over her stab wound.

"Ueergghhhhh!" Noriko screamed as the agent chemically clotted with her blood and coughed out blood violently.

"…Tyuule!-….." She called out as her hand reached out and said person immediately grasped hold of it tightly.

"I'm here!"

"Tyuule-…." Despite the pain, the look on her face was anything but completely pain and agony.

"Yes, it's me!" But a misplaced and pained smile with bloody teeth that showed her relief.

"You foolish girl, what do you think you were trying to achieve?!" Tyuule cried over her only friend's apparent foolhardiness that had almost cost her her life.

"Never do that again!" Noriko wanted to say something back that she didn't think she would have the courage to, but it wouldn't come out. All she could respond with was her hand touching the side of Tyuules cheek with affection, before fatigue begun set in, causing her to lose consciousness.


"She's fine, as long as Sergeant Kurokawa can give her a bloodbag." Sindri assured her once more as he called a pair of Warrior Bunnies to bring her away as fast as their feet could allow it on a stretcher.

(Bababababaam) In the midst of all this worrying over Noriko's perceived condition, she had largely neglected the skirmish that had broken out between the SFGs and what was revealed to be a raiding party of Imperial forces. As the Imperial archers darted between the cover of the thick pine trees as they unleashed a fury of arrows their way. But couldn't get an accurate shot off while Caster and Assassin laid heavy suppressing fire from their Squad Automatic Weapons. While the other riflemen were making precise shots through the magnified optics on their rifles. However, limited by the low light conditions. Adding to their firepower, albeit reluctant and afraid were the Warrior Bunnies who were simply told to fire at whatever popped into their line of fire. However, they could not expect much from them given that this was their first combat experience with firearms.

It was not long before the Imperial Forces began to change their methods of attack rapidly. The refugees who were accompanying them, had long bolted the scene. The neighing of horses could be heard despite the crack of gunfire, which alerted Sindri to an impending cavalry charge of substantial size.

"Fall back to the checkpoint, now!" He told Kenzaki after tapping him on the shoulder whilst he was immersed in combat.

"And give up ground to them to manuever? Not a chance!" He had been concerned over the effects of leaving the density of the forest which was also impeding the Imperials in their advance, at least they had the range advantage and firepower to suppress them with.

"I've got a surprise awaiting them, but we need to clear the checkpoint area!" Sindri informed him of a contingency he had placed previously that he had not been aware of. But given that their ammunition would run low eventually, it was better to fall back while they had the window of opportunity before the Imperials threw something heavier than the horse archers that were skillfully passing through the woods.

Kenzaki had never seen the Imperials fight this tenaciously before, and at such well planned out attack patterns. Furthermore, these troops were different from the regular forces both in outfit and formation. They seemed less like a proper legion and more auxilia forces, more flexible than their heavy infantry counterparts and lighter. Making them more than likely to overwhelm his team with their superior numbers.

"Clear the way!" Assassin shouts as he turns around and doubles back, crossing Berserker's line of fire. Their fifth bound backwards towards the checkpoint which was only ten yards away, as Sindri was inside the post fiddling about with something.

As for the Imperials, the sent in something new besides archers and skirmish light cavalry.

(Rumble) (Rumble) Something big.

"Ogres, one o'clock!" Kenzaki could hardly believe it as did Caster who first spotted them through his passive night vision searching for targets of opportunity. How did they hide those types of monsters from them?!

"Sir! It's ready!" Sindri whistled over to them from a distance to get their attention.

"Alright, fall back! Fall back!" After expending the remaining ammunition in their rifles one after another, they sprinted back to where Sindri was covered by the Warrior Bunnies who were surprisingly calm thanks to the leadership of one of theirs that Kenzaki recognised from before. While slower in fire rate, the high-powered rounds overmatched the protection of the trees and managed to maim or outright kill some of the approaching skirmishers. Causing no less of a concern for the outmatched but numerically superior Imperial forces. However, the presence of Tyuule remaining there to partake in this defense by taking up a rifle from one of her own to fire back had ignited their resolve to stand firm. As for her appearance, a bloodstain smeared on her face had done the job of covering up her features. Not that the Warrior Bunnies were looking at any of these features if they had recognised it from before. For the fury in her eyes as she fired upon the Imperial commanders from afar was about the only thing they were focused on. Every shot from the appropriated Garand rifle she fired was a retaliative blow for the hurt they had caused to Noriko.

And then she saw him in the distance. A young scarred face that picked up her fallen pistol and veil to examine them and turned back to where the fighting was occurring. He could not see her, but he could feel the killing intent directed upon him from a certain vector. The optio and his retinue came forward to speak about their next strategy when one of the bullets struck an officer of his, raising their guards instantly.

Yet for that lucky shot, the other remaining shots in her magazine failed to hit its target who remained perfectly still even when fired upon. Yet the shots kept whizzing his way, as determined as the one shooting those long-distance shots was at hitting him, they merely struck the scenery around the Prefect. And when she had fired the last round that the Warrior Bunny had on her bandolier who was willing to provide the ammunition, she roared her anxieties as being unable to hit that bastard. While said bastard chuckled mirthfully at his good fortune and how his fortitude paid off. For his assumptions were correct, while firearms were deadly and precise, they were only as good as its user was and difficult to land hits at distances were their target was almost unnoticeable.

And for all the bravado, Tyuule had at giving her kinswomen the courage to stand in such a field against such odds. She had failed to kill that man who had tortured her so, she realised that she was no longer needed in the field as Sindri and Kenzaki were up to something.

The column of titanic armoured ogres started to converge on their location, using their lumbering mass and close combat weapons to shove aside the dense vegetation and anything that got in their way. The infamous "Scopedogs", aptly named due to their silhouette similarity to said sci-fi machine. There were a type of monster they were currently not equipped to handle with their grenades and small-arms. And where was Komurasaki, who was eager to see and document this sort of combat up close?

Once they returned to the checkpoint area, they reformed the firing line to keep the other smaller targets in check.


A battle cry could be heard behind the growl of those behemoths, as the Imperial Forces saw their withdraw as an encouragement to push them. A mere force of only two dozen riflemen, less than what the typical Jietai patrol consisted of on the outskirts of Italica and Alnus.

"Whatever, you gonna do, do it now!"

Sindri came out of the post holding a blasting device coupled to a bundle of wires, making them realise that he had wired the entire perimeter for such an attack. But the armourer did not ignite the fuse yet but allowed the Imperial Forces to converge in greater numbers.

"Sindri!" Not only the Warrior Bunnies, but the SFGs were becoming shaken by the numbers that could only be equated to at least a battalion-size force.

"Wait for them to commit." He said while watching the Imperials adopt a new tactic of hiding their infantry behind the massive silhouettes of the ogres for protection, like how they used fire support vehicles for cover. This alarmed Kenzaki by the familiarity of these tactics to their own, the Imperials were learning their troop tactics at an astronomical rate and effectively using it. Even though they were better trained than the average riflemen, they hardly dealt significant casualties to the Imperials who weren't coming towards them in the usual line formations.

"Sindri!" Kenzaki called out once more as the row of Imperials and their ogre vanguard were approaching dangerously close.

"Wait…." Was all he said, how close did he and the SR company bury his charges?

And after five more daunting seconds of allowing them to advance, Sindri flipped the switch and shouted.

"Fire in the hole!"

"Get down!" Kenzaki told his crew and the Warrior Bunnies in unison, who obeyed his command.

As Sindri's "welcome surprise" was actuated by an electrical charge sent by a piezo-electric trigger. Turning the entire front of the checkpoint and where the ogres now currently stood into an eruption of blinding orange-white fire.

(BOOOOOOM) As an explosive line charge with increments of napalm drums buried underneath were set off turning the entire forest line along the checkpoint into a forest fire.

When they rose from their cover to see what became of the assault, they saw two ogres standing eerily still, roasted from where they stood. While behind the sound of crackling fire was the screams of the archers and skirmishers who had been doused with a healthy amount of incendiary compound as they rolled around in agony.

There were some ogres that survived and turned around as they ran amok amongst the survivors who were in the way of their rout. Dealing further damage to the bulk of their initial wave. Whatver the case, the assault had been stopped. If only temporarily, it gave them time to reorganize their defences against this impending Imperial attack.

The Warrior Bunnies cheered their minor victory which seemed to have forced the Imperials to halt, but not the SFGs and certainly not Kenzaki. For he watched as soldiers like himself were dying a slow and agonising death which he had been instrumental in calling for, even if he hadn't been the one to plant them there.

"Let's go back and form a strategy, shall we?" Sindri was rather calm about the way he had plotted the deaths of their aggressors, even if it could have been more humanely arranged.

"Fall back…" Kenzaki ordered his group while the Warrior Bunnies needed no commands as they returned. The SFGs doubled back, as they were aware that time was precious, and every second dedicated to preparations could reward them a better chance against this incursion force.

Yet, the last one to vacate the area was Tyuule again in the company of her bodyguard. Kenzaki approached her to guide her back, wondering if the encounter they had had traumatised her in some way.

But as he looked at her eyes staring into the flame, he realised that the flame in her eyes wasn't a reflection of that wall of napalm. Beyond the firewall that separated the Imperials from their prize, a young prefect stared with bloodshot eyes at the utter failure to not only capture the leaders of the settlement and its garrison commander, but had failed to overwhelm just a few dozen in their skeleton crew. And now, he had to wait until the fire had died down which would take at least till dawn. He would have to face yet another defensive approach in order to attain his prize. Weeks of waiting, wasted. He stared as intensely into the flame as the person on the other side of it.

"Miss Iota." Tyuule responded only the third time to his call and turned his way, her expression changed, and that look of resentment gone.

"Promise me something, Mister Kenzaki."

She turned to him with her face fully revealed to him, and a bloodstain over her face and a flaming visage in her eyes that

She turned to him revealing her face for the first time to him in all his awe at how stunning she was behind that veil. And more so with the piercing gaze and bloodstain over her face, it reflected something primodial.

He was beginning to understand why her race and not any other was selected for Operation Tanegashima. Why Furuta had chosen the Warrior Bunnies among all other seemingly allied races and nations. Why Iota of all people? Not for her skills in management, not her political charisma nor her kindness to her kinswomen and other folk.

"What is it?"

When he looked at Tyuule he could not help shaking the believe that he was looking not just at a Goddess incarnate at this moment.

"That you leave that damn bastard for me…"

But a Goddess of War.

Five silhouettes departed from Oakshire Manor at the curfew hours without a single guardsman noticing anything. Only that Chief attendant Melvin demanded a routine inspection at odd hours away from a certain back entrance, not that Hitoshi had anything to do with it.

Outside, an empty carriage awaited them.

"Made a few friends while were were in town." The one in question, stood by a carriage that have the strong odour of faeces about it since it was used to cart night soil out of the city to be dumped in a certain ground. Apart from its smell, this was the perfect mode of transportation to get around of Velduars most guarded areas without people noticing, because they were all poised to ignore it. They were in a waste disposal service after all, making regular trips around the city and out to dispose of the excrement, so there were few who would bother even asking questions.

There were many eyese upon not just Hitoshi, but Kugel as well. And while it was official that they were not to be harmed, even by their rivals, who was to say there was no disposable asset lying in wait to assassinate them and remove one disgraced Dwarf who showed his back and was conveniently removed from the affairs of Velduar all together? After all, accidents could happen.

Hitoshi's stock of peppermint leaves they consumed helped combat the foul smell for those who couldn't handle the overpowering odour without vomiting. But aside from Takeo complaining about not getting rest, Kugel about the smell, and Arpeggio about not getting enough rest and the smell. They passed through the Eastern Fortress' gates without issue, one of three other fortresses like the Western one from which they entered from that formed a defensive matrix called the Nexus Phalanx.

"Coast is clear, boys and girls." The carriage driver called to them in the back where they threw the covers off and breathed in the clean air deeply.

"Uurrraggghh! The fumes are in my eyes!" Arpeggio hurriedly self-medicated by pouring an eye-drop solution into her eyes, having sobered up from her drunkness with a simple spell.

Hitoshi climbed shotgun onto the passenger seat in front and turned on his luminating torch to study the map he had purchased from the general store in Bruneberg.

"You won't need that, the pals we met at the inn are one of the best explorer guildsmen in the city."

"You know them?" Hitoshi asked their driver.

"Not officially, but you know. Everyone knows someone around these parts." That, Hitoshi couldn't argue with.

"I'd be more concerned about what you're trying to bring back through the gates." Hadric expressed a fairly decent opinion, given that he was also contracted to bring back the contents of their journey on his cart.

"That'll be fine, we'll just take the Western entrance back in. Going through the front fortress gate is fine too." The whole point of him sneaking out wasn't to be elusive all the time, but to be one step ahead of his competition, the traditionalists. If he was to petition or make a trip out normally, they would delay him at best which was something he couldn't afford. By the time he was back with his equipment, it would be too late to stop him. There was no way they weren't going to let him back in either.

"It's your call, you're the boss."

Reaching into his pocket, he took a handful of Novar Ducats from his purse and gave them to his temporary business partner as an early incentive to their smuggling operation. As Hadric's carriage very persuasive at discouraging inspections, for this trait he was paid handsomely by his client.

"Many thanks!" The driver raised his cap as he counted his coins one by one, as if was the best fortune he'd gotten in years.

"You'll get the same amount when we return safely."

"Looking forward to it!" The Dwarf was certainly delighted to being paid out of the pocket over his agreed price, understanding that a level of disgression from him after the transaction was paid for as well.

"I understand that it's all good that we're trying to reclaim the stuff in Mother Goose's cargo hold, but wouldn't it be better if we use the way we came in from?" Since they had no difficulty crossing the protected fortresses, why was there a need to seek an alternate exit to get to the Albatross? Takeo wasn't the only one who didn't understand this, they all did.

"We were lucky the last time. This time, there's a higher than average chance we'll bump into Velduars agitators this time around." They didn't need to ask who he was referring to, they all had an inkling of an idea since Hekrel had told them about the current state of affairs in Velduar. The city was currently at war with the Gnoll tribes. And unlike other foes the Dwarves had faced, the Gnolls were the oldest and longest enemies to endure. While Dwarves were magically inept and depended on their artifice wargear to even the odds, the Gnolls weren't subject to that restriction. The thing was, they weren't too clear on what type of magic the Gnolls utilized. But the Dwarves had a name for it.

Blood magic.

Not even Arpeggio could say what that was, since it was the first time she heard of it. But out of the twenty-three wars waged between the Gnolls and Dwarves of Velduar, the former had won over thirteen of those with territory given back to the Gnolls as the Dwarves withdrew. Speaking to the power of this "blood magic" of theirs. It sounded sinister and unholy to the Dwarves, and after hundreds of years at war, they didn't even know how it worked spelled a certain danger to it if they ever ran into what the Dwarves called Blood Shamans. The Dwarven equivalent to Rune Priests and Shieldmaidens, they guided the lesser Gnolls in their path and acted as commanders on the battlefield.

It was said that the presence of these shamans caused their packs to turn bloodthirsty and berserk, making ordinary Gnoll warriors harder to kill.

"Yeah, those guys are eerie. I think I saw one during the Flandov Offensive sucking the life out of its comrades to fuel its magic lance arrows. Nasty stuff, those fellas." Hadric commented on an encounter he had during his time in military service as all Dwarves had undergone.

"What about you, my laddie? Ever seen one before?" Hadric the driver asked his fellow Dwarf who seemed to reflect deeply on it as his silence seemed to confirm it.

"Once…" That was all he said, but the driver pushed no further, for he could see that that wasn't a lie.

"Hopefully, we won't bump into any."

"If we did, we'd be in trouble. Have you forgotten they took our guns?" Takeo was still a little sore about the Dwarven authorities confiscating their weapons which they had the right to do since it was their city.

"That's why I've called for some armed help to accompany our guides, someone who could face one of those Shamans head on if we did." Hitoshi's assurance was all they needed. Although both the Dwarves knew, that the only one that could face a Gnoll Blood Shaman would be a Rune Priest, and Kugel had unfortunately not completed his training as one, lacking many vital training subjects on combat with Gnolls.

"And if we make it to Mother Goose, we'll at least have one weapon that'll keep them away." Even Takeo was unsure at first but the only weapon that remained on Mother Goose was its weapons. Nestled within the cradle of a gunpod was a powerful .50 cal machine gun, with an infantry pintle mount in the cargo hold as well.

"So i'm assuming you're siding with Velduar then." Kugel was right, if he meant to harm the Gnolls, it was effectively allying with them.

"Not yet, but I don't think the Gnoll are quite the appreciators of culinary arts like the folks in Bruneberg are." If they acted aggressive towards him, they could only blame themselves for having crossed his path. He had the right to defend himself and his companions, whoever they may be.

As they ventured further away from the City on lava, Hitoshi was still left awed by the scale of the extinct volcanic chamber that they were still riding in. Hadric navigated the carriage expertly across the rocky terrain which was a relief to know he knew what he was doing. Maybe Hitoshi's bonus had a hand in that?

Up ahead, at the mouth of a small tunnel shaft, were the torches of unidentified individuals.

"We're here." He told his client who could see the rest of the guides and carrying muscle Hitoshi and Kugel hired before returning to Oakshire manor. For their return to Mother Goose was to bring the contents of her cargo hold back to Velduar in one piece. Machinery equipment, the salvage from Amarel and the weapon systems on Mother Goose. Without the spark plug on its engine, there was no way the inhabitants of the Special Region were ever going to fly her off or start her up.

Alighting from the carriage first, Hitoshi went up to meet his contacts who had agreed to his terms. All they could see from the carriage were levitating torches that were a luminating Hitoshi's chest area, telling them that his contacts were Dwarves alright. Then, he and the levitating torches made their way back to the carriage where their faces were revealed. About as average of an appearance of a Dwarf as one might expect from them.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet my companions. Starting from the charming fellow there to the beautiful sorceress to the right, Takeo, Parna, Kugel, and Arpeggio." For some reason after his modest introduction, Arpeggio started giggling away embarrassed, only making herself one even more in the eyes of these modest folk. Who were beginning to reevaluate the first part of her introduction title.

"Companions, these are the Dallawan Brothers. Dale, Fin, Baery, Saul and the eldest brother, Kayn."

"How do ya do!"

"Nice to meet ya!"

"Be working with you fine lot!"

They went through a session of handshakes with one another as was customary with introducing work crews.

"They will be our guides and porting muscle for this journey. And if the conditions are bad, we might need to spend a overnight at mother goose."

"Oh, that'll be splendid! A meal provided by the God o'Cookery!" The brothers laughed out loud as merry as they could be.

"Don't count your misfortune, fellas. I might cook up something if we get back without issue as well."

"Ya hear that, brothers? Sounds like a guarantee that." The Dallawan Brothers were in their own little world.

"If you hired porters, than why did you need all of us?" Arpeggio wasn't exactly pleased with the arrangements made.

"Well according to Hadric, the Eastern tunnel exit which we're using isn't exactly rated for riding mounts or carriages through."

"But you can fit one through no problem… in theory…." The last part that was murmured was not at all assuring.

In summary, these stout individuals were not only loading and unloading the equipment for them when it proved too heavy, but they were also going to push the carriage and its seemingly uncooperative mount that was a mule through this walk-only tunnel access out of Mount Nyx.

"All set, ready when you are." After a minute of taking their items off the carriage and blanketing the base to ensure that neither the carriage nor the equipment carried would get damaged. They were all set as Kugel said. They thanked themselves that unlike the Dallawan brothers, they didn't have to push this stinking cart.

"No. we wait a little more until our escort arrives."

"Escort?" Takeo had already forgotten that they were supposed to receive some armed help, a mercenary perhaps to compensate for the loss of armaments. Since they were reduced to carrying knifes and daggers bought from the marketplace. Parna had purchased herself a bow and Arpeggio had her staff but that was all they had for weaponry.

And so they waited. Hitoshi even gave the Dallawan Brothers some mint to ward off the smell of the carriage and their thanks. After five minutes of waiting in silence, they spotted a light source heading their way on foot no less. With Kugel being the first to spot their contact and approached to greet that person without realised who had come.

As the light illuminated that person's face, his turned darker. While Hitoshi walked up to the "armed escort".

"Been seeing a lot of you recently, haven't we." He joked.

"If this is Lord Furuta's idea of a joke for calling me all the way here in the middle of the night, it its highly disturbing." The shield maiden responded to his rune beacon and immediately departed her quarters to find him. Dressed in full armour with namesake shield and sword sheathed.

"Wouldn't dream of it, it's bad for a young lady to be up at night."

"You don't say!" Arpeggio loudly complained with sarcasm.

"Quiet, you."

"So what sort of scheme is Lord Furuta up to at this hour then?"

"Just want to get back to my ride to collect a few things, that's all. The fellas over there can vouch for us as well." He pointed to the Dallawan Brothers in the back and the carriage driver Hadric.


She looked at Hadric a little longer than usual before turning to face Hitoshi once more.

"And what does Lord Furuta wish of me then?"

"Nothing too difficult, some support would be great in case we bump into the invaders outside." It seemed that the only expression Ashlaug Oakenspire was capable of around him was frowning.

"Also, it'll be useful to have an alibi. In case the temple gets the idea that little old me took this opportunity to consort with the enemy while everyone was asleep."

"…" On that, Ashlaug could understand was the primary reason for her being called here.

To vouch for the God of Cookery for making an unscheduled departure.

"I think we're all tired of sleeping on straws, so I'd rather avoid the dungeons again, if I can help it. So, will you help us help you?" The way he phrased it made it sound like he was doing her a favour. Which it was since she was his liaison but he didn't need to drag her all the way out here at this time when morning was a much better hour to do this.

Although Hitoshi couldn't agree, war was such an animal that it was unpredictable. One minute, you could enter and leave a city as you please, the next, a siege broke out and all access was blockaded. As a shieldmaiden, Ashlaug also had the authority to have the gates open for their return.

"Then let us get over with it." As reluctant as she was, Ashlaug was a woman of few words. Taking the lead down the tunnel shaft without asking why they chose this exit or any other queries at all. She bypassed Kugel as if he didn't exist, leaving him feeling depressed again as they made preparations to move out.

Then Hitoshi patted him on the shoulder as he walked along.

"You'll have your chance, soon." He said with a wink as he passed by. It made Kugel suspect that he had arranged it to be such that they could engage with Ashlaug. All for his sake.

Kugel didn't know whether to thank him for being a wingman or to get angry for pushing this onto him. Who was he? He was Kugel Griffin, one of the banes of Amarel, a former acolyte of Duncan, a prodigy of Rune works. Demons, Apostles, Gnolls, and Gods didn't scare him, yet talking with this former childhood sweetheart was terrifying to him? His friends supported him, his family believed in him. How could he show his back on their faith like he did before to her? He owed it to them to at least try. Most of all, Ashlaug deserved to hear it from him as well.

He turned his gaze to the shaft where shieldmaiden had taken point only to find that he had met her gaze. A pair of eyes that held anger and resentment when it fell upon him and rightfully so, but he did not do it injustice by turning away. Instead he met it head on for the first time with an expression of worry but compassion. Something the old Kugel had not learnt well in his adolescence, but mainly because he didn't know how to handle it. His mother, branded a traitor. His father who vanished on both of them when he and Grimilde, leaving them unattended in a broken household. Even if Brom gave them his fatherly love, he had no right to accept that which was Bromhall's sons' and daughters' birthright.

But years in exile, he finally realised that perhaps his heart was steered in the wrong direction. He should have looked closer to holding those he cherished rather than breaking away from them. He believed he was a disgrace to Velduar and all that it stood for, but that was wrong. He had proven them wrong, because he had proven himself wrong as well. If not for Brom and Grimilde's love, Takeo's virtues, Hitoshi's courage, Kugel might've believed it was that way all along.

By the time he had finished reflecting, Ashlaug had disappeared from his view and he had a lot of catching up to do with the rest of them as they hauled the carriage through the tunnel system out of Mount Nyx. Indeed, he had much more than catching up to do if he was to reconcile with Ashlaug for the things he said back then.

"You coming?" Hitoshi called out to him from a distance.

"Coming!" He responded and picked up his pace swiftly so.

Perhaps he would get the chance to tell her, that not a day went by he wasn't thinking of her.