Hello, people who are reading the last chapter of this story! If you're new, make sure to read the other chapters first! ;) xD

Leo woke up in his cell, completely chained up again. He groaned, rubbing the space between his plastron and carapace, where the sedatives had gone. He looked at the ball that was next to him, growling and chucking at the wall.

He yelped in pain as it exacted its revenge by hitting him smack in the head.

He rubbed his head and rolled the ball away. "God, could this get worse?" he asked himself.

"Hey, freako. Last test!" Hun's voice rang out from the other side of the door before it opened.

Leo groaned, banging his head on the bloody wall behind him, as best as he could with the restraint around his neck, anyway. "I had to ask!" he sighed exasperatedly as he was roughly grabbed and thrown into another room down the hall. He was then strapped to a chair and a helmet with a ton of wires sticking out of it was placed on his head and over his eyes.

"Really? What is this, a probe?" he asked, ignoring the suffocating blackness he was staring into.

"Not exactly. It's more like a punishment chamber, almost. We are going to see how long, with the knowledge that you will be zapped if you struggle, you will stay still without transforming," Shredder's voice said from the ceiling.

Just as Leo was about to wonder why it was that easy, he suddenly felt rats crawling all over his body.

"Oh, and you'll also be experiencing different unpleasant sensations throughout."

Leo squirmed, then yelped out quietly as he was shocked hard, enough to hurt even him.

"You shouldn't really squirm, either. Or move in general. Our sensors are very high-maintenance."

Leo groaned. He felt snakes, next; he didn't like snakes. He knew for a fact they'd never really appealed to him.

He held his breath, concentrating on not squirming and keeping WereLeo out. He didn't want to know what would happen after this. Just more torture? Interrogation? Torture and interrogation?

Or would they just kill him?

One of the snakes hissed, and Leo lost it. He rocked around in the chair violently, then groaned in pain as he was shocked again.

At least the snakes were gone, though.

His stomach suddenly dropped.

He was falling!

He bit his lips and clenched his eyes shut, reminding himself constantly that it was just a simulation. The chair was under him, and the floor was under the chair.

Didn't help that they'd put in sound effects, though.

They must've gotten tired of that, because he was eventually released from the illusion, only to be put in another. As soon as it started, one thought popped into his head.


He was on fire.

He tried to pull his head out of the helmet as he moaned, only to get zapped even harder, causing him to finally give in and scream loudly as it was added to the burning, despite trying to hold it in. He breathed out deeply as the zapping stopped, though the burning persisted, harder than before. He felt his pupils slit under the helmet as anger seeped into his system. Anger at the Shredder for doing these things to him. Anger at himself for believing these… delusions. Anger at Shredder for doing this to him.

His dark vision lined with red and his fangs grew. His claws scratched the stainless-steel chair, causing an awful screeching sound to invade his head, distracting him from the pain momentarily. He growled ferally and jerked around, WereLeo breaking through as he was zapped again.

His next growl represented that of a lion as he tried harder to break his bonds.

Suddenly, everything just stopped. All of the pain ended, except burns from the zapping, and the helmet detached from his head. He felt something going into the veins in his wrists from the straps, and he started to feel drowsy, He struggled weakly, then fell asleep.

When Leo woke up, he was being dragged by Hun and another large ninja down a hallway. He immediately started struggling, but the drug still ran in his system, and his head felt so… weird. Violated, almost.

He tried to pull himself up so his legs would stop getting further-burnt by the carpet, and the two men let him walk.

They approached a door, and before they were even near it, Leo knew where they were going. Shredder's throne room… For this building, because this sure wasn't Foot HQ.


He knew who was in there, too. He could literally smell him.

He struggled harder, but Hun squeezed his bicep, hard. He grunted and stopped.

He was dragged/carried a few feet from the throne and forced back to his knees in front of Saki. The husk of a man smirked sadistically at him. "Hello, Leonardo. Have you been enjoying your stay?"

Leo clamped his beak shut.

Shredder growled, kicking a burn on his leg, making the werewolf gasp in light pain. "Answer me!"

"Well, the food is stale, my abodes are quite uncomfortable, and your employees don't seem to like me. Other than that and the pointless torture, yeah, it's fine, I guess," Leo said sarcastically, chuckling bitterly.

Shredder rolled his eyes, taking something out of his kimono pocket. "Do you know what this is?" he asked.

Leo stared at the item for a second. "A bracelet that's too small for Hun?"

Hun growled at him, but didn't otherwise react.

"No, my dear turtle. Figures an animal as stupid as you wouldn't know."

Leo ground his teeth, but fought WereLeo.

Saki frowned. "Maybe your 'genius' brother could tell us, were he here? What's his name? Dork-atello?"

Leo's eyes widened. No, that wasn't OK. He'd only called him Dork-atello once, in a fit of pure rage on a mission. How did Shredder know about it? "How-?!"

"Maybe your hotheaded brother would know, perhaps? Wait, nevermind; he's an apparent 'ninja drop-out'."

Leo glared at him with reddening eyes. "How do you-!?"

"Or even Michelangelo could maybe figure it out. No, wait, he wouldn't know what it was if it stood up on his pizza and shook its ass at him."

Leo transformed into his other self as that, growling a feral lion's growl at Saki.

The alien smirked, tying the item around WereLeo's throat, resulting in the werewolf freezing where he stood. "This is a collar. It reprograms your mind to know nothing but animal-like loyalty to me and me alone."

WereLeo blinked, and a deep purple color surrounded his red, slitted eyes, almost looking like veins.

(You guys seen the Zombies movie from Disney? When they go, like, really zombie. Just think of the veins on their arms, but on his face. Except, like, worse.)

On all fours, he walked towards Shredder's new throne and turned away promptly, sitting down.

Saki chuckled sadistically, stroking the head of his new 'pet'.

So! This story is done! May be a bit before I do the next sequel, but stay tuned! :D Please review! If you've read this entire story with no reveiw, you owe me at least one xD Please, though. ;)
