hope you like this chapter I'm thinking of quitting writing this but if even one of you say to continue it I will lol anyway back to the story

last time our #1 hero Naruto Uzumaki went to get Natsu off the train only to find his old friend Shikamaru who's supposed to be dead for a really long time now on to the story (I always wanted to do that lol)

at the train

"How are you alive Shikamaru"? asked Naruto shocked his friend is still alive while taking a step forward

"What about you Naruto I saw you die of old age in front of me"? questioned Shikamaru also taking a step forward

"Ok ok wait we should discuss this later first why are you here"? asked Naruto talking about the train

"Well I joined a guild and I'm under cover to find out about their plans their planning to use a flute I got that was sealed away that can cause death by playing it's music". said Shikamaru having explained the situation

"We're trying to stop them from using the flute". said Naruto who also explained

"Alright while their a lot weaker then us we should play it smart so people won't find out we're Ninjas so here's my plan... said Shikamaru

at the train station

"Eisenwald some fairy flys are coming this way what's the plan". asked Shikamaru playing it cool as to not get caught

"Hmmm while I know we can beat them it would cost time which we don't have I'm going to go distract the fairy flys by putting a wind wall around the train station and I'll escap to use the flute on the old gesers got it"? said/asked Eisenwald

"Ok understood...shadow possession jutsu sorry but you and a good bit of the guild and now Hey Naruto come on out". said Shikamaru using the shadow possession jutsu on him and most of the guild members while calling out his friends

"Great job Shikamaru see I told y'all that he was on our side". said Naruto to his friends

"Ok I am sorry for not believing you Naruto now let's stop this dark guild". said Erza who is walking towards them

"Hahaha you really think you caught me well you forget I know all about your magic You there turn the lights on as high as they'll go". said/yelled Eisenwald

"Y..Yes boss". said a guild member

lights go on*

using the sudden light Eisenwald suddenly started flying up then the lights went to normal. "Ha know sudden light will weaken your shadows enough for me to escape I'm leaving fairy flys". said Eisenwald flying to the exit

"Quick after him"! yelled Erza running towards Eisenwald only to be stopped by most of the guild members

"Your not getting past me"! yelled just about every member in the guild

"Out of my way equip: heaven weal armor". said Erza as she slashes over 10 guild members

"All right this is what I'm talking about fire dragon roar"! yelled Natsu practically destroying 5 members

"Let me take a shot flame brain ice make magic: spear". said/yelled Gray destroying about the same Number as Natsu

"I won't let y'all have all the fun open gate of the giant crab... Cancer"! said Lucy

"Eh baby"!? said Cancer

"Go ruff them up but no killing please". said Lucy giving a command

"Sure...baby". said Cancer taking out 10 wizards by the time he finished his sentence

"Eh what a drag shadow knuckles"! said Shikamaru taking out 10 guild members

"Alright let me have a shot wind style: great breakthrough"! said/yelled Naruto taking a breath then letting out a giant breath taking out 15 members

"There's to many of them were running out of time"! yelled Erza getting some as she talked

"Natsu can you use your fire roar with my wind style"? asked Naruto taking out 2 guild members as he talked

"I don't understand why but sure"! yellsd Natsu getting ready

"ok on my mark 1 2...3"! yelled Naruto quickly forming handsigns

"fire dragon roar/wind style: great breakthrough"! they both yelled taking out half the guild

"Alright! Erza I'm going after Eisenwald with Natsu and Happy you can take care of the rest right"? said Naruto running in the direction Eisenwald flyed to

"Alright I understand Lucy, Shikamaru, and Gray help me with the rest of the guild". said Erza giving orders

"sure/troublesome woman". were the replys from them

Annnnnnnd I'm done sorry guys it took me awhile I just get bored with a story around four chapters I might quit this one but I'll make some short chapters of Naruto with some girls on dates sense I'm nice lol I'm making another story so look for it guys lol until the see ya!