Author's Note: Now for most of my upcoming, unrelated stories, I will rarely, if ever, use author's notes. However, due to the nature of this story being different from many others, I feel like they are needed to give an explanation on how this project works. Skull Island: A Documentation of the Most Terrifying Place on Earth is an example of the science fiction subgenre of Speculative Evolution, or Speculative Biology. Speculative Evolution focuses on hypothetical scenarios in biological evolution and natural selection. This story is a more scientifically plausible reimagining of the fictional Skull Island, which is why this interpretation of the King Kong franchise will be very different from many others (similar to an AU fanfiction if you will). Each chapter will end with a similar Author's Note explaining the creature in the movies the organism presented in the chapter is based on. Eventually, I will post many similar, entirely original ideas (as well as this one) onto my Deviantart and Zetaboards accounts that also deal with the genre of Speculative Evolution. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.