Total Drama Elimination Game Chapter 24 - Episode 24


Review Responses-

acl97 gioia- I'm surprised so many people hate Harold, but whatever.

EliteBlizz- It would have been kinda boring with just three people voting for each other, so yeah.

piecesxoxo- I'm surprised this many people like Tyler, I thought I was in the minority.

mattafat- I guess not everyone likes him then.

That British Guy- At least these characters got to be in the spotlight for a change. Glad to know someone is sad about the end.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama, the final three competed in the first, and probably last challenge of the season. Trent manages to win which gave him the option to choose who would be in the finale with him. He chose Izzy, meaning either Izzy or Trent will be the winner. Who will it be, find out right here on Total Drama Elimination Game!

(Insert theme song here)

Chris: (from the loudspeaker) This is it campers, the finale! Meet me at the campfire ceremony after breakfast.

Trent and Izzy make their way to the campfire where all the other campers are already waiting for them.

Chris: Well then, it's time for the losers to pick the winner. Each one of you losers will go to the outhouse and vote for the person you want to win! Heard that Lindsay? You vote for who you want to WIN!

Lindsay: What? I'm in the finale?!

Chris slaps his face as the campers begin making their way to the outhouse.

Confessional: Owen

Owen: I'm voting for Izzy obviously, but Trent is quite cool.

End of confessional

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: Trent and I haven't exactly talked since action, obviously, but still think he's alright so I guess I'll vote for him.

End of confessional

Confessional: Cody

Cody: Trent is one my best friends so I'm definitely voting for him.

End of confessional

Confessional: Heather

Heather: Seriously? Guitar boy and crazy girl are in the finale! I honestly couldn't care less who wins this stupid show!

End of confessional

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: How could these two people make it to the finale but not me! It's an outrage!

End of confessional

Confessional: Katie & Sadie

Katie: Ooh who should we vote for then?

Sadie: Trent's really cute, I think he should win!

Katie: Yeah but don't you remember in season one when Izzy swapped teams with me so we could be on the same team!

Sadie: Oh yeah, that was nice of her, hmm this is harder than I thought!

End of confessional

Chris: It's about time we revealed the results! This is it people, the moment you have all been waiting. The winner of Total Drama Elimination Game is …


Trent: Yeah! Awesome, thanks for voting for me guys! I kinda wish it was a million though…

Izzy: Awww, Izzy sad. But well done Trent.

Trent: Thanks, you deserved it too I guess.

Chris: Well there you have it. That's it from me and Chef, and I guess those losers as well. This has been TOTAL DRAMA ELIMINATION GAME!


Duncan: Trent

Katie: Izzy

Owen: Izzy

Leshawna: Izzy

Sierra: Izzy

Geoff: Trent

Heather: Trent

Lindsay: Trent

DJ: Trent

Ezekiel: Izzy

Justin: Trent

Noah: Izzy

Beth: Izzy

Gwen: Trent

Al: Trent

Sadie: Izzy

Eva: Izzy

Courtney: Trent

Cody: Trent

Bridgette: Trent

Harold: Trent

Tyler: Izzy

Trent: 12 votes

Izzy: 10 votes

Elimination Order- Duncan, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Sierra, Geoff, Heather, Lindsay, DJ, Ezekiel, Justin, Noah, Beth, Gwen, Alejandro, Sadie, Eva, Courtney, Cody, Bridgette, Harold, Tyler, Izzy

Winner- Trent

Thanks all of you for sticking around for the whole story and thanks for all your reviews! I hope you enjoyed the story!